1. #19251
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    20-06-2024 @ 08:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    How can you dispute the reply from Hugh Cow with personal and national insults? Unlike you, he demonstrates.a fair appraisal of the EU situation, as it relates to Brexit.

    In the reply to Troy’s post you ejaculate even further, and have the temerity to use the word “we” when in actual fact, you mean you, the foul mouthed ranting, hyperbolic wanker that you are.

    Just because you have no idea what the future might hold, you try and fail to extrapolate wild scenarios, that only you believe in in.

    You are not backed up by hordes of blind vituperative followers. Cease and desist using a word that will never apply to your angst ridden responses. Should you choose to use it again, be prepared for the consequences of your totally unjustified and singularly held beliefs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    The talks, which bo-jo the clown declared over, will continue until Wednesday. I guess Barnier will give a couple of mild sweeteners to make a deal look good for Boris.
    SA's ad hominem is a well known tactic he uses to try to justify a weak and poorly contrived argument with little to no factual basis based on his projections and half truths and then wrap it up in a word salad. Unfortunately he is the only one who believes his ramblings poor soul.

    Troy uses a well known tactic employed by people that have a poor understanding of the subject matter by attacking one of the participants (as in Bojo) rather than the substance of the debate, in some misguided belief that this somehow proves his side of the debate when in fact it only shows his lack of knowledge on the subject.

  2. #19252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    I rather think you might write better if you were to put your teeth back in.
    Is that really all you have, in terms of reasoned debate?

  3. #19253
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    20-06-2024 @ 08:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    You don't understand the process. The EU will get The Clown to accept the deal one way or the other. Sugaring the pill is as old as the hills and the Brxit loons will swallow it as and when the need arises. Sulking and caterwauling by BoJo is just part of that process - he folded over the NI/GFA thing and the Brexit trash will cut a deal that thy can sell to the morons.

    Either way, the UK has fucked itself.

    P.S. UK trade with the EU = 13% of GDP
    EU trade with the UK = 3% of GDP

    France's agricultural contribution to the EU in terms of output is 20% of total EU production. Britain as a market for French stuff is irrelevant, a fucking minnow.

    Who gives a flying fuck in the long run about the UK? In the final analysis, the rich of the UK will buy superior EU produce while lower nd blue collar oiks will eat Aussie anD Septic shit.
    As usual more bullshit from you. There are about 170 billion pounds exported to Europe in 2019 which in a 2.2 trillion economy is approximately 7.7% of GDP. Still never let the facts get in the way of an economic illiterate.
    Try a fact check site before quoting figures from your remoaner mates in future. It's called cross checking which prevents normal people making a fool of themselves. You cant even get a simple fact right. Thicker than two short planks.

    A few other facts:
    European countries with a trade surplus with the UK (Approx order of surplus highest to lowest):
    Germany France Netherlands Italy Belgium Spain Norway Poland Czech republic Portugal Austria Finland.

    And somehow Tariffs will impact the UK more than the E.U. Your level of economic illiteracy is staggering. If you think they stand to lose less while the UK sources product elsewhere, your even stupider than I thought. Still, you've never let the facts get in the way of your false narrative before.
    Superior euro products? Despite having more car brands than you can poke a stick at your superior products cant get past any of the Japanese brands.... and top luxury brand? Benz, Porche or BMW? No Lexus, Japanese again of course. Christ they cant even make a Merc or BM' as reliable as a Corolla FFS. Anything else you would like to be wrong about?
    BTW have they worked out yet who's taking up the UK contribution short fall? They've had four years to think about it.... No?....... How surprising.

  4. #19254
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post

    A few other facts:
    European countries with a trade surplus with the UK (Approx order of surplus highest to lowest):
    Germany France Netherlands Italy Belgium Spain Norway Poland Czech republic Portugal Austria Finland.

    And somehow Tariffs will impact the UK more than the E.U. .
    The UK is the second biggest dual debtor in the world. 71% of the UK's GDP is services. The biggest sector within that is the city of London. The city makes its living holding/reinvesting money of the trade surplus countries like Germany , who actually work for a living. It also churns money for the Gulf oil dictators. The UK is the second most reliant country on global finance. The idea that Britain can take on the world is just insane. . It is one of the nodes in the globalist Gramsican system.

    cant get past any of the Japanese brands
    Cars aren't just about build quality or reliability. Its about status and a brand. BMW and Benz will always trump Japanese cars in this regard.

