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    Experts: Fake News, Propaganda, Disinformation Has Always Existed

    This photograph taken in Paris on Dec. 2, 2016, shows stories from USA Daily News 24, a fake news site registered in Veles, Macedonia

    GENEVA —
    Fake news, propaganda and disinformation has always existed. What sets today apart from years gone by is its rapid dissemination and global reach, experts say.

    Concerns raised by the instant propagation of fake news in the digital age and the harmful impact it has on the credibility and independence of journalism, democratic values and human rights were examined by a panel of experts Tuesday at a side event of the United Nations Human Rights Council.

    "It is interesting how the perception of the term fake news has evolved and been manipulated because it described fabricated, inflammatory content, which very often is distributed through social media," said Thomas Hajnoczi, Austrian Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva.

    He said this posed dangers because "in our digital age, every individual has access to the internet where fake stories can be read by millions around the globe, and for many it is always hard to know what is true and what is incorrect."

    Eileen Donahoe, executive director of the Center for International Governance Innovation at Stanford University and former U.S. ambassador to the Human Rights Council, called digital technology a force for good.

    She said it has played "a very positive role in facilitating the free flow of information, access to information, blossoming of freedom of expression globally.

    "It has also made possible the democratization of the means of distributing media and information. And, it just generally has been a positive force for the human rights movement."

    However, Donahoe warned that there were many forces working in the opposite direction and there was no guarantee that digital technology "would be a net force for good."

    She singled out emerging dangers from the so-called weaponization of information in the post-Brexit, post-U.S. presidential election world.

    "It can be a very potent force in undermining democratic discourse and disrupting democratic processes, and that fake news … itself destroys the quality of discourse in democracy and undermines the relationship between citizens and their government," Donahoe said.

    Speaking from personal experience, Rasha Abdulla, associate professor in the Journalism and Mass Communication department at the American University of Cairo, agreed.

    She said that in the past few weeks, her government has been blocking websites, particularly news websites.

    "Right now, we are estimating that between 53 and 57 websites, mostly news websites, independent websites, have been blocked.

    "So, if you block sources to proper independent journalism, you are only left with fake news. I mean, where else are you going to get the news," Abdulla said.

    Social media groups such as Facebook, Twitter and Google have come under increasing criticism for producing and swiftly disseminating fake news on their sites.

    Peter Cunliffe-Jones, chairman of the International Fact-Checking Network, an umbrella organization for independent nonpartisan fact-checking organizations, noted that tech companies have been coming under a lot of pressure — particularly in the U.S. election — to put the brakes on fake news.

    "We have been seeing since then, Google, Twitter, Facebook and other platforms starting to work on strategy to tackle, themselves, the fake news problem at their level," he said.

    For example, he said that Facebook has agreed in several countries to work with independent nonpartisan fact-checking organizations to examine disputed claims of fake news signaled by Facebook users.

    "We are living in what I think of as an age of information hysteria," said David Kaye, U.N. special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression. "The easiest way to deal with information we do not like is to censor it, to shut it down, to block a website."

    He called censorship a lazy way to deal with information we do not like.

    "I think there is a growing dissatisfaction with freedom of expression and it is simply reflected by states. I am not saying that fake news, or whatever we want to call it — disinformation or propaganda — is not a problem," said Kaye. "But what I am saying is that we should not be moving toward solutions … that are all about prohibition and censorship."

  3. #128
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    Facebook to Step up Fact-Checking in Fight Against Fake News

    Facebook is to send more potential hoax articles to third-party fact checkers and show their findings below the original post, the world's largest online social network said on Thursday as it tries to fight so-called fake news.

    The company said in a statement on its website it will start using updated machine learning to detect possible hoaxes and send them to fact checkers, potentially showing fact-checking results under the original article.

    Facebook has been criticized as being one of the main distribution points for so-called fake news, which many think influenced the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

    The issue has also become a big political topic in Europe, with French voters deluged with false stories ahead of the presidential election in May and Germany backing a plan to fine social media networks if they fail to remove hateful postings promptly, ahead of elections there in September.

    On Thursday Facebook said in a separate statement in German that a test of the new fact-checking feature was being launched in the United States, France, the Netherlands and Germany.

    "In addition to seeing which stories are disputed by third-party fact checkers, people want more context to make informed decisions about what they read and share," said Sara Su, Facebook news feed product manager, in a blog.

    She added that Facebook would keep testing its "related article" feature and work on other changes to its news feed to cut down on false news.

  4. #129
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    More on Seth Richards and fake news fox's fabricated story..

  5. #130
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Wikileaks tweets @CassandraRules's Seth Rich audio and all of a sudden "Seth Rich" (TRENDING ALL DAY!!) is no longer trending.

