1. #20801
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Backspin View Post
    pseudo egalitarian Gramscian globalist
    Good grief . . . Skidmark's found another term

  2. #20802
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Indeed, Brexit morons, so ably represented by Huge Cow, are blind to the reality that in Brexiting they were doing no more than suckling on the teat of vacuous rightwing jingoism and not voting for an economic doctrine of any worth that will enable them to reap a dividend. There is no reward, there is no bonus, there is no benefit, Brexit is, was, and always shall be nothing more than a fantasy woven by charlatans pandering to the stupid, the ignorant, the deluded and the bigoted rooted in xenophobic parochialism.

    The lower end simply cannot see further than the myopia of their credulous stupidity and recognise that Brexit was a triumph for the hedge funding tax dodging classes looking to capitalise on exploiting emerging markets by maximising revenue through the dumping of foreign surpluses on the domestic British consumer without any economic benefit to the domestic manufacturing sector.

    It is highly significant that even after five long years we are still waiting to hear what it is the UK is going to sell to the world that it couldn't before Brexit.

    Brexiteers are stupid and there it is.

    Britain has turned the clock back and in one fell swoop has now managed to re-erect barriers to international trade with its largest trading partner in the manufacturing sector. That has been Brexit's sole achievement in economic terms but in a socio-political context there has only been strife, discord, disunity, fear and conflict.

    Brexit always was going to be an existential threat to the union not least because it is impossible to have two independent states separated by differing trade and customs regimes sharing a contiguous border without some form of enforcement control imposing restrictions on the movement of people and goods, a situation which clearly undermined the GFA protocols ensuring the end to civil war N. Ireland. Bozo agreed and signed up to a Withdrawal Agreement keeping NI in the same economic sphere with the rest of Ireland and not only publicised this widely but used it as a clarion call to support him in the following General Election. In doing so he stabbed 300,000 NI protestants in the back who are now rebelling forcing the fat clown to renege on the WA claiming somewhat feebly that he didn't understand the full ramifications of his Brexit deal.

    Brexit is a dog's dinner that has produced nothing but fuckups and loss but the worst concomitant to this socio-economic-political calamity has been the election of the worst government in British modern history whose incompetence and ineptitude has only been exceeded by its corruption and cronyism, a fact that is scarcely surprising given that all of the cabinet ministers were appointed, not on the basis of talent and ability, but on their devotion to the spurious cause of Brexit.

    Stupid is as stupid does and you don't get much stupider than a Brexit dickhead.
    Another Turgid, meaningless and repetitive post from someone whose biggest intellectual challenge is tying his shoe laces. Dont stress yourself over a subject that is clearly above your intellectual capacity. It requires future forward thinking, something that you are clearly incapable of. That is why governments work in 5 year plus plans.
    Your incessant name calling is a well used tactic when someone of little actual knowledge of the subject at hand, is losing the argument.
    BTW is the E.U. still arguing over the 270 billion euros of taxpayers hard earned money (which is more than the GDP of many of its members) wasted on propping up inefficient privileged farmers in a block of 400 million who cant even compete with the Australian farm sector in a country of 25 million?
    Have they worked out which countries are going to make up the shortfall when they get dragged kicking and screaming from the UK teat yet? No?.. How surprising.
    Last edited by Hugh Cow; 17-06-2021 at 05:08 AM.

  3. #20803
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    You really do get quite hysterical when you thrash that little Brexit hobbyhorse of yours, don't you, you silly little man.

    Th EU's GDP is around $15 trillion with agriculture accounting for around 1.5%. Australia's GDP is around $1.6 trillion with agriculture accounting for 2.6% of that figure. The EU has had over a decade of EPAs with Australia and is now on the final round of a FTA.

    Look, you fatuous oaf, the fat Clown has unilaterally imposed an Australian deal on the British farmer who has been thrown under the bus in the beef cow production sector that will see tons of cheap inferior products imported into Britain without a care for the generations of niche farmers rearing a bespoke product that is renown for its quality.

