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    Thailand Expat tomcat's Avatar
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    Tapping Insurrectionists' Communications

    ‘Nothing can stop what’s coming’: Far-right forums that fomented Capitol riots voice glee in aftermath

    Online rage and real-world violence collided in the siege, with deadly consequences: “It’s a new age of terrorism that can’t exist without the Internet.”

    Trump supporters gather Wednesday at the Capitol. (Matt McClain/The Washington Post)
    By Craig Timberg, Drew Harwell, Razzan Nakhlawi and Harrison Smith

    Jan. 8, 2021 at 3:05 a.m. GMT+7

    Men wearing camouflage shirts began building a makeshift defensive camp outside the Capitol on Wednesday afternoon. They moved barricades and green fencing into a circle, and then pulled helmets from a crate and donned goggles in preparation for a clash that had been brewing for weeks and, arguably, for years on far-right forums devoted to President Trump., that’s where it’s at,” said one of the men, referring to the website where defiant talk, conspiracy theories and tips on how best to lay siege to Washington have grown since Trump lost the Nov. 3 election.

    The comment underscored the potent, interactive role between the online and offline worlds in Wednesday’s breach of the Capitol. Violent talk on far-right forums fomented violent real-world action, which was then captured by smartphones, uploaded and celebrated on the same forums. The boundaries between the digital and analog all but disappeared as rage, provocation and gloating bounced back and forth, again and again.

    TheDonald, as the camouflaged men at the Capitol suggested, offered a particularly vivid view of this combustible dynamic. The forum, banned last year from Reddit for hate speech and violent talk and now turned into a website, had been one of many online staging grounds for Wednesday’s riot, and the success of the takeover of the Capitol spurred celebration and calls for further action, including the execution of leading Democrats. For days before, the forum had featured advice on how best to sneak guns into Washington, despite its strict weapons laws.

    By Thursday morning, though, different moods had set in on this and other pro-Trump forums. Anger and gloating were still there, but so was unease at the furious public and political backlash against the events of the day before, which led to dozens of arrests and left one person fatally shot by police and three people dead after medical emergencies. Some posters worried their favorite forums, including TheDonald, would get knocked offline by chastened Internet service providers. There also was a pitched effort to redirect blame against left-wing activists, such as antifa, for somehow dressing up as marauding Trump supporters — a claim that was obviously ridiculous to anyone who watched the events unfold on their televisions, computers or smartphones.

    On TheDonald, as users argued that the removal of some violent comments suggested the site’s leaders had been “compromised,” one moderator wrote, “What do you want? Us to try to lead a [expletive] revolution … from a forum on the internet, which ends up getting the site shut down in a matter of days and all of us sent to the gulag?”

    Many things born on the darkest corners of the Internet found their way to the heart of American democracy on Wednesday. Ludicrous claims among adherents of the QAnon conspiracy theory — including that leading Democrats are satanic pedophiles — got shouted by the mobs taking over the Capitol. The emerging garb of the far-right — camouflage, goggles, American flags draped as shawls — leaped directly from the far-right memeworld into the nation’s capital.

    Years of social media comments about “lynching” political leaders opposed to Trump, meanwhile, manifested themselves as an actual noose, hanging from a makeshift gallows on the Mall. Someone wrote “BIDEN,” in reference to President-elect Joe Biden, on the wooden structure, with an arrow pointing toward the noose.

    It was not clear if TheDonald or any similar pro-Trump forum directly coordinated the takeover of the Capitol, or if posters simply shared general advice, promotion and celebration of the idea of thronging to Washington in support of the president. Much of that was included in a popular thread called “PATRIOTS STORM THE CAPITOL | WATCH PARTY.”

    The resulting mayhem appeared to proceed without obvious leaders, a common feature of political action developed and coordinated online, said Rita Katz, executive director of SITE Intelligence Group, which tracks political extremism.

    “It’s a new age of terrorism that can’t exist without the Internet,” Katz said. “Having said that, the movement has a spiritual leader, which is Trump.”

    Advance Democracy, a group headed by former FBI analyst and Senate investigator Daniel J. Jones, who led the review of the CIA’s torture program, also was tracking pro-Trump forums as they built toward Wednesday’s assault.

