1. #25226
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    22-06-2024 @ 08:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    the people who made this work for a US politics/news website...but someone (bloomberg) is going to reconfigure it into a devastating anti-trump....


  2. #25227
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    Anthony Stephen Fauci is an American immunologist who serves as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and as a member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force addressing the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.


    Q: “What about the travel restrictions? President Trump keeps saying that the travel ban for China, which began 2 February, had a big impact [on slowing the spread of the virus to the United States] and that he wishes China would have told us three to four months earlier and that they were ‘very secretive.’ [China did not immediately reveal the discovery of a new coronavirus in late December, but by 10 January, Chinese researchers made the sequence of the virus public.] It just doesn’t comport with facts.”

    A: “I know, but what do you want me to do? I mean, seriously Jon, let’s get real, what do you want me to do?” …

    Q: “You have not said China virus.” [Trump frequently calls the cause of the spreading illness, known as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) a ‘China virus’ or a ‘Chinese virus.’]

    A: “Ever.”

    Q: “And you never will, will you?”

    A: “No.”
    'I’m going to keep pushing.' Anthony Fauci tries to make the White House listen to facts of the pandemic | Science | AAAS

  3. #25228
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    23-06-2024 @ 10:26 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chuchok View Post

    As for the slur against the CCP. I'm for it. That's the CCP and not the people. They are a bigger kunt than Trump

    He can call it the Wuhan Chinese Pigmy Virus for all I care..
    I’m with Panama on this one. The tension level is off the charts here in the states, and when the President of the United States says shit like that, it’s like throwing gasoline on a fire. There are a lot of gun toting, Trump supporting, uneducated, racist trailer trash, just looking for someone to blame. To these dumbasses,all Asians are Chinese, and as the father of two brown teenagers, and the husband of a Thai woman, it’s just one more fucking thing to worry about.
    For once in his miserable, godforsaken life, I sure would like to see Trump take the highroad.

  4. #25229
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    Quote Originally Posted by Little Chuchok View Post
    While Trump is indeed an ignorant narcissist, he was getting back at the CCP for telling their population that this virus was spread by the US Armed forces.

    I think he called it the China Virus. He should have called it the Wuhan virus, because that's what it is. The same way that all literature say "japanese encephalitis", because that's where it started.
    He did call it the China virus, and fwiw I stand with him on this. China is not subject to democratic politeness or terms of fairness, quite simply the gov is there to rule the people and the people are there to serve their masters. But if as likely it can be proven to have come from China, and importantly that the gov tried to conceal it for critical weeks, then China should definitely be punished and severely.

    But back to the real world; once this is over, after decades of dependence on China as the hub of the supply chain that provides everything we need, which keeps the people happy and drives the markets, Europe and possibly the US will be shattered versions of their former selves and its leaders will be delighted to salvage the closest they can get to the status quo, continued dependence.

  5. #25230
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    This is just embarrassing...

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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Time for President Trump to suspend the coming election until further notice, MAGA!!!

    Democrats oWNED again

  7. #25232
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    Time for President Trump to suspend the coming election until further notice, MAGA!!!
    errr......this is just as unconstitutional as it was a few days ago when you posted the same thing.

  8. #25233
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    President Donald Trump-90298738_4183724341641525_8395374450391908352_n-jpg

  9. #25234
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Your boy, huh Harry.

    Quite a fella..

  10. #25235
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    It's something else when baldy orange cunto's mindless jeff-like babbling causes death.

    A Phoenix-area man is dead and his wife is under critical care after the two took chloroquine phosphate in an apparent attempt to self-medicate for the novel coronavirus, according to hospital system Banner Health.

    It does not appear they took the pharmaceutical version of the drug, but rather "an additive commonly used at aquariums to clean fish tanks," Banner Health said in a statement.

    Though Banner did not provide additional details, NBC News spoke to the wife, who said they learned of chloroquine's connection to coronavirus during a President Donald Trump news conference, which "was on a lot actually." They took it because they "were afraid of getting sick," she said.

    Fearing coronavirus, Arizona man dies after taking a form of chloroquine used in aquariums - CNN

  11. #25236
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    No "China Virus" please...

    President Donald Trump said Tuesday that he has decided to pull back from associating the novel coronavirus with China, which he had previously done by calling it the "China virus" or the "Chinese virus."


