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  1. #576
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    ^ Frankly, I hope Sanders wins the nomination and presents his ideas in the right light. I believe he has the most correct vision for the USA.

    That being said. He has a long, long row to hoe. And, if he does somehow manage to come out in the win column. He still has the "bigger" battlefield to control - Congress. I wish him luck.

  2. #577
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    Me? My thoughts? This is the Democrats election to lose.
    Regardless of the election outcome, what if the current POTUS says "I ain't going anywhere! I'm staying right here".

  3. #578
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Lets face it 44k people in a handful of states decided this election.
    it was 77,744 total votes in MI, WI and PA....and btw, hillary underperformed obama 2012 by 600,000 in those three states.

    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    The popular vote was a landslide for Hillary.
    there are those who believe it's plausible that the dem nominee could win the 2020 popular vote by ~5,000,000 and still lose the electoral college by a single vote. i'm not among them, but it's a crazy possibility.

    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    Frankly, I hope Sanders wins the nomination and presents his ideas in the right light. I believe he has the most correct vision for the USA.
    his has window closed...more accurately, hillary and the DNC closed it on his neck. it's a bit like how mccain got fcuked over by rove/bush in 2000....that was his chance and through no real fault of his own, it didn't work out.

  4. #579
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cisco999 View Post
    Regardless of the election outcome, what if the current POTUS says "I ain't going anywhere! I'm staying right here".
    there are serious people like lawrence wilkerson already preparing for that possibility.

  5. #580
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cisco999 View Post
    Regardless of the election outcome, what if the current POTUS says "I ain't going anywhere! I'm staying right here".
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    there are serious people like lawrence wilkerson already preparing for that possibility.
    How does that work?

    Is it an actual possibility?

  6. #581
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    The debate didn't expose any particular standout candidate.
    They need to come up with a charismatic, articulate person but I don't really see any.

  7. #582
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    harris crushed it in the 2nd debate--especially when she took it right to biden. it will be interesting to see if it impacts her polling numbers....particularly among black women.

    biden looked old, but still the front runner.

  8. #583
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    doesn't really matter, they are all going to lose against Trump

    keep the fresh meat for next time,

  9. #584
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    doesn't really matter, they are all going to lose against Trump
    Agreed, incumbent, massive war chest, strong (make that Very Strong) economy, incredibly low unemployment, can't see him losing. Yup, just gonna hafta get used to a non-PC rolling (or roiling) twitter storm...

  10. #585
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    he just needs a war, and then he is unstoppable

  11. #586
    In Uranus
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    I Don't Make Predictions, But It Sure Seems Like Trump Could Get Trounced in 2020

    Celebrating too early you Trumpanzees...

    Here's a thought experiment. In the past two days, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago has been accused of rape by journalist E. Jean Carroll in New York magazine, who describes an encounter of the type that the president* admitted to in the infamous Access Hollywood tape, only worse. He also managed to nearly stumble into a shooting war in the Persian Gulf on Thursday night and, when the heat arose around him on Friday, he gave an interview to Chuck Todd of NBC News that almost certainly was a giant container ship full of pure bullshit.

    "I thought about it for a second and I said, you know what, they shot down an unmanned drone, plane, whatever you want to call it, and here we are sitting with a 150 dead people that would have taken place probably within a half an hour after I said go ahead. And I didn’t like it, I didn’t think, I didn't think it was proportionate."
    The idea that he didn't find out about possible civilian casualties deriving from the most consequential act of his presidency until shortly before the attack was launched is completely laughable, unless all of his briefers were drunk and passed out. (By running this rap, by the way, the president* tossed his military advisers under his wheels.) So, with all of this happening in one day, I ask the question: what if the polls are right?

