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  1. #6926
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    Then, after pausing and reflecting it's found that kicking into the ones laying at the ground is much easier (when the majority is behind me...)
    Plus they are foot level which makes things so much easier

  2. #6927
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    I'm guessing Virginians must inbreed a *lot* to elect a fucking tosser of this calibre.

    'This Is a Phony Pandemic': GOP Congressman-Elect Praises Maskless Trump Supporters at Rally

  3. #6928
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    Wise words, Norton
    They are indeed. Stole them from Mark Twain.

  4. #6929
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    Some not so light reading of the antiquated Electoral College process.

    Happens Monday, 14 Dec US time. The next step ridding the US of Prez Bonespurs.

  5. #6930
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Hopefully folks will at some point realized they have been suckered and put the bastard away.
    A fair hope.

  6. #6931
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    WTF do they mean MAY BE??

    Electoral college vote may be knockout blow to Trump's ploy to subvert election | US elections 2020 | The Guardian

    Electoral college vote MAY BE knockout blow to Trump's ploy to subvert election
    Formality to cement outcome of election takes on real political significance as Trump continues efforts to undermine results

    President’s lies spark political unrest in several cities
    Donald Trump on Monday could suffer a withering blow to his increasingly hopeless effort to overturn the results of the US presidential election when 538 members of the electoral college will cast their ballots and formally send Joe Biden to the White House.

    Under the arcane formula which America has followed since the first election in 1789, Monday’s electoral college vote will mark the official moment when Biden becomes the 46th president-in-waiting. Electors, including political celebrities such as both Bill and Hillary Clinton, will gather in state capitols across the country to cement the outcome of this momentous race.

    Normally, the process is figurative and barely noted. This year, given Trump’s volatile display of tilting at windmills in an attempt to negate the will of the American people, it will carry real political significance.

    Trump continued those quixotic efforts over the weekend, sparking political unrest in several cities including the nation’s capital. On Sunday morning he tweeted in all caps that this was the “most corrupt election in US history!”.

    In an interview with Fox & Friends that aired on Sunday, he insisted that his anti-democratic mission was not over. “We keep going and we’re going to continue to go forward,” he said, before repeating a slew of lies about the election having been rigged.

    Trump’s barefaced untruths about having won key states including Pennsylvania and Georgia went entirely unchallenged by the Fox News interviewer, Brian Kilmeade.

    Any faltering hopes Trump might still harbor of hanging on to power were shattered on Friday when the US supreme court bluntly dismissed a lawsuit led by Texas to block Biden’s victory in four other states. In a different case, a Wisconsin supreme court judge decried Trump’s lawsuit aiming to nullify the votes of 200,000 Americans, saying it “smacked of racism”.

    Despite the categoric rebuff that Trump has suffered in dozens of cases, including before the nation’s highest court, his unprecedented ploy to tear up democratic norms continues to inflict untold damage on the country with potential long-term consequences. The Texas-led push to overturn the election result was backed by 126 Republicans in the House of Representatives – almost two-thirds of the party’s conference – as well as Republican state attorneys general from 18 states.

    Among the wider electorate, a recent Quinnipiac University poll found that 77% of Republicans believe – mistakenly – that there was widespread voter fraud in the 3 November election.

    Another manifestation of the harm that is being done was the violence that erupted on Saturday night across several cities. In Washington DC, four people were stabbed and required hospital treatment, and 23 were arrested, when far-right groups clashed with counter-protesters following a so-called “Stop the Steal” march enthusiastically endorsed by Trump.

    Far-right militia groups mingled among the Trump supporters and engaged in the violence, including the white nationalist Proud Boys who call themselves “western chauvinists”. Michael Flynn, the former national security adviser who Trump pardoned for lying to the FBI, addressed a crowd, exclaiming: “We decide the election. We’re waging a battle across America.”

    Violence also broke out in Olympia, the state capital of Washington state. One person was shot in clashes between heavily armed factions, with Trump supporters and Proud Boys facing off against counter-protesters, and three people were arrested.

    Video footage appeared to show that the shot was fired by a member of the Proud Boy and that the victim was a counter-protester, although details remained sketchy.

