1. #16676
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    as usual putting all the blame on someone else for your own frigging failures

    next excuse: the UK fell into a 20 year recession because the EU didn't let us have the Brexit we wanted

    and it's all Barnier fault for failing to deliver the Brexit the UK wanted
    Just pointing out facts. CDG was compromised by union power. End of story. You can blame me if you want, but I have an alibi. Wanker.

  2. #16677
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    EU citizens should worry about what Johnson left out of his second Queen’s Speech
    Snip < cutting out pointless drivel.

    You highlighted sections that you clearly don't understand. The difference between being held to ransom by deluded remain MPs, and having working majority, means that Johnsons government can now negotiate with the EU from a position of strength.
    You expect him to capitulate now the electorate has given him a clear mandate.

    Please explain your particular brand of stupid.

  3. #16678
    I'm in Jail

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    So we're on 31st Dec 2020 come what may, a year to focus the minds.

  4. #16679
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    Nonsense, he can change his mind at any time and push through an amendment. BoJo is like any narcissistic sociopath who is congenitally incapable of being held responsible for his actions on others, if it fucks up he'll just make a stupid joke, blame others and look for something else that might advance his cause.

    He thinks he is pressuring the EU into a position that it will give him all the cherries he wants and by introducing a false deadline he imagines it will be sorted without any protracted delay except for the boring bits which can be resolved as and when by bureaucrats. This is of course simplistic tosh but it appeals to the superficiality of BoJo whom no-one could ever accuse of being a statesman of any gravitas and will no doubt impress the lumpen English who reduce most everything to the level, "shouting at Johnny Foreigner" works best. The EU have made it clear, you want the goodies quickly, you pay the price.

    BoJo is at the stage when Hitler took total control in July 1933, he and his cabinet of orcs led by his Goebbels-like Cummings have the ERG nazis in the majority now and they are all wanking each other off in a frenzy of self congratulation and swaddled in the delusion that because England in its credulous xenophobic fit of bigotry and prejudice voted for them they have irresistible power.

    Goebbels Cummings has convinced The Clown that by curtailing negotiations and limiting them to a year an agreement will be delivered within a year.

    It's a gambit gambling on the EU wanting resolution at any cost simply to get rid but the EU have already said that such a ploy is wank and that they will not sacrifice principles simply to get an agreement. So in truth we already know that the Clown is merely playing to the gallery of idiots that is the English public and you have swallowed it like you have swallowed all the other UKIP/ERG rhetoric.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 22-12-2019 at 10:14 AM.

  5. #16680
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    Erm thats Saint BoJo to you Sausages. So the Remain agenda is consigned to history and now we see remianers turn their attention to comparing Britain to the Reich, lovely lot.

  6. #16681
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    Simply because the lower end lumpen English northern scum in their idiocy start sucking Tory cock does not alter the realty, Brexit offers no benefit whatsoever and represents the greatest threat to the British economy since the Bankster crash of 2008 which itself was the single worst disaster since the post WW1 punishment of Germany hastened the Great Depression.

    If the UK does not get a full FTA permitting quota-less, tariff free movement of all goods and agricultural produce, it is fucked.

    If WTO status arrives on 1.1.21 then it is goodbye to nigh on 250,000 real jobs, not your zero-hour contract, self employed, anal hair trimming shite, in engineering and allied trade more or less immediately as Airbus, BMW, PSA, Nissan and Toyota quit for good.

    But you miss the point Numfuktwat, you folk are already doing the Cummings goose-step down Piccadilly.

    Enjoy your Nuremberg trials when they come.

  7. #16682
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    I have missed no points and am looking forward immensely to this, let the fun begin.

    No reason for any Jap plants in the UK you twit, the EU signed that away with the FTA.

  8. #16683
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    Better tell those monkeys oop North that, then, eh?

  9. #16684
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    Why doesn't the EU explain the nails they drove home in that coffin, they knew full well which country would take the hit and never gave a shit you silly man.

  10. #16685
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    Because, like the FTA with S. Korea, the benefits to EU member states far outweighed any demerits as appreciated by the British manifacturers.

    But who cares, Britain is now a third country in waiting, who truly gives a fuck. NI and Scotland will no longer be enchained when they break away and you will be nothing more than a city state of London and the SE England with people farms in the provinces and benefit Wales growing a fresh crop of consumers and drones every generation.

    All the manual workers will in the future be imported coons on contract gangmaster terms who of course will go awol at the end of their gigs and claim asylum or get married to some northern slag.

    Engerwales rules the waves!

    Har, har.

  11. #16686
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    Quote Originally Posted by NamPikToot View Post
    So we're on 31st Dec 2020 come what may, a year to focus the minds.
    So much for the Tories being toast if they don't deliver Brexit by end November; I guess we should thank the Marxist for his input.

    Don't be fooled by the Brexit bill; bojo's majority allows him to do more or less as he pleases. So we have lots of huff and puff, though I still don't trust him to deliver a viable WA that removes us from political alignment. Hope to be wrong, but can't see him come up with anything close to that within a year, esp with an EU determined to keep us in by making it too costly to leave.

    This leaves the main options for end-2020 as his v2 surrender treaty with a few frills, or a no-deal; except, the 'threat' of no-deal is no longer a deterrent and won't happen, which both sides know, much like the spectre of Corbyn in DS, so the real main alternative to v2 surrender (with frills) is a 'tragic but necessary', erm, extension.

