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Thread: Jared Kushner

  1. #126
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    jared's in sun valley this week.

    what's up with his moobs?

  2. #127
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    02-08-2017 @ 04:02 PM
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    ^Is he wearing a dress?

  3. #128
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    Jared will lead us, even though the haters are foaming at the mouth.

  4. #129
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    So you've pretty much ditched the whole pretense of being a 'libertarian' and embraced your true Trumptard roots fully now, eh.

    Good to see you've come to terms with what was obvious to everyone else from the start.

  5. #130
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    02-08-2017 @ 04:02 PM
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    Why Does Jared Kushner Still Have a Security Clearance?

    With nearly each passing day, the public learns more sordid details of the Russia scandal engulfing the Trump administration. It’s far from clear just how deep the Russia affair goes; in today’s climate, one progressive’s collusion is a conservative’s perfunctory opposition research meeting. As with much in our polarized society, much lies in the eye of the beholder.

    But the latest revelations undeniably have raised additional questions about the judgment of key figures in President Trump’s orbit, namely his eldest son Donald Jr., his former campaign manager Paul Manafort, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner. Only Kushner, however, holds an administration position and, as a result, a Top Secret security clearance.

    The fact that Kushner, by all accounts, retains that clearance is an affront to America’s national security and a slap in the face to the career professionals subject to a different set of rules. I know this because, as a career CIA officer and later a spokesman for the National Security Council, I used to be one of them.

    First, let’s review what we’ve learned about Kushner. He is among several Trump administration officials and associates to have acknowledged, long after the fact, his contacts with then-Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak. In one such previously undisclosed meeting with Kislyak, Kushner reportedly sought to establish a covert backchannel with Moscow, employing Russian communication equipment in an apparent effort to evade U.S. surveillance. At the ambassador’s request, moreover, Kushner also met with the head of a Russian bank under U.S. sanctions, a discussion that went unreported for months. The banker, Sergei Gorkov, has close ties to Russia’s intelligence services.

    In recent days, moreover, the Trump administration confirmed that Kushner also attended a June 9, 2016, meeting with a Russian, who—in an email forwarded to Kushner—was described as a “government lawyer” privy to Moscow’s effort to denigrate Hillary Clinton and advantage Trump. In the face of persistent questions, Trump administration officials had—until last weekend—maintained for months that no campaign operatives had held any meetings with Russians. Kushner, it seems, was content to allow his White House colleagues to make liars of themselves as he left himself open to being compromised by the Kremlin, which has almost certainly known the truth all along.

    I am confident in saying that my clearance would have been immediately revoked had I, as a career CIA officer, been accused of a fraction of these activities. In my case, the clearance process culminating in my first day at Langley lasted approximately a year, fairly standard for the period. It consisted of interviews, psychological exams and a lie detector test, while my family, friends and neighbors were subjected to questions about everything from my financial health to my drinking habits by humorless federal agents. When I ultimately was cleared to join the ranks of the CIA, the imperatives of unimpeachable integrity and sound judgment were stressed at every turn. It’s a mantra that becomes an ethos for our national security officials.

    And the consequences for falling short were always on our minds. On more than one occasion, a co-worker was unceremoniously escorted from CIA headquarters without anything resembling an official explanation. But even when explanations were offered, the offenses seemed rather inconsequential. In one case, a career official had her clearance revoked for failing to stay current with student loans.

    I, too, was visited by the security powers-that-be at one point. I was summoned to a secure facility where I was subjected to a videotaped interview with an investigator. He relayed that my discussion with a renowned American scholar—part of my master’s thesis research—was cause for concern. The scholar, it turned out, also blogged, leading the CIA to consider him a reporter (with whom intelligence officials are not supposed to have unsanctioned contact). How did the agency learn of this unintended transgression? I cited the interview in the bibliography of my thesis, which I submitted to the CIA to ensure it did not contain any classified information.

    My run-in was minor in the scheme of things, but it underscored the seriousness with which security officials treated potential security violations by career officers. And rightly so. National security professionals with access to Top Secret information are entrusted with material whose release—by its very definition—could cause “grave damage” to our national security.

    If Kushner indeed still retains his clearance, there’s an unmistakable double standard at play. Career officials, many of whom spend decades in service of their country, are subject to a different set of rules than those under the protection of the powerful. That’s never how the system has worked, nor is it how it should work. The classified information Kushner has access to is no less sensitive, and, in fact, his position in the West Wing—where I spent the past few years—exposes him to a much broader array of the most classified information and programs in the U.S. government than he would in most other executive branch roles.

    These are the facts: Jared Kushner held suspicious meetings with Russians officials and operatives that he failed to disclose when he applied for a security clearance. If he weren’t the president’s son in law, he’d have been frogmarched out of the White House long ago. Why does he still have access to America’s biggest secrets?
    Last edited by fred flintstone; 16-07-2017 at 03:04 PM.

