1. #15626
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    Donald Trump signs executive order to end separation of immigrant families at US-Mexico border

    US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order to end the separation of immigrant families at the US-Mexico border, which has sparked outrage in the United States and abroad.

    Key points:
    • The order will also give these families precedence when it comes to immigration proceedings, according to an administration official
    • Protestors heckled Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen in a Mexican restaurant, yelling "Shame" and "End family separation!"
    • Pope Francis has joined world leaders in criticising the current immigration policy as "immoral"

    While signing the document he said that he did not like the sight of children being separated from their families.

    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  2. #15627
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    Donald Trump vs the world: How 'America first' is shutting down the world chorus

    The surprise is not so much Donald Trump's withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council, but that the US took so long to go.
    The official reason given was the council's "chronic anti-Israel bias" that "makes a mockery of human rights".
    Those quotes came from the US envoy to the UN Nikki Haley, who described the council as "hypocritical and self-serving".

    The Council is far from perfect

    While decrying "hypocrisy" on human rights, Mr Trump failed to raise the US concerns about North Korea's shocking human rights record while meeting with Kim Jong-un last week.
    Remember, this is a man who has been reported to have murdered his own family members, including an uncle and half-brother.

    Mr Trump needed a deal on nuclear weapons, not to deliver a lecture on human rights.
    Mr Trump certainly has a point when he questions the motives and human rights histories of those on the UN Council.
    Some of its members are not exactly infused with democratic values or respect for human rights.

    Trump prefers a duo

    The North America Free Trade Agreement hangs in the balance, with Mr Trump accusing Canada and Mexico of playing the US for fools.
    One of his first decisions in office was to pull out of the Trans Pacific Partnership.
    The problem with multilateral structures is there are so many voices.
    Mr Trump prefers not a chorus but a duo, preferably one he dominates

    While others flex, US turns in

    At the very moment Russia and China are flexing their considerable muscle, the US is looking stateside, not worldwide.
    The decision to unilaterally suspend war games with the South Koreans to placate Pyongyang put a smile not just on
    Mr Kim's face, but also Xi Jinping's.

    Any sign the US is reducing its strategic might in north Asia will be met with approval in Beijing.

    At a time when regional dominance is being aggressively questioned, Trump's America seems less willing to provide answers.
    We knew the Trump administration would be different.
    That he would scrap multilateral ties he deems unfair or useless.

    Decision by decision, he is changing how the US deals with "the other".
    And we, on the outside of the "America first" doctrine, are mere helpless bystanders.

  3. #15628
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    So orange cunto is a flip-flopper.

  4. #15629
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    Putting children in cages and the rise of the right wing. I am both disgusted and more than slightly worried by the way the world seems to be heading. The phrase 'history repeats itself' has never seemed more apt.

    Are you sure you have the straight scoop on where the children separated from their parents are being housed? I think not.
    Last edited by RPETER65; 21-06-2018 at 07:40 AM.

  5. #15630
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maanaam View Post
    So orange cunto is a flip-flopper.
    Yep but I bet he somehow twists this to claim it was him saving the kids - he'll conveniently leave out that it was from his own policy.

  6. #15631
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    The surprise is not so much Donald Trump's withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council, but that the US took so long to go.
    The official reason given was the council's "chronic anti-Israel bias" that "makes a mockery of human rights".
    The"chronic anti-Israel bias" were shown not only in UN HRC but at the recent UN GA, so why not to withdraw from UN compeletely?

  7. #15632
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Yep but I bet he somehow twists this to claim it was him saving the kids - he'll conveniently leave out that it was from his own policy.
    Betting on something that has all ready happened is cheating.

  8. #15633
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Yep but I bet he somehow twists this to claim it was him saving the kids - he'll conveniently leave out that it was from his own policy.
    Absolutely. That's what the big show with the unnecessary executive order was about.

  9. #15634
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    ^&^^ T'was honestly just a guess, hadn't seen any of that

    Anyways meanwhile whilst Trump and his supporters are congratulating him on cleaning up his own room like a good boy, this just happened...


    "US President Donald Trump today ended an 8-year-old policy to protect oceans...."

  10. #15635
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    US President Donald Trump today ended an 8-year-old policy to protect oceans
    No surprise. The only thing 45 cares about is bigging himself up and protecting his ego.

  11. #15636
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    Steve Schmidt: Why I Quit the ‘Vile’ Republican Party

    Steve Schmidt, the veteran GOP strategist who worked in the George W. Bush White House and ran John McCain’s campaign for president, accused Republicans of complicity with the “vile” Trump administration and its “evil” policies unless they follow him and quit the party.

