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  1. #26
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    Whoever put together that infantile schematic was some sociologist type being paid to do so, quite probably on a government grant or scholarship. Now that's privilege, and considerable entitlement.

    Western culture & society is the most racially diverse in the world today, as far as i'm aware. Rather than telling us what we already know, perhaps the author could suggest alternatives? Such as:-
    1- The Indian caste system. At least you know your place in it.
    2- Han Chinese blanket ethnic and cultural dominance and assimilation
    3- Perhaps a matriarchal non- nuclear familial system, such as some traditional Polynesian societies, where parentage is only attributed to the Mother?
    4- Communism, where the State owns the means of production, and there is no such thing as private property
    5- Tribalism- the very opposite of multiculturalism. Segregation, basically. Apartheid even?
    6- Dropping the nuclear family as the basic societal unit, in favor of an east Asian style extended family unit, or clan

    I'm all ears. How is it that, for example, dark skinned Indian immigrants to the US achieve better results in Socio-Economic Status terms, on average, than native born white Americans? East Asians too.
    Oh, but slavery, colonialism, b'waaah. Free Yourself, dumfuks. Your stupid victimhood mentality only holds you back, while others get ahead.

  2. #27
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang
    Whoever put together that infantile schematic was some sociologist type being paid to do so, quite probably on a government grant or scholarship. Now that's privilege, and considerable entitlement.
    Stopped reading at that silly straw man opening paragraph. Assume the rest is misguided Boomer ranting from someone grasping the wrong end of the stick?

  3. #28
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Whoever put together that infantile schematic was some sociologist type being paid to do so, quite probably on a government grant or scholarship. Now that's privilege, and considerable entitlement.

    Western culture & society is the most racially diverse in the world today, as far as i'm aware. Rather than telling us what we already know, perhaps the author could suggest alternatives? Such as:-
    1- The Indian caste system. At least you know your place in it.
    2- Han Chinese blanket ethnic and cultural dominance and assimilation
    3- Perhaps a matriarchal non- nuclear familial system, such as some traditional Polynesian societies, where parentage is only attributed to the Mother?
    4- Communism, where the State owns the means of production, and there is no such thing as private property
    5- Tribalism- the very opposite of multiculturalism. Segregation, basically. Apartheid even?
    6- Dropping the nuclear family as the basic societal unit, in favor of an east Asian style extended family unit, or clan

    I'm all ears. How is it that, for example, dark skinned Indian immigrants to the US achieve better results in Socio-Economic Status terms, on average, than native born white Americans? East Asians too.
    Oh, but slavery, colonialism, b'waaah. Free Yourself, dumfuks. Your stupid victimhood mentality only holds you back, while others get ahead.
    Because it is not a "Racial" divide but rather a cultural divide. These cultural divides tend to fall on racial and ethnic lines because of tribalism , and a desire to be among you own perceived kind.
    People these days are not so much racists. Very few think that they are superior because of the color of their skin. They are cultural ethnocentrists, and they have to be . they adhere to their cultural norms , otherwise they would be eccentric.
    The indian that come to the US seems more successful because the Indians that get a chance to immigrate to the US are more educated and more affluent that the average Indian , so comparing the above average indian to the average American is not fair. In addition the immigrant who made the investment to come to America is more motivated to succeed by virtue of their investment.
    Last edited by Buckaroo Banzai; 18-07-2020 at 06:31 AM.
    The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.

  4. #29
    The Dentist English Noodles's Avatar
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    Ask any Sub-Saharan East African with albinism about white privilege...

  5. #30
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    ^^ East Asians too? Both ethnic groups face issues of racism, and assimilation. In the east Asian case, often from the black community. I don't hear much victimhood whining coming from there.

    Even boomers listen to the master, y'know-"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds". (Actually a Marcus Garvey quote).

    It's such fun being an entitled baby boomer, part of that blessed generation spawned from the girded loins of horny soldiers returning from war. Strangely though, my father was in primary school during the war. Go figure. Evacuated from grimy, industrial inner city Birmingham to a nice country estate, his war memories were halcyon.

  6. #31
    The Dentist English Noodles's Avatar
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    ^What did he teach?

  7. #32
    A Cockless Wonder
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    There is very obviously economic privilege in western society.

    Economic privilege is correlated with skin colour but this is primarily for historical reasons. White people used to have all the money. White people have white children. White children inherit economic privilege. So then white people still have more money (but not as much more as the historical situation)

    It is arguable that this privilege could be tackled in a variety of ways. e.g. Reparations to today's black people if they suffered at the hands of whites in generations gone by. Or, heavy taxation of inherited wealth.