    In Georgia, a separate militia group, Georgia Security Force III%, were in attendance at a far-right rally at the statehouse on Saturday. The armed group has helped to organise recent caravans that have intimidated local election officials at their homes claiming falsely that Biden’s victory in Georgia was fraudulent.

    Biden’s transition team has watched with growing alarm the spate of violent incidents that has cropped up around Trump’s spurious claims of a rigged election. Cedric Richmond, a Democratic representative from Louisiana who Biden has tapped as the incoming director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, said they were anxious about what lay ahead in the holiday season.

    “We are concerned about violence,” he told Face the Nation on CBS News. “Where there’s violence it is not protest, that is breaking the law, so we are worried about it.”

    Asked about the majority of House Republicans who backed Trump’s frivolous lawsuit to block election results being certified, Richmond implied their resistance was more theatrical than real. “They recognize Joe Biden’s victory. This is just a small proportion of the Republican conference that is appeasing the president on his way out because they are scared of his Twitter” feed.

    The outlier nature of Trump’s stubborn refusal to concede was underlined on Sunday by Al Gore in an interview with CNN’s State of the Union. Exactly 20 years ago to the day, he conceded the bitterly-fought 2000 presidential race to George W Bush, saying: “This is America, we put country before party – we will stand together behind our new president.”

    Gore told CNN that he hoped Monday’s electoral college vote would be the beginning of healing. He called the lawsuit dismissed by the supreme court “ridiculous and unintelligible”, and castigated those Republicans who continued to stick with Trump in his “lost cause”.

    “With the electoral college votes tomorrow in all 50 states, I hope that will be the point at which some of those who have hung on will give up the ghost,” Gore said. “There are things more important than bowing to the fear of a demagogue.”

  7. #6932
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    WTF do they mean MAY BE??
    They mean there are still more ways the baldy orange loser and his suck ups can try and interfere.

    Electoral College: A step-by-step guide to Monday's vote - CNNPolitics

  8. #6933
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    21-10-2023 @ 08:08 AM
    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    What an utter joke the US system has become

  9. #6934
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    What an utter joke the US system has become
    It hasn't "become" it. The system rarely changes. The problem is it relied on honour and trust, and both of those things disappeared out of the Republican window a long time ago.

    Watch if the Biden administration tries to but some legal backstops in place to prevent this abuse in future.

    The Republicans will block him at every turn.

    They are already bitching about how disgraceful it would be if the Democrats did anything similar to what they have been doing for so long.

  10. #6935
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    It hasn't "become" it
    Sorta. Made sense given the situation in 1781. Slowly since it has become a joke. Makes no sense what so ever given the horse n buggy era has long gone and near instant communication and the speed votes can be tallied makes the electoral college obsolete.

    Needs a major overhual but fixin it won't come soon. Constitutional changes are mostly in the too hard box.

    Suppose there is an upside givin we live in a nation where new constitutions come along every few years.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  11. #6936
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    They are already bitching about how disgraceful it would be if the Democrats did anything similar to what they have been doing for so long.
    The absolute hypocrasy the GOP employs at every turn is absolutely mind boggling. More so that the base lap it all up. Is the US a nation of morons? Or at least 74,223,755 of them?

  12. #6937
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheRealKW View Post
    More so that the base lap it all up.
    They are brainwashed. They live in a bubble and all the media they consume is right wing propaganda. Basically the right in America has become one massive cult.

  13. #6938
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    They are brainwashed. They live in a bubble and all the media they consume is right wing propaganda. Basically the right in America has become one massive cult.
    It exists on both sides , though at this time it is much more apparent at the rights due to trumps bombastic nature.
    Propaganda and behavioral Behavioral neuroscience,have reached a level of unprecedented sophistication exploiting confirmation bias, and manipulating public perceptions. IMO democracy is dead.
    I was watching a YouTube video on confirmation bias, and it seems we are all susceptible to it.
    -So people on opposite sides of the opinion spectrum on global warming were given a report ,,that it we discovered that the danger was exaggerated and temperature will not rise as much , or that it was discovered that the danger was greater that thought and temperature rise will be greater than originally thought.
    Those not believing in global warming that were told that it was discovered they temperature rise will not be as great as originally thought became more extreme in their position. Where those of the same group that were told that it was discovered that temperature rise will be greater that originally thought did not change they opinion at all,
    Exactly the same happened to the side that believed in global warming, the research that confirmed their bias made them more radical, where the research that contradicted their bias had no affect.
    In another lecture it was revealed that studies in the physical brain of conservatives and liberals had found structural differences , so many of these things are hardwired, and thus are exploited by those in the now how.
    "The volume of gray matter, or neural cell bodies, making up the anterior cingulate cortex, an area that helps detect errors and resolve conflicts, tends to be larger in liberals. And the amygdala, which is important for regulating emotions and evaluating threats, is larger in conservatives."
    The Amygdala being a primitive part of the brain would indicate to me that conservative brains are not a evolved.
    Conservative and Liberal Brains Might Have Some Real Differences - Scientific American