    You say the subject under debate requires " future forward thinking ". I rather think that tautologous wankspeak sums up your enfeebled intellectual ability which one might reasonably assume is probably no more acute than that of a straggling, scrawny Antipodean steer scavenging for pasture in the arse end of Woomerashitkickersdrongoland.

    Incidentally, you bumbling ignoramus, have you discovered what it is that Britain will now sell to the world that it couldn't before Brexit?

    You really are a buffoon.

  4. #20804
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    I see Brokendownbrexitbritain trade with the EU has fallen yet another £2 billions this past quarter.

    Looks like the Fat Clown will have start selling more to the world's nignogs to make up for these losses. If only he and the Brexit knuckle draggers could only tell us what it is Blighty is going to flog to them they couldn't sell before they fucked up things with Brexit.

    Honestly, UKIP/Brexiteer/Tory tossers are such losers, but then, that's more than half of Britain these days.

  5. #20805
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Brexit knuckle draggers could only tell us what it is Blighty is going to flog to them they couldn't sell before

  6. #20806
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    Hope is interest paid on a bounced cheque that failed to make good.

    Engerlandia's Brexit is a function of stupidity and the greed of a minority of carpetbagging tax evaders spunking off charlatan tenth rate politicians.

    It's going to be shit, stagflation is happening and the £ is falling already as the $ strengthens.

    You gormless little muck dweller.

  7. #20807
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe 90 View Post
    Open Pandora's box and hope is all you have for comfort...

    How fitting...

  8. #20808
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    It actually is quite pitiful the way these 17.6 million credulous deluded buffoons fell for the lies and utter rubbish spun by the UKIP/Tory right wing trash, and that despite the mounting losses and absence of any benefit whatsoever, they still cannot accept they were so terribly wrong in sucking up the xenophobic bigotry of Brexit.

    How can anyone be that fucking stupid?

    The £ is still 20% down from its 2015 rate against a basket of currencies.

    Trade in the export manufacturing sector alone is down by £2 billion a month.

    Hotel, catering and leisure sectors are crippled by a shortage of trained labour that now is no longer available from Europe.

    NI is in turmoil again with old sectarian divisions re-establishing themselves as Brexit taints the GFA and threatens to poison peace fatally.

    Britain is now governed by a ragbag collection of the stupid, the insane, the inept and the plain, old-fashioned money grubbing shyster led by a vainglorious, narcissistic, sociopathic buffoon with all the moral fibre of a stiff cock in a girl's school.

    And what is Bozo the Clown's achievements to date apart from the unfolding disintegration of the Union, a moribund currency, inflation stoked by subsidies that are aimed solely at the rich and middle class, helping to kill over 130,000 citizens through indifference, incompetence and neglect, the destruction of the English fishing sector, the wholesale burdensome imposition of a costly bureaucracy on hundreds of thousands of British SMEs not seen for 48 years by the erection of trade barriers with a foreign market of 450 million consumers only 22 miles distant, the decimation of the UK food processing export sector, and the undermining of the entire British agricultural trading model??

    Er, umm, ahh, oh yes, I know, he signed unilaterally, without any reference to the British beef cow industry, a deal with a foreign competitor 12,000 fucking miles away to import thousands of tons of cheap crap beef products in order to gain access to a global market that wants fuck all from Britain except access to its 65 million consumers to dump their surpluses.

    And yet again we ask, just what the fuck are the British now going to sell to the world that it couldn't before Brexit?

  9. #20809
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    09-06-2024 @ 08:14 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    You really do get quite hysterical when you thrash that little Brexit hobbyhorse of yours, don't you, you silly little man.

    Th EU's GDP is around $15 trillion with agriculture accounting for around 1.5%. Australia's GDP is around $1.6 trillion with agriculture accounting for 2.6% of that figure. The EU has had over a decade of EPAs with Australia and is now on the final round of a FTA.