  12. #25237
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    Fwiw I give Trump 50-50 on the fiscal side, and that's generous as it allows for the market ridiculing his pathetic $300bn-stimulus package, which seems to have shook him up to fast track more suitable numbers all the way up to unlimited.

    But he may have dug his own political grave with a series of comments that indicate he is either in denial of reality as proposed by experts that are on top of current knowledge, or simply refuses to accept that something as small as a virus might be more potent than his wish that if fcuk off and die. Such a pity that the alternative to another 4 years of him is someone like Biden.

  13. #25238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Trump is talking out his ass as usual.
    like he has his entire life, he's going to roll the dice.

    in the past, it only meant he went bankrupt....but this could potentially cost tens of thousands of lives.

  14. #25239
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    No greater love hath Trump than to lay down your life for his re-election

    Richard Wolffe
    The Guardian March 26, 2020, 6:13 AM GMT+7

    Donald Trump isn’t much of a doctor or scientist. He isn’t much of a diplomat or general. His leadership skills match his business skills. There’s a reason his companies went bankrupt so many times.

    But he might just be a pioneer with this idea of letting people die for the sake of the country. Only a once-in-a-century leader has the guts to say out loud what the worst among us are really thinking: everyone other than me is expendable.

    Anyone older is past it, for sure. The younger ones we can easily afford to lose: they don’t actually pay for anything. The smarter ones? Totally annoying. The dumber ones: what’s even the point?

    The sick are a real drain on us, financially and emotionally. The poor won’t really do much in the long run, no matter how hard we try. The wealthy just keep shoving it in your face. Foreigners aren’t like us at all. And our neighbors are frankly a bit too close for comfort.
    So when you add it all up, it’s only sensible that we ask everyone else to sacrifice themselves for us. For the sake of the nation and all that’s good, please just go, so that the rest of us – not counting the undesirables – can get back to our old lives.

    “Look, you’re going to lose a number of people to the flu,” this pandemic of a president told Fox News on Tuesday. “But you’re going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression. You’re going to lose people. You’re going to have suicides by the thousands. You’re going to have all sorts of things happen. You’re going to have instability.”

    Mr President, it might come as a shock to you but we are currently suffering from a viral case of instability, and you are one of its hotspots. As you surely recall, if you lift all restrictions, the estimated death count is 2.2 million Americans.
    “You can’t just come in and say, ‘Let’s close up the United States of America,’” continued the president who prides himself on closing the borders of, um, the United States of America.

    Being a fundamentally religious man, albeit one with a love of paying off porn stars, Trump has a full resurrection in mind for the country in all of two weeks. “I would love to have it open by Easter,” he told the normally diligent hoax-busters at Fox News. “I will, I will tell you that right now. I would love to have that. It’s such an important day for other reasons, but I’ll make it an important day for this too.”

    Pray tell: what are those other reasons that Easter is important? Perhaps if we could discuss those reasons, you might rethink this one. It seems – how to put this diplomatically? – a little perverse to kill large swaths of the population to celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the dead. The White House comms team might think it’s confusing to mix one message of rebirth with another about mass death.
    Of course, this kind of party-pooping epidemiology is so typical of the elites. They just don’t get it. Or worse: they’re trying to save lives just so they can hurt Donald Trump’s re-election.

    “The LameStream Media is the dominant force in trying to get me to keep our Country closed as long as possible in the hope that it will be detrimental to my election success,” tweeted our LameStream President on Wednesday. “The real people want to get back to work ASAP. We will be stronger than ever before!”If it’s not the media’s fault, it’s the doctors and scientists, or the governors or the Chinese. Someone, anyone, not called Trump

    The real people won’t be surprised to hear that our fearful leader’s latest gambit is to blame everyone else as he desperately tries to squirm his way to November’s election. How else can he divert attention from his disastrously botched handling of the pandemic and the ensuing economic collapse? If it’s not the media’s fault, it’s the doctors and scientists, or the governors or the Chinese. Someone, anyone, not called Trump.

    There is some history to this one, naturally. When Hurricane Maria ripped through Puerto Rico in our antihero’s first year in office, he thought it was fine and dandy to let the sick and elderly die. In the early days, the official death toll was so low it was actually worth celebrating their deaths on his one and only trip to the American colony after the storm.

