1. #2776
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    22-06-2024 @ 08:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Only a moron still thinks they didn't interfere.

    That is not the issue.

    The issue is whether they did it with the knowledge of or at the behest of the orange cunto campaign.

    Personally I think he'll be able to blame that one on someone else.

    But the investigation has segued into money laundering.

    And that's where the fun starts.

    What did you do with the $55 million the Russian overpaid, eh orange cunto?

    Exactly right. A lot of the names connected to Trump have a history of money laundering. I bet they have a lot of evidence all ready and are being careful to have all their ducks in a row. This is a squishy president they are dealing with.

  2. #2777
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    mueller is a serious man.

    trump and everyone on the campaign, transition or current WH staff should be worried about being indicted.

    and all reports indicate that they are very worried.

  3. #2778
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    speaking of worried....

    Another potential Mueller honey pot: Spicer's notebooks

    Former colleagues of Sean Spicer tell Axios that he filled "notebook after notebook" during meetings at the Republican National Committee, later at the Trump campaign, and then at the White House.

    When Spicer worked at the RNC, he was said to have filled black books emblazoned with the party's seal. Spicer was so well-known for his copious notes that underlings joked about him writing a tell-all.

    • One source familiar with the matter said that the records were just to help him do his job.

    • "Sean documented everything," the source said.

    • That surprised some officials of previous White Houses, who said that because of past investigations, they intentionally took as few notes as possible when they worked in the West Wing.

    When we texted Spicer for comment on his note-taking practices, he replied: "Mike, please stop texting/emailing me unsolicited anymore."

    When I replied with a "?" (I have known Spicer and his wife for more than a dozen years), he answered: "Not sure what that means. From a legal standpoint I want to be clear: Do not email or text me again. Should you do again I will report to the appropriate authorities."

    The WashPost reported Sept. 8 that Mueller "has alerted the White House that his team will probably seek to interview" Spicer and five other top current and former Trump advisers.

    One White House official told me: "People are going to wish they'd been nicer to Sean. … He was in a lot of meetings."

    About an hour after Spicer's texts, he replied to a polite email I had sent earlier, seeking comment:

    Per my text:

    Please refrain from sending me unsolicited texts and emails
    Should you not do so I will contact the appropriate legal authorities to address your harassment
    Sean M Spicer

    they are so fcuked.

  4. #2779
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  5. #2780
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM

  6. #2781
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    The closer they get the more he freaks out.

    Someone with nothing to hide would just laugh it off.

  7. #2782
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Notwithstanding the labrats getting excited over their daily garbage pellets, its seems that all the grand claims of 'teh russians' hacking the us election comes down to them buying 3,000 ads on fb.


    Holy hell are libtards ridiculous.

  8. #2783
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post
    Notwithstanding the labrats getting excited over their daily garbage pellets, its seems that all the grand claims of 'teh russians' hacking the us election comes down to them buying 3,000 ads on fb.


    Holy hell are libtards ridiculous.
    Holy hell you are ridiculous.
    Even if there's no more to it than them buying ads on FB the point is that by doing so they tried to influence the outcome of a U.S. Election.
    Is that OK by you?

  9. #2784
    Thailand Expat tomcat's Avatar
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    ...rusbots on Twitter; rusbots on FB...who pays for and directs all the rusbot activities? Nambians?

  10. #2785
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    Exclusive: IRS shares information with special counsel in Russia probe

    The IRS is now sharing information with special counsel Robert Mueller about key Trump campaign officials, after the two entities clashed this summer over both the scope of the investigation into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and a raid on former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's home, people briefed on the matter tell CNN.

    Part of the concern centered on the far-reaching and broad requests from Mueller's team. In the case of Manafort, Mueller's investigators are reaching back 11 years as they investigate possible tax and financial crimes, according to search warrant documents. Mueller is bound by a written order issued by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in May which allows the special counsel to investigate "any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation."

    After several months of being at odds, one source said, the IRS Criminal Investigation division is now sharing information about campaign associates, including Manafort and former White House national security adviser Michael Flynn. The sharing happened after the two camps reached an agreement following consultation with officials at the Treasury Department.

