1. #20351
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    Can one of you jokers tell me one good thing that has come out of this Brexit fiasco so far?
    The price of Kippers has reduced.

  2. #20352
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    The result of the referendum was implemented, as promised by the government before the vote.

  3. #20353
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    It was an answer, shit for brains, just not the one he wanted. Away and boil your head dipstick.
    Well, that's the question comprehensively answered then. Thanks for clearing things up.

    Meanwhile, can someone change the batteries on the RoboMod 2000?

    What a bunch of halfwits and misfits BREXITers are. No wonder they felt out of place in Europe.

    They're out of place on planet earth.

  4. #20354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    The result of the referendum was implemented, as promised by the government before the vote.
    Well almost, because PM Cameron actually said:

    “If the British people vote to leave, there is only one way to bring that about, namely to trigger Article 50 of the treaties and begin the process of exit, and the British people would rightly expect that to start straight away.”
    But that didn't happen for a further 9 months and it got kicked down the path for 4+1 years and it is still ongoing now with the NI Protocol and other issues.

    I'm not sure anyone voted for the current compromise.

  5. #20355
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    Remainers frustrated impotence at their failure to stop brexit is highly amusing. This is one of the best things to come out of brexit.
    The predicted demise of the UK following brexit is yet to transpire.
    You could have a long wait for the negative consequences you desire.
    The predicted drop in the value of sterling has not happened yet. Quite the opposite in fact. You will blame that on the successful UK vaccine programme. How is that going for the EU.

    The value of sterling slumped to a 31-year low on currency markets and was on course for its biggest one-day loss in history ...
    Did you forget this headline on 24/06/2016? Sterling hasn't yet recovered.

    I ask again:

    Can one of you jokers tell me one good thing that has come out of this Brexit fiasco so far? What future benefits are you going to enjoy? I don't see anything but an expensive mistake that will see even more misery in the future. The sad thing is that the problems highlighted back in 2016 are coming to the surface and you are just shrugging them off as if they don't exist.

  6. #20356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    The predicted drop in the value of sterling has not happened yet.

    The value of sterling slumped to a 31-year low on currency markets and was on course for its biggest one-day loss in history ...
    He really is out to lunch.

  7. #20357
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    No wonder they felt out of place in Europe
    Plaice and chips, lovely grub.

    Brexit - It's Still On!-pac-jpg

  8. #20358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    The result of the referendum was implemented, as promised by the government before the vote.
    You gormless knucklehad, Bozo said straight after the vote that Britain would remain in the single market and customs union, and nothing adverse would happen to the economy.

    Since then the aftermath was hijacked by 60 or so ERG Tory nazis and today's dog's breakfast is the result.

    No-one voted for that, you idiot and certainly tens of thousands up and down the country are facing ruin as a consequence.

    Trouble with you Brxiteers, you really are little different to an Isaan jungle bunnie or an Alabaman redneck sister fucker.

  9. #20359
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    Is Nev a limey ?

  10. #20360
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    Well almost, because PM Cameron actually said:
    I'm sure Cameron said many things but here's what the Cameron government's pre-Brexit leaflet said.

  11. #20361
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    Remainers complaint about delays in implementing Brexit! You could not make it up!

    The markets over-reacted, because they, the media and a host of MPs from left leaning backgrounds wanted to maintain the status quo. Leaving the EU with or without a deal would mean UK MPs would have do what they were elected and paid to do. That is, work for a living. The remain cabal did not want that for the people of UK. The skullduggery and machinations of these public servants was an affront to democracy.
    The ink is still not dry on the withdrawal agreement, and much more needs to be done to create the break and complete it.

    The pro brexit team didn’t cover themselves in glory, but the remain group tried to place obstacles in the way at every turn. Even the supposed neutrality of the speaker of the house was called into question, undermining the efforts of those brexit members who wanted to implement the vote.

    For remain supporters to complain about delays to implementation, and still be crying over the milk they spilled is beyon belief. Get a grip and get with the programme.

