1. #20601
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^ competing with backspin?
    Troy, do you not think the Itelands should be united and Scotland deserves to become master of its own destiny?

  2. #20602
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    only in the poisonous recesses of your geriatric addled cranium
    The only thing the two of you should be arguing about is who is older.

  3. #20603
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    As predicted, Brexit is causing problems in NI leading to outbreaks of violence. The paramilitary elements are getting involved.
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Don't be silly, it's fuck all to do with Brexit
    Well Troy, you're half right.

    Don't feel bad - you're 50% up on harriet.

    The involvement of loyalist paramilitary groups in orchestrating the violence in Northern Ireland has been ruled out by police as the number of officers injured rose to 74.

    On Friday night, police were again attacked with missiles and a car was set on fire as small pockets of unrest flared.

    The latest assessment by the Police Service of Northern Ireland came after a statement issued by the Loyalist Communities Council (LCC), an umbrella group representing loyalist paramilitaries seeking an end to the violence.

    “The LCC can confirm that none of their associated groups have been involved either directly or indirectly in the violence witnessed in recent days,” it said.

    But the LCC said there had been a “spectacular collective failure” to understand their anger over Brexit and other issues, and the border protocol must be renegotiated. Critics of the departure deal’s Northern Ireland protocol say a border is in effect in the Irish Sea, leaving unionists feeling betrayed.

    “We have repeatedly urged HM Government, political leaders and Institutions to take seriously our warnings of the dangerous consequences of imposing this hard border on us and the need for earnest dialogue to resolve matters. We reiterate that message now,” the LCC said.
    Northern Ireland police say paramilitaries not behind recent violence | Northern Ireland | The Guardian

  4. #20604
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    Quote Originally Posted by strigils View Post
    Troy, do you not think the Itelands should be united and Scotland deserves to become master of its own destiny?
    Let me give you a clue. I am an internationalist and oppose both nationalism and isolationism.

  5. #20605
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    A third of a million were told by May that a border in the Irish Sea between NI and Britain would be drawn over their dead bodies, a sentiment echoed by Bozo the Clown at the time. A matter of months after his landslide election endorsed by The Stupid, Bozo draws a border in the Irish Sea.

    They are the vestige of plantation colonialism with nothing to lose but their bigotry.

    Why do you think there was a war for 30 fucking years resulting in 3000 killed and 100,000 wounded with billions of pounds worth of damage, you stupid politically deaf English geriatric twat.

    Tax, why are dentists always so socially inept and isolated?

    Incidentally, the PSNI have only declared that idiotic tosh in order to defuse the reality of an increasingly polarised conflict. Only a fucking idiot or total ignoramus would believe for one second that the UVF/UDA were not involved in the current insurrection.

    Nothing happens in east Belfast/Down/Antrim without the consent of the protestant gangs.

    Brexit by its very definition created a border between Ireland and NI, the stupid English will just have to live with the consequences.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 10-04-2021 at 11:35 PM.

  6. #20606
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Why do you think there was a war for 30 fucking years resulting in 3000 killed and 100,000 wounded with billions of pounds worth of damage, you stupid politically deaf English geriatric twat.
    Because your pikey kin are a bunch of terrorists. You think they don't enjoy slotting each other? take a look at their parents egging them on, the more the merrier imo.
    I had dealings with the mic wankers for a few years - they can't establish and hiold onto a working govt and won't, its in your genes SeekingArse, feckless lazy spud munching idiots.

  7. #20607
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Bozo draws a border in the Irish Sea
    Has he acknowledged it yet? I was under the impression that he agreed to an effective border in the Irish sea without any idea of what this meant. I mean, he kept saying there would be no Custom checks between NI and GB, but he signed an agreement that said there would be.

    Still, you get what you vote for...and the UK voted for stupid.

  8. #20608
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    ^ Troy do you fondly imagine most of those that voted leave cared or still care about the oirish issue, nope, its now the EU's issue as well and long may they live with it.

