1. #4501
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    07-06-2024 @ 09:24 PM
    I wonder how these headlines are going to play out with trump....

    Mueller's Russian Interference investigation-foxnews-jpg
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  2. #4502
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan View Post
    how these headlines are going to play out with trump.
    Tweet others as you would like to be tweeted.
    My regular hotel in Prague offers Russian interference ....

    $100 per 30 minutes, and may actaully be Ukranian I've never needed that urgent translation 'services' rolling in from bar next door at 2am

  3. #4503
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    A must see. How to watch?

    Cambridge Analytica working to stop undercover report on its practices from airing: report

    Cambridge Analytica is trying to prevent an undercover report by London’s Channel 4 News that shows the firm’s CEO Alexander Nix speaking candidly about the firm’s practices from airing, according to the Financial Times.

    Reporters for Channel 4 posed as prospective clients and secretly filmed a number of meetings with the firm.

    Financial Times' report did not make clear how the data firm was working to stop the report from airing.

    Cambridge Analytica, which was used by President Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, was suspended by Facebook of Friday for breaching its privacy policy.

    The firm had obtained the private information of more than 50 millionpeople from Aleksandr Kogan, a University of Cambridge professor. Kogan got the information through his app which uses a Facebook login.

    About 30 million of the profiles Kogan shared had enough information for the firm to create psychographic profiles, according to The New York Times. Only 270,000 users gave permission for their data to be collected.

    Facebook had discovered that Cambridge Analytica had violated its policies in 2015 and demanded that it certify that it had destroyed the data. The firm provided the certification but recent reports show that the form had not deleted all the data.

    Cambridge Analytica and Facebook tried to sue The Guardian to keep them from publishing an expose focusing on the whistleblower who released the data breach, according to CBS News.

    The whistleblower has also said that Facebook suspended him after he revealed the information he claims Facebook was aware of for two years.

    Special counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly requested all emails between the Trump campaign and Cambridge Analytica. The House Intelligence Committee has also reportedly interviewed Nix.

    Cambridge Analytica working to stop undercover report on its practices from airing: report | TheHill

  4. #4504
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    A must see. How to watch?
    I will find out how and post back, BTW I hope you read the guardian article mentioned in your post. I was not surprised to see that Robert Mercer was behind it. The article is damning. A quote from it;

    Or, as Wylie describes it, he was the gay Canadian vegan who somehow ended up creating “Steve Bannon’s psychological warfare mindfuck tool”.

    In 2014, Steve Bannon – then executive chairman of the “alt-right” news network Breitbart – was Wylie’s boss. And Robert Mercer, the secretive US hedge-fund billionaire and Republican donor, was Cambridge Analytica’s investor. And the idea they bought into was to bring big data and social media to an established military methodology – “information operations” – then turn it on the US electorate.

    It was Wylie who came up with that idea and oversaw its realisation. And it was Wylie who, last spring, became my source. In May 2017, I wrote an article headlined “The great British Brexit robbery”, which set out a skein of threads that linked Brexit to Trump to Russia. Wylie was one of a handful of individuals who provided the evidence behind it. I found him, via another Cambridge Analytica ex-employee, lying low in Canada: guilty, brooding, indignant, confused. “I haven’t talked about this to anyone,” he said at the time. And then he couldn’t stop talking.
    Last edited by bsnub; 19-03-2018 at 10:14 AM.

  5. #4505
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    ^ Thanks for reminding me. I started reading it but had things to do and left it. Then forgot.

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    across the street
    This whole rusher thing...

  7. #4507
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    I started reading it but had things to do and left it.
    You really need to read the entire article. For me it just reinforces what I already knew and have been saying in my posts for years and this is damning evidence that a propaganda machine controlled by oligarchs exists on the right. I can not wait until tomorrow when this all blows up and trust me it will in a big way.

  8. #4508
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    I did read it all.