    The current government is trying to get the best result possible for this situation. Standing in the way, simply means you are part of the problem. Time to shut up and put your toys back in the prom, and get over yourselves. Despite trying the most devious means possible to avoid brexit, you lost. Crying on the sidelines, after the game is over makes you look really stupid and childish.

    The future is full of possibilities for the UK. The EU is stuck with a mismatched group of left wing rebels intent on getting their share of unearned income from an inflated socialist beuruocracy. The Germans wanted UK to stay for the financial support they will now have to find elsewhere. The French were kept in check because the UK also had a seat at the security council. Goodness knows how Franco German rivalry will be contained now.

    The mood in UK now is changing. They will be one of the first to climb out of the Covid debacle, instead of the other member states who are tied to the fake and pointless EU mandated jointery. MS have now begun what they should have been allowed to do in the first place. Implement and procure their own solutions.

    The EC has been found wanting on the playing field that they insisted on. Massive fail.

    The UK, now mostly unfettered by EC mandates will continue to grow relationships with other like minded, often, English speaking nations who share our vision of the future. The remaining MS will continue to live with a mixture of those issues they can, or cannot be allowed to get away with. The EU experiment has been laid bare, exposed to its own limitations and failures for all the world to see.

  12. #20362
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    I'm sure Cameron said many things but here's what the Cameron government's pre-Brexit leaflet said.

    The point seemingly whizzing over that pointy little wooden head of yours is that most thought the only difference in their lives would be the end of the tyrannous jackboot of evil oppression by the hegemonic EU dictators imposing their will on the yeomanry of Engerlandia who had to pay an annual tribute to Brussels of £30 billion/squillion sovereigns, 3 million tonnes of English kippers and 5,000 virgins. Other than that, they thought there would be no more coons but they could still trade, live and work anywhere they chose in Europe because they were, well, British.

    Everything about Brexit was a fucking lie and now the reality has dawned that there was no fucking benefit to it but rather than admit they were conned and little more than credulous sacks for food too stupid to know their arse from a fucking hole in the ground they have simply stopped talking about.

    The English masses are stupid and there it is. The worst, most incompetent government in living memory has killed thousands, filled its boots with public money, made their cronies rich and left the country with crippling debts greater than at any time since WW2 and what do these dumb fuckers cry about??? Their fucking summer holidayz and watching football.

    You are so dumb Neverdid you could be an honorary Septic.

  13. #20363
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    Remainers complaint about delays in implementing Brexit! You could not make it up!

    The markets over-reacted, because they, the media and a host of MPs from left leaning backgrounds wanted to maintain the status quo. Leaving the EU with or without a deal would mean UK MPs would have do what they were elected and paid to do. That is, work for a living. The remain cabal did not want that for the people of UK. The skullduggery and machinations of these public servants was an affront to democracy.
    The ink is still not dry on the withdrawal agreement, and much more needs to be done to create the break and complete it.

    The pro brexit team didn’t cover themselves in glory, but the remain group tried to place obstacles in the way at every turn. Even the supposed neutrality of the speaker of the house was called into question, undermining the efforts of those brexit members who wanted to implement the vote.

    For remain supporters to complain about delays to implementation, and still be crying over the milk they spilled is beyon belief. Get a grip and get with the programme.

    The current government is trying to get the best result possible for this situation. Standing in the way, simply means you are part of the problem. Time to shut up and put your toys back in the prom, and get over yourselves. Despite trying the most devious means possible to avoid brexit, you lost. Crying on the sidelines, after the game is over makes you look really stupid and childish.

    The future is full of possibilities for the UK. The EU is stuck with a mismatched group of left wing rebels intent on getting their share of unearned income from an inflated socialist beuruocracy. The Germans wanted UK to stay for the financial support they will now have to find elsewhere. The French were kept in check because the UK also had a seat at the security council. Goodness knows how Franco German rivalry will be contained now.

    The mood in UK now is changing. They will be one of the first to climb out of the Covid debacle, instead of the other member states who are tied to the fake and pointless EU mandated jointery. MS have now begun what they should have been allowed to do in the first place. Implement and procure their own solutions.