    I know all the reasons why this should be a close election. The economy is good and, more important, it is perceived to be good. His base remains solidly behind him, at least at the moment, although some cracks are beginning to widen. The Democratic nominating process looks like the starting grid at Daytona at the moment, and the Democratic Party remains...the Democratic Party. There will be Russian ratfcking, and voter-suppression, and Christ alone knows what-all shenanigans between now and November of 2020. But let your mind wander a bit. What if all the awful numbers we're seeing these days about his approval/re-elect ratings in the individual states are correct and, further, what if they don't get any better? Isn't the possibility of his being crushed in a landslide at least as probable as the idea that he can pull the same inside straight he pulled in 2016?

    I don't care what kind of brave face they put on, the Republicans are just as uneasy with this guy at the top of the ticket as they were three years ago. Yes, his base is solid, but some of them are getting killed by what few actual policies he's proposed. Yes, the Democrats are capable of cannibalizing each other, but what if the president* throws a couple of serious nutties before election day? I'm not saying anything definitive, and I don't make predictions, but the possibility of this president*'s being trounced is as likely as any other. Not entirely sure why that isn't talked about more. No whistling past the graveyard, I guess. And it is ridiculously early to predict anything.

  12. #587
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    Trump is Wall Street’s favorite to win in 2020, but his reelection prospects look bad

    Presidents who seek reelection usually win. So Las Vegas oddsmakers, despite President Donald Trump’s low-40s approval ratings, still rate him even money for another term. Wall Street expects him to win next year.

    But a look at state-by-state data clarifies the scale of Trump’s challenge. As the president tries to rally supporters at a 2020 kickoff rally in Orlando on Tuesday, he is fighting from behind.

    A new Quinnipiac University poll of Florida showed the president trailing former Vice President Joe Biden by nine percentage points, 50%-41%, in their potential matchup for that state’s 29 electoral votes. Trump also trailed other possible Democratic nominees, including Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.

    Last week, a veteran Michigan pollster showed Trump trailing Biden by 11 points for that state’s 16 electoral votes. Before that, statewide polls in North Carolina and Texas showed Biden ahead by 12 and four percentage points, respectively.

    Trump carried all those states in 2016, and could do it again in 2020. Polls four years ago showed Trump way behind Hillary Clinton. Sixteen months of campaigning remain.

    But the data show that Trump will have to climb out of the deep hole he has dug for himself in nearly two and one-half years in office. Americans know him much better than they did in 2015 – and not in a good way.

    Despite a strong economy, this week’s NBC News/Wall Street Journal national survey shows that 62% of Americans report themselves uncomfortable or with reservations about a second Trump term; 52% called themselves “very uncomfortable.” A Fox News poll showed every major Democratic candidate ahead of Trump – Biden by 10 percentage points.

    Of course, results in battleground states determine the Electoral College winner. That’s how Trump, while losing the popular vote to Clinton, reached the Oval Office in the first place.

    Yet key battlegrounds have grown increasingly unhappy with him. This far from Election Day, with the Democratic nominee still unknown, the best measurement comes from his approval ratings in those places.

    The polling firm Morning Consult continually measures state-level presidential approval. Its latest calculations show that Trump’s net approval has declined in all 50 of them.

    That poses particular problems in the three battleground states where his narrow 2016 victories moved him past the 270 electoral votes needed to win: Michigan (16), Wisconsin (10) and Pennsylvania (20).

    In Michigan, the firm shows Trump with approval of 42%, disapproval of 54%. That net-negative of 12 percentage points is 20 points worse than in January 2017.

    In Wisconsin, his net-disapproval stands at 13 percentage points – 19 points worse than the start of his term. In Pennsylvania, he’s underwater by 7 points, an erosion of 17 points since the start of his presidency.

    Indeed, Trump currently faces net-negative job approval rating in 27 states with 328 electoral votes. Add Florida, where he breaks even on job approval but trails in the Quinnipiac Poll, and the eventual Democratic nominee would hold a strong chance of winning 358 electoral votes.

