Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
let's keep in mind....
1. he didn't take the contact info of the person who dropped off the computer at his shop. seems legit.
2. he illegally copied the hard drive
3. he gave the hard drive to the FBI...who didn't have a warrant to search it
4. or maybe he gave it to rudy giuliani (!?!?!?) before giving it to the FBI....we don't know because the guy's story keeps changing.

looks like a huge self-own in the making here.

but more accurately it's just more disinformation that is primarily intended to "flood the zone"....people won't have any idea if it's factual or not....but they will know about it because it's in the news, and that's good enough for the trump campaign....they know that they need to suppress the vote if they're going to have any chance.
Not much about any of this adds up:

"The author of the Post’s stories on the stolen Hunter Biden emails, Emma-Jo Morris, is a former Hannity segment producer-booker who has written a total of three articles, all of them covering the Biden story and published today".

Seems like more StupidGate.