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  1. #2251
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    What a spineless slug Slick is turning out to be.
    You are just figuring that out? He is a fucking trumpty dumpty.

  2. #2252
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    Accusing a reporter of being a homosexual
    Wait what? Where did I say this?

    Nancy Boy means 'pussy' where I come from, same as calling someone a daffodil or some shit. But hey, call me whatever you want.

  3. #2253
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    Since when can the media puke up bullshit
    What bullshit did CNN 'puke up'. Their story was accurate. What was innacurate?

  4. #2254
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    Nancy Boy means 'pussy' where I come from, same as calling someone a daffodil or some shit. But hey, call me whatever you want.
    You know god damned well what it means and what you meant.

  5. #2255
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    What was innacurate?
    Nothing. These clowns just parrot whatever Drumpf and his team say. That is their "news" source.

  6. #2256
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    You know god damned well what it means and what you meant.
    Here we go, derailing and deflecting. Remember I'm 33. What the geezers say is different.

    Many meanings to 'Nancy' or 'Nancy Boy' and its not just post war soft terms for 'faggot'

    Urban Dictionary: nancy boy

    an effeminate man
    effete male - metro-sexual
    Matt Lauer is a classic nancy boy
    A person included on your group texts that whines and cries about getting messages.
    And yeah, a nancy boy says shit like:

    Quote Originally Posted by Slick

  7. #2257
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Trump's Minister of Propaganda: Kellyanne Conway

    Famed journalist Carl Bernstein tore into Kellyanne Conway Wednesday over her callous dismissal of CNN’s reporting, calling the incoming counselor to the president “a propaganda minister.”

    On his eponymous show, Anderson Cooper hammered Conway over her refusal to accept a CNN report regarding ties between Russian intermediaries and Donald Trump’s inner circle. as well as allegations that the Russian government has incriminating information about the president-elect.

    Conway and members of the Trump team are pushing back hard against CNN’s reporting after BuzzFeed leaked the unverified dossier Tuesday night. At a press conference Wednesday, Trump conflated CNN and BuzzFeed’s separate reports, at one point shouting at CNN’s Jim Acosta, “You are fake news!”

    In an extensive interview with Cooper, Conway refused to acknowledge that the CNN and BuzzFeed reports were separate, angering Bernstein—who was part of the CNN team responsible for breaking news about the Trump dossier.

    “Let’s talk about what reporting is,” Bernstein said. “It’s the best attainable version of the truth.”

    “The chief intelligence officials of the United States of America saw this material, thought that it deserved investigation, thought that it ought to be brought to the attention of the president of the United States and to the president-elect,” he continued, adding that’s “the best attainable version of the truth.”

    The Watergate journalist—who knows a thing or two about anonymous sources—then raged against Conway, laying bare his frustration with the incoming counselor to the president.

    “One of the great anonymous sources of this era is Kellyanne Conway,” Bernstein. “She does it everyday. She’s been an anonymous source for the last ten months, particularly during this campaign, when it suits her. And it’s time to talk about what we do as journalists and what propaganda ministers do.”

    “That is what she is—is a propaganda minister,” he said.

    Bernstein rips ?propaganda minister? Kellyanne Conway: ?One of the great anonymous sources of our era?
    This post has not been authorized by the TeakDoor censorship committee.

  8. #2258
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    Matt Lauer is a classic nancy boy
    Now you're accusing Matt Lauer of being a homosexual? Got a real strong gadar going there Slick.

  9. #2259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    Now you're accusing Matt Lauer of being a homosexual? Got a real strong gadar going there Slick.

    You know that was copypasta from urban dictionary.

  10. #2260
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    New York Times background story on Trump's latest troubles.

    How a Lurid, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump

    Seven months ago, a respected former British spy named Christopher Steele won a contract to build a file on Donald J. Trump’s ties to Russia. Last week, his lurid account — unsubstantiated accounts of frolics with prostitutes, real estate deals that were intended as bribes and coordination with Russian intelligence of the hacking of Democrats — was summarized for Mr. Trump in an appendix to a top-secret intelligence report.

    The consequences have been incalculable and will play out long past Inauguration Day. Word of the summary, which was also given to President Obama and to congressional leaders, leaked to CNN on Tuesday, and the rest of the media followed with sensational reports.

    Mr. Trump denounced the unproven claims Wednesday as a fabrication, a Nazi-style slander concocted by “sick people.” It has further undermined, at least temporarily, his relationship with the intelligence agencies and cast a shadow over the new administration.

    Parts of the story remain out of reach — most critically the basic question of how much, if anything, in the dossier is true. But it is possible to piece together a rough narrative of what led to the current crisis, including lingering questions about the ties binding Mr. Trump and his team to Russia. The episode also offers a glimpse of the hidden side of presidential campaigns, involving private sleuths-for-hire looking for the worst they can find about the next American leader.