    At this point, there’s little reason to expect such a lopsided result. No Democrat can count on winning Arizona (where Trump’s net-disapproval is 6 percentage points), Ohio (-4 points), North Carolina (-4) or even Iowa (-12).

    But winning will require Trump to make up ground across the electoral map at a time when signs point to slowing economic growth and, in personal terms, the public views him negatively.

    Some of Trump’s predecessors have certainly won from behind. At similar points sixteen months before their reelection contests, Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama each struggled with 43% Gallup approval ratings and disapproval higher than that. Both ended up winning with more than 50% of the vote.

    Voters held more favorable personal views of both, however. Reagan’s net-disapproval was just two percentage points in mid-June 1983; Obama’s was six points in June 2011.

    Gallup’s most recent survey showed that just 40% of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance. A 55% majority disapprove.

  13. #588
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    well, like I said from the beginning, there is plenty to get Trump, and going with the Space Aliens route (aka Russian interference) wasn't very smart

    rape, sexual harassment etc... I am sure he is guilty on all front,

    but people don't seem to care anymore with all the scandals, it's Trump bashing overload, and now it will be ignored by everyone

  14. #589
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Another blow to Trump's re-election (will he cancel?):
    Ozzy Osbourne forbids Trump to use his music in an election campaign

    British rock musician Ozzy Osborne sent a notice to the election headquarters of US President Donald Trump not to use his music for political purposes. About this in his Instagram account told the wife of the artist Sharon Osborne .

    “Given the unauthorized appearance of the Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train composition, we sent a notification to Trump's headquarters (and any other), which says that the use of Osborne’s music in political advertising and any political campaigns was banned,” the publication says.

    Also, the wife of the artist advised the head of the United States to turn to her "friends-musicians", to whom she named rapper Kanye West, singer Kid Rock and guitarist Ted Nugent.

    Earlier, the President of the United States published a video in his Twitter , on which the broadcast of the debate of the Democratic candidates on the presidential race was interrupted by shots with Trump to the Osborne song Crazy Train.

    In the spring, HBO, broadcasting the series Game of Thrones, called on the president not to use intellectual property for political purposes. On April 18, Trump responded to a full report investigating the special prosecutor, Robert Muller, with a meme from Game of Thrones.

  15. #590
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    A new Quinnipiac University poll
    yup... polls again

    anyway snubby off to my loser locker

  16. #591
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    BIDEN seemed, at times, like the old guy with the bad knees playing basketball with the college kids in the gym. Sure, he can still hang -- he still has moves, and can nail the mid-range jumper. But why is he playing?

  17. #592
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    My mate The Donald ain't got a worry eh. 4 more years fukers.

    Ave a fookin look at the shit stains who are Goin up against him.

    Fookin plebs.

  18. #593
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    harris crushed it in the 2nd debate--especially when she took it right to biden. it will be interesting to see if it impacts her polling numbers....particularly among black women.

    biden looked old, but still the front runner.
    If she keeps that up, she will be hard to beat. She can mobilise both the female AND black vote.

    Biden is a fucking dinosaur and the old "when my ol' daddy got home from a hard days labour and sat me on his knee" crap won't wash with millenials.

  19. #594
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by terry57 View Post
    My mate The Donald ain't got a worry eh. 4 more years fukers.

    Ave a fookin look at the shit stains who are Goin up against him.

    Fookin plebs.
    Oh do fuck off. Ageing bogon is not a good look, second only to ageing hippie.
    Especially if you've got nothing to say.
    Innit innit, big black cocks fookin fookin.
    Get a cock up ya Tessa ya faggot.

  20. #595
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    She can mobilise both the female AND black vote.
    On paper one might say that but she has a lot of baggage. Not the most liked in minority community in California.

    Will her moment in the debate result in a big increase in her campaign funds? From here on it will be all about the size if each candidates war chest. Current estimates are it will take about $1 billion to run a successful Presidential campaign. An unfortunate reality in US politics these days. No money no honey.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  21. #596
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    Locked down tight
    The fact that public service offices have to be purchased in the U.S. means the system will always be corruptible. It amazes me that anything beneficial to the people ever gets done at all.