  5. #19255
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    My dear Huge Ruminant, Brexit is not an argument, it is an aberration and its followers are no more than cultists clinging to the hem of charlatans, snake oil peddlars and the egregious. Heaping derision upon their overblown vacuous rhetoric that is no more than a catechism for the stupid is the only appropriate response given that to a man Brexiteers are impervious to reason and truth.

    I see from some press reports The Clown is awaiting the US election outcome before finally biting the bullet and doing the inevitable deal with the EU. Quite why he sets such store by his imagined relationship with the deranged Trump is mystifying. Economically, post Brexit trade deals with the Septics will at best increase Anglo-Amrican trade by little more than 1% or so and that will not even come close to compensating for the loss of frictionless , free and unfettered trade with the EU member states, a loss estimated to be in the region of £100 billions annually. But even if the Orange fart did cling on to power it's an irrefutable fact that any English diminution of the Good Friday Agreement and Irish interests will be met by a US Congress viscerally opposed to any British - American trade pact.

    BoJo is a clown, a hapless buffoon, an incoherent blowhard and an empty vessel with no doctrine other than a pathological narcissism. No wonder the fat cvunt gets on so well with Trump.

    Brexit was political Covid and it will disable the UK for years to come until the Union finally fractures and both NI and Scotland become free.

    And that is the silver lining to Brexit. That, and the suffering of the millions of low end English Brexited class who voted for their own destruction, of course.

  6. #19256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post

    There are about 170 billion pounds exported to Europe in 2019 which in a 2.2 trillion economy is approximately 7.7% of GDP. Still never let the facts get in the way of an economic illiterate.
    The irony inherent is this garbled, incoherent drivel is delicious.

    You naturalised blue collar Ocker oiks really do amuse.

    Do keep it up, Bruce.

    Har, har.

  7. #19257
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The irony inherent is this garbled, incoherent drivel is delicious.

    You naturalised blue collar Ocker oiks really do amuse.

    Do keep it up, Bruce.

    Har, har.
    We already know that you lack the ability and subject knowledge to debate on an even keel.

    Proving this fact with your constant angry diatribes against anyone who disagrees with you, is simply building a case for the few who have not sussed you out yet.

    A constant repeated stream of invective aimed at the current government, from a detached old duffer in Pattaya will not win you any followers either. Why not support her Majesty’s official opposition. Oh wait, they seem more bereft of ideas on how to run the country than the Tories.

    Brexit and Covid will cause unheard of financial losses to both sides, whatever the outcome of any negotiations. Perhaps then you will feel vindicated in your lack of bonhomie towards the UK.
    Sadly you will still be a spineless drain on government income, and still no one will want to listen to your nasty ramblings.

  8. #19258
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    Cyrille was afraid to contradict my assessment in the forum, so he sent me an admonition in red repo.

  9. #19259
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    Interestingly in The Times this morning, they report that Barnier is staying on in London until Wednesday rather than returning to Brussels. Of course that may in part be due to the Covid situation in Brussels, which is much worse than it is in London. Of course there are rising hopes that a breakthrough is nearing on the negotiations, and hence his extended stay will facilitate that. Again unsurprisingly as this optism goes against it's editorial philosophy, there is not once single mention of this in today's Guardian.

  10. #19260
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    The EU indulging BoJo's tantrums is old news now, and that the negotiations would continue was pretty much known by last Friday. The actual analysis of the state of play was covered comprehensively by Boffey's report in Guardian's Saturday edition.

    The Times upbeat triviality today was simply Murdoch tickling English cock preparing the ground for BoJo's spurious claims that his thin deal will be a victory.....despite the incontrovertible fact any Brexit deal will cost UK dear, on average £70-100 billions annually for the next decade. And of course, NI remains in the EU despite the bollocks from May and the Clown.

  11. #19261
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    How do retired pencil pushers, who were in the post room, get a gold plated, index linked pension, suddenly become biff economists?

  12. #19262
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    ^ It doesn't take an economist to work it out, just a bit of commonsense.

    Let's hope the end of October will see the end of the chest pumping and a deal is struck.

  13. #19263
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^ It doesn't take an economist to work it out, just a bit of commonsense.