    CNN has learned the IRS Criminal Investigation agents had been working with the FBI to investigate Manafort since before the election in a similar probe that centered on possible money laundering and tax fraud issues, according to the sources. It's unclear if Flynn is now or was previously under investigation by the IRS. CNN has reported that Mueller's team is examining Flynn's payments from Turkey and Russia.

    A former high-level Justice Department official says the information shared would include anything tax return-related such as real estate and banking records. The former official added the IRS is very restricted in what information it can share under Title 26 US Code and would normally need a specific grand jury subpoena in order to share tax returns with another agency.

    The new information about the depth of IRS involvement renews questions surrounding the controversial issue of President Donald Trump's tax returns, which he refused to release during the campaign despite decades of precedent by presidential candidates.

    It is not clear whether the special counsel has asked for or obtained Trump's tax returns. Sources say if Mueller's office does have Trump's returns, then Rosenstein, who oversees the probe, likely would have needed to sign off, given the sensitivity surrounding the matter.

    Tension between the IRS and the special counsel played out behind the scenes of the high-profile raid on Manafort's Alexandria, Virginia, home this summer, according to multiple sources.

    CNN has learned that the IRS did not participate in the July raid by FBI agents in part because of IRS objections that the search would interfere with the separate IRS investigation of Manafort, according to people briefed on the investigations.

    The special counsel's office decided to proceed with the search on Manafort's home with only FBI agents carrying it out, the sources said.

    The absence of IRS criminal investigations agents for the raid is unusual for a probe that centers on tax and financial matters. As CNN has previously reported, during the raid the FBI collected tax and other financial documents from Manafort's home, according to search warrant documents in the Manafort raid. The search warrant documents said the scope of the investigation includes possible crimes beginning January 1, 2006, a source told CNN.

    Manafort has previously denied financial wrongdoing regarding his Ukraine-related payments, his bank accounts in offshore tax shelters and his various real estate transactions over the years.

    The complications could continue in the event Mueller's team brings charges against Manafort and others under investigation. Mueller's team has warned Manafort that they are working to charge him with possible tax and financial crimes, sources previously told CNN, an indication the investigation could be in an advanced stage.

    Flynn's lawyers have previously criticized media reports about his connection to the Russia investigation as peddling "unfounded allegations" and "outrageous claims." Flynn's lawyer declined to comment for this story. Manafort's lawyer didn't immediately comment for this story.
    The IRS Criminal Investigation division and the special counsel's office declined to comment.

    IRS shares info with special counsel in Russia probe - CNNPolitics

  11. #2786
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    Blumenthal: ‘99 percent sure’ of Russia indictments

    Manafort and Flynn are among the Trump aides likely to face criminal charges, says the Connecticut senator and former state attorney general.

    Criminal charges against two former top advisers to President Donald Trump are virtually certain, Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal said Tuesday.

    Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort are almost sure to be indicted as a result of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian interference in the 2016 election, the Connecticut senator told POLITICO.

    “I'm about 99 percent sure there will be some criminal charges from this investigation,” said Blumenthal, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Blumenthal has also served as a U.S. attorney and spent 20 years as his state's attorney general.

    Blumenthal said he is less certain Trump himself would end up facing charges, including for possible obstruction of justice for his firing of FBI Director James Comey.

    But he said that several Trump associates may find themselves under indictment.

    Manafort and Flynn "are the most prominent,” he said, "but there may well be others."

    Manafort, a Republican lobbyist who served as Trump’s former 2016 campaign chairman, reportedly first came under FBI scrutiny in early 2014—long before Trump announced his presidential bid—for his lucrative political consulting work in Ukraine. That probe has since been folded into Mueller’s investigation and includes a review into Manafort’s lobbying work with a variety of pro-Russian clients.

    Federal agents raided Manafort’s northern Virginia home in late July, a move many legal analysts consider a likely precursor to indictment.