    I had read some other place that I can not find of yet. that the above brain changes can predict the with a 73% certainty a persons political orientation.
    Last edited by Buckaroo Banzai; 14-12-2020 at 08:42 PM.
    The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.

  14. #6939
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    It exists on both sides
    No it doesn't. That is disingenuous bullshit and you know it. You have been giving your friends and neighbors a pass for too long. Stop.

  15. #6940
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    No it doesn't. That is disingenuous bullshit and you know it. You have been giving your friends and neighbors a pass for too long. Stop.
    See what I mean LOL

  16. #6941
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    See what I mean LOL
    He's right though, it's only the right that tries to present 'alternative facts' as legitimate.

    Meanwhile, speaking of alternative facts and wishful thinking.

    Judge appointed by Trump heard his case to overturn Biden's win, wholly rejected it on the merits.

    Peter Weber
    Sun, December 13, 2020, 10:47 PM PST

    President Trump told Fox News' Brian Kilmeade on Saturday, in a clip broadcast Sunday, that no judges have had "the courage" to allow his lawyers and allies to argue his baseless claims that the election was "stolen," specifically criticizing the U.S. Supreme Court for declining to "go into the evidence" on his cases because of "little technicalities, like a thing called standing."

    President Trump told Fox News' Brian Kilmeade on Saturday, in a clip broadcast Sunday, that no judges have had "the courage" to allow his lawyers and allies to argue his baseless claims that the election was "stolen," specifically criticizing the U.S. Supreme Court for declining to "go into the evidence" on his cases because of "little technicalities, like a thing called standing."

    In fact, several courts have offered to hear pro-Trump lawyers argue their case, and U.S. District Judge Brett Ludwig in Wisconsin shot down the latest of those cases on Saturday. "A sitting president who did not prevail in his bid for reelection has asked for federal court help in setting aside the popular vote based on disputed issues of election administration, issues he plainly could have raised before the vote occurred," wrote Ludwig, a Trump appointee. "This court allowed the plaintiff the chance to make his case and he has lost on the merits. In his reply brief, plaintiff 'asks that the Rule of Law be followed.' It has been."

    The "most telling aspect" of Ludwig's ruling isn't that "the rejecting was done by a Trump-appointed judge" or "that it was done on the merits," Andrew McCarthy argues at National Review. It's when Ludwig notes that "on the morning of the hearing, the parties reached agreement on a stipulated set of facts," meaning "there was no actual disagreement between the Trump team and Wisconsin officials about the pertinent facts of the case."

    In other words, "there was no there there," McCarthy writes. "Despite telling the country for weeks that this was the most rigged election in history, the campaign didn't think it was worth calling a single witness. Despite having the opportunity of a hearing before a Trump appointee who was willing to give the campaign ample opportunity to prove its case, the campaign said, 'Never mind.'"
    And "this is not the first time the campaign ducked an opportunity to prove its claims of a stolen election in court," he adds. In Wisconsin, as in Pennsylvania and Michigan, "every time a court offers him an opportunity to establish by proof what he is promoting by Twitter, Team Trump folds." Read more about Ludwig's ruling at National Review.

    Judge appointed by Trump heard his case to overturn Biden's win, wholly rejected it on the merits

  17. #6942
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    See what I mean LOL
    Fuck off you apoligist. You have spent to much time kissing the ass of your right wing fucktard neighbors when you should have been punching the Nazi scum in the face.