    “In the lead-up to yesterday’s violence, the Capitol rioters needed a place to plan for how the violence would unfold. They found this on unmoderated pro-Trump forums such as,” Jones said. “There, they posted their plans to take matters into their own hands and literally threatened to kill lawmakers. They encouraged each other to bring illegal weapons. When this came to fruition, the real-life actions provided fodder for those on the forum.”

    In the aftermath, pro-Trump forums wavered between glee, deflection and recrimination, shunting blame for the chaos onto a mass of scapegoats. They blamed Vice President Pence, for not subverting the reality of Trump’s loss, and old foes like Democrats, the media and the “deep state.” They also blamed the Capitol Police and other members of law enforcement.

    Some pro-Trump posters conjured new conspiracy theories to explain away the damage: “Does anyone else feel like this was all a complete setup?” conservative commentator Evan Kilgore tweeted late Wednesday, in a message that was “liked” more than 114,000 times.

    Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter worked belatedly to tamp down some of the fervor. Facebook indefinitely suspended Trump‘s accounts Thursday, while Twitter blocked him from tweeting for 12 hours. A number of less-moderated alternatives offered refuge for Trump supporters eager to egg the chaos on.

    The pro-Trump attorney L. Lin Wood, whose Twitter account was suspended Wednesday after he baselessly accused Pence of being a “child molester,” leaped quickly to the alternative social network Parler, where he urged Trump-supporting “patriots” to keep fighting, saying, “Almighty God is with you. TODAY IS OUR DAY.”

    “Get the firing squads ready. Pence goes FIRST.” Wood wrote in a Parler post that has been directed toward user feeds nearly 3 million times.

    TheDonald, Wood and Parler did not respond to requests for comment.

    Why Parler has seen a surge in followers during the 2020 election.

    Parler positions itself as the "free speech" alternative to Twitter and Facebook. And after the 2020 election, conservatives welcome that. (The Washington Post)

    Seeing the chaos as a marketing opportunity, extreme right-wing groups used encrypted messaging services to coach their followers on recruitment strategies for winning newly disillusioned Trump supporters to their cause.

    One self-identified neo-Nazi account wrote to more than 7,000 followers on Telegram, advising them that many people normally averse to a violent ideology could now be more vulnerable to radicalization.

    “It will soon be the time to start individually reaching out to Rightwing types and spreading our ‘There is No Political Solution’ message,” the account said.

    Another white supremacist “fraternity” discussed the possibility of a White-led uprising after Wednesday’s attempted insurrection. “Your mission is to invite [Trump supporters] into our spaces. Tell them there is a solution to their problem. Invite them to telegram. Seize the opportunity,” the administrator posted. “I’m sure a lot of them lost faith with [Trump] today,” one commenter responded.

    On TheDonald, where users had proudly shared their travel itineraries for Wednesday’s demonstrations and planned meetups at hotels and restaurants near the White House, the triumphant mood quickly soured after Pence refused to intervene, with thousands of commenters labeling him a criminal traitor compromised by the “swamp.”

    Even as they posted, their real-world compatriots tore through the Capitol building voicing the same anger. “Where's Pence, show yourself!” one rioter said after barging onto the Senate floor.

    When Trump tweeted a video asking protesters to return home, a barrage of posts ripped through the forum expressing a mix of disbelief and frustration.

    “HE ASKED US TO COME. ‘JAn 6 WILL BE WILD,’ ” wrote the user “RiverFenix” in a post quoting Trump’s tweet from last month. “IM AM SO CONFUSED SOMEONE SHAKE ME AWAKE,” the account added.

    While some posters expressed continued allegiance to the president, many others responded with cynicism. “Let’s move on to someone that will actually fight and isn’t afraid of scrutiny,” one user commented. “He led us to slaughter,” said another.

    Still, a contingent of Trump supporters and believers in the QAnon conspiracy theory voiced the belief that the siege was all part of a plan to keep Trump in power — and that more tumult would come in the days ahead.