    Flynn served as a Trump campaign foreign policy adviser and then White House national security adviser, but resigned that post in February after reports that he misled Vice President Mike Pence and others about private conversations with Russia's ambassador to Washington.

    A spokesman for Mueller and an attorney for Flynn both declined requests for comment, and a Manafort spokesman did not immediately respond.

    Blumenthal: ?99 percent sure? of Russia indictments - POLITICO

    Oh, well, Trump may not be charged after all.
    Last edited by misskit; 27-09-2017 at 07:35 AM.

  12. #2787
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    Orange cunto will throw them under the bus of course.

  13. #2788
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    knowing that, they may be willing to soften the blow of Club Fed time with a few incriminating details...knot by knot, the noose tightens...
    ...lock 'em up!...

  14. #2789
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    knowing that, they may be willing to soften the blow of Club Fed time with a few incriminating details...knot by knot, the noose tightens...
    ...lock 'em up!...
    He'll probably play the crooked pardon card....

  15. #2790
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    ^ Of course he will. Fuck these bozo's. They have all three electable branches and are still completely incompetent. 2018 can not come soon enough. The repubtards will lose the house for sure and after the primary in Alabama it is looking good for the Democrats to take back the Senate. WOOT!!! Could not be going better!

    During the primaries in 2016 I told all my friends that supported Hillary that it would be better to handle four years of Drumpf because we would reap massive rewards. This is bearing fruit in a big way. 2018 will be a big sweep of these bozo's and 2020 will be a landslide for progressive politics!! Medicaid for all is coming!

  16. #2791
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    ^ Of course he will. Fuck these bozo's. They have all three electable branches and are still completely incompetent. 2018 can not come soon enough. The repubtards will lose the house for sure and after the primary in Alabama it is looking good for the Democrats to take back the Senate. WOOT!!! Could not be going better!

    During the primaries in 2016 I told all my friends that supported Hillary that it would be better to handle four years of Drumpf because we would reap massive rewards. This is bearing fruit in a big way. 2018 will be a big sweep of these bozo's and 2020 will be a landslide for progressive politics!! Medicaid for all is coming!
    Now calm down snubby, let's not forget that these Insurers, etc., don't really give a fuck who they bribe.

  17. #2792
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    He'll probably play the crooked pardon card....
    agree, although he can't pardon himself...
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    these Insurers, etc., don't really give a fuck who they bribe
    unfortunate, but that's US politics...

  18. #2793
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    Special counsel probing flow of Russian-American money to Trump political funds

    Three Americans with significant Russian business connections contributed almost $2 million to political funds controlled by Donald Trump, ABC News has learned.

    The timing of contributions coming from US citizens with ties to Russia is now being questioned by investigators for special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a Republican campaign aide interviewed by Mueller’s team.

    Unless the contributions were directed by a foreigner, they would be legal, but could still be of interest to investigators examining allegations of Russian influence in the 2016 campaign, said Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee.

    “Obviously, if there were those that had associations with the Kremlin that were contributing, that would be of keen concern,” Schiff told ABC News.

    A review of Trump campaign records conducted by the Center for Responsive Politics for ABC News found large contributions coming from two émigrés born in the former Soviet Union who now hold U.S. citizenship, and from a third American who heads the subsidiary of a large Russian private equity firm.

    Those donations began flowing to the Republican National Committee, the group says, just as Trump was on the verge of securing the Republican nomination and culminated in two large gifts – totaling $1.25 million – from these individuals to the Trump inaugural fund following his victory.

    more Special counsel probing flow of Russian-American money to Trump political funds - ABC News

    Perhaps these people are currently contributing to the RNC for Trump's legal bills now.

  19. #2794
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    knot by knot...the noose tightens...

  20. #2795
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    anyone arrested yet ?

    thought so, move along, nothing to see

  21. #2796
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    anyone arrested yet ?
    knot by knot...the noose slowly tightens: lock 'em up!