  6. #131
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Interesting, I can't open that link though.

  7. #132
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    02-08-2017 @ 04:02 PM
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    Linky no worky....i C&Ped the entire article

  8. #133
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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  9. #134
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred flintstone View Post
    Linky no worky....i C&Ped the entire article
    Linky no worky because you've got two "http"s in it.

    Why Does Jared Kushner Still Have a Security Clearance? - POLITICO Magazine

  10. #135
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    02-08-2017 @ 04:02 PM
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    ^thx...that fixed it.

  11. #136
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    02-08-2017 @ 04:02 PM
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    jared's got a terrible memory....

    WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser Jared Kushner “inadvertently omitted” more than 70 assets worth at least $10.6 million from his personal financial disclosure reports, according to revised paperwork released Friday.

    The previously unreported assets were included in updated disclosure reports certified by the U.S. Office of Government Ethics on Thursday as part of the “ordinary review process,” according to Kushner’s filing.

    Among the new set of assets Kushner disclosed, which could be worth as much as $51 million, he reported owning an art collection worth between $5 million and $25 million. The new forms also reflect that Kushner sold his interest in an aging shopping mall along the Jersey Shore, and no longer has a stake in a company that had held an interest in apartments in Toledo, Ohio.

  12. #137
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Can't remember who he meets with, can't remember his assets.

    Just as well he's not in charge of anything important.

  13. #138
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    i guess this is why he rarely speaks in public.

    kushner was asked how he plans to negotiate peace between israelis and palestinians, as well as why he believes he'll be successful where every other administration has failed.

    his reply...

    So first of all, this is one of the ones I was asked to take on, and I did with this something that I do with every problem set you get. Which is you try to study the historical context to understand how something got to where it is, who was successful, and who wasn’t successful. And you try to [unintelligible] is research it and look at the conventional sources but also try to get some unconventional sources as well. And what I’ve determined from looking at it is that not a whole lot has been accomplished over the last 40 or 50 years we've been doing this.

    And the other thing about it I’d say is that the variables haven’t been changed much, so at some point it's just one of those things where you kind of have to just pick and choose where you draw conclusion. But that was the other observation I had.

    The third one is that I have tried to look at why people haven’t been successful in the negotiations, so I looked and studied all the different negotiations. I spoke to a lot of people who have have been part of them, and I think the reason why is that this is a very emotionally charged situation. Look at what happened this past 10 days—a lot of seemingly logical measures taken on the different [unintelligible] part somehow became a little bit incendiary. But we were able to calm it down by having a lot of really great dialogue between Jordan and the Palestinian authority and the Israelis.

    I’d say what makes me hopeful about it is the fact that, a) we’ve had two achievements so far that I think are actually quite noteworthy, which I'll talk about in a second. The reason why we haven’t been able to do that is the trust that we have with all sides. So if you’ve noticed about this conflict, and [unintelligible] nothing’s leaked out. So nothing has leaked out which I think gives the parties more trust, and more ability to really express and share their viewpoints. And ultimately, if you do a deal that when somebody had to compromise somewhere—all right so there's a stated set of positions on one side. There’s a stated set of positions on the other side. And there’s a lot of viewpoints all around that people have, which may or may not be conducive to a solution. So I think you need to be able to probe people in private for them to have the confidence that it’s not going to be used against them, and that it’s not going to leak out in the press, which would be very, very hurtful. That’s been a big advantage, which has allowed us to really have a lot of very interesting conversations.

    So the two successes that we’ve had so far is—I don’t know if you’re familiar with the deal we’ve had on the water with the Jordanians and the Israelis and the Palestinians—so I was saying that they’ve talked about in concept for a lot of years where [unintelligible] and we were able to figure out how we were going to negotiate a solution which simply [unintelligible] talking for a very, very long time. But again, that happened just because we’re talking to all sides. We don’t let them get caught in the past.

    You know everyone finds an issue, that, “You have to understand what they did then,” and “You have to understand that they did this.” But how does that help us get peace? Let's not focus on that. We don’t want a history lesson. We’ve read enough books. Let’s focus on how do you come up with a conclusion to the situation. That was one thing that we achieved, which we were quite happy about—which is, you know, small thing, but it’s actually a pretty big thing over there. But something that we thought was a pretty big step.

    The other thing was working through, in this past week, it really showed us how quickly things can ignite in our history, and you have some people who don’t want to see and achieve an outcome of peace. And other people sometimes thrive in the chaos, and they thrive [unintelligible] and that's not new to politics and its not new to that conflict. It's just the way it is, and you always have people on all sides [unintelligible] .