    Russia, Facebook, Trump, Mercer, Bannon, Brexit. Every one of these threads runs through Cambridge Analytica. Even in the past few weeks, it seems as if the understanding of Facebook’s role has broadened and deepened. The Mueller indictments were part of that, but Paul-Olivier Dehaye – a data expert and academic based in Switzerland, who published some of the first research into Cambridge Analytica’s processes – says it’s become increasingly apparent that Facebook is “abusive by design”. If there is evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, it will be in the platform’s data flows, he says. And Wylie’s revelations only move it on again.


    Millions of people’s personal information was stolen and used to target them in ways they wouldn’t have seen, and couldn’t have known about, by a mercenary outfit, Cambridge Analytica, who, Wylie says, “would work for anyone”. Who would pitch to Russian oil companies. Would they subvert elections abroad on behalf of foreign governments?

    It occurs to me to ask Wylie this one night.

    Nato or non-Nato?
    “Either. I mean they’re mercenaries. They’ll work for pretty much anyone who pays.”


  9. #4509
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    “Either. I mean they’re mercenaries. They’ll work for pretty much anyone who pays.”
    Precisely why he is doing the right thing in trying to take them down. Clearly he is regretful since as was stated in the article it was a Frankenstein of his creation. My hope is that Cambridge Analytica will be put out of business and that some of them will wind up in prison. So now we wait for the next big shoe to drop when the Channel 4 piece airs.

  10. #4510
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    Found the interview. Watching it now.



    Last edited by misskit; 19-03-2018 at 11:36 AM.

  11. #4511
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    So all the not-so-subtle hints about sacking Mueller are obviously in response to him investigating baldy orange cunto's company.

    Which I would suspect is where the money laundering evidence will be found, hence baldy orange cunto's wailing and gnashing of teeth.

  12. #4512
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    It's really starting to stink of desperation.
    If he's as innocent as he claims why not let them get on with it rather than desperately trying to stop it.
    Donald Trump lashes out at Robert Mueller via Twitter over Russia investigation

    US President Donald Trump has lashed out at Russia probe special counsel Robert Mueller, signalling a possible shift away from a strategy of cooperating with a probe he believes is biased against him.

    Key points:
    Mr Trump's attacks raised new concerns among members of Congress that he may be trying to orchestrate Mr Mueller's firing
    The president cannot directly fire Mr Mueller, who can only be dismissed for cause
    Senator Dick Durbin called for the passage of bipartisan bills designed to protect Mr Mueller
    In a series of weekend tweets naming Mr Mueller for the first time, Mr Trump criticised the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and raised fresh concerns about the objectivity and political leanings of the members of Mr Mueller's team.

    "The Mueller probe should never have been started in that there was no collusion and there was no crime," Mr Trump tweeted.

    "It was based on fraudulent activities and a Fake Dossier paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, and improperly used in FISA COURT for surveillance of my campaign. WITCH HUNT!"

    Mr Trump was referring to a dossier of anti-Trump research funded by the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton's campaign.

    Trump's White House pattern

    The sheer speed and chaos that swirls every day around Donald Trump is now part and parcel of covering politics in the United States, writes Philip Williams.
    The New York Times reported last week that Mr Mueller had subpoenaed the Trump Organisation and requested Russia-related documents.

    Mr Trump had said Mr Mueller would cross a red line with such a step.

    "Why does the Mueller team have 13 hardened Democrats, some big Crooked Hillary supporters, and Zero Republicans?" Mr Trump tweeted.

    Some of Mr Mueller's investigators indeed have contributed to Democratic political candidates, but US Justice Department policy and federal service law bar discrimination in the hiring of career positions on the basis of political affiliation.

    Mr Mueller is a Republican.

    The President's aggressive stance followed statements on Saturday by his personal lawyer, who called on Deputy Attorney-General Rod Rosenstein, who now oversees Mr Mueller's inquiry, to "bring an end" to that investigation.

    McCabe, Comey, also targeted
    Mr Trump also challenged the honesty of Andrew McCabe, the newly fired FBI deputy director, and James Comey, the bureau's former director whom Mr Trump fired last year over the Russia probe.

    Donald J. Trump

    Spent very little time with Andrew McCabe, but he never took notes when he was with me. I don’t believe he made memos except to help his own agenda, probably at a later date. Same with lying James Comey. Can we call them Fake Memos?