  9. #20609
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    Quote Originally Posted by strigils View Post
    Because your pikey kin are a bunch of terrorists. You think they don't enjoy slotting each other? take a look at their parents egging them on, the more the merrier imo.
    I had dealings with the mic wankers for a few years - they can't establish and hiold onto a working govt and won't, its in your genes SeekingArse, feckless lazy spud munching idiots.
    The sheer stupidity of you underclass oiks is beyond measurement.

    You really are quite dumb in that curiously bovine way that only the lumpen English can be.

  10. #20610
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    ^ no, the sheer stupidity of you and your kind pandering to this religious bollocks over so many years is what is beyond belief. They are a bunch weaponsied childlike thugs who can't act in a civilised manner so fuk em and let them get on with it, just how many chances do you think these people deserve. Pikey idiot.

  11. #20611
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    You truly are an imbecile.

  12. #20612
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    ^ Nope you and your kind of apologists are. The peace accord is a farce and solved nothing as demonstrated by the lack of a functioning Govt, essentially they have been itching to get back at each other, Brexit is an excuase and if you think otherwise then that just shows what a desk jockey idiot you were. Others have been on the ground.

  13. #20613
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    Just another incredible coincidence then, like foreign owners of car plants shutting up shop in England, and the fishing industry all but collapsing.

  14. #20614
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    ^You mean like the Japs signing trade agreements with the EU which means they no longer need to base plants in the block or VW moving production out of Germany to Eastern Europe. You can't blame that on Brexit Simples.

    Fishing industry collapse. Would that be due to EU CFP overfishing issue? Well, there are problems in Africa as well where the sainted EU have been helping themselves to fishing stocks at the locals expense, or they will untill the stock reach the point of collapse - see your sainted block are nothing more than a bunch of sanctimonious bullies. Life should get interesting on here once you retire and then start modding poster's spelling, funny little bloke you are.
    Last edited by strigils; 11-04-2021 at 12:32 AM.

  15. #20615
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    Anyone else a Peter Hitchens fan on here ? Or his late brother Christopher ?

  16. #20616
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    We loved Bobby Sands

  17. #20617
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    Quote Originally Posted by strigils View Post
    ^ Troy do you fondly imagine most of those that voted leave cared or still care about the oirish issue, nope, its now the EU's issue as well and long may they live with it.
    I think the vast majority of those that voted for brexit had no idea of the implications of leaving the EU.

    The UK and EU need to stop squabbling over petty issues and sort this mess out before it escalates further.

  18. #20618
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    ^ agreed Troy, but the EU definaitely weaponised the NI protocol. Now NI is the EU's problem not just the UK's and quite frankly i'd love Ire to unite and tnen the EU can have the whole lot, which i am sure SeekingArse would be happy with also.

  19. #20619
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    ^ If the violence was on the eire border then I would agree but it isn't. The violence is in NI, which makes it a UK problem. Boris sold out on part of the UK and is in denial.

  20. #20620
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    The nationalists of course are enjoying this immensely and know that they have little to be concerned with as Bozo and his proxy thugs burn their house down. It is pertinent to note that of the 1.5 million or so NI population, a mere 350,000 are DUP voters and constituted the bulk of the Brexit vote.

    The Scots too must be taking heart from the unfolding chaos that makes independence and the stability of an EU membership that much more attractive.

    The DUP and the protestant gangs are of course fighting for their very survival, a span of over 320 years of catholic subjugation is drawing to a close and they know it. The Irish Sea border is a trojan horse for unification with Ireland and they know it. When it happens their constituency of the stupid, the ignorant, the bigoted and the prejudiced will have as much resonance as a fart in a hurricane, the DUP will be redundant and the gangs will lose coherence.

    As a celebration of Brexit and Bozo's legacy of chaos and economic decline one could not think of a more fitting commemoration than the fires in the Shankhill.

    Bring it on Bozo, we know you can do it. You've pretty much fucked up everything else in your life, why not the UK.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 11-04-2021 at 11:11 AM.

  21. #20621
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    Quote Originally Posted by strigils View Post
    We loved Bobby Sands
    What's white and flies over the Atlantic in a pair?

    Mountbatten's plimsolls.

