1. #15226
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    Quote Originally Posted by buriramboy View Post
    The bare minimum? No other POTUS has even come close to what The Don is going to achieve on the Korean peninsula. NK realised that the US finally has a POTUS as batshit crazy as fat boy and he's come to the table and a deal will be done, progress has already been made that no one thought possible even a few months ago. All hail The Don.
    actually fat boy is not crazy, he has more sense than most current western leaders (ex: May), he created a situation to get Trumpette attention and it worked

  2. #15227
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    I like Trump and proud to say it...who would you have voted for if you had the chance,,,,Hillary,,,,,,,Thanx for spending the time to look at my profile
    Are you a Pauline Hansen voter per chance?

  3. #15228
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    Makes sense to me...

  4. #15229
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    yes and proud of it...and who do you vote for might I ask...bet you dont answer...

  5. #15230
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    The big takeaway from Giuliani 's interview....

    Giuliani first contradicted Trump’s assertion last month that he was unaware of the payment to Daniels, then offered details of which federal investigators are sure to take note. He mused on “Fox & Friends,” for example, about what might have happened to Trump’s campaign had Daniels made her allegation on the eve of the election.

    “Imagine if that came out on Oct. 15, 2016, in the middle of the last debate with Hillary Clinton,” Giuliani said. “Cohen didn’t even ask. Cohen made it go away. He did his job.”

    That comment is important because it suggests Cohen made the payment with the intention of protecting the Trump campaign. In that case, the payment would constitute a campaign contribution or loan — rather than a personal expense.

    Such a contribution would have to be reported publicly, and the amount would have far exceeded the legal limit of $2,700 that Cohen could have given.


  6. #15231
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    Meanwhile more Scott Pruitt...

    Pruitt once bought house with Oklahoma lobbyist: report


  7. #15232
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    ^^So after his initial denials Trump would now have it that he paid this woman $130k to keep quiet about not having sex with him.

    Thing of it is that there are actually Trumptards dumb enough to believe him.

  8. #15233
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    ^^So after his initial denials Trump would now have it that he paid this woman $130k to keep quiet about not having sex with him.

    Thing of it is that there are actually Trumptards dumb enough to believe him.
    So are you saying..Obama did a good job or Hillary would do a better job...I am interested to hear your reply...

  9. #15234
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47
    So are you saying..Obama did a good job or Hillary would do a better job...I am interested to hear your reply...
    I didn't even mention Obama or Hilary. Literally not even once. This thread is about Trump and my post specifically is about his alleged affair with a porn star and attempts to cover it up.

    I'd be interested to hear if you believe that Trump paid a woman $130k for not having sex with him.

  10. #15235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    So are you saying..Obama did a good job or Hillary would do a better job...I am interested to hear your reply...

    any bites?

  11. #15236
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    So now Trump admits paying the money but claims it wasn't from campaign funds, which was never the issue anyway. Now where's that 'shot self in foot again ' GIF.

  12. #15237
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    I'd be interested to hear if you believe that Trump paid a woman $130k for not having sex with him.
    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    any bites?

  13. #15238
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    ^tumbling tumbleweeds....

  14. #15239
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    Quote Originally Posted by uncle junior View Post
    any bites?
    No...never is...funny bout that...

  15. #15240
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    No...never is...funny bout that...
    Maybe it is because you are trying to drag the thread off topic to divert attention from the massive clusterfuck that is this presidency? I mean there are already Obama and Hillary threads in SC go ask your question there.

  16. #15241
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    Funny...I thought this was about President Donald Trump...sounds like I have hit a nerve...

  17. #15242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    yes and proud of it...and who do you vote for might I ask...bet you dont answer...
    Sorry. Did I understand this correctly?
    You voted for Pauline Hanson and you're proud of that?

    I'm just asking for clarification.

  18. #15243
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47
    Funny...I thought this was about President Donald Trump
    It is. So why are you posting about Obama and Hilary?

    Is this all some performance art piece playfully mocking the stereotype of the thick Trump supporter?

  19. #15244
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    Funny...I thought this was about President Donald Trump...sounds like I have hit a nerve...
    Right so why did you bring up Obama and Clinton? You did not hit a nerve snowflake you are just showing yourself to be a shallow indoctrinated lemming like most trumpanzees.

