1. #9501
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    "Trumpeteers are ignorant, hypocritical anti-intellectual trolls, and should be treated as such. At this point, the 35% or so who are truly still with him are unreachable, unworthy of being reached, and deserving of only one thing: political defeat, utter and complete without the least degree of mercy. They should be able to live their lives in the little Christo-fascist white nationalist fantasy of the mind that they inhabit...but this country does not belong to them and they cannot have it. They must lose. Period. No compromise. No power sharing. Defeat. Modernity wins, they lose. That is all"
    This guy just does not get it.

    It also seems like something that Democrat shooter would write in his manifesto, had he survived.

    Probably not a good idea to ostracize 60 +/- million Americans with that kind of hate speech. HRC tried it too.

    Now, AGAIN, I am no Trump Fan BUT ...

    Slick has a point, and to ignore that point is not wise.

    I believe that not many of the Trump supports actually 'like' Trump. What they like is what Trump represents.

    IMHO, Trump offers a genuine and certainly crazy alternative.

    'Drain the Swamp' ... is a great slogan. Get rid of the corrupt Pollies, the 'hangers on', the lobbyists, indeed, a worthy goal.

    Make 'America' great again
    ... a Nationalist slogan in a Global reality ... still, I see the appeal.

    Build the Wall ... keep those job seeking Mexicans south of the Border.

    Trump, IMHO is a clueless twat and Obama had more leadership and statesmanship in his little finger then Trump could ever imagine.

    But ...

    Trump is a Salesman ... and, just quietly, a good one. Believe me ...
    But he's a man of straw (all bluster and no substance) and will be found out on that.

    But to ignore Slick and his political posturing/demographic is a real danger.

    He votes, he has a valid point and he's smarter then you give him credit for ... he just expresses himself in a basic, but not guttural way.
    He votes, I presume with his heart.

    Don't ignore Slicks vote !

    Now, the flip side of the coin ...

    Trump is simply in it for himself, be it his ego or his business interests ... I seriously doubt he has a conscious awareness
    of a 'greater good', a scope outside Trump himself.

    I've been surprised by Trumps wife. Very surprised. Melania is worthy of being a First Lady.
    Not because she's easy on the eye, but because she keeps 'Donald' in check.
    I dismissed her too early as a simple Trophy Wife. She's more then that.

    Be assured, Trump will go/ousted before his first term, someone will prick the bubble.

    I sincerely hope, when that time happens, there is a genuine Plan B so that the USA and the World Economy can move forward.
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  2. #9502
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD
    What they like is what Trump represents
    I get that part, appreciate it even.

    What I still can't work out is the required mental process whereby a narcissistic, entitled, 'billionaire', pathologically lying, cry-baby who has shown nothing but self-obsession and interest comes to represent a 'swamp-draining outsider'.

    A vote against the system sure, but an 'outsider' with a massive broom to clean it all up? Nah.

    At this point it's nothing but willful blindness and/or turd-polishing to try and continue to pretend he is.

  3. #9503
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    This guy just does not get it.

    It also seems like something that Democrat shooter would write in his manifesto, had he survived.

    Probably not a good idea to ostracize 60 +/- million Americans with that kind of hate speech. HRC tried it too.
    Trump's in office now, he's the one doing the alienating. The guy who wrote the article and anybody else is just voicing an opposing opinion. One that the trumpeters dismiss and try to shout down with 'fake news' and other bs jingoism.

    Comes down to trump and his fan boys can dish it out but can't take it.

  4. #9504
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD
    But to ignore Slick and his political posturing/demographic is a real danger.
    Slick is ok in my book. He has already stated he is not in full agreement with some of Trumps behavior and methods. Sure if he and I should ever have the opportunity to sit down and have beer we would find we agree on more things then with disagree on. Same goes for our dueling members here and of course members of Congress. Until folks sit down and sort out their political differences we will continue to get what we have. A divided nation defending a position even if not in our best interest or the nation as a whole.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  5. #9505
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    I happen to agree with a lot he sez
    Like what?
    * Mostly anything he has to say about racism and bigotry. And police brutality.