  6. #131
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^ Twitter and tweets from the tin foil hat brigade who follow Cassandra Fairbanks is not news.

  7. #132
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    Facebook now blocks ads from pages that spread fake news

    Facebook added an additional defense today against the spread of fake news and viral hoaxes. If a Facebook page is found to be repeatedly sharing false stories, the company will ban the page from advertising on Facebook. The company uses third-party fact-checking organizations to flag stories that are false. Under Facebook’s rules, advertisers are already not allowed to run ads that link to false stories, but this new update takes that ban a step further.

    In a blog post, the company says it is cracking down on the “instances of Pages using Facebook ads to build their audiences in order to distribute false news more broadly.” This latest effort is aimed at keeping these false news pages from making money. But if an offending page stops sharing false stories, Facebook says the page may become eligible to run ads again.

    Since the 2016 US presidential election, Facebook’s various initiatives combating fake news have included monitoring suspicious accounts that spread fake news and taking out prints ads in the UK advising people how to spot fake news. In today’s announcement, Facebook says misinformation is harmful, and calls out Pages who spread fake news for making the world “less informed.”

  8. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit
    Twitter and tweets from the tin foil hat brigade who follow Cassandra Fairbanks is not news.

    Quote Originally Posted by misskit
    Facebook now blocks ads from pages that spread fake news
    Great news too bad it was not done before the election last year. The propagation of fake news should not be encouraged by allowing these people to profit from spreading this.

    Shut them down.

  9. #134
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    In the Jungle of Love
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post

    Shut them down.
    That's right, more stories about Russians, Trump the Nazi Sympathizer are needed.

    And don't be forgeting the golden shower girls and their phone #'s.
    Perhaps some positive feed from da Smoochi gals too.

  10. #135
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    Hmm. Looks like Captain Urine has had a status change.

  11. #136
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Made me laugh when the buffoon ranted about fake news when the media reported low turnout for the inauguration. Even in the face of indesputable photographic evedence he declared his the biggest turnout for decades and decried the fake news media.
    What a clown ��.

  12. #137
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Made me laugh when the buffoon ranted about fake news when the media reported low turnout for the inauguration. Even in the face of indesputable photographic evedence he declared his the biggest turnout for decades and decried the fake news media.
    What a clown ��.

  13. #138
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    Fake News on Twitter Flooded Swing States That Helped Trump Win

    Millions of tweets were flying furiously in the final days leading up to the 2016 US presidential election. And in closely fought battleground states that would prove key to Donald Trump’s victory, they were more likely than elsewhere in America to be spreading links to fake news and hyperpoliticized content from Russian sources and WikiLeaks, according to new research published Thursday by Oxford University.

    Nationwide during this period, one polarizing story was typically shared on average for every one story produced by a professional news organization. However, fake news from Twitter reached higher concentrations than the national average in 27 states, 12 of which were swing states—including Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan, where Trump won by slim margins.

    While it’s unclear what effect such content ultimately had on voters, the new study only deepens concerns about how the 2016 election may have been tweaked by nefarious forces on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media. “Many people use these platforms to find news and information that shapes their political identities and voting behavior,” says Samantha Bradshaw, a lead researcher for Oxford’s Computational Propaganda Project, which has been tracking disinformation strategies around the world since 2014. “If bad actors can lower the quality of information, they are diminishing the quality of democracy.”

    Efforts by Vladimir Putin’s regime were among the polarizing content captured in the new Oxford study. “We know the Russians have literally invested in social media,” Bradshaw told Mother Jones, referring to reports of Russian-bought Facebook ads as well as sophisticated training of Russian disinformation workers detailed in another recent study by the team. “Swing states would be the ones you would want to target.”

    The dubious Twitter content in the new study also contained polarizing YouTube videos–including some produced by the Kremlin-controlled RT network, which were uploaded without any information identifying them as Russian-produced. All the YouTube videos have since been taken down, according to Bradshaw; it’s unclear whether the accounts were deleted by the users, or if YouTube removed the content.

    The Oxford researchers captured 22 million tweets from November 1 to November 11 in 2016, and they have been scrutinizing the dataset to better understand the impact of disinformation on the US election. The team has also analyzed propaganda operations in more than two dozen countries, using a combination of reports from trusted media sources and think tanks, and cross-checking that information with experts on the ground. Their recent research has additional revelations about how disinformation works in the social-media age, including from Moscow.

    Putin’s big investment in information warfare

    In studying Russia’s propaganda efforts targeting both domestic and international populations, the Oxford researchers found evidence of increasing military expenditures on social-media operations since 2014. They also learned of a sophisticated training system for workers employed by Putin’s disinformation apparatus: “They have invested millions of dollars into training staff and setting targets for them,” Bradshaw says. She described a working environment where English training is provided to improve messaging for Western audiences: Supervisors hand out topical talking points to include in coordinated messaging, workers’ content is edited, and output is audited, with rewards given to more productive workers.