    Do you read breitbart and follow alex jones?

    Quote Originally Posted by crackerjack101 View Post
    You voted for Pauline Hanson and you're proud of that?
    I just googled her. Fook me he is the aussie version of a trumpanzee moron. The same as that idiot burimboy who gets utterly destroyed in the brexit thread yet comes back like a beaten dog with his tail wagging. Too stupid to realize that he is being made the fool.

  20. #15245
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Is this all some performance art piece playfully mocking the stereotype of the thick Trump supporter?

    Ant my dog...

    As Mark Twain said...

  21. #15246
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mozzbie47 View Post
    Funny...I thought this was about President Donald Trump...sounds like I have hit a nerve...
    Sounds like you're spouting shit to try and get a reaction.

    Useless fucking troll.

  22. #15247
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    I'm guessing baldy orange cunto won't be calling into Cavuto's show any time soon.

  23. #15248
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Lies and contradictions.
    First didn't, then her did, then he didn't.

    A week of contradictions.
    The end of Donald Trump’s week was shaping up nicely, on paper. On Friday afternoon, he was to speak to a group of America’s most ardent gun enthusiasts, a crowd sure to shower him with the kind of mass adulation he finds so gratifying that, 16 months into his presidency, he has never stopped holding campaign rallies stocked with true believers.

    But Trump’s speaking engagement, at the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting, was in Dallas, and he had to get there first.

    That meant passing two phalanxes of reporters – one at his helicopter, one at the foot of the steps leading to Air Force One. They were bursting with questions about the whiplash turns of the past week in two of the biggest stories of his presidency, the Robert Mueller investigation and the Stormy Daniels affair.

    Early in the week, a paraphrased list of 49 questions had been leaked to the press that Mueller, the special counsel investigating alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow, reportedly wanted to ask the president.

    The questions focused on whether Trump had obstructed justice by firing the former FBI director James Comey and other acts, and what Trump knew about his campaign’s contacts with Russians.

    The unwritten question was whether Trump would ever agree to such an interview – and, if he did not, whether Mueller would to try to force him through subpoena.

    Then Trump’s most freshly recruited lawyer, the former New York City mayor and unashamed Trump cheerleader Rudy Giuliani, went on TV and delivered a bombshell. He said that money used to seal a 2016 hush agreement with the porn actor Stormy Daniels had come from Trump, who had earlier flatly denied, on camera, any knowledge of the $130,000.

    Confronted on the tarmac at Andrews air force base about the Daniels payment, Trump grew aggressive.

    “This country right now is running so smooth, and to be bringing up that kind of crap, and to be bringing up witch-hunts all the time, that’s all you want to talk about,” Trump said.

    But wasn’t he the one who had an alleged extramarital affair with a porn actor, then secretly moved money to pay her not to talk about it right before the election, then said he had no knowledge of the payment, then this week tweeted that non-disclosure agreements “are very common among celebrities and people of wealth”?

    “We’re not changing any stories,” Trump said.

    Rudy Giuliani was defended, sort of, by Donald Trump: ‘He started yesterday. He’ll get his facts straight. He’s a great guy.’ Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA
    With the tangled vines encircling Trump’s White House growing ever thicker, the president’s path to emerge from the scandals around him becomes increasingly obscure with each passing day. At the same time, the tools at Trump’s disposal to free himself might not be as effective as they once were.

    Not so long ago, the hiring of Giuliani, a former US attorney and street fighter who goes so far back with Trump that he once dressed in drag and pretended to be molested by him, might have enhanced Trump’s power to take his case to the American public.

    Instead, on day one, Giuliani, 73, appeared to be having trouble getting up to speed on the foregoing months of lawsuits and contradictory statements that the president’s camp has issued about the Stormy Daniels affair.

    The former mayor immediately stepped in it, letting slip that Trump had paid his personal lawyer Michael Cohen $35,000 a month in part to meet the payment made to Daniels.

    That gave the lie to a Trump statement aboard Air Force One on 5 April, when reporters asked him whether he knew where Cohen got the money to pay Daniels.

    “No, I don’t know,” Trump said.

    On Friday, Trump blamed Giuliani’s newness in his role as he tried to clear up confusion about the payment – “It’s actually very simple,” Trump said, without explaining how.