    Look, you fatuous oaf, the fat Clown has unilaterally imposed an Australian deal on the British farmer who has been thrown under the bus in the beef cow production sector that will see tons of cheap inferior products imported into Britain without a care for the generations of niche farmers rearing a bespoke product that is renown for its quality.

    You say the subject under debate requires " future forward thinking ". I rather think that tautologous wankspeak sums up your enfeebled intellectual ability which one might reasonably assume is probably no more acute than that of a straggling, scrawny Antipodean steer scavenging for pasture in the arse end of Woomerashitkickersdrongoland.

    Incidentally, you bumbling ignoramus, have you discovered what it is that Britain will now sell to the world that it couldn't before Brexit?

    You really are a buffoon.
    Oh dear. You could have mentioned the EU has a 34 Billion Euro trade surplus with Australia. In other words the EU has the lions share of the trade benefit and does not hold the whip hand with Australia. Australias GDP would rank about 4th in GDP in the EU and above 24 other E.U countries.
    In other words, $37,000 USD per capita in the E.U. compared to $57,000 USD per capita in Australia. I'm so impressed! See what happens when you start to quote figures you dont understand? You really are letting your tiny Irish penis effect your judgement. Sadly, unlike GDP it will not get any bigger.

  10. #20810
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    Er, I rather think the current tiff with the Chinese has dented your finances somewhat and the lion's share of your GDP, selling Australia to all comers, is correspondingly diminished.

    Incidentally, Ireland's per capita income is around the $75,000 mark which using your logic means my dick is considerably larger than your shrivelled white worm, you oaf.

    Australia is a fucking minnow and without your dirt you're worth sweet fuck all, you lumpen knuckle-dragging Antipodean.

    You gormless twat, the EU's current budget for its domestic housekeeping alone is five times its trade surplus with you Sheilas.

    Honestly, just why do you knuckle draggers bother?

  11. #20811
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    Touch a raw nerve did I? Oh dear... Look on the bright side. You probably get a 50% discount from the "ladies" in Pattaya, or at the least you will fit right in at the Japanese only bars.
    Mentioning a minnow economy like Ireland ,that would fail without the EU and the UK isnt very impressive. The GDP would be about a dollar a head if you counted all the irish that prefer to live anywhere but Ireland, including yourself.

  12. #20812
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    Now you are just babbling. Go and sober up, dumbo.

    Incidentally, Ireland's largest trading partner is the US, you mofo dirt scrabbler

  13. #20813
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Now you are just babbling. Go and sober up, dumbo.

    Incidentally, Ireland's largest trading partner is the US, you mofo dirt scrabbler
    Oh dear I really hit the daddy of raw nerves. Does it bother you that much, or do you just find the laughter from Japanese men in the locker room humiliating?
    BTW I rarely drink, having no irish ancestors to pass down the perpetually drunken twat gene that appears common in persons such as yourself.

  14. #20814
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    If it isn't drink then just what th fuck is the matter with you? Are you struggling with some condition reducing the flow of blood to your brain?

    You are dribbling nonsense, man.

    This is a thread about the stupidity of Brexit based on the current data, not some bizarre fantasy about Nips in a changing room, you fucking idiot.

  15. #20815
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    If it isn't drink then just what th fuck is the matter with you? Are you struggling with some condition reducing the flow of blood to your brain?

    You are dribbling nonsense, man.

    This is a thread about the stupidity of Brexit based on the current data, not some bizarre fantasy about Nips in a changing room, you fucking idiot.
    He probably enjoys that top quality Australian beef that we can buy in Bali, courtesy of our geographical proximity, and tourist demands for the best beef.

    The US dollar hike was based on Fed rumors, nothing more. Reality bites, but no where near the ‘parity’ you predicted, with or without your feeble post prediction caveats.

    Its all so personal with you, hence the outdated economic figures, and the reality of a failing EU economy and currency which you have ignored because it does not fit your agenda of personal hatred.

    Strip away all your fantasy bullshit, and all we get from you are personal insults against other posters, and the UK political cast. That cast keeps changing, but your vitriol drones on, be it Cameron, May or Johnson.