    Let's hope the end of October will see the end of the chest pumping and a deal is struck.
    I did not suggest he was an economist, just a retired biff, who pretends to know what he is talking about.
    You carry on hoping for deal, tailor made for Troy. I really don’t care either way.

    The global economy is in shit state. Suggesting that the EU will deliver benefits for nations who remain part of it, is like saying, your barbers shop is still open, even though the guy who works there is a silly old, untrained duffer.

  14. #19264
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    20-06-2024 @ 08:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Backspin View Post
    The UK is the second biggest dual debtor in the world. 71% of the UK's GDP is services. The biggest sector within that is the city of London. The city makes its living holding/reinvesting money of the trade surplus countries like Germany , who actually work for a living. It also churns money for the Gulf oil dictators. The UK is the second most reliant country on global finance. The idea that Britain can take on the world is just insane. . It is one of the nodes in the globalist Gramsican system.

    Cars aren't just about build quality or reliability. Its about status and a brand. BMW and Benz will always trump Japanese cars in this regard.

    What a load of rubbish you make it sound as if any country cannot survive outside of the EU. "BMs and Mercs" are for the look at me wankers, not people who actually understand cars.

  15. #19265
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    The trouble with you underclass oiks is that you invariably assume others think as you do.

  16. #19266
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    Suggesting that the EU will deliver benefits for nations who remain part of it, is like saying, your barbers shop is still open, even though the guy who works there is a silly old, untrained duffer.
    I doubt I am the only one that fails to see that analogy.

    The UK had good reasons to apply to join the EEC in 1961 and always in the full knowledge that they were political and economic. The UK had to accept the rules and adapt in order to finally join in 1973. Now they wish to leave but continue trading as if they were still a member. They can kick and scream as much as they like, but it won't happen. The EU will not budge, just like it didn't budge when the UK joined and despite many member states wanting the UK to be a part of the Union.

    To think the EU is worthless is to be yet another MP Fell and his kicking and screaming in 1961.

  17. #19267
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    I doubt I am the only one that fails to see that analogy.

    The UK had good reasons to apply to join the EEC in 1961 and always in the full knowledge that they were political and economic. The UK had to accept the rules and adapt in order to finally join in 1973. Now they wish to leave but continue trading as if they were still a member. They can kick and scream as much as they like, but it won't happen. The EU will not budge, just like it didn't budge when the UK joined and despite many member states wanting the UK to be a part of the Union.

    To think the EU is worthless is to be yet another MP Fell and his kicking and screaming in 1961.
    Nice bit of cherry picking there Troy.

    You missed the bit where I pointed out that really don’t care because the whole world has fucked itself over. Printing billions of euros, and dressing it up as a rescue package still has to be paid for in real money. When the humungous economic boil that is the Eu has to be lanced, I hope you are safely retired in the military dictatorship where you spend as much time as you can now.

  18. #19268
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    What a load of rubbish you make it sound as if any country cannot survive outside of the EU. "BMs and Mercs" are for the look at me wankers, not people who actually understand cars.
    You shilled for a Toyota Corrola. Just the brand and model name would prevent me from buying one of those cars. But hey , I'm just a look at me wanker

  19. #19269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post

    Printing billions of euros, and dressing it up as a rescue package still has to be paid for in real money.

    The awful thing about the lower end which in truth comprises the majority these days in most electorates is that their ignorance is only exceeded by their inability to comprehend it. That poor old Chas still thinks the capitalist system is founded on gold stuffed in a mattress is a testament to their utter stupidity.

    Debt is a commodity that is traded daily and pretty much funds everything in the world.

    Chas and the idiot Cow are sadly typical of voters everywhere and their name is in fact Legion for they truly rule the world in this new Age of The Stupid.

  20. #19270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    Nice bit of cherry picking there Troy.

    You missed the bit where I pointed out that really don’t care because the whole world has fucked itself over. Printing billions of euros, and dressing it up as a rescue package still has to be paid for in real money. When the humungous economic boil that is the Eu has to be lanced, I hope you are safely retired in the military dictatorship where you spend as much time as you can now.
    Everyone is printing money these days. But there's a big difference between the biggest creditor in the world (the EU) printing and the 2nd biggest dual debtor in the world (the UK)

    The EU has trillions in FX reserves and 10,000+ tons of gold. The UK dumped most of its gold at rock bottom in the late 90's.