    The EC has been found wanting on the playing field that they insisted on. Massive fail.

    The UK, now mostly unfettered by EC mandates will continue to grow relationships with other like minded, often, English speaking nations who share our vision of the future. The remaining MS will continue to live with a mixture of those issues they can, or cannot be allowed to get away with. The EU experiment has been laid bare, exposed to its own limitations and failures for all the world to see.
    Indeed, the UK has paired with Peru on the TPP trade pacts and the scope to sell Burberry puffer jackets to Papua New Guinea has increased by at least two.

    You dribbling, cliché ridden buffoon, just what the fuck will Britain sell to the world that it couldn't before Brexit?

    You fool. Kipper rhetoric and insane delusions are not arguments. 49% of Britain's manufacturing contribution to GDP was through trade with the EU. That has now been fettered by the ERG policies re-erecting historic customs barriers and has caused a tsunami of economic adversity overwhelming thousands of SMEs who contribute over 40% of all UK trade, and the destruction of Britain's fishing industry.

    The perception among the EU states is that you are fucking insane. Looking at the Bozo circus and its clowns, they ain't wrong.

  14. #20364
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    I can understand why a pikey would be so upset about Britain leaving the EU.

    They must be worried about how easy it will be to get Ireland's next handout without the Brits to share the load.

  15. #20365
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    Another benefit of Brexit is seeing sausages whinge and whine about Brexit on a near daily basis. His blood pressure meds must be very strong.

    Still, he can drown his sorrows with his daily daiquiri on a balmy evening on the balcony of his Wongamat flat.

    Har har.

  16. #20366
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Another benefit of Brexit is seeing sausages whinge and whine about Brexit on a near daily basis. His blood pressure meds must be very strong.

    Still, he can drown his sorrows with his daily daiquiri on a balmy evening on the balcony of his Wongamat flat.

    Har har.
    While watching those turds bobbing up and down on his "cerulean sea".


  17. #20367
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    And where do you two bottom feeders live?

    Gloating over the failure of Brexit and the sheer incompetence of Bozo's circus sure triggers you swede heads.

    Hey, it's a success, your fishing industry is in tatters, haulage companies are down 50% in trade, SMEs are winding up, going bankrupt or moving to Europe and taxes are about to rise together with inflation.

    What's not to like, you lumpen clodhopping xenophobes.

  18. #20368
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    It was never about trade to begin with. The world has witnessed the crushing weakness of the European system of collective government, and they are laughing.
    SA seems to believe that trade with the EU will stop. It won’t, although it may be quite different, they will soon understand the futility of trying to punish the UK for having the temerity to leave, and spoil their grand plan.

    Germany will still need customers for its manufacturing industry, and France and Spain will still need to find markets for agricultural products. The UK is one of the few former member states that paid its bills and handed over tax receipts without demur. Europe has lost far more than the UK has, and the UK can now deal with whoever they want to, on their own terms.

    Parity with the US dollar. Get fucked you deranged old trollop.

  19. #20369
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    s.a. seems to think that the negative brexit effects crowed about endlessly in the guardian, on the bbc, from the hard done by country set who now, poor dears, will have to fill out a few forms before they load up their range rovers and scream down the autoroutes en route to the vineyards every weekend, and of course shouted from the penthouses of pattaya by imprisoned gout stricken old geriatrics, are irreversible.

    the difficulties that the uk are experiencing at the moment are transient, our release from the one sided constrictions of the franco german led eu will over time prove to be a renaissance as the uk adjusts and thrives in the post covid /post brexit normality.

    as i have said many times, its a long game s.a. and there is far more to england than the "lumpen ditchdiggers" you whinge about, those salt of the earth heroes who keep the uk moving when the pipes burst, when the karsey overflows, when the bins need emptying and when the parcels need delivering.

    our chickenheads are most certainly a cut above your chickenheads s.a. and dont you forget it.

    p.s. any predictions on those currency parities you have been promising for the past 5 years.