    “Rudy is a great guy, but he just started a day ago,” adding: “He started yesterday. He’ll get his facts straight. He’s a great guy.”

    Trump on Giuliani: 'He'll get his facts straight' on Stormy Daniels – video
    “It’s a question of misinterpretation,” Giuliani chimed in in a separate interview, which concluded with a denial that he had lost his place in the president’s affections: “He says he loves me.”

    Those who would speak for Trump must be willing to ride the narrative tiger, and sometimes to be bitten. Even Sarah Sanders, the counter-attacking White House press secretary, adopted a defensive crouch when she was pressed on Thursday to explain contradictions in the changing White House account of the Stormy Daniels case.

    “Again, I gave you the best information that I had,” Sanders said, over and over again.

    While the struggling among Trump’s surrogates to stay on the same page has a slapstick quality, the seriousness of the allegations that Mueller is weighing against Trump lends an air of tragedy to the White House comedy of errors.

    And downright ominous are the partisan attacks on the rule of law that the president continually deploys in an effort to free himself from his problems.

    “You have all these investigators; they’re Democrats,” Trump said of the special counsel’s team, some of whom have made campaign donations in the past to Democrats. “In all fairness, Bob Mueller worked for Obama for eight years.”
    That is not true; Mueller, a lifelong Republican and decorated Vietnam veteran with a reputation as a straight-shooter, spent 12 years as FBI director, overlapping for 4.5 years with Barack Obama and 7.5 years with George W Bush, who appointed him.

    Comfortable, clearly, in his contradictions, Trump said on Friday that he really wanted to sit for an interview with Mueller to help sort everything out, but his lawyers were counselling against it.

    “I would love to speak,” Trump said. “I would love to. Nobody wants to speak more than me – in fact, against my lawyers’ – because most lawyers, they never speak on anything.

    “I would love to speak, because we’ve done nothing wrong. There was no collusion with the Russians. There was nothing. There was no obstruction.”

    In the convention hall at the NRA meeting in Dallas, Trump got the roaring reaction he had come looking for, as he delivered red-meat lines about freedom and protecting gun rights. But then he lapsed into reflections on his favorite topic: himself.

    The president bragged about how Kanye West supports him, and claimed his popularity had “doubled” among African Americans as a result.

    “Kanye West must have some power,” Trump said, and the sea of gun owners cheered.

  24. #15249
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    What a bunch of traitorous snakes.
    Aides to Donald Trump, the US president, hired an Israeli private intelligence agency to orchestrate a “dirty ops” campaign against key individuals from the Obama administration who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal, the Observer can reveal.

    People in the Trump camp contacted private investigators in May last year to “get dirt” on Ben Rhodes, who had been one of Barack Obama’s top national security advisers, and Colin Kahl, deputy assistant to Obama, as part of an elaborate attempt to discredit the deal.

    The extraordinary revelations come days before Trump’s 12 May deadline to either scrap or continue to abide by the international deal limiting Iran’s nuclear programme.

    Jack Straw, who as foreign secretary was involved in earlier efforts to restrict Iranian weapons, said: “These are extraordinary and appalling allegations but which also illustrate a high level of desperation by Trump and [the Israeli prime minister] Benjamin Netanyahu, not so much to discredit the deal but to undermine those around it.”

    One former high-ranking British diplomat with wide experience of negotiating international peace agreements, requesting anonymity, said: “It’s bloody outrageous to do this. The whole point of negotiations is to not play dirty tricks like this.”

    Sources said that officials linked to Trump’s team contacted investigators days after Trump visited Tel Aviv a year ago, his first foreign tour as US president. Trump promised Netanyahu that Iran would never have nuclear weapons and suggested that the Iranians thought they could “do what they want” since negotiating the nuclear deal in 2015. A source with details of the “dirty tricks campaign” said: “The idea was that people acting for Trump would discredit those who were pivotal in selling the deal, making it easier to pull out of it.”

  25. #15250
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Unless he experiences a sudden, unexpected change of heart, Donald Trump will reactivate US sanctions on Iran next week and, by doing so, attempt to wreck the west’s landmark 2015 nuclear agreement with Tehran. The likely negative consequences of Trump’s decision, if confirmed, are wide-ranging and extremely serious.

