Whoever put together that infantile schematic was some sociologist type being paid to do so, quite probably on a government grant or scholarship. Now that's privilege, and considerable entitlement.

Western culture & society is the most racially diverse in the world today, as far as i'm aware. Rather than telling us what we already know, perhaps the author could suggest alternatives? Such as:-
1- The Indian caste system. At least you know your place in it.
2- Han Chinese blanket ethnic and cultural dominance and assimilation
3- Perhaps a matriarchal non- nuclear familial system, such as some traditional Polynesian societies, where parentage is only attributed to the Mother?
4- Communism, where the State owns the means of production, and there is no such thing as private property
5- Tribalism- the very opposite of multiculturalism. Segregation, basically. Apartheid even?
6- Dropping the nuclear family as the basic societal unit, in favor of an east Asian style extended family unit, or clan

I'm all ears. How is it that, for example, dark skinned Indian immigrants to the US achieve better results in Socio-Economic Status terms, on average, than native born white Americans? East Asians too.
Oh, but slavery, colonialism, b'waaah. Free Yourself, dumfuks. Your stupid victimhood mentality only holds you back, while others get ahead.