    “If you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here with, really, a storm that was just totally overpowering,” he said, “nobody has ever seen anything like this. What is your death count, as of this moment? Seventeen? Sixteen certified. Sixteen people versus in the thousands. You can be very proud of all of your people, all of our people working together.”

    Of course, they weren’t working together because they had no commander-in-chief. At the time Trump was talking, the death toll was growing exponentially because our so-called president failed to surge supplies to the island. So the sick and the elderly died in their thousands because there was no reliable power, clean water or food, in hospitals and senior centers.

    Anyone who complained, like the mayor of San Juan, was corrupt or crazy or incompetent: a combination of qualities that Trump should actually trademark. And when the real death toll finally emerged – at more than 4,600 Americans – it was naturally all a plot by Democrats to make him look bad.

    Those old and sick Americans in Puerto Rico were no different from the old and sick Americans whose lives are so cheap for Trump and the Texas lieutenant governor and the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal.

    If only we could target the virus to those who get in the way of our economy and, more importantly, Donald Trump’s re-election. It would be so much easier than sourcing more ventilators, or respirator masks, or reviving an economy that is heading for depression.
    That would require leadership, or at least crisis management skills: rallying a government and nation to a common cause to save each other and ourselves. All the rest is the wishful thinking of a group of people whose malign influence is now a matter of fact.

    The coronavirus has no sense of morality: it just spreads its selfish genes, along with its misery and chaos, as fast as it can. At long last, this president has finally met his soulmate.

    Majestically enthroned amid the vulgar herd

  15. #25240
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    If you've watched President Trump's daily press briefings about the coronavirus outbreak, you've learned how little you've learned. Every time he talks about the pandemic, he tells us more about his narcissism than he does about the pandemic.

    Trump began holding press briefings when he could no longer hold rallies, and for the same reason: He needs praise like he needs oxygen, and these briefings, like his campaign rallies, are his oxygen tank. Public health is not the point. They are about what Trump wants to hear, not what we need to know.

    When he talks about the pandemic, he's vague, misleading, and self-congratulatory, often at the same time. "We have a lot of things happening, a lot of very positive things," Trump said while discussing things.

    He prefers to discuss things that have nothing to do with the pandemic, such as his "very popular" wife and "Sleepy Joe Biden." While he has not called for the coronavirus to be locked up, he said, "We're building a wall." His logorrhea occasionally takes him into the unchartered territories of pseudo-empathy and complete sentences, as when he said, "Life is fragile" and "The whole concept of death is terrible."

    Also terrible is the credit Trump isn't getting. More than anything, he wants to be commended. On Sunday, he complained that "nobody said thank you" after he donated part of his presidential salary to fighting the coronavirus. He donated $100,000, which is $30,000 less than what he spent on silencing a porn star.

    Trump boasts of the job he's supposed to be doing ("a phenomenal job") and cites people without proper names as confirmation. "Many doctors — and I've read many, many doctors — they can't believe the great job that we've done," he claimed. He said governors are "loving what we're doing," "were thanking us for the job we did," and "were very complimentary." Asked if he sold any stocks before the epidemic, Trump compared himself to George Washington, "a rich man" who "ran the presidency and he also ran his business."

    Even when Trump is not talking about himself, he talks about himself. A reporter asked if he regretted his handling of the crisis. "I'm not interested in myself," said Trump, putative author of eight books whose titles begin with "Trump," about himself.

    When not praising himself, Trump vilifies those who fail to praise him as much as he does. He denounced "fake news" and "dishonest journalists." He reprimanded NBC News correspondent Peter Alexander for asking "a very nasty question" and told him, "You're a terrible reporter." He called The Washington Post and Wall Street Journal "very dishonest media sources." Last week, he said he wanted to "get rid of about another 75-80 percent of you. I'll just have two or three that I like in this room." The president is holding press conferences in a pandemic to say he wants to get rid of the press.

    It's no wonder why he feels this way. Unlike at his rallies, where thousands of fans shout his name, the audience at his coronavirus briefings consists of reporters asking questions about the health and safety of Americans, all but one of whom are not him.

    Instead of reassuring the country, Trump wants the country to reassure him.

    Last week, his friend Lou Dobbs gave him a farrago of praise, adulation, and exaltation. On Twitter, Dobbs asked people to "grade President Trump's leadership in the nation's fight against the Wuhan Virus." The three options were "superb," "great," and "very good." Two days later, Dobbs self-quarantined after one of his staffers contracted the coronavirus, which suggests that Trump's leadership has been very good, not superb or great.