    “Sleep well tonight patriots. … You are going to love how this movie ends,” wrote “StormIsUponUs,” a QAnon-espousing account with more than 450,000 followers on Parler. “'Nothing can stop what’s coming’ wasn’t just a catch-phrase.”
    Last edited by tomcat; 08-01-2021 at 09:13 AM.
    Majestically enthroned amid the vulgar herd

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    the mask freedom zone
    Just for some info for the peeps that only watch the msm, the far left(anarchists)are co-horsing the Trumpists to unite against the government.

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by deeks View Post
    Just for some info for the peeps that only watch the msm, the far left(anarchists)are co-horsing the Trumpists to unite against the government.
    When you say info you mean "bollocks I read on some right wing whackjob website".

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat Backspin's Avatar
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    Epitaph for pure wind - Gray Mirror

    What we see in these sad cases of dream-on-dream crime is that both sides take the same dream just as seriously.
    The QAnon Viking at the Senate podium thinks he is genuinely trying to seize power. And the CNN reporter covering him agrees. In propagating this extraordinary popular delusion, which of them is more to blame?I mean—if you sneak into the Vatican at night, and sit on the papal throne, are you truly gunning to be anointed the next heir to St. Peter? Once you get past the Swiss Guards, does that make you, like, ready to start picking out your Pope name? What?

    It is clear that in some sense both sides of the dream felt they were looking at the new storming of the Bastille—or at best, some fake, American-instigated “people power” Second World revolution from the ‘90s.Anyone under this impression will enjoy the Bastille story, with special attention to the fate of de Launay. Even Qaddafi had good reason to stay out of the way of the mob—but imagine QAnon fans, even full-on Proud Boys, catching a Democratic Senator in the executive bathroom and handling him like Qaddafi in that culvert. Tragedy does not repeat as tragedy, ever—they’d probably end up getting that Senator’s autograph. That this is too pathetic to believe does not make it untrue.

    Fishing in the Rubicon: the dream of the right

    Obviously there are plenty of right-wingers who sincerely believe in an election protest, even an election coup. Never pick on anyone to your right—ten mitarbeitern to your left have already done the job for you. Do you want to be mistaken for them?But it is important to note the great service that the Viking captivity of the Senate, brief though it was, rendered to the American right. It brutally and (crossed fingers) definitively displayed the inadequacy of the strategy that, long ago, Ernst von Salomon called “fishing in the Rubicon.”

    Fishing in the Rubicon was the Trump marketing strategy. There are plenty of fish in that river; and big, spicy fish they are. But the strategy must be masterfully calibrated; you have to hint to your supporters that you are really about to cross the Rubicon, while making it clear to your coworkers that you would never consider such a thing—what a ridiculous and absurd idea!

    But the saga of Harald Hardrada and his merry men screwed both these cons forever. The Rubicon now has a brand new “No Fishing—Radiation” sign posted on its bank.

    On the side of the base—who doubtless expected Trump himself to hear the news, react with joy, and make his imperial tour of the occupied Capitol, with his motorcade and a posse of radicalized US Marshals—maybe in a big leather trenchcoat, like Hitler at the Eiffel Tower—there must have been dismay to see the instant, total submission of Trump and all his family to the universal condemnation of this terrible violence.What? But he was supposed to be /ourguy/? Hey autists: this old fat fuck was running cons when you were sucking your mother’s dick. On people with real social skills, too. Only autists think they can’t be conned—some are right, but not enough.Whereas to Trump’s coworkers in DC, who had to actually put up with him for four years in order to protect the hilarious, rotting pretense that the country is actually a democracy, it suddenly became clear that a President who fishes in the Rubicon is not at all acceptable—because if he fishes in it, Hägar the Horrible there is going to cross it. And apparently the stream is really not that deep…
    We can only hope that “fishing in the Rubicon,” which used to get big spicy votes, and which was once barely tolerated by an amused Washington, has lost both its public appeal and its professional immunity. As von Solomon said: “nothing is worse than the kind of German general who marches up to the Rubicon, then sits down to fish.”

    Last edited by Backspin; 08-01-2021 at 10:00 AM.