    The battle to identify bots

    One telltale sign of bots stems from a group of accounts that tweet much more frequently than typical humans—or accounts that tweet on exact intervals, say, every five minutes. The bot-driven accounts may lack typical profile elements such as profile pictures (see also: the generic Twitter egg) and often don’t engage in replies with other social-media accounts. In addition to spreading fake news, “they can also amplify marginal voices and ideas by inflating the number of likes, shares and retweets they receive, creating an artificial sense of popularity, momentum or relevance,” the Oxford team reported recently.

    While it’s difficult for researchers to untangle how many Twitter bots are Russian-controlled, they regularly see Russian accounts in the mix: For example, on Twitter, they found accounts following Trump that tweeted most frequently during Russian business hours and switched regularly between English and Cyrillic.

    The presence of bots during the election homestretch

    The Oxford researchers also found that bots infiltrated the core conversations among their Twitter data during the election period—and several of their analyses revealed that bots supported Trump much more than Hillary Clinton. A separate research effort by Emilio Ferrara at the University of Southern California, cited in Oxford’s report, determined that about one-fifth of campaign-related tweets during the month before the election likely were generated by bots. Ferrara’s team recorded 4 million tweets during that time period posted by about 400,000 bots.

    How Germany fought off the fake-news scourge

    In the days before the September 24 parliamentary election, the Oxford researchers found that political bots were minimally active on Twitter in Germany. The most tweets tracked were in support of the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) party, which won 13 percent of the vote and became the first far-right party to earn a presence in Parliament in 60-plus years. The research also found that Germans were much less likely to share fake news stories than their American counterparts, sharing links from professional news organizations four times as often as links from sites pushing fake news. Researchers theorize that voters in Germany and other parts of Europe may have been inoculated to the effects of bot-driven fake news, thanks to the ongoing fallout from 2016. “I would speculate the Russians overplayed their hand in the US elections,” Bradshaw says. “Voters in the US weren’t really prepared, but that was part of the discourse in other countries like Germany.”

    But the battle is only beginning. In the hands of bad operators “the bots get a bit smarter,” Bradshaw says. When those controlling them realize that the bots are being tracked, for example, they may adjust the frequency that they tweet in order to fly below researchers’ radar. Bradshaw also notes that voice-simulation technology combined with video-simulation technology is making it increasingly possible to create fake news—say, a video showing politicians making statements that they never actually said. “In innovations in technology,” she cautions, “the attackers always have the advantage.”

    Fake News on Twitter Flooded Swing States That Helped Trump Win ? Mother Jones

  14. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    The research also found that Germans were much less likely to share fake news stories than their American counterparts, sharing links from professional news organizations four times as often as links from sites pushing fake news.
    Go figure since the average German is far better educated than most Americans. They are less afflicted by trumpanzee syndrome.

  15. #140
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    Facebook to prioritize posts from friends over publishers

    Facebook will begin to prioritize posts from friends and family over public content and content from publishers, the company announced Thursday.

    Why it matters: Facebook is the most widely-used news and information platform in the world; almost half of Americans use it for news and information. These changes will significantly impact the way people around the world receive and distribute information, possibly limiting the spread of fake news. But the change will completely shift the publishing landscape away from publishers that rely on the news site for traffic.


    • If this plays out bigger than Facebook’s previous algorithm tweaks, you'll be witnessing a decrease in power of the machine that helped to create fake news and increased polarization in America.


  16. #141
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    hmmm. I'm not convinced. I believe the problem is people sharing fake news with friends and not publishers pushing fake news on to their feeds. Nobody trusts Russia Today but they'll trust Cousin Slayton from Lake Eufala when he passes on an article about Hillary's paedophile pizza parlour.
    The Above Post May Contain Strong Language, Flashing Lights, or Violent Scenes.

  17. #142
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    Fake News. The corporate fake news outlets (aka propaganda) equivalent of a rich little girl being called ugly and turning round and saying "No, you're ugly". As she is a rich little girl, all the weak willed other kids side with her. Even though she is blatantly pig ugly.

    Fact check everything - not just the crap produced out of basements in Ohio, but especially from the corporate mainstream media whose use of "a source" and "someone close to" is legendary and basically means they are making it up.

    Anyway, back to your fake news with you

  18. #143
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    Who are the publishers using Facebook to drum up business, anyway?

    I’ll take a look into it.

  19. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Who are the publishers using Facebook to drum up business, anyway?