    It is unlikely that in today's claustrophobic political atmosphere of woke scrutiny that privilege based directly on skin colour is an easily measurable problem. Wherever perceived problems of privilege occur in today's society it tends to be because advantage/disadvantage is indirectly correlated with skin colour rather than caused by it (e.g. proportionally more black people get killed by cops, not because they are black but because black people commit more crimes, not because blacks are inherently bad but because of economic disadvantage).

    On the other hand there is politically sponsored positive discrimination in many spheres of life (such as job seeking) that mean being white is disadvantage when up against an equivalently qualified black person.

    But it is true that it is harder to reach that level of qualification for a black person due to inherited economic privilege so is positive discrimination unfair or not? I don't know.

    It is a very difficult problem and very complex to measure and then disentangle all the threads of influence that go into a person's fortune and level of birth privilege in life.

  8. #33
    Thailand Expat CaptainNemo's Avatar
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    in t' naughty lass

    Black Privilege

    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    So it turns out, according to this graphic published by the national museum of African American history and culture, these attributes of your character/nature are manifestations of your white privilege, so if any of this applies to you, stop it, your white privilege is showing.

    “work before play”
    “hard work is the key to success.”
    The “nuclear family” (mother father and children) is the “ideal social unit”
    Objective, rational and linear thinking.

    That terrible white culture apparently also emphasizes respect for authority, delayed gratification, self-reliance, independence and autonomy, the value of property rights and ownership, progress, planning for the future, politeness, and decision-making.

    Well fuck that. I'm so ashamed of my white privilege I'm going off to riot and loot (wanna join me reacharound).

    Attachment 54571

    Before anyone gives me shit about being racist this is from a black (is that racist? Sorry) organisation.

    Apparently objective, linear thinking is bad. As is valuing hard work, and a work before play attitude. Not to mention that considering a family unit to have a father, OMG WTF Check you white privilege.
    Quite frankly, when it gets to this I must admit I'm starting to get less sympathetic. Of course black lives matter TOO.

    Whiteness | National Museum of African American History and Culture

    The page it general is reasonable but be careful of pushback when you start saying things like linear thinking and objectivity, delayed gratification and respect for authority are a manifestation of white privilege

    Attachment 54574
    What a load of meaningless bollocks... you could apply those vague statements to anyone or any group that's in the ascendency in any situation.

    The whole "white privilege" invention is anti-scientific.

    There's no such thing as "white", you can't draw a borderline between where white ends and non-white begins... where would it be? Armenia? Kazakhstan? Malta? If you go to places like Brazil, where are the white women at?! Everywhere? Nowhere?!
    If you have any trace of non-white phenotypes or genotypes, you get to be "black", you get people like Princess Sparkle making everyone cringe as they recruit their tenuous ethnic heritage to support their meaningless waffle whilst simultaneously marrying up into a honky royal family, and living a life that most Afro-Americans could never possible aspire to. It's a pith-take.

    All this infographic is about is a Toys-out-of-the-pram scream about how successful and aspirational WASP culture is. It won; here come the haters. Let "black people" avoid talking about skin-whitening and their own intra-racial prejudices, and let the "black people" in the ascendency, distract the rest with blaming some evil outside force for their plight.
    I've been to Angola, the land of one of the richest dictators, and walked across the street from the state-owned Sonangol Port to where the young locals live in abosulte shite, and that is nothing to do with "white privilege", and everything to do with "black privilege"... but you're supposed to say that... you can't ever suggest that "black people" are amongst the worst perpetrators of injustice against black people, because that just wouldn't fit the narrative... keep it simple, don't think, just blindly hate a caricature president and ignore the real problems going on. Parts of Africa propped up by Chinese money and fenced off keeping locals out... not a honky in sight.

    Here's an experiiment for you... take that infographic and replace the word "white" with the word "black" or "yellow", and see how it looks. WASP culture won the culture war for a reason, and rather than rail against it and try to rip it apart, it's far more sensible to try and understand why it won, and why it will keep on winning. There is a hierarchy, with better and worse inputs, processes, and outputs, and if you want to pretend that the game is just rigged, well, you know who you start to sound like...

  9. #34
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docmartin View Post
    It's not completely accurate.
    For example, I'm a pinky-brown colour .
    I dare not ask what your 'Pink' bits and 'Brown' bits are

    Me, when I go in the Sun, my white bits go pink, then later red, peel and white again a week later.

  10. #35
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by English Noodles View Post
    Sub-Saharan East African with albinism
    you called , masser ?

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    Me, when I go in the Sun, my white bits go pink, then later red, peel and white again a week later.
    I have the same skin type, it’s a curse, can’t sit in the sun for more than 20 mins.

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Stopped reading at that silly straw man opening paragraph. Assume the rest is misguided Boomer ranting from someone grasping the wrong end of the stick?