    Sign Up For the Morning Briefing Newsletter

    The story began in September 2015, when a wealthy Republican donor who strongly opposed Mr. Trump put up the money to hire a Washington research firm run by former journalists, Fusion GPS, to compile a dossier about the real estate magnate’s past scandals and weaknesses, according to a person familiar with the effort. The person described the opposition research work on condition of anonymity, citing the volatile nature of the story and the likelihood of future legal disputes. The identity of the donor who funded the effort is unclear.

    Fusion GPS, headed by a former Wall Street Journal journalist known for his dogged reporting, Glenn Simpson, most often works for business clients. But in presidential elections, the firm is sometimes hired by candidates, party organizations or donors to do political “oppo” work — shorthand for opposition research — on the side.

    It is routine work and ordinarily involves creating a big, searchable database of public information: past news reports, documents from lawsuits and other relevant data. For months, Fusion GPS gathered the documents and put together the files from Mr. Trump’s past in business and entertainment, a rich target.

    After Mr. Trump emerged as the presumptive Republican nominee in the spring, the Republicans no longer wanted to finance the effort. But Democratic supporters of Hillary Clinton were very interested, and Fusion GPS kept doing the same deep dives into Mr. Trump’s record, but on behalf of new clients.

    In June, the tenor of the effort suddenly changed. The Washington Post reported that the Democratic National Committee had been hacked, apparently by Russian government agents, and a mysterious figure calling himself “Guccifer 2.0” began to publish the stolen documents online.

    Mr. Simpson hired Mr. Steele, a former British intelligence officer with whom he had worked before. Mr. Steele, in his early 50s, had served undercover in Moscow in the early 1990s and later was the top expert on Russia at the London headquarters of Britain’s spy service, MI6. When he stepped down in 2009, he started his own commercial intelligence firm, Orbis Business Intelligence.

    The former journalist and the former spy, according to people who know them, had a similar dark view of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia, a former K.G.B. officer, and the varied tactics he and his intelligence operatives used to smear, blackmail or bribe their targets.

    As a former spy who had carried out espionage inside Russia, Mr. Steele was in no position to travel to Moscow to study Mr. Trump’s connections there. Instead, he hired native Russian speakers to call informants inside Russia and made surreptitious contact with his own connections in the country as well.

    Mr. Steele wrote up his findings in a series of memos, each a few pages long, that he began to deliver to Fusion GPS in June and continued at least until December. By then, the election was over, and neither Mr. Steele nor Mr. Simpson had a client to pay them, but they did not stop what they believed to be very important work. (Mr. Simpson declined to comment for this article, and Mr. Steele did not immediately reply to a request for comment.)

    The memos described two different Russian operations. The first was a yearslong effort to find a way to influence Mr. Trump, perhaps because he had contacts with Russian oligarchs whom Mr. Putin wanted to keep close track of. According to Mr. Steele’s memos, it used an array of familiar Russian tactics: the gathering of “kompromat,” compromising material such as alleged tapes of Mr. Trump with prostitutes in a Moscow hotel, and proposals for business deals attractive to Mr. Trump to win his allegiance.

    The goal would probably never have been to make Mr. Trump a knowing agent of Russia, but to make him a source who might provide information to friendly Russian contacts. But if Mr. Putin and his agents wanted to entangle Mr. Trump using business deals, they did not do it very successfully — Mr. Trump has said he has no major properties inside Russia.

    The second Russian operation described was recent: a series of contacts with Mr. Trump’s representatives during the campaign, in part to discuss the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and Mrs. Clinton’s campaign chairman, John D. Podesta. According to Mr. Steele’s sources, it involved, among other things, a late-summer meeting in Prague between Michael Cohen, a lawyer for Mr. Trump, and Oleg Solodukhin, a Russian official who works for Rossotrudnichestvo, an organization that promotes Russia’s interests abroad.

    By all accounts, Mr. Steele has an excellent reputation with American and British intelligence colleagues and had done work for the F.B.I. on the investigation of bribery at FIFA, soccer’s global governing body. Colleagues say he was acutely aware of the danger he and his associates were being fed Russian disinformation. Russian intelligence had mounted a complex hacking and leaking operation to damage Mrs. Clinton, after all, and a similar operation against Mr. Trump was an obvious possibility.

    But much of what he was told, and passed on to Fusion GPS, was very difficult to check. And some of the claims that can be checked seem problematic. Mr. Cohen, for instance, said on Twitter on Tuesday night that he has never been in Prague; Mr. Solodukhin, his purported Russian contact, denied in a telephone interview that he had ever met Mr. Cohen or anyone associated with Mr. Trump. The president-elect on Wednesday cited news reports that a different Michael Cohen with no Trump ties may have visited Prague and that the two Cohens might have been mixed up in Mr. Steele’s reports.

    But word of a dossier had begun to spread through political circles. Rick Wilson, a Republican political operative who was working for a “super PAC” supporting Marco Rubio, said he heard about it in July, when an investigative reporter for a major news network called him to ask what he knew. Other campaigns and super PACs were also developing more limited opposition research into Mr. Trump’s Russia ties.