  12. #16687
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    Sausages in one post you have captured exactly why we need to fuk the EU off. If it was Germany or France facing the factory closures as part of the FTA the outcome may be different but no, it was the UK and throughout our tenure in the EU we've barely been a consideration.

  13. #16688
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    This leaves the main options for end-2020 as his v2 surrender treaty with a few frills, or a no-deal; except, the 'threat' of no-deal is no longer a deterrent and won't happen, which both sides know, much like the spectre of Corbyn in DS, so the real main alternative to v2 surrender (with frills) is a 'tragic but necessary', erm, extension.
    There was a US trade deal expert stating a week ago that the parties would need a couple of years (I guess that is 2-3) to finish a trade deal and British trade deal experts has said the same. So did WTO staff when asked while EU negotiators being a bit more diplomatic saying that 11 month is a very short time..
    Someone, I don't remember who, labelled it mission impossible.
    If BoJo is not willing to give it the time it takes then there is no reason to start the talks, it will only be a waste of time.
    No, BoJo is playing for the domestic gallery with this time limit which he'll need to extend end next year and that won't even backfire on him because people are used to his lies.

  14. #16689
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    Did i talk about that you silly boy, i said we need to take a different approach. Now as a Civil Servant the idea of change or innovation is an anathema so don't try to think about it. You seem to be having a Hutter moment, gets like this. Take some time out, pop round to klauses with some of you favourite mayo and HP and snaffle a schnitzle. I've decided enough for the day and have cracked a cold one too. Have a good evening, you deserve it after your efforts.

  15. #16690
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    Syb, check your fav paper, its spelt Labour as Labor on the headline....disgracesful

  16. #16691
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    of course it's Mission Impossible, but Bojo will go for an extension with an extraordinary vote, so don't worry, it's all for show

    and of course, you will pay all your dues, that's the best part

  17. #16692
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    but...but, I hear, the Brexit bill makes any further extension illegal <harhar>

  18. #16693
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    another future bill will make it legal, don't worry

  19. #16694
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    BoJo has no plan of his own, that's pretty much certain, he's lazy, a dilettante and far too self indulgent in pursuing his whims to develop anything so crass as a doctrine beyond the superficial synthesis of soundbites, callow slogans and outright lies.

    What we see unfolding is the personal creed of Goebbels Cummings now getting its legs which seems to resolve to excluding foreigners except those admitted on gangmaster contracts and a filleting of the civil service on no discernible grounds other than change for change sake, and of course ripping up 45 years of labour laws and worker rights in order to create a drone society serving the rich merchant class with a veneer of so-called empowerment of the lower classes by bestowing crumbs off the top table of the ERG nazi party.

    Early days, but I for one am hoping the EU stamp on their necks from the outset and decline any further negotiation on trade, given to do so is clearly a waste of time and effort in the light of BoJo's declarations on treating EU citizens worse than third country nationals and refusing to agree to any alignment between a future UK and the EU member states.

    In the end Goebbels Cummings will be exposed for the weird little fascist rat that he is, working to aid Putin's rise to undermine the EU, and to foster the subjugation of the British left wing under the power of BoJo's favoured plutocrats by deluding the lower end into thinking the EU are the enemy in much the same way Hitler captured his masses by choosing the Jews as a convenient scapegoat. He will find soon enough BoJo is no loyal master and when the reich unravels he will discover he has no allies, merely sycophants slithering for short term gain, and will crash and burn ignominiously.

    Bad days to come but the real horror is that we are to bear the awfulness of five years of BoJo's piffle waffle and vacuous platitudes, an endless torrent of drivelspeak concealing vindictive nastiness in faux bonhomie and stupid jokes we've all heard before. He's a vaudeville clown and he's building a 1950s stage funded by a 21st Century tax evasion regime servicing his Eton/Hedge Fund/Oligarch mafiosi.

    Still, it is quite amusing the gullible northern cretins, whining self piteously in their ghastly hovels and miserably futile lives, actually think their lot will be improved by the ERG nazis.

    Nowt so queer as folk, as the tykes say, but in truth they really mean fucking stupid.

    And of course what do the markets have to say as Goebbels' manifesto is launched distancing the UK from the EU member states? Well, the USD is back to 1.30, having lost 5 cents in the past 10 days and the baht is 39.25 from 40.65.

    Surely a vivid insight into the foolishness of the ERG negotiating gambit but then, we are talking about the English and its new found bedrock philosophy of stupidity.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 23-12-2019 at 12:03 PM.

  20. #16695
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    If only we'd stayed in the EU we could have been beneficiaries of their largess on infra funding......i mean look at all the projects .....

  21. #16696
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    It's a socio economic trading association of 27 member states, not a fucking benefit office for the scrounging lumpen English lower class scum to queue up for a welfare ride into baby farming and feckless indolence.

  22. #16697
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    It's a socio economic trading association of 27 member states, not a fucking benefit office for the scrounging lumpen English lower class scum to queue up for a welfare ride into baby farming and feckless indolence.

  23. #16698
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    F'kin delusional lunatic - has no idea at all...

  24. #16699
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    It's a socio economic trading association of 27 member states, not a fucking benefit office for the scrounging lumpen English lower class scum to queue up for a welfare ride into baby farming and feckless indolence.
    So as usual you can't name a project, a significant one that has benefitted the UK. Seems they've handed out loads across the continent.

  25. #16700
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    Look at the EU major projects site you silly sausage, scroll through by country, France, Italy and Germany hardly seem like accession countries. Loads of road programmes, rail etc....

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