  22. #597
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    This week on a special edition of Planet America;

    • The highs and the lows as Democratic presidential hopefuls face-off in the first debates.
    • yet more sexual assault allegations involving the President.
    • And Iran taunts Trump as war inches closer.

  23. #598
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Agent_Smith View Post
    The fact that public service offices have to be purchased in the U.S. means the system will always be corruptible. It amazes me that anything beneficial to the people ever gets done at all.
    WTF are you talking about.

  24. #599
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Celebrating too early you Trumpanzees...

    Here's a thought experiment. In the past two days, El Caudillo del Mar-a-Lago has been accused of rape by journalist E. Jean Carroll in New York magazine, who describes an encounter of the type that the president* admitted to in the infamous Access Hollywood tape, only worse. He also managed to nearly stumble into a shooting war in the Persian Gulf on Thursday night and, when the heat arose around him on Friday, he gave an interview to Chuck Todd of NBC News that almost certainly was a giant container ship full of pure bullshit.

    The idea that he didn't find out about possible civilian casualties deriving from the most consequential act of his presidency until shortly before the attack was launched is completely laughable, unless all of his briefers were drunk and passed out. (By running this rap, by the way, the president* tossed his military advisers under his wheels.) So, with all of this happening in one day, I ask the question: what if the polls are right?

    I know all the reasons why this should be a close election. The economy is good and, more important, it is perceived to be good. His base remains solidly behind him, at least at the moment, although some cracks are beginning to widen. The Democratic nominating process looks like the starting grid at Daytona at the moment, and the Democratic Party remains...the Democratic Party. There will be Russian ratfcking, and voter-suppression, and Christ alone knows what-all shenanigans between now and November of 2020. But let your mind wander a bit. What if all the awful numbers we're seeing these days about his approval/re-elect ratings in the individual states are correct and, further, what if they don't get any better? Isn't the possibility of his being crushed in a landslide at least as probable as the idea that he can pull the same inside straight he pulled in 2016?

    I don't care what kind of brave face they put on, the Republicans are just as uneasy with this guy at the top of the ticket as they were three years ago. Yes, his base is solid, but some of them are getting killed by what few actual policies he's proposed. Yes, the Democrats are capable of cannibalizing each other, but what if the president* throws a couple of serious nutties before election day? I'm not saying anything definitive, and I don't make predictions, but the possibility of this president*'s being trounced is as likely as any other. Not entirely sure why that isn't talked about more. No whistling past the graveyard, I guess. And it is ridiculously early to predict anything.

    Keep posting up the bull shit if it makes you feel good.

  25. #600
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    Another blow to Trump's re-election (will he cancel?):
    Ozzy Osbourne forbids Trump to use his music in an election campaign

    British rock musician Ozzy Osborne sent a notice to the election headquarters of US President Donald Trump not to use his music for political purposes. About this in his Instagram account told the wife of the artist Sharon Osborne .

    “Given the unauthorized appearance of the Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train composition, we sent a notification to Trump's headquarters (and any other), which says that the use of Osborne’s music in political advertising and any political campaigns was banned,” the publication says.

    Also, the wife of the artist advised the head of the United States to turn to her "friends-musicians", to whom she named rapper Kanye West, singer Kid Rock and guitarist Ted Nugent.

    Earlier, the President of the United States published a video in his Twitter , on which the broadcast of the debate of the Democratic candidates on the presidential race was interrupted by shots with Trump to the Osborne song Crazy Train.

    In the spring, HBO, broadcasting the series Game of Thrones, called on the president not to use intellectual property for political purposes. On April 18, Trump responded to a full report investigating the special prosecutor, Robert Muller, with a meme from Game of Thrones.
    Why do people even write this crap,who cares.

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