    By early fall, some of Mr. Steele’s memos had been given to the F.B.I. and to journalists. An MI6 official, whose job does not permit him to be quoted by name, said that in late summer or early fall, Mr. Steele also passed the reports he had prepared on Mr. Trump and Russia to British intelligence. Mr. Steele was concerned about what he was hearing about Mr. Trump, and he thought that the information should not be solely in the hands of people looking to win a political contest.

    After the election, the memos, still being supplemented by his inquiries, became one of Washington’s worst-kept secrets, as reporters scrambled to try to confirm or disprove their contents.

    Word also reached Capitol Hill. Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, heard about the dossier and obtained a copy in December from David J. Kramer, a former top State Department official who works for the McCain Institute at Arizona State University. Mr. McCain passed the information to James B. Comey, the F.B.I. director.

    Remarkably for Washington, many reporters for competing news organizations had the salacious and damning memos, but they did not leak, because their contents could not be confirmed. That changed only this week, after the heads of the C.I.A., the F.B.I. and the National Security Agency added a summary of the memos, along with information gathered form other intelligence sources, to their report on the Russian cyberattack on the election.

    Now, after the most contentious of elections, Americans are divided and confused about what to believe about the incoming president. And there is no prospect soon for full clarity on the veracity of the claims made against him.

    “It is a remarkable moment in history,” said Mr. Wilson, the Florida political operative. “What world did I wake up in?”

    How a Lurid, Unverified Dossier Became a Crisis for Donald Trump

  11. #2261
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    You know that was copypasta from dictionary.
    Which was a choice you made and not an accidental slip of the keys right?

  12. #2262
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    Christopher Steele won a contract to build a file on Donald J. Trump’s ties to Russia.
    Nope, thats not biased at all. Did it of his own free will. Yep, purely out his own concern, as an Englishman, for the United States.

    Deserves a Nobel Prize for his selfless act

    Seriously, he WON a contract?

    The implications of that statement are grounds enough for complete dismissal.

  13. #2263
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    having main stream media decrying Trump relation to Russia is not making their case,

    these are the same fools who called on Iraq WMD and Hillary sure election win,

    they have no credibility anymore, the emperor has no clothes !!!

  14. #2264
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    Tyrants don’t allow open questioning, and they hate the free press. They want total control. Trump's so-called “news conference” today (the first time he’s faced reporters in six months) was a sad example:

    1. Trump refused to answer questions from reporters who have run stories he doesn’t like, or from news outlets that have criticized him.

    2. He loaded the audience with paid staffers who cheered his statements and jeered at reporters.

    3. He continued calling the media “dishonest.”

    4. He criticized CNN for dispensing “fake news,” called Buzzfeed “a pile of garbage,” and sarcastically called the BBC “another beauty.”

    It wasn’t a “news conference” at all, and shouldn't be called one. It was another attempt to control the media. Trump isn’t even president yet, but he’s already eroding our democracy. We must not allow him to.
    Well said by Robert Reich.

  15. #2265
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    from a wold wiew, the US crisis over Trump is making America looks like a hysterical teenage girl on the rag,

    childish and irresponsible, as clearly demonstrated by our top 2 american posters here, Homber and bsnob

  16. #2266
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    Well said by Robert Reich.
    You clearly live in a bubble. You want to see what tyrants do to the media?

    Pay attention to what the Junta is doing to Thai media, and the single gateway.

    CNN and BuzzFeed totally had it coming. Very much well deserved.

  17. #2267
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    Nope, thats not biased at all. Did it of his own free will. Yep, purely out his own concern, as an Englishman, for the United States.
    If you buy a cat to kill a rat. You don't complain when he kills one for you do you?

  18. #2268
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    CNN and BuzzFeed totally had it coming. Very much well deserved.
    You never answered my question. Why was CNN's reporting inaccurate?

  19. #2269
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    If you buy a cat to kill a rat. You don't complain when he kills one for you do you?
    If YOU buy a cat to kill MY rat because you don't like it, and you think its 'bad' and don't care about right & wrong then fuck yeah I'm gonna complain.

  20. #2270
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    If you buy a cat to kill a rat. You don't complain when he kills one for you do you?
    If YOU buy a cat to kill MY rat because you don't like it, and you think its 'bad' and don't care about right & wrong then fuck yeah I'm gonna complain.
    But it won't bring it back to life will it?

  21. #2271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    But it won't bring it back to life will it?
    It sure wont, but remember, you killed it, and thats probably a good way to make a sworn enemy in the rat loving world

    Certainly not 'diplomatic' and certainly not very 'liberal' and basically the polar opposite of the 'tolerant' rhetoric loved by progressives.

    Because progressives and liberals are not 'tolerant' and they are not 'moral'.

  22. #2272
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  23. #2273
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    In case you guys need a gentle reminder:

  24. #2274
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    ^ You mean in case we didn't see it the first time you posted it.

  25. #2275
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    Yep lets make American Great Again

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