  6. #9506
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD
    Mike Pence Mike?, Mike? ... who the fuck is Mike?? So, a question to our friends across the ocean in the USA, why does he appear almost as person non grata? Is he ... distancing himself from Trump? not as media savvy? waiting for that heartbeat? (a heartbeat away from being President) trying hard to be heard/relevant, but the US media just doesn't listen/or finds Trump more newsworthy? something else? What is your opinion?
    I've known about him going back to the 1990s when I used to listen to him on the radio. He was/is an attorney who had a three hour AM radio show on our local station. I now live(since 1991) in the state where he was Governor and in the city where he was born, raised and graduated high school.

    My opinion is that if a Trump removal were successful, we'll be exiting the frying pan and going into the fire with Pence becoming President. He's one of those Christian Zionist religionist, Israel first types I've mentioned before. He's also a good little step-in-fetch-it. The banking military industrial 'security' corporate complex would be well served by Mr. Pence.

    But then again some people think I'm a tin-foil hat nutter so take my words with a grain or two of salt.
    Last edited by SKkin; 19-06-2017 at 04:41 PM.

  7. #9507
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Oh you're definitely a tin-foil hatted nutter.

    But can't say I disagree much with your assessment of Pence (save for perhaps the obligatory oblique reference to Zionism).

    Trump for all his many, many faults is at least open and up front about them even if it's simply because he's too dumb to hide them. Pence strikes me as a lot more insidious and if he were to ever make the office he'd probably take it as a sign from God or something.

  8. #9508
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton
    A divided nation defending a position even if not in our best interest or the nation as a whole.
    Ask yourselves whose agenda is served by keeping us* divided and clamoring against each other 24/7/365...Hmmm?

    *us meaning here US citizens, but in a larger context the peoples of any countries worldwide.

    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    comes to represent a 'swamp-draining outsider'.
    I never bought that at all. The man is part and parcel of this sick society and its status quo establishment.

  9. #9509
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    Pence strikes me as a lot more insidious and if he were to ever make the office he'd probably take it as a sign from God or something.
    Spot on! Ya nailed it in one...

  10. #9510
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    Pertinent to the above conversation:

  11. #9511
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    On Suburban Drive, Donald Trump's controversies aren't hurting him: Ohio Matters | cleveland.com

    On Suburban Drive, Donald Trump's controversies aren't hurting him: Ohio Matters

    BEAVERCREEK, Ohio--On a quiet, leafy street appropriately named Suburban Drive, the controversies surrounding President Donald Trump seem to be doing more to hurt Democrats' popularity than the president's.

    "I think they should let President Trump do his job - they're trying to sandbag him all the time," said Richard Rautio, a 72-year-old retired union auto worker and lifelong Democrat who voted for Trump. "The Democrat Party is not the Democrat Party that it used to be. It's changed. And they don't seem to see how people feel."

    There's a lot of support for Trump among the white, middle-class, and often gray-haired residents who live along Suburban Drive in this Greene County suburb east of Dayton, though a sprinkling of Hillary Clinton yard signs was seen along the street last year.

    And despite the escalating reports scandalizing Trump's first few months in office - an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, the controversial firing of FBI Director James Comey, accusations that the president obstructed justice - support for the president here hasn't flagged.

    "I don't really think that Trump was in bed with someone from Russia," said Paula Wheeler, a 66-year-old retiree whose Trump yard sign was still visible in her open garage. "I think it was just something they [the Democrats] ran with. It was something they could pick about - like Trump did with [ex-President Barack] Obama, about his birth certificate."

    Trump's supporters here yielded that the president hasn't done the best job handling the attacks, and some said they wish he would take a break from posting comments on Twitter.