    Republicans have criticized Democrats for politicizing the pandemic. Yet, at his press briefings, Trump's sycophants, not health experts, do most of the talking, and most of their talking consists of praise for the president. They thank him for the opportunity to praise him. At Sunday's press briefing, the president's trade adviser Peter Navarro began his remarks by saying, "Thank you, sir. Thank you, Mr. President." He concluded by saying, "I salute you, sir."

    Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the White House coronavirus task force, was not present at Sunday's or Monday's briefing. Fauci is an expert in infectious diseases, not assuaging Trump's ego. The more you know about something, the less Trump trusts you.

    These are not press briefings. They are praise briefings.

    What Trump's coronavirus briefings are really about

  16. #25241
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM

    No greater love hath Trump than to lay down your life for his re-election

    Only a once-in-a-century leader has the guts to say out loud what the worst among us are really thinking: everyone other than me is expendable

    ‘If only we could target the virus to those who get in the way of our economy and, more importantly, Donald Trump’s re-election.’

    Donald Trump isn’t much of a doctor or scientist. He isn’t much of a diplomat or general. His leadership skills match his business skills. There’s a reason his companies went bankrupt so many times.

    But he might just be a pioneer with this idea of letting people die for the sake of the country. Only a once-in-a-century leader has the guts to say out loud what the worst among us are really thinking: everyone other than me is expendable.

    Anyone older is past it, for sure. The younger ones we can easily afford to lose: they don’t actually pay for anything. The smarter ones? Totally annoying. The dumber ones: what’s even the point?

    The sick are a real drain on us, financially and emotionally. The poor won’t really do much in the long run, no matter how hard we try. The wealthy just keep shoving it in your face. Foreigners aren’t like us at all. And our neighbors are frankly a bit too close for comfort.

    So when you add it all up, it’s only sensible that we ask everyone else to sacrifice themselves for us. For the sake of the nation and all that’s good, please just go, so that the rest of us – not counting the undesirables – can get back to our old lives.

    “Look, you’re going to lose a number of people to the flu,” this pandemic of a president told Fox News on Tuesday. “But you’re going to lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression. You’re going to lose people. You’re going to have suicides by the thousands. You’re going to have all sorts of things happen. You’re going to have instability.”

    Mr President, it might come as a shock to you but we are currently suffering from a viral case of instability, and you are one of its hotspots. As you surely recall, if you lift all restrictions, the estimated death count is 2.2 million Americans.

    “You can’t just come in and say, ‘Let’s close up the United States of America,’” continued the president who prides himself on closing the borders of, um, the United States of America.

    Being a fundamentally religious man, albeit one with a love of paying off porn stars, Trump has a full resurrection in mind for the country in all of two weeks. “I would love to have it open by Easter,” he told the normally diligent hoax-busters at Fox News. “I will, I will tell you that right now. I would love to have that. It’s such an important day for other reasons, but I’ll make it an important day for this too.”

    Pray tell: what are those other reasons that Easter is important? Perhaps if we could discuss those reasons, you might rethink this one. It seems – how to put this diplomatically? – a little perverse to kill large swaths of the population to celebrate Jesus Christ rising from the dead. The White House comms team might think it’s confusing to mix one message of rebirth with another about mass death.

    Of course, this kind of party-pooping epidemiology is so typical of the elites. They just don’t get it. Or worse: they’re trying to save lives just so they can hurt Donald Trump’s re-election.

    “The LameStream Media is the dominant force in trying to get me to keep our Country closed as long as possible in the hope that it will be detrimental to my election success,” tweeted our LameStream President on Wednesday. “The real people want to get back to work ASAP. We will be stronger than ever before!”

    If it’s not the media’s fault, it’s the doctors and scientists, or the governors or the Chinese. Someone, anyone, not called Trump
    The real people won’t be surprised to hear that our fearful leader’s latest gambit is to blame everyone else as he desperately tries to squirm his way to November’s election. How else can he divert attention from his disastrously botched handling of the pandemic and the ensuing economic collapse? If it’s not the media’s fault, it’s the doctors and scientists, or the governors or the Chinese. Someone, anyone, not called Trump.