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    Pro-Trump Lawyer Lin Wood Calls For Pence to Be Executed, Parler Removed Posts (UPDATED)

    Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood has moved full-time to Parler after he was permanently suspended from Twitter on Thursday. On that conservative social media platform, Lin has continued to spew unhinged conspiracy theories, as well as threats directed at Vice President Mike Pence.

    Parler, bills itself as a free-speech alternative to Twitter. On the platform, users send out “parleys” instead of tweets.

    “Get the firing squads ready. Pence goes FIRST,” Wood wrote on Parler early Thursday morning.

    That post no longer appears on his timeline.

    Early Friday morning Wood also claimed that Ashli Babbitt, the woman shot dead by Capitol Police on Wednesday, is still “alive.”

    That post, which is completely baseless, is also now no longer on his timeline.

    It’s unclear whether Wood deleted the posts or Parler removed them. Neither a Parler communications representative nor CEO John Matze responded to multiple requests for comment on the matter.

    Wood also did not respond to Mediaite.

    Other posts by Wood have pushed alarming conspiracy theories.

    “I heard that Mike Pence is trying to figure out a way to become President,” Wood wrote on the platform Friday. He also accused Pence of working to “arrest and execute” Trump and his supporters.

    MORE Lin Wood Continues To Invoke Violence On Parler

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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    CEO John Matze
    This guy has no idea the world of trouble he is about to get into. Let's see how many lawyers he hires and how often he is in court. I suspect Parler will be out of business in no time.

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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    “I heard..."
    This counts as the new 'fact' with these cretins

  8. #8
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    ^ Something else that is often seen before made up "facts" is ... "Word on the street is..."

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    ^ Something else that is often seen before made up "facts" is ... "Word on the street is..."

    A lot of people are saying....

  10. #10
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    I read somwewhere.....

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    All of the above are sadly the new 'facts'

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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    I heard....

    This just warms the cockles of my heart.
    What did the retards expect FFS,

    The Pro-Trump Activists Who Helped Plan The Insurrection Feel Betrayed By The President
    "For weeks people were saying how ready they were to fight," one person on the forum TheDonald wrote. "The moment it happens everyone starts pearl clutching."

    On the website that was the epicenter of plans for the violent insurrection at the US Capitol Wednesday, some of President Donald Trump’s most loyal followers, who had for months shamed, silenced, and banned anyone who criticized the president, grappled with a new feeling after the riot ended: betrayal.

    For months, the forum TheDonald has been a gathering place for people planning to try to overturn Trump’s election defeat. But when its users actually broke into the Capitol, as they had promised to do for months, the site tried to rapidly change course, saying it would “follow President Trump’s lead” and would not allow “organizing, or calling directly for, violence of any kind.”

    The reversal, which moderators hinted was made under pressure from the site’s hosts, left some Trump loyalists in disbelief that they had done anything wrong: They were, they said, only following the president’s orders.

    “I don’t understand the thinking,” said one popular post on the forum. “Trump told us to march down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Capitol. We listened to the president. They should be thanking us.”

    "For weeks people were saying how ready they were to fight. The moment it happens everyone starts pearl clutching," read another popular post.

    For some, Trump’s video Thursday night, where he acknowledged for the first time that he had lost the election, only intensified the feelings.

    “Wow, what an absolute punch in the gut,” one post with more than 100 upvotes said. “He says it’s going to be wild, and when it gets wild, he calls it a heinous attack and middle fingers his supporters that he told to be there. Unbelievable.”

    The turmoil at the organizing hub of the pro-Trump internet mirrored many users’ feelings toward the president — who, after refusing for hours to call for the riots at the Capitol to end, eventually recorded a video telling rioters that they were “very special” but should “go home.”

    TheDonald has built a rabid, insular culture in large part by silencing anyone who expressed negative feelings about the president — or, in recent months, anyone who doubted the fact that he would be inaugurated as president on Jan. 20.

    But in the wake of the insurrection at the Capitol, for the first time since the election, TheDonald was inundated with doom — and anger at a president who many users believed had abandoned them in the middle of a battle that he himself had ordered them to fight.

    One post, with some 250 upvotes, read: “He calls people to descend on DC for what, 9 hours, then instructs them to go home? People have lost time, money, family, potentially careers and even their lives over this … and a ‘Thanks for coming, go home now’ is what people are instructed to do?”