    But even when Trump responds awkwardly, in their eyes, it's not necessarily a negative - it just reinforces his credibility as a non-politician who's come to shake up Washington, D.C.

    "He's not the same type of people as a lot of politicians. He never was," said 67-year-old Trump voter Chuck Stone as he pulled weeds in his front yard. "So they've got to give him the benefit of the doubt."

    Stone and many of his neighbors lamented how politically polarized America has become - a trend they blamed on a constant barrage of sensationalistic and negative stories from the news media.

    Scott MacKenzie, a 54-year-old Clinton voter, called Trump a "self-centered, materialistic, narcissistic boob." But he said the Russian investigation was being blown out of proportion by the media, which are controlled and manipulated by the super-rich.

    "I think it's part of the media just kind of trying to stir up (expletive), distract us from the idea that we're getting pretty much fleeced," he said.

    The media, MacKenzie said, should spend more time covering happy stories instead of things like Wednesday's attack on Republican congressmen during a baseball practice.

    "It's like, what priority do you have on that? How's it really impact your life? Are you going to go play baseball with the congressmen? Probably not. Do you get depressed over it? Probably, if you listen to it," MacKenzie said.

    "I got a good job, I got a girlfriend, I'm healthy, I got a house to live in, all my material needs are met, my spiritual needs are met," he added. "Despite what the media says, I'm happy."
    [at] [at]

    Sell your place in Wa. move to Cleveland dude. $165,000 gets you a great 3 or 4 bedroom house on a nice piece of land within 2 miles of downtown..... Try to do that in Seattle.... Desperation bring on strange things. More than that. Something to think about..

  12. #9512
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    save for perhaps the obligatory oblique reference to Zionism
    My reference was to Christian Zionism...both words together. To most it may seem an oxymoron but to grow up in the world I did, it makes perfect sense. Storekeeper understands exactly what I'm referring to when I say that.

    I told him one time(I think it was him) that people, like some in our families, should be called Israelians and not Christians. Because they worship Israel more than they worship Christ.

    This video by Max Blumenthal from a few years back illustrates it almost perfectly.
    from the video info:

    Max Blumenthal's latest takes us on a shocking and at times bizarre tour of right-wing Pastor John Hagee's annual Washington-Israel Summit, blowing the cover off the Christian Zionist movement in the process. Starring Joe Lieberman, Tom DeLay, Pastor John Hagee, Ambassador Dore Gold and a host of rapture-ready evangelicals praying for Armaggedon.

    Quote Originally Posted by aging one
    move to Cleveland dude.
    Damn...I wouldn't wish that on anybody. The Mistake by the Lake...

  13. #9513
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    Pertinent to the above conversation:
    Jill Abramson...she's part of the problem, boiling down what she said "It's them not us." The other 'side' does the same thing.

  14. #9514
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin
    I told him one time(I think it was him) that people, like some in our families, should be called Israelians and not Christians. Because they worship Israel more than they worship Christ.
    true, and you know why ?

    because like Israelites they believe in the coming of the Christ, the second coming for Christians, the first for Israelites, and for Christians it's redemption day, aka Final Judgement, the cleaning of all bad people, basically the brown people

    they love that shit, fucking nutters

  15. #9515
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Slick View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    "Trumpeteers are ignorant, hypocritical anti-intellectual trolls, and should be treated as such. At this point, the 35% or so who are truly still with him are unreachable, unworthy of being reached, and deserving of only one thing: political defeat, utter and complete without the least degree of mercy. They should be able to live their lives in the little Christo-fascist white nationalist fantasy of the mind that they inhabit...but this country does not belong to them and they cannot have it. They must lose. Period. No compromise. No power sharing. Defeat. Modernity wins, they lose. That is all"
    This guy just does not get it.

    It also seems like something that Democrat shooter would write in his manifesto, had he survived.

    Probably not a good idea to ostracize 60 +/- million Americans with that kind of hate speech. HRC tried it too.
    Must confess I posted this to troll you, longway and other disciples of the Mango Mussolini ...