  20. #20370
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    Quite how this so-called Franco-German bilateral conspiracy is working or how it dictated politics in the UK when the House of Commons decided to wage war, how it set British taxes every budget day, and how it conducted the Foreign & Commonwealth policies is all a mystery to me but I daresay the usual numbskulls reading from their Kipper catechism of xenophobic, bigoted propaganda will conjure up some phantasm or other which altered the path of British parliamentary development over the past four decades.

    You really are making a fool of yourself by swallowing that DT bilge, Tax.

    My sterling exchange forecast reaching parity with the USD and Euro were as you know predicated on a WTO exit, a forecast shared by many. Bozo of course was bluffing and signed up to the current deal which excludes services ( 80% of GDP ) and has marooned NI in limbo and further alienated the Scots. I said the £ would regain value on the WA and TA and believe I mentioned a while back it should get to 42-44 baht.

    The current situation is a mess but turning the clock back, on the grounds that Britain would be whiter and stronger with barriers to trade and movement re-erectd between the parochial bigots of Engerlandia and our European neighbours and cultural bedfellows, was never going to be a success.

    The upshot will of course mean more bankruptcies and less trade - this is already happening and will remain a feature given traders will have to now absorb the extra costs of negotiating HMRC Tory custom & excise fees, amounting to £10 billion annually never mind the burden of freight forwarders. The loss to GDP from the exit is accepted to be around £60 billion annually but as yet the cost to the services industries awaits quantification but if deals are not struck, and Bozo continues to provoke the EU, then another £30 billion loss is likely.

    The point remains, and one you sclerotic geriatric mofos continue to ignore, just what is it that you think you will now trade with the world that you couldn't before Brexit and just how will it compensate for the loss of frictionless trade caused by the re-erection of the antiquated barriers that now hinder commerce between Britain and 450 million consumers a mere 22 miles distant? How is it that this new glorious Kipper/Tory ERG's much vaunted era of global free trade has been initiated by the return of trade barriers between Britain and the largest, wealthiest trading bloc on the planet 22 fucking miles away?

    Tax, you're a mere fart in the breeze of intellectual acuity that propels we more intelligent folk who foresaw this disaster and no matter how many times you bury your head in the sand the consequences will continue to fall upon the scrawny shoulders of the lumpen untermenschen who voted for it.

    Clearly, inflation is to surge as food bills increase and the price of fuel rises when the post covid rebound gathers steam. I should imagine the paradigm will assert itself and interest rates will rise commensurately which one hopes will bolster £ and increase the pp of one's pensions.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 23-02-2021 at 06:13 PM.

  21. #20371
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    It was never about trade to begin with
    <sigh> Engage gear please....

  22. #20372
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    <sigh> Engage gear please....
    Just check my previous posts on the subject.

    SA might be unaware of the long standing negotiations between the commonwealth states. In most cases it precedes the brexit vote and subsequent decisions.

    Check out the link: CANZUK - Google Search

  23. #20373
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post

    as i have said many times, its a long game
    As it was when Singapore left Malaya. Best thing they ever did.

  24. #20374
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    <sigh> Engage gear please....
    From the deluded BREXITer perspective, that statement is true.

    They were told by the likes of that pos Gove that exiting would not affect trade with Europe, and the dumbfux swallowed it whole.

    'Continue the club membership without paying the fees'. That went as well as anyone who isn't utterly deluded would expect.

    Trumptards have pretty much normalised delusion, though.

  25. #20375
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    Sometimes one truly realises that communication with Brexit morons is an impossibility, they are simply another species.

    Previously, the UK's economic supremacy was bolstered by its privileged membership of a trading bloc that offered unfettered access to 450 million consumers in 27 states a mere 22 miles distant. This symbiosis accounted for over 13% of the UK's GDP equating to £250 billions worth annually comprising, inter alia, 49% of the UK's manufacturing output.

    And that has gone. Finished. Kaput. No more. Ended.

    And no amount of grubbing around marginal trading partners up to 12,000 fucking miles away is going to compensate for that loss.

    Chas, you are a fucking idiot.

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