    Mr McCabe kept personal memos detailing interactions with Mr Trump that have been provided to Mr Mueller's office and are similar to notes compiled by Mr Comey.

    Mr Trump sought to cast doubt on their veracity.

    "Spent very little time with Andrew McCabe, but he never took notes when he was with me," Mr Trump tweeted.

    "I don't believe he made memos except to help his own agenda, probably at a later date. Same with lying James Comey. Can we call them Fake Memos?"

    It wouldn't be unusual for a senior official to make notes soon after meeting with the president.

    Mr Trump also claimed Mr Comey lied under oath at a Senate hearing by saying he had never been an anonymous source.

    Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee, which spent the past year conducting a parallel investigation, recently said they had drafted a report concluding no collusion or coordination between Mr Trump's presidential campaign and Russia.

    Committee Democrats vehemently disagreed.

    'That would be the beginning of the end of his presidency'
    Mr Trump's attacks raised new concerns among members of Congress that he could be seeking to orchestrate Mr Mueller's firing.

    But White House lawyer Ty Cobb said it was not the case.

    "In response to media speculation and related questions being posed to the administration, the White House yet again confirms that the President is not considering or discussing the firing of the Special Counsel, Robert Mueller," Mr Cobb said.

    Republican and Democratic politicians warned Mr Trump to not even think about firing Mr Mueller.

    "If he tried to do that, that would be the beginning of the end of his presidency," said Senator Lindsey Graham, a Trump ally.

    Senator Dick Durbin called for the passage of bipartisan bills designed to protect Mr Mueller that have stalled in Congress.

    "This president is engaged in desperate and reckless conduct to intimidate his law enforcement agencies of this country and to try and stop the special counsel. That is unacceptable in a democracy," Mr Durbin said.

    Mr Trump cannot directly fire Mr Mueller, who can only be dismissed for cause.

    Any dismissal of Mr Mueller would have to be carried out by Mr Rosenstein, who has publicly expressed his support for Mr Mueller.

    Trump's frustration 'well-warranted'
    Aides and friends say they understand Mr Trump's frustration with an investigation that hangs over his presidency.

    "When he says it's a political witch hunt, I think he's right," said Christopher Ruddy, chief executive of the conservative news website Newsmax and a longtime friend of Mr Trump.

    Marc Short, Mr Trump's congressional liaison, said the president's frustration is "well-warranted" because "there has been no evidence whatsoever of collusion."

    Mr Trump may have felt emboldened after Attorney-General Jeff Sessions fired Mr McCabe on Friday, local time.

    "A great day for Democracy," Mr Trump tweeted afterward.

    Mr Comey, who is releasing a book next month, tweeted after McCabe's firing: "Mr. President, the American people will hear my story very soon. And they can judge for themselves who is honourable and who is not."

    The contents of Mr McCabe's memos are unknown, but they could help substantiate Mr McCabe's assertion that he was unfairly maligned by a White House he says had declared "war" on the FBI and Mr Mueller's investigation.

    Mr Sessions said he dismissed Mr McCabe on the recommendation of FBI disciplinary officials who said Mr McCabe had not been candid with a watchdog office investigation.

    An upcoming inspector general's report is expected to conclude that Mr McCabe had authorised the release of information to the media and was not forthcoming with the watchdog office as it examined the bureau's handling of an investigation into Mrs Clinton's emails.

    Mr McCabe has vigorously disputed the allegations and said his credibility had been attacked as "part of a larger effort not just to slander me personally" but also the FBI and law enforcement.
    Donald Trump lashes out at Robert Mueller via Twitter over Russia investigation - Donald Trump's America - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  13. #4513
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    Trying to denigrate McCabe's notes which he's given to Mueller.

    Can't wait for Comey's book to come out.

    An upcoming memoir from former FBI Director James Comey became an instant hit overnight, reaching the number one spot on Amazon on Sunday. Comey touted the book on Twitter while trading verbal punches with his former boss.
    The book, which is set to be released on April 17, titled ‘A Higher Loyalty: Truth, Lies and Leadership,’ took Amazon by storm over the weekend, surging from number 15 on the bestseller list on Saturday to number one on Sunday morning. The meteoric rise in interest of the book, a month before it is set to become available to readers, was helped by a very public spat unfolding between Comey and US President Donald Trump on Twitter.