  22. #20622
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    Brexit - It's Still On!-35259-jpg

  23. #20623
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    Mmm this should work out fine for Ireland and zee Dutch and other scum using tax rates to in house businesses eh SeekingArse? - bring it on i say

    Biden’s plans for a global corporate tax rate could make the world a fairer place

    Biden’s plans for a global corporate tax rate could make the world a fairer place

    More than a decade has passed without any progress in bringing the global tax system into the modern age. But less than three months after taking office, President Joe Biden has raised hopes of a breakthrough, with proposals that could kill tax havens dead and force multinationals to pay a fairer share of tax.

    The change in tone could not be more marked. With last week’s proposal for a global minimum corporate tax rate, Washington has turned away from years of economic orthodoxy that stretched back to the early 1980s and prioritised a neoliberal world vision – of free-market competition, government indifference and unblinking advocacy of globalisation.

    Under proposals submitted to tax negotiators from 135 countries at the OECD, the Biden plan would force big companies to pay taxes where their revenues are earned, not where the profits can be shifted to. It would also establish a global minimum tax rate, agreed by the world’s biggest economies.

    This is a powerful development. For years, big companies have weaved a merry dance through a broken patchwork of international tax rules, advised by an army of lawyers and accountants on where to locate to reduce their bills.

    The free-market economists favoured by presidents past would have argued for the advantages of globalisation: cheaper products, more choice. But profit-shifting by big companies – turbocharged in the digital age, with its unparalleled ease of doing business across borders – has left government coffers increasingly short. According to the Tax Justice Network, the sums lost to exchequers around the world have risen as high as £311bn annually.

    This comes at a time when Covid is driving up national debts to eye-watering levels. Public anger at tax avoidance, and demands on companies to pay a fair share, have also risen since the 2008 financial crisis.

    US multinationals are serious offenders. The proportion of gross profits they shift into tax havens has soared from 5-10% in the 1990s to between 25% and 30% today.

    In a race to the bottom designed to attract big companies to competing jurisdictions, the average statutory corporate tax rate across 109 countries assessed by the OECD dropped from 28% at the turn of the millennium to 20.6% in 2020. This was a tactic ostentatiously deployed by George Osborne, who cut the UK rate from 28% a decade ago to the current level of 19% – with little apparent benefit.

    Some digital companies pay even lower global effective rates (an average of the tax paid across all jurisdictions a firm operates in). Recent figures show Amazon pays 11.8%, Apple 14.4% and Facebook 12.2%.

    For tax campaigners, the Biden intervention is a moment of hope. But the fear among progressives is that defeat will be snatched from the jaws of victory.

    For Biden, ending the race to the bottom would help his administration raise domestic corporate taxes from 21% to 28% without big companies threatening to up sticks and locate profits elsewhere.

    Much negotiation still remains to be done, not least on the rate at which a global minimum tax would be set. Washington wants 21% but several nations have much lower rates. An agreement among EU nations would not be easy, as rates range from 9% in Hungary and 12.5% in Ireland to 33% in France.

    Might the agreed rate be so low as to make the initiative meaningless? Might there be too many exemptions?

    Possibly, but the hope is that, with the US on board and a warm reception from France and Germany, jurisdictions hosting a large enough slice of global economic activity will sign – effectively forcing compliance. After decades on the road to nowhere, global tax reform may at last be within reach.


  24. #20624
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    09-06-2024 @ 08:14 PM
    Meanwhile Sofagate.... Probably instigated by a wily Erdogan who periodically threatens Europe with migrating refugees leaving them trembling in their boots, has shown up the EUs inability to be a big player on the world stage with the big boys. If that idiot Charley had any diplomatic nouse at all he would have seated himself next to his lame President on the sofa leaving Erdogan isolated until another chair was produced.
    That's the problem when you have two people with an inflated opinion of their own importance, demonstrating how little clout they have without Britain.
    Erdogan only respects military power and without Britain, EU military and diplomatic influence is decidedly weakened. Something the EU should consider when it decides to rattle Britains' cage.

  25. #20625
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    how little clout they have without Britain.

    Yes, doubtless Erdogan would have found a throne for Ursula if it weren't for BREXIT, and had her crowned over Turkish coffee.

    By the way Hugh, when is BREXIT scheduled to happen anyway?

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