    Schmidt announced Tuesday night that he had formally left the party over Trump’s policy of separating families at the U.S. border with Mexico.

    Speaking to The Daily Beast, he called for his old boss, President Bush, to set aside political convention and come out to publicly challenge Trump’s grip on both the country and the Republican Party, which he feels is set to collapse. “This is a metastasis, a cancer, a toxin that has destroyed the Republican Party,” he said.

    He said he fears that “cowards” Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell have failed in their constitutional duty to act as counterweights to the Executive Branch, opening up the possibility that an era of liberal American democracy could be coming to an end.

    “The American people are fed a daily diet of nonsense-talk and lies in the form of what is effectively state media on Fox News and nobody should underestimate the threat posed by a political party where conservatism is now defined by absolute obedience to a leader with autocratic tendencies who fetishizes dictators and autocrats all over the world,” he said.

    “Trump didn’t destroy the Republican Party—it’s the cowardice of the Republican leaders, their complicity in all of it, the lack of courage to stand up for what's right.

    “Republican members of Congress are cowed and fearful of Trump and they have abrogated their oaths to defend the Constitution of the United States from Trump's attacks on the rule of law; on objective truth; his defilement of important institutions; his sundering of the American people; his betrayals of the Atlantic alliance; his racism; and his cruelty. The party has become profoundly corrupt, both financially in the form of men like Scott Pruitt and Jared [Kushner] and Ivanka [Trump], but also intellectually rotten and corrupt.”

    Schmidt, who was campaign manager for Arnold Schwarzenegger’s re-election as governor of California, said he believes that the Republican Party has been so badly damaged by the Trump presidency that it will not be able to recover.

    He fears the party’s virtual annihilation in California, where registration rolls now show fewer Republicans than unaffiliated voters and many races are fought between two Democrats, is a foreboding warning for it nationwide.

    “Whether they’re for good or bad, all trends in the United States start in California,” Schmidt said. “When you look at the demographics of the Republican Party today, its embrace of white ethno-nationalism; blood-and-soil politics of the type that you traditionally see in the European far-right—the Republican Party demographically will face its demise.”

    Schmidt said he mourns the “heartbreaking” transformation of the Republican Party, not because he believes that the push and pull of a center-left and center-right party is beneficial for any democracy, but he says he has always had respect for both of America’s great political parties.

    “A mark of stupidity is a belief that one party is totally virtuous and correct on the issues while the other is evil and always wrong. The truth of the matter is that both of these political parties have been essential institutions not just in the country but in the history of the world,” he said. “They have both produced good leaders and bad leaders. But neither has ever produced a leader as profoundly dangerous to the notion of small ‘l’ liberalism, of democracy, of freedom as it has in Donald Trump.”

    For Schmidt, the Trump administration’s policy of forced separation of families was the final straw for his own membership of the party, he said he would now support the Democrats.

    “Make no mistake about it when you're ripping breastfeeding children away from their mothers and putting them in detention facilities. That's an evil policy,” he said. “To see the Republican Party break up the way it has to lose its moral compass it is tragic, it's tragic for me personally, but I won't be part of it. I won’t share a party label with people who think it’s all right to put babies in internment camps. My fidelity is to my country, not my political party. Country first.”

    The failure of the Republican leadership to challenge the policy has also left him appalled. “You literally have nobody who’s willing to fight and to stand up to recognize the extraordinary moment in time, none of the elected official class. And so we have a spectacle in the United States where there are internment camps along the southern border. A policy that is morally reprehensible that speaks to the worst moral outrages in the history of the country; the separation of families at the auction blocks during slavery; the separation of children from Indian families.”

    As set out in the Constitution, Congress is supposed to temper the power of the White House. “Could American democracy roll back? Could you have an autocratic leader? Can you have a president who asserts that his power is unchecked—and it is unchecked? The system of government in the United States as designed by the Founders always anticipated that one day there would be a President Donald Trump. What it didn’t anticipate was the abdication of duty by the co-equal branch of government to check the Donald Trump and that would be the United States Congress,” he said, singling out Ryan and McConnell’s utter failure to challenge Trump.

    “They’re the heads of a co-equal branch of government. They have powerful offices and positions and they could have checked him. They could have set guardrails and boundaries. They could have stood up for what's right. Both of them are cowards.”

    In the absence of constitutional checks, Schmidt says Americans reluctantly must cast their eyes toward Europe in the 1930s.