    And yes ... he's still talking the same old high pitched bullshite he did before the election.

    And ... IMHO he preaches to his niche audience because that's who pays his bills.

    I happen to agree with a lot he sez but do think he sounds like a pussy trying to talk tough all the time.
    To be honest I have been hearing the same type of self righteous diatribes for such a long time it barely registers.

    Its all kind of silly, who do they think they are?

    Of course I am not happy about every aspect of trump's admin, but the opposition is much worse; shrieking constantly about 'teh russians', accompanied by fever dreams of his imminent impeachment and calling, pretty much openly now, for his assassination is just bizarre, and make you look like infantile idiots.

    I watch cnn from time to time, and its not news, its people desperately need of therapy ranting, raving and frothing at the mouth whenever they report on trump.

    I'm telling you this for free, if you don't like trump, this type of sanctimonious bs, and the histrionics that come with it is not helping your cause in the slightest.

  16. #9516
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin
    Jill Abramson...she's part of the problem, boiling down what she said "It's them not us." The other 'side' does the same thing.
    She makes a lot of sense. Listen and learn to use quotation marks correctly.

  17. #9517
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    and you know why ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    they love that shit, fucking nutters
    yes again...

    I asked my Dad one time...back when Dubya was still Prez...other than the fact that he's Republican why do you support this man so unquestionably? My Dad's answer "because he said he loves Jesus." Most likely he heard that on the 700 Club(Pat Robertson's TV show) or another similar show. How do you fight that?

    Meanwhile I was thinking yeah right, Dad. Did Jesus teach him this one?

    btw...ever wonder where the smilie here at TD came from?

  18. #9518
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    I watch cnn from time to time, and its not news, its people desperately need of therapy ranting, raving and frothing at the mouth whenever they report on trump.
    I'm telling you this for free, if you don't like trump, this type of sanctimonious bs, and the histrionics that come with it is not helping your cause in the slightest.
    Where were you when the right wing rage machine was ripping Obama a new asshole on a daily basis? Getting a bit a sanctimonious longway.

  19. #9519
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SKkin
    My reference was to Christian Zionism...both words together. To most it may seem an oxymoron but to grow up in the world I did, it makes perfect sense. Storekeeper understands exactly what I'm referring to when I say that.

    I told him one time(I think it was him) that people, like some in our families, should be called Israelians and not Christians. Because they worship Israel more than they worship Christ.

    This video by Max Blumenthal from a few years back illustrates it almost perfectly.
    from the video info:
    Ah OK, fair enough, I stand corrected.

    I've an idea of what you're talking about. I saw a documentary a while back (not the one you've linked) about evangelical Christians going to Israel on some program or other where they were basically used as unpaid labor on a Kibbutz and loved it - gushing about it with those creepy smiles and vacant looking eyes that people get sometimes.

    It was fucking bizarre to say the least.

  20. #9520
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Scuffle between Starbucks and Trump voter goes viral - NZ Herald

    "Some Trump supporters are calling for yet another boycott of Starbucks after one woman said she was bullied at a Charlotte, N.C., store for wearing a Trump T-shirt. Kayla Hart said that when she walked into a store there last week, the baristas laughed at her. When she received her iced tea, instead of bearing her name, it was labelled "Build a Wall."

    "I just found it really sad that I can't wear a T-shirt with our president without being made fun of," Hart said to her local Fox station..."

    Poor, precious, little snowflakes!

  21. #9521
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    can you imagine if she was black and wearing an obama shirt instead ?

    big media shitstorm

  22. #9522
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly
    can you imagine if she was black and wearing an obama shirt instead ?
    Yep. If she was at a Trump rally she'd probably get called "nigger", punched, or spat at.

    At least it wasn't a Hillary t-shirt though:

    But precious, snowflake, Trumpites don't like it up 'em!