  18. #6943
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Fuck off you apoligist. You have spent to much time kissing the ass of your right wing fucktard neighbors when you should have been punching the Nazi scum in the face.
    Other than that , How do you feel about them

    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    He's right though, it's only the right that tries to present 'alternative facts' as legitimate.
    I did not imply any equivalency, if anyone had bothered to read the Scientific American article, one would see that even though there might be conformational bias on both sides, " The volume of gray matter, or neural cell bodies, making up the anterior cingulate cortex, an area that helps detect errors and resolve conflicts, tends to be larger in liberals. "

    I just pointed out that it exists in both sides as studies seem to indicate.
    IMO before any problem can be rectified it must first be correctly identified, so that proper adjustments can be made.

    The reaction to the facts I presented confirms their validity. if what I presented had confirmed our bias I might have got another green LOL. as it is all I got is the middle finger Number One sign and a lousy 3 votes in the POTY poll LOL.(which by the way are three more than I expected to get)

  19. #6944
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Other than that , How do you feel about them
    They are trash stupid and mostly live in trailers. They vote outside their own interests and are blinkered idiots. Do not apologize for the scum go piss on their lawns or some shit.

  20. #6945
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    19-09-2021 @ 01:19 AM
    Bsnub is correct. The Republicans have moved from an ideology to a cult. The big money behind the right wing cult movement (Koch et al) has done nothing but fund campaigns to peddle conspiracy theories to hide their motives, which is a grab for power. Experts and scientists are only accepted when it suits them. And a big part of their agenda is to delegitimize any opposition, accusing them of believing falsehoods too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Those not believing in global warming that were told that it was discovered they temperature rise will not be as great as originally thought became more extreme in their position. Where those of the same group that were told that it was discovered that temperature rise will be greater that originally thought did not change they opinion at all,
    Because they don't accept science unless it suits their political views.

    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Exactly the same happened to the side that believed in global warming,
    Because those who accept the scientific consensus on global warming know misinformation on the topic is widespread.

    If it's a bias that you want to use as a label, then the former have a political bias, the latter a scientific bias.

  21. #6946
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    They are trash stupid and mostly live in trailers. They vote outside their own interests and are blinkered idiots. Do not apologize for the scum go piss on their lawns or some shit.
    Don't blame them, blame their Amygdala,
    If we could convince them to undergo voluntary targeter lobotomy , we could with one shot solve the political problem, improve their living conditions, and improve the environment by turning those trailer parks into nature conservatories.

  22. #6947
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    Quote Originally Posted by elche View Post
    Because those who accept the scientific consensus on global warming know misinformation on the topic is widespread.
    Of course!!! where those on the other side don't.

    The global warming example was just that, an example,, and not designed to take one or another side, but rather to make a point. The example could had been about any issue with similar results.

  23. #6948
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    See what I mean LOL
    Didn't you know ?

    Heaps of Left Trumpers around here

    If you were somehow in doubt, would a type like Snops convince you to join the left ?

    He oughta be shot for party damaging activities

    Nevermind. He is american. Will probably eat himself to death

  24. #6949
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    30-04-2022 @ 02:44 AM
    ll the contested states have already cast their electoral votes, and all of them supported Mr Biden.
    Nevertheless, the Trump campaign still isn’t giving up, as White House adviser Stephen Miller made clear on Fox News this morning.
    Mr Miller insisted there was still “more than enough time” to overturn “this fraudulent election result”. One reason for his confidence? In a handful of the swing states, supporters of the President were holding their own “alternative” votes.
    “An alternate slate of electors in the contested states is going to vote and we are going to send those results to Congress,” Mr Miller said.
    “You have an alternate slate of electors in a state like, say, Wisconsin. Or in a state like Georgia. And we’ll make sure that those results are sent up side-by-side to Congress.
    “We have the opportunity, every day between now and January 20, to say that slate of electors in the contested states is the slate that should be certified to uphold a free and fair election and an honest result.”
    His hope is that these alternate electoral votes, cast for Mr Trump instead of Mr Biden, will eventually be counted by Congress on January 6.
    The problem here is that the Republicans don’t actually have valid votes to cast, because they’re not actual electors. The real ones, whose votes actually count, were appointed based on the legal, certified results in each statementElectoral college votes live updates: Trump's last-ditch effort to deny Joe Biden
    Warning: Be cautious if you are a fragile pink

  25. #6950
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    And Barr just resigned

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