    The full or partial restoration of two sets of unilateral, pre-2015 American banking, financial and other sanctions would significantly undermine the moderate leadership of Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani. Before his landslide re-election victory last year, Rouhani promised voters much-needed economic renewal in exchange for maintaining the nuclear-related curbs. Now his hardline opponents are poised to strike.

    The destabilising of Iran, consequent on what would be seen there as an overt act of American aggression, could trigger a broader destabilisation of the Middle East. Predominantly Shia, Persian Iran is engaged in a fierce contest for power and influence with the Sunni Arab world, led by Saudi Arabia. If Trump, allied with Riyadh and Cairo, goes on the offensive, this rivalry may escalate as Iran inevitably reacts – with unforeseeable ramifications in places such as Yemen and Bahrain.

    One concern is that Iran’s clerical establishment, led by the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, will revive a nuclear weapons research programme that, according to the Bush administration and the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency, ceased in 2003. This would produce the very result Trump ostensibly seeks to avoid. This, in turn, could spark a regional nuclear weapons race with the Saudis and others.

    Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, has long been lobbying Trump to end US adherence to the deal. Last week, he attempted to show that Iran was lying by unveiling a cache of stolen documents. Independent experts found nothing new in Netanyahu’s presentation. The IAEA, which has broad inspection rights, has verified 10 times, most recently in February, that Iran is in full compliance. But Trump hailed his ally’s PR stunt, with suspicious speed, as “proof” of Iranian cheating.

    As we reveal today, there have also been shockingly underhand efforts in the US to discredit key public officials associated with forging the deal. The alleged involvement of Trump aides in a privately run, Israeli-linked “dirty ops campaign” warrants immediate investigation. It recalls claims that Trump associates colluded with Russia to “dig up dirt” on Hillary Clinton before the 2016 presidential election.

    Leading figures in Israeli intelligence have warned Netanyahu that his aggressive stance does not serve his country’s best interests. Last week, Israeli forces again reportedly bombed Iranian targets inside Syria. Such confrontations are becoming regular occurrences. There is a clear danger, if tensions escalate further, that Israel could be sucked into an unwinnable, three-front war with Iranian Revolutionary Guards and Shia militias, the Assad regime, Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Hamas in Palestine.

    At the same time, it is surely not to Israel’s advantage to continue to exaggerate the threat of a nuclear-armed Iran when Israel itself possesses an estimated 200 nuclear warheads, has never subscribed (unlike Iran) to the non-proliferation treaty, and does not allow IAEA inspections. Sooner or later, Israel will be called to account for this double standard.

    For its part, Iran says the US has failed to keep faith with the spirit and letter of the 2015 agreement, arguing that promised economic and financial relief has not materialised. Leading European banks still refuse to do business there, chilled by fear of American displeasure. Trump’s Muslim travel ban, targeting Iran, is another case in point.

    All this illuminates a larger problem: Trump’s lack of respect for international law and multilateral conventions in general, such as the Paris climate change agreement. The Iran deal, signed by all five permanent members of the UN security council, plus Germany, was incorporated into international law by the UN. It is to all intents and purposes an international treaty. Yet Trump is poised unilaterally to abrogate it, to the lasting detriment of America’s standing in the world.

    The harm a Trump decision to scupper the Iran deal would do to US relations with its European partners, all of whom are adamant in its defence, is incalculable. Emmanuel Macron, France’s president, made a personal appeal to Trump during his recent Washington visit and was crudely rebuffed. The same fate befell Germany’s Angela Merkel. There is scant reason to believe any last-minute British intervention will fare better. A permanent rift is opening.

    There is no doubt that Iran’s actions in Syria, Yemen and elsewhere are cause for legitimate western concern, as is its expanding ballistic missile programme. Its human rights record is dreadful – witness its inexcusable treatment of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and other dual citizenship British nationals. But these are separate problems.

    There is no evidence that Iran is cheating on the nuclear deal. It remains a notable diplomatic achievement. It is essential that it is preserved intact – and built upon. Ultimately, this is about much more than nuclear proliferation. It is about the credibility, unity – and common sense – of the western democracies in jointly managing the challenges thrown up by a dangerous world.

    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

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