    “What are the hallmarks here? He uses mass rallies to incite fervor and followers who are now more like cult members than voters,” he said. “Every problem has an easy group to blame—minorities, chiefly—he creates a sense of mass victimization, he alleges conspiracy by unseen forces, and he asserts that only he can stop it and protect the victims—and stop the villains, the minorities. The last step of this is an assertion: ‘I'll just need more powers to do it.’ And that's how a constitutional republic dies.”

    In the absence of leadership on Capitol Hill, Schmidt says it may be necessary to hear from leaders of the past.

    “Both George W. Bush and Barack Obama are good men,” he said. “The question the former presidents have to ask: Is there a moment in time that they are compelled to speak, and compelled to speak together? These men are addressed by that title ‘Mr. President,’ which is the highest that can be bestowed in American life. And I do think an hour is approaching where we have a crisis of leadership. With the fragility and the importance of our democratic institutions at stake, it would be nice to hear from them.”

    “We have in America—right now, at this hour—to understand that you have a lawless president, a vile president, a corrupt president, a mean, cruel president, who is seeking to remake the world order.”


  12. #15637
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    across the street
    Comes a point when the anger and eye rolling hits critical mass and shit hits the fan in a very unexpected way. Pretty sure it's nearing that point, especially if dt keeps up gaining momentum.

  13. #15638
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    We have in America—right now, at this hour—to understand that you have a lawless president, a vile president, a corrupt president, a mean, cruel president, who is seeking to remake the world order
    Was obvious from the moment 45 started his run for the Presidency. More disturbing is the fact he became President in spite of it.

  14. #15639
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    Comes a point when the anger and eye rolling hits critical mass and shit hits the fan in a very unexpected way. Pretty sure it's nearing that point, especially if dt keeps up gaining momentum.
    That's the clever idea how it works: Whatever is well achieved is because of the "American Dream" system.
    Whatever goes wrong is because of the guy on the top... Have him exchanged (don't mind the money involved) and have the system carry on without any blame and concern...

  15. #15640
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    31-10-2021 @ 03:34 AM
    The Trump administration withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday in protest of what it perceives as an entrenched bias against Israel and a willingness to allow notorious human rights abusers as members.

    Not that the UN Human Rights Council has any credibility anyway... the US at least being honest for it's contempt, even if it's reasoning is Orwellian.
    Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!"

  16. #15641
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    Comes a point when the anger and eye rolling hits critical mass and shit hits the fan in a very unexpected way. Pretty sure it's nearing that point, especially if dt keeps up gaining momentum.
    he is only delivering on his promises, you can hardly blame him for it, he got a people mandate for it

  17. #15642
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    across the street
    ^Dunno what ur on about, I'm talking about ppl getting fed up. Couple days ago a congressional aidel yelled 'fuck you, mr president' as trump was leaving the bldg. Sarah sanders refused to give a press conference yesterday. Not about whether he's fullifilling hus promises....enuff ppl hit a breaking point wirh his games and shit starts happening. Already is to some extent.

  18. #15643
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    Trump's had an epic whinge-fest.

    Doesn't feel like he's getting enough credit apparently and also butthurt that the so-called 'the elite' are called 'the elite' when he has a better apartment than they do and is smarter and richer than they are.*


    *He actually said those things

  19. #15644
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    ^Dunno what ur on about, I'm talking about ppl getting fed up. Couple days ago a congressional aidel yelled 'fuck you, mr president' as trump was leaving the bldg. Sarah sanders refused to give a press conference yesterday. Not about whether he's fullifilling hus promises....enuff ppl hit a breaking point wirh his games and shit starts happening. Already is to some extent.
    well he is taking a lot of hard choices, and that disturb a lot of people, and his style is definitely unsettling for some

    people don't like change, and congressional aides snowflakes are probably there for comfort and stability, so Trump is definitely disturbing all that

    he is doing exactly what he was elected for, shaking up the Deep State and the failed policies of the last 50 years

  20. #15645
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Trump's had an epic whinge-fest.

    Doesn't feel like he's getting enough credit apparently and also butthurt that the so-called 'the elite' are called 'the elite' when he has a better apartment than they do and is smarter and richer than they are.*


    *He actually said those things
    That's a pretty scary article.

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  22. #15647
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    Looks eerily similar. Fucking pathetic...

  23. #15648
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    ^ That's exactly what Trump covetts. He even said as much.

  24. #15649
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    Drumpf likes being on the cover of Time magazine so much that he even had fake ones made but something tells me he's not going to like this actual one:

  25. #15650
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    his wife had a funny coat yesterday

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