  23. #9523
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    On Suburban Drive, Donald Trump's controversies aren't hurting him: Ohio Matters | cleveland.com

    On Suburban Drive, Donald Trump's controversies aren't hurting him: Ohio Matters

    BEAVERCREEK, Ohio--On a quiet, leafy street appropriately named Suburban Drive, the controversies surrounding President Donald Trump seem to be doing more to hurt Democrats' popularity than the president's.

    "I think they should let President Trump do his job - they're trying to sandbag him all the time," said Richard Rautio, a 72-year-old retired union auto worker and lifelong Democrat who voted for Trump. "The Democrat Party is not the Democrat Party that it used to be. It's changed. And they don't seem to see how people feel."

    There's a lot of support for Trump among the white, middle-class, and often gray-haired residents who live along Suburban Drive in this Greene County suburb east of Dayton, though a sprinkling of Hillary Clinton yard signs was seen along the street last year.

    And despite the escalating reports scandalizing Trump's first few months in office - an investigation into whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, the controversial firing of FBI Director James Comey, accusations that the president obstructed justice - support for the president here hasn't flagged.

    "I don't really think that Trump was in bed with someone from Russia," said Paula Wheeler, a 66-year-old retiree whose Trump yard sign was still visible in her open garage. "I think it was just something they [the Democrats] ran with. It was something they could pick about - like Trump did with [ex-President Barack] Obama, about his birth certificate."

    Trump's supporters here yielded that the president hasn't done the best job handling the attacks, and some said they wish he would take a break from posting comments on Twitter.

    But even when Trump responds awkwardly, in their eyes, it's not necessarily a negative - it just reinforces his credibility as a non-politician who's come to shake up Washington, D.C.

    "He's not the same type of people as a lot of politicians. He never was," said 67-year-old Trump voter Chuck Stone as he pulled weeds in his front yard. "So they've got to give him the benefit of the doubt."

    Stone and many of his neighbors lamented how politically polarized America has become - a trend they blamed on a constant barrage of sensationalistic and negative stories from the news media.

    Scott MacKenzie, a 54-year-old Clinton voter, called Trump a "self-centered, materialistic, narcissistic boob." But he said the Russian investigation was being blown out of proportion by the media, which are controlled and manipulated by the super-rich.

    "I think it's part of the media just kind of trying to stir up (expletive), distract us from the idea that we're getting pretty much fleeced," he said.

    The media, MacKenzie said, should spend more time covering happy stories instead of things like Wednesday's attack on Republican congressmen during a baseball practice.

    "It's like, what priority do you have on that? How's it really impact your life? Are you going to go play baseball with the congressmen? Probably not. Do you get depressed over it? Probably, if you listen to it," MacKenzie said.

    "I got a good job, I got a girlfriend, I'm healthy, I got a house to live in, all my material needs are met, my spiritual needs are met," he added. "Despite what the media says, I'm happy."
    [at] [at]

    Sell your place in Wa. move to Cleveland dude. $165,000 gets you a great 3 or 4 bedroom house on a nice piece of land within 2 miles of downtown..... Try to do that in Seattle.... Desperation bring on strange things. More than that. Something to think about..
    Whoa ... whoa ... whoa ... a little too close to where SKkin lives.

  24. #9524
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    What I still can't work out is the required mental process whereby a narcissistic, entitled, 'billionaire', pathologically lying, cry-baby who has shown nothing but self-obsession and interest comes to represent a 'swamp-draining outsider'.
    Yeah that part never made any sense, and was clearly just pure fantasy. Was never going to happen in a million years. Why would a guy who made a fortune using and manipulating the status quo want to change anything? For who? For others? For others less fortunate? Laughable

  25. #9525
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    ^Tangentially related to that, I've just seen John Oliver's latest which is a bit of a rant about the coal industry and how Trump made an issue of 'being for the miners' and how he'd bring back the industry during his campaign.

    No need for a *Spoiler Alert* because, as per, the actual facts simply don't stack up to Trumps dribble.

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