    There is some history to this one, naturally. When Hurricane Maria ripped through Puerto Rico in our antihero’s first year in office, he thought it was fine and dandy to let the sick and elderly die. In the early days, the official death toll was so low it was actually worth celebrating their deaths on his one and only trip to the American colony after the storm.

    “If you look at a real catastrophe like Katrina, and you look at the tremendous hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people that died, and you look at what happened here with, really, a storm that was just totally overpowering,” he said, “nobody has ever seen anything like this. What is your death count, as of this moment? Seventeen? Sixteen certified. Sixteen people versus in the thousands. You can be very proud of all of your people, all of our people working together.”

    Of course, they weren’t working together because they had no commander-in-chief. At the time Trump was talking, the death toll was growing exponentially because our so-called president failed to surge supplies to the island. So the sick and the elderly died in their thousands because there was no reliable power, clean water or food, in hospitals and senior centers.

    Anyone who complained, like the mayor of San Juan, was corrupt or crazy or incompetent: a combination of qualities that Trump should actually trademark. And when the real death toll finally emerged – at more than 4,600 Americans – it was naturally all a plot by Democrats to make him look bad.

    Those old and sick Americans in Puerto Rico were no different from the old and sick Americans whose lives are so cheap for Trump and the Texas lieutenant governor and the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal.

    If only we could target the virus to those who get in the way of our economy and, more importantly, Donald Trump’s re-election. It would be so much easier than sourcing more ventilators, or respirator masks, or reviving an economy that is heading for depression.

    That would require leadership, or at least crisis management skills: rallying a government and nation to a common cause to save each other and ourselves. All the rest is the wishful thinking of a group of people whose malign influence is now a matter of fact.

    The coronavirus has no sense of morality: it just spreads its selfish genes, along with its misery and chaos, as fast as it can. At long last, this president has finally met his soulmate.

    No greater love hath Trump than to lay down your life for his re-election | Richard Wolffe | Opinion | The Guardian
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  17. #25242
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    President Donald Trump-90298738_4183724341641525_8395374450391908352_n-jpg
    Cough. Syphilis is caused by a bacteria, not a virus.

  18. #25243
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    Cough. Syphilis is caused by a bacteria, not a virus.
    Do you think baldy orange cunto knows that?

  19. #25244
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Was listening to BBCW on the way home. It's interesting that they would speak so openly of the lack of global leadership from the US.

    It doesn't take much to read between the lines that even Bush Jr. would have done a better job on the world stage than the stupid orange turd, who sits there at supposed "crisis briefings" talking about how many spaces there are between the seated journalists.

    He really does make America look like an inept shithole, and frankly with his attitude to just about every world leader since he was elected by a bunch of idiots, he's really not likely to get much sympathy.

  20. #25245
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    even Bush Jr. would have done a better job
    as he did a "better job" with Katrina, that even Bombama could not manage afterwards. And how is the situation today after 15 years?

    Hurricane Katrina badly damaged the former president's reputation. And it still hasn't recovered.
    Aug, 2015
    Hurricane Katrina Was the Beginning of the End for George W. Bush | The Report | US News

    Or perhaps how Clinton managed (a side job) the help for Haiti after the earthquake and cholera?

    'arry knows better...

  21. #25246
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    Awwwww diddums. It seems baldy doesn't like them saying bad things about him. And he's threatened to get the FCC to pull the broadcasting license of the TV stations that air this ad.

    It seems he's never heard of this little thing called the 1st amendment.

  22. #25247
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    The Coronavirus Isn’t Trump’s Katrina. It’s His Vietnam.

    An unfit president will cost American lives.

    By Francis Wilkinson
    March 27, 2020, 1:20 AM GMT+7

    Wartime president? Photographer: Sarah Silbiger/UPI/Bloomberg
    Francis Wilkinson writes editorials on politics and U.S. domestic policy for Bloomberg Opinion. He was executive editor of the Week. He was previously a writer for Rolling Stone, a communications consultant and a political media strategist.

    Mistakes were made. Lies were told. The body count kept rising.

    President Lyndon Johnson knew the war in Vietnam was a fiasco. But he believed American prestige was on the line. And he didn’t want to be the first president to lose a war. “I know we oughtn’t to be there,” he told Senator Eugene McCarthy in a February 1966 phone call. “But I can’t get out.”