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    07-06-2024 @ 09:24 PM
    At what point does trump's public condemnation of the Russia investigation constitute willful obstruction of justice?

    Seriously, Mueller must have ticked off a few more boxes over the weekend.

  15. #4515
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    I love the way Mueller says nothing and just gets on with it.

  16. #4516
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    So do I, you can bet he's taking note of it all though.

    Here's an interesting profile and comparison on the two: https://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...=.8e51c132b231

    They actually have a bit in common. Both from wealthy families, similar ages... But differences are huge.

    For all the Trump and the Trumptards try to attack Muellers reputation he's not the self-interested draft-dodger.

  17. #4517
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Russia investigation may tturn to Ivanka Trump as Mueller examines empire

    Robert Mueller has issued a subpoena for documents from the Trump Organization, where Ivanka Trump has played a leading role.

    Ivanka Trump is likely to face new legal scrutiny by Robert Mueller following reports that the special counsel has demanded documents from the Trump Organization, where she served as a senior executive.

    Trump, who is married to Jared Kushner, a senior White House adviser who was recently stripped of his security clearance, has been described by her father as a “natural-born dealmaker” and was known to have played a leading role in deals between the Trump Organization and a Russian national who has come under scrutiny and bragged about his ties to top Kremlin officials.

    Mueller, the former FBI director who is leading an independent criminal investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, has issued the Trump Organization with a subpoena for documents in recent weeks, including documents related to Russia, according to a report in the New York Times.

    While it is not clear precisely what deal or deals Mueller is examining, Democratic congressional investigators this week claimed in a memo that they had learned that the Trump Organization was “actively negotiating” a deal in Moscow during the election campaign that involved a Russian bank that was under US sanctions. The deal never went through and it is not clear which bank the congressional investigators were referring to.

    The president has repeatedly denied having had any business dealings with Russia when he has been asked about it by reporters, and has described the criminal investigation into his campaign as a “witch-hunt”.

    Ivanka Trump served as a senior executive at the Trump Organization, with a special focus on acquisitions, before leaving her post to serve her father in the White House last year. By all accounts, including in flattering business profiles of the first daughter, she has been described as an integral part of her father’s empire.

    That role has also led to legal trouble in the past.

    In 2006, when she was 24 years old, Ivanka Trump and her brother Donald Trump Jr, signed a licensing deal to build the Trump SoHo with two businessmen who would go on to be close business partners of the Trump Organization, Felix Sater and Tevfik Arif. Sater and Arif ran a real estate group called Bayrock and were born in the former Soviet Union.

    The SoHo deal is an area of focus for Mueller, according to Bloomberg. Sater, a felon who became an informant against the mafia, did not respond to requests for comment.

    Last year, the New York Times published emails that showed the Russian emigre boasting in 2015 that he could arrange a deal for the Trump Organization to open a new property in Moscow with the help of Vladimir Putin. In the emails, Sater recalled how he had arranged for Ivanka Trump to “sit in Putin’s private chair” during a visit to Moscow that they took together in 2006.

    The revelation was interesting in part because it showed that Sater had remained in the Trumps’ orbit even after Donald Trump said in a 2013 deposition that he barely knew Sater.

    Ivanka Trump has said she was not involved in any discussions about a property deal in Moscow in 2015 – at the time of the presidential election – and has not commented on the claim that she once sat in the Russian president’s chair.

    An attorney for the Trump Organization said the company was fully cooperating with Mueller’s subpoena request.

    Although the Trump SoHo project was launched with fanfare and was meant to mark Ivanka Trump and her brother Donald Jr’s full entry into their father’s business, it has been heavily scrutinised by prosecutors and the press since it opened in 2010. A report by the New Yorker, ProPublica and WNYC in 2017 alleged that the Trump project was closely investigated by prosecutors in the Manhattan district attorney’s office in 2012.