    And again, all these people make arguments about why they feel the way they do. So as tensions were really mounting, I don't know if everyone is familiar, but there were two people—two Israeli guards killed at the Temple Mount (and that's the first time in many, many, many years that that happened, so Israelis [unintelligible] putting up metal detectors on the Temple Mount, which is not an irrational thing to do. You know when you have—police officers were just killed, and weapons that were used to [unintelligible] the weapons to check them—so then what happens is they start inciting it.

    They say look, you know, this is a change to the status quo. The Temple Mount is a [unintelligible] occupation of Israel, and Israel was saying we don’t want anything to do with that, we just want to make sure people are safe. And that really incited a lot of tension in the streets.

    So we're going to work with them [unintelligible] to take down the metal detectors there, and then I think one of the Palestinians' religious leaders was saying, “If you go through the metal detectors, then your prayers don’t count.” And that is not a very helpful thing to have said. And then there was a lot of rage. And there was an Israeli family that three people killed in their home, which was absolutely terrible. You know, so, "I'm going to do this to free the Temple Mount." So ultimately we were able to work with them, and we were able to get the Israelis to take down to the different forms of surveillance that the Jordanians were okay with, and we talked with the Palestinians the whole time to try to get their viewpoint on it.

    And then ultimately they said, "Okay, we took down the metal detectors but there's still a bridge up somewhere." And they said, "Okay, we'll take that down, too." And so Bibi was getting beaten up by the press in Israel, because that was very politically unpopular for him to do. At the same time we got a situation in Jordan where an Israeli security diplomat in Jordan was attacked by two Jordanian men, and in self-defense he killed the attackers. So then it worked out where the Jordanians got the Israelis to accept their people from the embassy back to Israel.


    My point is that these things are very, very combustible, and very, very delicate in terms of how you can do, but I think the fact that all these conversations were all done in quiet and nothing leaked out [unintelligible]. But I think we were able to keep things quiet. But I mean, any day something could happen.

    So, what do we offer that's unique? I don’t know… I’m sure everyone that’s tried this has been unique in some ways, but again we’re trying to follow very logically. We're thinking about what the right end state is. And we’re trying to work with the parties very quietly to see if there's a solution. And there may be no solution, but it’s one of the problem sets that the president asked us to focus on. So we’re going to focus on it and try to come to the right conclusion in the near future.

    god help us all.

  14. #139
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    jared's PR hasn't been very good, and now it's probably going to get worse...

    New York PR maven Risa Heller drops Kushner

    Crisis management consultant Risa Heller has dropped Kushner Cos., the family real estate company of President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, as a client, according to two sources familiar with the arrangement.

    Heller dropped the client earlier this week after representing the company for just over a year and a half. That's longer than many of her predecessors working in media relations with Charlie Kushner, Jared's father and the family patriarch, have lasted in a job representing a famously acerbic boss and convicted felon.

    A new spokesman for Kushner Companies, however, disputed that account and said the company decided to replace Heller this week. Heller declined to comment.

    The split came amid widespread outrage over Trump's response to neo-Nazi and white nationalist protests in Charlottesville, Virginia.
    New York PR maven Risa Heller drops Kushner Cos. - POLITICO

  15. #140
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    23-08-2021 @ 06:47 PM
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    ^ so Ray what has that gotta do with the price of F16's in Egypt?

    Ya really need to keep up with the latest anti-trump news there baby Ray!

    Please note post #13,333... this is da evil illuminati shit baby!

  16. #141
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    12-07-2018 @ 08:37 AM
    Jared will lead us, even though the haters are foaming at the mouth.
    I'm sure some will follow - if only out of idle curiosity.

  17. #142
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    “What is off-putting about them,” one political veteran told me, “is they do not grasp their essential irrelevance. They think they are special.”