    For two more years, until both the war and Johnson became unpopular, Johnson kept feeding fresh bodies into the maw.

    President Donald Trump’s disastrous mismanagement of the covid-19 pandemic has been compared with President George W. Bush’s deadly inaction in advance of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. But Bush did not have months to prepare for that storm, as Trump did for this pandemic.

    This is not Trump’s Katrina; it’s his Vietnam — with a warped timeline.

    Johnson may have misjudged Vietnam, but at least he was acting, in part, on behalf of what he perceived to be the national interest. Trump’s response to Covid-19 runs strictly on personal pathology. The failure to obtain basic equipment, including masks and ventilators, is akin to sending soldiers off to war without rifles. His initial falsehoods about the imminent spread of the virus, like his consistent inconsistency, reflects Trump’s perception of his self-interest as well as his lifelong recourse to make-believe.

    Trump lacks Johnson’s institutional knowledge or mastery of government. But Johnson’s weaknesses — ego, vanity, insecurity, selfishness — reappear in Trump at freakish levels.

    And now the death toll is piling up. There are more than 69,000 confirmed cases in the U.S., according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center. The number of unconfirmed cases, given the federal government’s catastrophic failure to test, is vastly higher. Deaths from Covid-19 have risen to more than 1,000. Yet the bad part has not yet begun.

    In February, Trump said the number of cases would soon be “zero.” Bush may have failed to prepare; Trump actively thwarted preparation. Trump is a tactical liar, spreading falsehoods to get through the next five minutes, not the next five weeks or months or years. He is aided by a Republican Party that has routinely defended his incompetence and corruption and is now poised to contribute to the defining event of his presidency: unnecessary death on a mass scale.

    By 1966, when the Vietnam War still had broad public support, Johnson was already taking heat from within his own party. Senator William J. Fulbright, the powerful chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, denounced the war in a major speech, rising to fulfill what he called “the patriot’s duty of dissent.”
    Had Johnson heeded Fulbright’s criticism, his warning that the war was being waged from arrogance rather than from strength, things would’ve turned out very differently. If Johnson had acted on the convictions he expressed in that phone call with McCarthy, he could have saved more than 50,000 Americans and many more Vietnamese (not to mention Cambodians and Laotians). Instead, the killing accelerated, and the body bags kept coming for another nine years.

    Casualties from the coronavirus failure will not persist for years. Scientists will devise a response, and public-health experts will make it stick. But Trump, who continues to encourage reckless behavior that will lead to additional loss of life, will make the death toll far higher than it should have been. The price of an unfit American president will be paid in thousands of American lives.

  23. #25248
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    22-02-2023 @ 10:50 AM

    Don’t worry Arry, any Trump supporter watching that brilliant add,
    would just wack on their rose colored glasses, and down another
    bottle of the turds slimy snake oil syrup.

    Tezza & the Fly have shitloads of the stuff.

  24. #25249
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM

    Donald J. Trump

    Just finished a very good conversation with President Xi of China. Discussed in great detail the CoronaVirus that is ravaging large parts of our Planet. China has been through much & has developed a strong understanding of the Virus. We are working closely together. Much respect!


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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    U.S. increases support for Taiwan in recognition battle with China

    TAIPEI (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump has signed into law an act that requires increased U.S. support for Taiwan internationally, which will likely infuriate a China already angry with Trump’s criticism of the handling of the coronavirus outbreak.

    China claims democratic and separately ruled Taiwan as its own territory, and regularly describes Taiwan as its most sensitive and important issue in ties with the United States.

    While the United States, like most countries, has no official relations with Taiwan, the Trump administration has ramped up support for the island, with arms sales and laws to help Taiwan deal with pressure from China.

    The Taiwan Allies International Protection and Enhancement Initiative (TAIPEI) Act, signed by Trump into law on Thursday with strong bipartisan support, requires the U.S. State Department to report to Congress on steps taken to strengthen Taiwan’s diplomatic relations.

    It also requires the United States to “alter” engagement with nations that undermine Taiwan’s security or prosperity.

    Taiwan complains that China is poaching the dwindling number of countries that maintain formal ties with Taipei and has prevented it from participating in bodies like the World Health Organization. China says Taiwan is merely one of its provinces, with no right to recognition as a country.

    U.S. increases support for Taiwan in recognition battle with China - Reuters

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