    According to the New Yorker account, both Ivanka and Donald Jr were close to being indicted following an investigation into whether the pair misled investors about how well condos in the building were selling. The article alleged that prosecutors had evidence, including emails between the siblings, that showed they were aware they were using inflated figures to lure buyers to purchase condos. The issue also became a subject of a civil lawsuit by investors, which was settled by the Trump Organization.

    Neither Ivanka Trump nor Donald Jr were ultimately indicted after the New York district attorney, Cy Vance, decided not to move ahead with the charges, according to the New Yorker account. It also described how, weeks after Vance’s office said it would drop the investigation, a top attorney for the Trump family, Marc Kasowitz, contacted Vance about hosting a fundraiser for the district attorney. The lawyer would later donate over $30,000 to Vance’s campaign.

    Jarvanka out? Kushner’s business problems add to talk of DC exit
    Read more
    “We did the right thing,” Vance told the New Yorker, defending his decision to drop the case. Trump SoHo went into foreclosure in 2014 and was taken over by a creditor.

    There is no suggestion that Ivanka Trump is under criminal investigation.

    A separate report by CNN early this month said that US counterintelligence officials were scrutinising one of Ivanka Trump’s other deals: the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Vancouver. Officials who spoke to CNN said that the scrutiny could be a hurdle for Ivanka Trump as she tries to obtain security clearance for her role in the White House. The Vancouver property is one of a few properties that have opened since Trump took office.

    Alan Garten, executive vice-president and chief legal officer for the Trump Organization, told CNN that the company’s role in the property was limited to licencing and managing the hotel, but was not involved in financing.


    That Family has close ties to Russia that's for sure.

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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    So do I, you can bet he's taking note of it all though.

    Here's an interesting profile and comparison on the two: https://www.washingtonpost.com/polit...=.8e51c132b231

    They actually have a bit in common. Both from wealthy families, similar ages... But differences are huge.

    For all the Trump and the Trumptards try to attack Muellers reputation he's not the self-interested draft-dodger.
    Good article, thanks. Can't green you at moment, gotta spread the love and stuff. Maybe a red for NZdickhead.

  19. #4519
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    So now we wait for the next big shoe to drop when the Channel 4 piece airs.
    i wonder about the credibility of the whistle blower.

    could it be a set up?

  20. #4520
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    i wonder about the credibility of the whistle blower.
    Pretty impeccable did you read the article? Also the Chan 4 video is now out and I posted it over in the Cambridge Analytica thread. A must watch.

  21. #4521
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    i wonder about the credibility of the whistle blower.

    could it be a set up?
    Doubts about Christopher Wylie, oh my, how is that possible?

    Ray you aren't trying to suddenly grow a brain, are you?

    Personally I like the pink hair...
    On ladies mostly....

  22. #4522
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    saw this on twitter yesterday or the day before.....

    there is only one person on the planet that can fully exonerate trump, and that's mueller.

    if trump is innocent, why are he and his lawyers determined to undermine and stop the investigation?

  23. #4523
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    saw this on twitter yesterday or the day before.....

    there is only one person on the planet that can fully exonerate trump, and that's mueller.

    if trump is innocent, why are he and his lawyers determined to undermine and stop the investigation?
    That's the question that should be on everyone mind if not lips.

  24. #4524
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    I read an interesting bit this morning that Trump could conceivably get away with firing Mueller.

    The basic premise was that as opposed to Nixon's 'Saturday Night Massacre' where censure and repercussions had bipartisan support, the GOPers who currently control the house are a pack of spineless party-before-country fcukwits.

  25. #4525
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    The basic premise was that as opposed to Nixon's 'Saturday Night Massacre' where censure and repercussions had bipartisan support, the GOPers who currently control the house are a pack of spineless party-before-country fcukwits.
    but as i'm sure you're aware, all signs point to a dem wave in november that will give them control of the house....they can take up impeachment then...and they'll definitively have the votes if they have the gavel.

    IMO, the senate is another matter altogether. there are many republican senators who:
    1. put country first
    2. hate russia
    3. hate trump

    but they would need 20 odd republicans to convict, and i don't know if they can muster that amount.....it all depends on what mueller has discovered.

    i still think he's going to quit late summer/early fall.

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