    You seem to go on endlessly about boomers Ant, yet you as a non boomer received the benefits of that post war generation of boomer workers. Many of the things you enjoy today came from that large generation of boomers that you seem to either denigrate, dislike or both.

  13. #38
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    This can’t be right surely ....

    Check your white privilege.-e871908a-a1a1-4019-b429-927ce25cae18-jpeg

    Check your white privilege.-d31d9c04-7877-4f2d-bdad-53be19738e55-jpeg

  14. #39
    In Uranus
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    Many of the things you enjoy today came from that large generation of boomers that you seem to either denigrate, dislike or both.
    Wrong it was the greatest generation who came home from WW2 and did all the hard groundwork for you boomers to walk into and most of us younger people have in no way prospered from anything you boomers did. That is just more entitled thinking by another jaded punch drunk boomer. The truth is at least here in America you lot have set this country back into the Stone Age. The environmental damage, crony capitalism, massive national debt all was perpetrated under your generations watch and that is just the start of it.

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond View Post
    It's kinda strange, as a kid I always wished I was growing up in America.

    As an adult, I thank my lucky stars that I didn't.
    Yep, agreed. The whole country looks like a study in social engineering, and divide-rule.

  16. #41
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    Clever man was El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Clever man was El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz
    Who needs the clever men?

  18. #43
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    anybody notice the flag hanging down? Not America.

  19. #44
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    I think we can benefit from them. If we are willing to Think, as opposed to Gruppenthink.

  20. #45
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow
    You seem to go on endlessly about boomers Ant, yet you as a non boomer received the benefits of that post war generation of boomer workers. Many of the things you enjoy today came from that large generation of boomers that you seem to either denigrate, dislike or both.
    Well not really and even if all that were true I don't really see your point either. I'm not the one denying things and acting like even just admitting that others may not have had the same advantages as me is somehow giving up / away something.

  21. #46
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Clever man was El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz

    Given your stance on things like BLM etc. the irony of that is... massive.

  22. #47
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow
    You seem to go on endlessly about boomers Ant, yet you as a non boomer received the benefits of that post war generation of boomer workers. Many of the things you enjoy today came from that large generation of boomers that you seem to either denigrate, dislike or both.
    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    Well not really and even if all that were true I don't really see your point either. I'm not the one denying things and acting like even just admitting that others may not have had the same advantages as me is somehow giving up / away something.
    Just further to this, having given it some thought I legitimately can't think of a single 'benefit' that I've received from the Boomer generation other than societal and technological innovations that every generation is born into, ultimately contributes towards them selves, and no one generation can claim.

    Other than that the only things I was 'given' was having to pay for my education when Boomers didn't have to, a rapidly out of control housing market, and a shitload of debt.

    As an aside I still distinctly recall Dr. Lockwood Smith a NZ politician who had his education all through to his doctorate paid for out of tax-payer monies announcing that we would have to take loans to pay for ours and that we were being a bit ungrateful about it all. He had a very punchable face.

  23. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman123 View Post
    I have the same skin type, it’s a curse, can’t sit in the sun for more than 20 mins.
    Me too...

    I turn lobster red within minutes under the sun. I am envious of the wife who turns almost black when in the rice fields and a mellow brown when in Germany.
    I need to bathe in factor 54 million sun cream before going out in Thailand.

  24. #49
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy
    I need to bathe in factor 54 million sun cream before going out in Thailand.
    Me three.

    Try the NZ sun though, believe it or not a factor of multiple times worse than Thailand.

  25. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Wrong it was the greatest generation who came home from WW2 and did all the hard groundwork for you boomers to walk into and most of us younger people have in no way prospered from anything you boomers did. That is just more entitled thinking by another jaded punch drunk boomer. The truth is at least here in America you lot have set this country back into the Stone Age. The environmental damage, crony capitalism, massive national debt all was perpetrated under your generations watch and that is just the start of it.
    Yet you have been spared a world war, nuclear holocaust and womens rights were advanced in the boomer era more than any other. Micro computers the internet etc have been developed through the boomer era as have many vaccines and the reason why there should be a covid 19 vaccine in a time undreamed of by the pre war generation. The end of the cold war etc.
    Unfortunately your view is based on the USA, which has one of the worst forms of capitalism, producing some of the greatest wealth discrepancies on the planet and some of the worst working conditions and benefits in the western world, a poor health system especially for the lower paid who are at the mercy of insurance companies if they have a long term illness and an incredibly skewed justice system, with some of the highest rates of execution and incarceration on the planet and then there's the number of murders and overall gun deaths.
    As you have never lived in another country I understand your ignorance on many of those issues, being raised on the myth that it is the greatest democracy on the planet. In that it is not even close. I have spent quite some time in the U.S.A and although in general i found Americans to be warm and generous people, their system is badly flawed.

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