    V. Too Late?

    "The ever shifting nature of the story about the meeting between the Russian lawyer and members of the Trump family is of interest to special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. In July, Mueller sent a letter to the White House asking officials to preserve documents related to the July 8 meeting aboard Air Force One as well as “any decisions made regarding the recent disclosures about the June 2016 meeting,” according to a copy of the letter reviewed by CNN. As noted, Trump himself directed the drafting of the misleading initial statement about that meeting, and Kushner and Ivanka had advocated fuller disclosure. But questions about the statement remain: “Who was involved in creating this story?,” someone with knowledge of the White House legal strategy asked rhetorically when I inquired about the subject. “This is the problem. They are government employees and they work for the taxpayer.” The issue is no longer just about the appropriateness of a meeting in Trump Tower more than a year ago. The issue now also involves why the president would mislead the public so blatantly and deliberately. And it may involve obstruction of justice. Abbe Lowell, who has previously represented John Edwards and Jack Abramoff, recently noted that he has established a “confidential relationship with Ivanka Trump as part of my representation of Jared.” Politics is new to Jared and Ivanka, but it isn’t just politics that they are navigating. They are in a new town that “punctures their self-esteem on a daily basis,” a New York friend of theirs told me. They know they can never have their New York life back as it existed before Donald Trump started his campaign, nor do they want to give up the power of their current positions in Washington. The future unfolding before them looks nothing like the future they may have imagined five years ago. Ivanka may be disingenuous when she says she “didn’t ask for this,” but she is right to say that she didn’t ask for this—that is, for the actual situation in which they find themselves: powerful, in a sense, and yet ineffectual; emotionally essential to Donald Trump, but lacking the skills to assist; impossible to fire and reluctant to leave; compromised ethically and perhaps legally; and facing reputational or familial harm no matter what they decide to do. Early in the summer, the couple took a weekend trip to New York to visit friends, including Wendi Murdoch, and the trip managed to go unreported, until now. Such moments of privacy are rare. But privacy is less of an issue than the very real trouble that political malpractice and the wheels of justice pose for the entire Trump White House and the two of them. “They are partway across the battlefield,” the New York friend told me. “Turning back now would be more damaging than staying the course.” Whatever the damage, they have partly themselves to blame".

  18. #143
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    Jack Abram off
    Now there was a "special" piece of work...

  19. #144
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper View Post

    “What is off-putting about them,” one political veteran told me, “is they do not grasp their essential irrelevance. They think they are special.”

    V. Too Late?

    "The ever shifting nature of the story about the meeting between the Russian lawyer and members of the Trump family is of interest to special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating ties between Russia and the Trump campaign. In July, Mueller sent a letter to the White House asking officials to preserve documents related to the July 8 meeting aboard Air Force One as well as “any decisions made regarding the recent disclosures about the June 2016 meeting,” according to a copy of the letter reviewed by CNN. As noted, Trump himself directed the drafting of the misleading initial statement about that meeting, and Kushner and Ivanka had advocated fuller disclosure. But questions about the statement remain: “Who was involved in creating this story?,” someone with knowledge of the White House legal strategy asked rhetorically when I inquired about the subject. “This is the problem. They are government employees and they work for the taxpayer.” The issue is no longer just about the appropriateness of a meeting in Trump Tower more than a year ago. The issue now also involves why the president would mislead the public so blatantly and deliberately. And it may involve obstruction of justice. Abbe Lowell, who has previously represented John Edwards and Jack Abramoff, recently noted that he has established a “confidential relationship with Ivanka Trump as part of my representation of Jared.” Politics is new to Jared and Ivanka, but it isn’t just politics that they are navigating. They are in a new town that “punctures their self-esteem on a daily basis,” a New York friend of theirs told me. They know they can never have their New York life back as it existed before Donald Trump started his campaign, nor do they want to give up the power of their current positions in Washington. The future unfolding before them looks nothing like the future they may have imagined five years ago. Ivanka may be disingenuous when she says she “didn’t ask for this,” but she is right to say that she didn’t ask for this—that is, for the actual situation in which they find themselves: powerful, in a sense, and yet ineffectual; emotionally essential to Donald Trump, but lacking the skills to assist; impossible to fire and reluctant to leave; compromised ethically and perhaps legally; and facing reputational or familial harm no matter what they decide to do. Early in the summer, the couple took a weekend trip to New York to visit friends, including Wendi Murdoch, and the trip managed to go unreported, until now. Such moments of privacy are rare. But privacy is less of an issue than the very real trouble that political malpractice and the wheels of justice pose for the entire Trump White House and the two of them. “They are partway across the battlefield,” the New York friend told me. “Turning back now would be more damaging than staying the course.” Whatever the damage, they have partly themselves to blame".

  20. #145
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    26-03-2019 @ 11:28 AM
    across the street
    I knew something was off about that guy..............

    Jared Kushner registered to vote as a woman.
    Democratic opposition research group American Bridge spotted the error, which was first reported by Wired.It prompted any number of questions.
    There were only two options on the New York voter registration form he filled out: M, for male, and F, for female.
    Did he mean to register as a female? Was it unintentional? If so, how did he mess that up?

  21. #146
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    So the guy in charge of bringing peace to the Middle East can't remember meetings he takes and doesn't pay enough attention to forms to even declare his gender correctly...

    Well, OK then.

  22. #147
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    26-03-2019 @ 11:28 AM
    across the street
    Pretty sure he's been lying about his name's really Damien

  23. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    what's up with his moobs?
    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    declare his gender correctly.
    Hmmmm. Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

  24. #149
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^ I am.

  25. #150
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    So you two are thinking he's an embarrasingly incompetent muppet who is only in the position he's in because of who he is married to and he's come to be a living embodiment of a large part of the hypocrisy that forms and informs his father-in-laws administration...

    ...and that he's possibly a closeted transvestite?

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