    I’ll take a look into it.
    The Top Facebook Video Publishers: November 2017 Most Popular

    The most engaged Facebook publishers of March 2017

    nobody surprising, huffpo and fox news are the most influential. In reality though pictures of cats and rubbish chain letters about cancerous kids (if you don't pass this on you love tumors and hate kids, I bet you won't pass this on) and Bill Gates giving away millions in return for bottle caps are far, far more popular and influential than any news publisher.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails The corrosive power of fake news.-18e8834-jpg  
    Last edited by DrB0b; 12-01-2018 at 01:00 PM.

  20. #145
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Possibly "The Corrosive Power" of biased media owners should be regulated similarly.
    (Not behind a paywall)

    Facebook Introducing Sweeping Changes: Will Prioritze Only "Trustworthy" News

    "In a move that is set to infuriate news organizations that are not deemed "trustworthy", Facebook is set to introduce "sweeping changes" to its newsfeed as early as next week, prioritizing trustworthy sites and removing "clickbait" and low quality news publishers, while promoting posts from friends and family, the WSJ reports.

    Under its new approach, Facebook would evaluate parameters such as public polling about news outlets, and whether readers are willing to pay for news from particular publishers. Such variables would inform its algorithm that determines which publishers’ posts are pushed higher in the feed, one of the people said.

    It is not known how Facebook will decide which publications are deemed trustworthy.

    The move would thrust Facebook into an even more active role in deciding what content is acceptable on its site, in other words censoring content it deems inappropriate while promoting news outlets that are ideologically aligned with the organization.

    While the WSJ writes that Facebook hasn’t decided whether to proceed with the shift, and it may choose not to do so, the FT disagrees and reports that the world’s largest social network will unveil the change imminently, according to people briefed on the plans, hoping to differentiate between salacious content and quality news. "Zuckerberg has finally realized that not all news is equal," said one publisher - clearly on the promoted sight of "equal" - briefed on the plans.

    While Facebook will try to make the newsfeed a place for personal sharing and in-depth discussions - similar to Snapchat - and move other content from pages and publishers to a separate space within the app, the move is widely expected to infuriate news organizations which are not deemed trustworthy or high quality by the site.

    Meanwhile, the change to the algorithm is sure to have a dramatic impact - whether positive or negative - on the revenue of virtually all news organization who now rely almost exclusively on facebook for inbound traffic referral."

    (Both sources above are behind paywalls. )

    McCarthyism is alive and well in the "Land of the Free".

    (McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion or treason without proper regard for evidence.[1] The term refers to U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy and has its origins in the period in the United States known as the Second Red Scare, lasting roughly from 1947 to 1956 and characterized by heightened political repression as well as a campaign spreading fear of Communist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents.)
    Last edited by OhOh; 12-01-2018 at 02:44 PM.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  21. #146
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    ^ That f**ker Tyler Durden again.

    Reckon Tyler is afraid Facebook will not carry any “news” from Zero Hedge because it is a crank site where anyone can write any kind of crap and use the name Tyler Durden. Where the is absolutely NO accountability for what is printed.


  22. #147
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    This was on Comedy Central a while back. Thought it was funny as hell.

    And several of you suckers fall for the shite.

    Sorry I can’t make the first vid come up
    Last edited by misskit; 12-01-2018 at 04:14 PM.

  23. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Zero Hedge because it is a crank site where anyone can write any kind of crap and use the name Tyler Durden
    Missy your nativity is LEGEND.

    I sort of agree with you on Zero Hedge and the rest.

    But what is CNN? MSNBC? All the "media" and "newspapers" you believe?

    They are no different. Rich person / corporation / government machine own them and they can put in them ANYTHING they like and certainly not anything that goes against their "interests". This included major share holders as well.

    The major difference is though between what you call Crank Sites and your beloved corporate and elite owned propaganda rags; in the "crank" sites you still get investigative journalists and articles where as in the mainstream you get "approved content from Reuters" only, and propaganda opinion pieces where the journos wouldn't dare bite the hand that feeds them

    So you win Miss Nativity 2018 award. Well done - took some winning to drag it away from harry.

  24. #149
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    I wonder if this was fake news too? First saw about it on ZH today...and it was on RT too. Oh dear.

    Winning hearts and minds.

    Military investigating shooting in newly leaked Afghan combat video

    Moon of Alabama was first on it 9th of January.
    MoA - Afghanistan - U.S. Special Forces Commit Drive-By Murder (Video)

    Probably all crank sites according to the new FuckerFaceBerg algorithm...

  25. #150
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    Yet ask any MURICAN why they MURICA MILLITARY are all around the world, it is for freedom, to protect the world, and other bullshit like that.

    What happened to OBOMBA and TRUMPS pledges to bring all murican troops back to Murica and leave the rest of the world alone?

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