  22. #2797
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    what's up with Rocket man ? he hasn't been in the news recently

  23. #2798
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    Russian-funded Facebook ads backed Stein, Sanders and Trump

    Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein was the beneficiary of at least one of the Russian-bought political ads on Facebook that federal government officials suspect were intended to influence the 2016 election.

    Other advertisements paid for by shadowy Russian buyers criticized Hillary Clinton and promoted Donald Trump. Some backed Bernie Sanders and his platform even after his presidential campaign had ended, according to a person with knowledge of the ads.

    The pro-Stein ad came late in the political campaign and pushed her candidacy for president, this person said.

    “Choose peace and vote for Jill Stein,” the ad reads. “Trust me. It’s not a wasted vote. … The only way to take our country back is to stop voting for the corporations and banks that own us. #GrowaSpineVoteJillStein.”

    The ads show a complicated effort that didn’t necessarily hew to promoting Trump and bashing Clinton. Instead, they show a desire to create divisions while sometimes praising Trump, Sanders and Stein. A number of the ads seemed to question Clinton’s authenticity and tout some of the liberal criticisms of her candidacy.

    There is no indication Stein, Sanders or Trump was aware of the advertisements, which were described to POLITICO by people with knowledge of them.

    Facebook declined to comment on the specifics of the advertisements but noted a previous statement: “The vast majority of ads run by these accounts didn’t specifically reference the U.S. presidential election or voting for a particular candidate. Rather, the ads and accounts appeared to focus on amplifying divisive social and political messages across the ideological spectrum — touching on topics from LGBT matters to race issues to immigration to gun rights.”

    U.S. officials are investigating whether about 3,000 ads purchased on Facebook by the Kremlin-linked Internet Research Agency might have been part of a larger Russian government scheme to meddle in the 2016 election.

    The number of ads bought by Russians on the site is far less than 1 percent of all election spending, and it is unclear how many people even saw the advertisements. The social network has estimated the total cost of the ads at $150,000.

    But in her recently published book about her election defeat, “What Happened,” Clinton writes that Stein’s modest vote totals in several swing states “may well have thrown the election to Trump.”

    Clinton pointedly notes that Stein joined Michael Flynn at Russian President Vladimir Putin’s table at a December 2014 dinner in Moscow, and that the leftist candidate “praised [Trump’s] pro-Russia stance,” though she does not accuse Stein of collaborating with the Kremlin. Flynn would go on to become Trump’s national security adviser but lasted less than a month in the job.

    Capitol Hill aides are receiving reams of the advertisements this week, and special counsel Robert Mueller’s team has also received the ads and corresponding information.

    Some ads described to POLITICO echoed Trump campaign themes, including ones that advocated tough laws on illegal immigration. Others seem to indicate support for Black Lives Matter, an activist group Trump has strongly condemned, or for Muslim women who supported Clinton. But the ad got the name for Black Lives Matter wrong, one of these people said.

    Many of the 3,000 Russian-bought advertisements Facebook has identified were riddled with poor grammar and spelling and contained outlandish assertions, according to a person with knowledge of them.

    Investigators are likely to probe whether Facebook or any government authority could or should have stopped the ads — and whether the Russian officials were in contact with any Americans.

    Earlier this month, Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia, the Democratic vice chairman of the Intelligence Committee, said the 3,000 ads that Facebook has determined to have Russian links may be “the tip of the iceberg” and part of a far larger Kremlin plot to influence the 2016 election through Facebook and other social media platforms.

    Russian-funded Facebook ads backed Stein, Sanders and Trump - POLITICO

  24. #2799
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Hey lanrats, if i can get your attention from your daily dose of garbage pellets. You may want to be on your knees for this news. Oh you are already? Thats good, as you were then.
    it seems that 'teh russians' bought ads in favour of hellary ' its your fault that i lost' clunkton too.

    All Russian Roads Lead to DNC: Russian Purchased Facebook Ads Promoted Hillary Clinton and Black Lives Matter

    so you do understand right? You labrats kneeling on the ground shrieking and wailing about 'teh russians' are the victim of their propaganda attempt to divide the usa.

  25. #2800
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    ...this just in from the alt-right blogs^...

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