  21. #19271
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    Rumour has it that the talks will continue until mid November.

    Can they drag it out any longer...?

  22. #19272
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    I doubt I am the only one that fails to see that analogy.

    The UK had good reasons to apply to join the EEC in 1961 and always in the full knowledge that they were political and economic. The UK had to accept the rules and adapt in order to finally join in 1973. Now they wish to leave but continue trading as if they were still a member. They can kick and scream as much as they like, but it won't happen. The EU will not budge, just like it didn't budge when the UK joined and despite many member states wanting the UK to be a part of the Union.

    To think the EU is worthless is to be yet another MP Fell and his kicking and screaming in 1961.
    You are beyond myopic. The E.U still expect to tell the Brits who can fish in British waters as though the Brits are still in the E.U. They want to tell the Brits how to organise their labour conditions yet have been happy to sell subsidised product to Africa undermining African farmers, or buy from repressive regimes such as China with few labour laws. They allow Ireland, an E.U. member to have low corporate taxes making most of the rest of Europe uncompetitive in comparison, but worry the U.K. will lower theirs. Their whole plan appears to be based on keeping the U.K. on a string and make sure they dont make a success of leaving.

  23. #19273
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    20-06-2024 @ 08:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Backspin View Post
    You shilled for a Toyota Corrola. Just the brand and model name would prevent me from buying one of those cars. But hey , I'm just a look at me wanker
    I do not own a Toyota, in fact I own a Ford. You obviously do not understand what a shill is so please restrict yourself to basic english. You wouldn't buy a Toyota? The most popular brand in the world that makes some of the most reliable cars on the planet? Apparently so you can say hey look at me. I've got a german car. I must be very successful. Next you will be complaining no one takes your opinion seriously on this forum.

  24. #19274
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    20-06-2024 @ 08:39 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    My dear Huge Ruminant, Brexit is not an argument, it is an aberration and its followers are no more than cultists clinging to the hem of charlatans, snake oil peddlars and the egregious. Heaping derision upon their overblown vacuous rhetoric that is no more than a catechism for the stupid is the only appropriate response given that to a man Brexiteers are impervious to reason and truth.

    I see from some press reports The Clown is awaiting the US election outcome before finally biting the bullet and doing the inevitable deal with the EU. Quite why he sets such store by his imagined relationship with the deranged Trump is mystifying. Economically, post Brexit trade deals with the Septics will at best increase Anglo-Amrican trade by little more than 1% or so and that will not even come close to compensating for the loss of frictionless , free and unfettered trade with the EU member states, a loss estimated to be in the region of £100 billions annually. But even if the Orange fart did cling on to power it's an irrefutable fact that any English diminution of the Good Friday Agreement and Irish interests will be met by a US Congress viscerally opposed to any British - American trade pact.

    BoJo is a clown, a hapless buffoon, an incoherent blowhard and an empty vessel with no doctrine other than a pathological narcissism. No wonder the fat cvunt gets on so well with Trump.

    Brexit was political Covid and it will disable the UK for years to come until the Union finally fractures and both NI and Scotland become free.

    And that is the silver lining to Brexit. That, and the suffering of the millions of low end English Brexited class who voted for their own destruction, of course.
    Oh dear, more of your purile prognostications. At least you have stopped using anything "factual" to support your argument this time as you appear to get them unerringly wrong. I see you haven't run out of entrails yet for your daily haruspication.

  25. #19275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    Rumour has it that the talks will continue until mid November.

    Can they drag it out any longer...?
    The Clown is waiting for the septic election result - Trump or Biden, it means a lot. BoJo has been sucking Trump cock for his entire term and desperately needs a radical, early free trade deal that he can call a victory for Brexit and the right wing Tory loons. Biden is of Irish heritage and very much regards Brexit Britain as a diminished player on the world stage. Also, he and Pelosi have made it abundantly clear that if Ireland's interests are threatened by the English then Britain will be punished. For Biden Britain is second fiddle to the EU maestros and trade with the Europeans is much more important.

    I do hope Biden wins but Americans are indeed profoundly stupid and Trump could well secure a second term, bizarre though that will be.

    BoJo is sweating it for sure.

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