    “Exactly. Trump betrayed us,” a popular reply said. “He should have asked us to occupy the city. Unless they got him, and it’s not really him speaking.”

    “I just want to save the country,” said another post, with nearly 150 upvotes. “I don’t care who we follow, but I’m beginning to doubt that person is DJT.”
    Many of TheDonald’s users saw the riots Wednesday as an ultimate failure, frustrated that supporters had complied with orders to leave the Capitol and had not instigated armed conflict with police. “There is a time to be disruptive and a time for actual violence. Today was the time for focused violence, and nobody came armed and ready to commit,” one user lamented.

    But as some Trump allies in Congress, like Rep. Matt Gaetz, began to lie that the rioters were orchestrated by left-wing antifa activists, TheDonald’s users spoke up to defend themselves.

    “It’s sickening seeing people give Antifa the glory of fed-up Americans,” one popular post wrote.

    Another user called on everyone to “flame” those who claimed the insurrection was carried out by left-wing protesters: “WE took the capitol building.”

    As they watched Trump’s concession Thursday, which many supporters had vowed would never come, some TheDonald users remained in denial that he had actually conceded, analyzing his every word for shreds of hope. But others quickly turned to despair.

    “I just threw up in my mouth while watching this video,” one post, with more than 80 upvotes, read.

    “I’m kind of in shock right now,” someone replied. “I feel so empty.”

    Trump Riot Planners Feel Betrayed By The President

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    His supporters have seen Donald Trump throw anyone who has been loyal to him under the bus for four years now. Don’t know why they thought it would be different for them. Fools.

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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    "Word on the street is..."
    What else will you be able to know when only the "politically correct" will be allowed not only in the MSM but even in the social media (don't they have the same owners, anyway?)...
    Just seeing in TV the unanimous voting in NK parliament (or whatever it is). Why not to do it in the same way like they do?

    Haven't been some - who did not applaud to the "fair election" - already called names?

    Who will dare being outside of the enthusiastic crowd?

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    ^ Did you not understand the point/post again?

    Rhetorical question, obviously.

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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    ^ Did you not understand the point/post again?

    Rhetorical question, obviously.
    Head-shakingly thick, our Loondyke

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Head-shakingly thick, our Loondyke
    He might be spending too much time in his D.I.Y. Sauna and the heat is getting to him.

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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by JPPR2 View Post
    He might be spending too much time in his D.I.Y. Sauna and the heat is getting to him.
    Actually, it's even worse: I am really down that I have not been able to create a DIY pool bar attached (K/D) to my DIY sauna the esteemed TD members would envy...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    Actually, it's even worse: I am really down that I have not been able to create a DIY pool bar attached (K/D) to my DIY sauna the esteemed TD members would envy...
    Couple of ideas for ya Klondyke

    or even better.......

    I was going to ask, Did you outgas that D.I.Y. Sauna before you spent time in it? The wood, the nails, the metal all produce toxic fumes until they have been cycled a few times. Might explain a few things....

  20. #20
    Thailand Expat tomcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JPPR2 View Post
    the heat is getting to him
    ...he's definitely baked...

  21. #21
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    . . . his latest x-ray shows the leakage damage is considerable

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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    . . . his latest x-ray shows the leakage damage is considerable

    Moreover, I am down that with my crutches I cannot jump on the band-wagon as all esteemed TD members have been jumping on (they would be very sad when standing aside, looking on the "tapping insurrections"...)

    And with my poor "chakaian fai faa" I have not been able to drive directly up to the wagon, because not having the wide Harley-like handles...

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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    ^ Forum glitch with the photo. That's not the one I posted.

    I wouldn't make fun of any physical ailment you may have as that is going beyond the acceptable

  24. #24
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    Social media increases the audience big time but Goebbels stated this truth long ago:

    "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

  25. #25
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Social media increases the audience big time but Goebbels stated this truth long ago:

    "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

    Round about borrowed manner from the Godfather, Edward Bernays -
    Stimulation that is repeated often and loud enough, all becomes real and true....

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