  16. #20816
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    The inability to transfer goods from one part of the UK to another due to the NI protocol is a disaster. The idea that the UK has somehow "taken back control" or regained its "Sovereingty" is a joke.

    Brexit is, and will always be, the debacle that was predicted and no amount of polishing will improve matters.

  17. #20817
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    09-06-2024 @ 08:14 PM
    Yes, a nice Angus steak maybe available in the UK shortly along with other high quality non subsidised food items free of foot and mouth and a host of other european diseases that Idiots like seeking ass can only dream of.
    Meanwhile Troy and Seeking assinsiam can keep trying to polish the turd called the E.U.

  18. #20818
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Cow View Post
    foot and mouth and a host of other european diseases
    Holy Moly

  19. #20819
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    The stupid fuck doesn't seem to understand the Aberdeen Angus breed is a breed of beef cow that originates from Scotland.

    He truly is a fucking idiot.

  20. #20820
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The stupid fuck doesn't seem to understand the Aberdeen Angus breed is a breed of beef cow that originates from Scotland.
    To be fair

    Most aussies think that it's named after some guitarist

  21. #20821
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    The stupid fuck doesn't seem to understand the Aberdeen Angus breed is a breed of beef cow that originates from Scotland.

    He truly is a fucking idiot.
    The quality of the beef is determined by its source, not its origin.

  22. #20822
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    Precisely and the scabby pasturelands of NSW etc sustain a steer that is by nature a piss poor source of quality beef given its feed is only good for a beast destined to provide the filling of shit meat pies and dog food so prized by warty old Antipodeans whose idea of good taste is the rancid musk of a well used Sheila.

    Although one cannot underestimate the value of good breeding stock determined by genes. A case in point is the crossing of Thai sourced cows with Charolais bulls producing the TF product which is of course miles better than the local Thai market crap.

  23. #20823
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Precisely and the scabby pasturelands of NSW etc sustain a steer that is by nature a piss poor source of quality beef given its feed is only good for a beast destined to provide the filling of shit meat pies and dog food so prized by warty old Antipodeans whose idea of good taste is the rancid musk of a well used Sheila.

    Although one cannot underestimate the value of good breeding stock determined by genes. A case in point is the crossing of Thai sourced cows with Charolais bulls producing the TF product which is of course miles better than the local Thai market crap.
    On a global scale, the three top exporters of quality beef have alway been Brazil, USA and Australia. Given the Brazilian’s seriously poor response to the pandemic, the lead of Brazil in this market will obviously be tested by the closer competition from USA and Aus.
    No doubt the top 3 will not be challenged because no other country comes close on volumes.

    Once again, your personal hatred comes shining through, and cannot be taken seriously. Nothing new there then!

    Your views on any global issue relating to politics, economics and reality are no longer trustworthy.

    See the tourism plan for Chonburi. Like you, it’s a bit of a joke.

  24. #20824
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    No doubt the top 3 will not be challenged because no other country comes close on volumes.
    Without looking it up, I thought Argentina is into beef exports in a big way

  25. #20825
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    You really are quite stupid, Chas, but why the long absence from posting?

    Anyway, back to fucking basics.

    Who gives a flying fuck about the fact US, Brazil and Australia export more meat annually. It's shit meat finding a market in the world that cannot produce its own and are not that fussy about quality.

    US beef is shot through with cancer causing hormones and is slaughtered in filthy and unhygienic circumstances, Brazilian beef is inedible and Australian beef is supplied mainly to the wog markets.

    Look you dull brained mofo, in the scheme of things the world's top producers of beef, in a global industry averaging a production of 60 million tonnes annually, are the US, Brazil and the EU with 12 million tonnes, 10 million tonnes and 7.8 million tonnes respectively.

    Fucking Australia knocks out around 2.4 million tonnes annually and as such is a fucking lightweight both in quantity and quality.

    Look you frazzled mofo, it's about quality.

    But as a knuckle-dragging Brexiteer you simply cannot grasp that concept.

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