1. #9351
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    Donald Trump's tremendous Sermon on the Mount

    "The Lord is my shepherd. OK? Totally. Big league. He is a tremendous shepherd. The best. No comparison. I know more than most people about herding sheep. And that’s why I won the election in a landslide and it’s why my company is doing very very well. Because He said, “I’m with you, Donald. You will never want.”

    So we were on this green pasture by the still waters and He said, “Lie down.” I said, “Lie down?” He said, “Lie down.” And He made me lie down. Right there in the pasture. So I lie down. People are so surprised that I lie down — “Oh, he’s lying down.” But He’s my shepherd. Great shepherd. Not just good. Great. It was right there that I thought, “This is going to be a tremendous golf course. Terrific greens. Plenty of water. And it is. Everybody who plays it comes away saying, “That is the greatest course in the entire world.” Everybody.

    So He was saying to me, Blessed are the deal-makers for theirs is the kingdom. Big time. Blessed are they who scorn: for they shall be comfortable. Blessed is machismo for it wins again and again. Blessed are they who are persecuted by the dishonest press for they shall continue down the paths of righteousness and that’s what is going on here. We are bringing righteousness to Washington for the first time and making incredible progress. I’ve done more in the past month than most presidents do in a year. Washington was without form and void and I issued an executive order, “Let there be light” and did I get credit for it? No, the dishonest press said, “It hurts our eyes.” So I divided the light from the darkness. Day and night. Night and day. I did all this in two nights and a day. Under deadline, under budget. Next week we’re going to do the firmament, the waters, the dry land, start naming beasts, all the rest of it.

    I tell you, I have been walking through the valley of the shadow of death. The shadow of death. I have to say that. Terrible. Because of the dishonest Midianites, or, as I call them, the media, including a lot of you here in this room, writing stories about chaos. Where’s the chaos? We’ve got light and darkness, day and night. There is no chaos. I know what’s true and the level of dishonesty is unbelievable. The story about the rich man in hell and the beggar Lazarus in heaven — fake news. Totally fake. Rich man wouldn’t give him the crumbs off his table? Not true. Never happened. “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” He never said it. Same with “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven.” Garbage. Total garbage. I am not a bad person. You don’t get to 306 electoral votes by being a bad person. So I wish you could write something nice but maybe you can’t and that’s OK, too. I can live with that because I fear no evil: for the Lord is with me; and my staff has been a great comfort to me. Tremendous people.

    Because I know good from bad. OK? I inherited a mess, the instability, divisiveness, darkness, iniquity, leprosy, madmen, but nonetheless the Lord has prepared a tremendous table before me in the presence of my enemies. Beautiful table. Steaks, seafood, tremendous wines, anything I want, and here I am with goodness and mercy following me every single day of my life, not just mercy but goodness too, and we’re making tremendous progress, great numbers getting bigger every day, multitudes gathering everywhere I go, touching the hem of my garment, but the media is still bitter about Hillary losing in a landslide and the Lord anointing my head with oil which people make fun of and that’s OK, let them laugh at my hair, I got 306 Electoral College votes. They said there’s no way to get 222. No way, Jose. I got 306. That’s what I call the cup running over. Filled the cup and then it ran over. The overflow was tremendous. Huge overflow. Biggest overflow ever. Fantastic. Through the ceiling. Stock market up. Good jobs. You name it. So it looks like I am going to be dwelling in the house of the Lord forever and I’m having a good time. I love this. I am having fun".

  2. #9352
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    ^^ It's a long time since I read anything Biblical, but that's Psalm 23, not the Sermon on The Mount, isn't it?
    Nice parody, though.

  3. #9353
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    Big Orange Baby too scared to travel to the U.K.

    Donald Trump's state visit to Britain put on hold
    US president told Theresa May he did not want trip to go ahead if there were large-scale public protests

    Sunday 11 June 2017 13.27 BST Last modified on Monday 12 June 2017 01.51 BST

    Donald Trump has told Theresa May in a phone call he does not want to go ahead with a state visit to Britain until the British public supports him coming.

    The US president said he did not want to come if there were large-scale protests and his remarks in effect put the visit on hold for some time.

    The Guardian view on Trump’s state visit to the UK: his invitation should be rescinded

    The call was made in recent weeks, according to a Downing Street adviser who was in the room. The statement surprised May, according to those present.

    The conversation in part explains why there has been little public discussion about a visit.

    May invited Trump to Britain seven days after his inauguration when she became the first foreign leader to visit him in the White House. She told a joint press conference she had extended an invitation from the Queen to Trump and his wife Melania to make a state visit later in the year and was “delighted that the president has accepted that invitation”.

    Many senior diplomats, including Lord Ricketts, the former national security adviser, said the invitation was premature, but impossible to rescind once made.

    Trump has named Woody Johnson, a Republican donor and owner of the New York Jets, as the new ambassador to the UK but has yet to nominate him formally. A large number of US ambassadorial positions remain unfilled worldwide largely due to the Trump team failing to make any formal nominations.

    The acting US ambassador to the UK, Lewis Lukens, a career diplomat, clashed with Trump last week by praising Sadiq Khan, the London mayor, for his strong leadership over the London Bridge and Borough Market terror attack.

    His remarks came just days after Trump criticised Khan for his response to the attack, misquoting the mayor’s message to Londoners not to be alarmed by the increased presence of armed police.

    Khan’s office pointed out Trump’s error later but the president responded by accusing London’s mayor of making a “pathetic excuse”. Khan then called on the UK government to cancel Trump’s invitation. No date had been fixed for the visit.

    The Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, said on Twitter that Trump’s decision was “welcome, especially after his attack on London’s mayor & withdrawal from #ParisClimateDeal.”

    A Downing Street spokeswoman said it would not comment. “We aren’t going to comment on speculation about the contents of private phone conversations. The Queen extended an invitation to President Trump to visit the UK and there is no change to those plans.”

    The White House said in statement: “The President has tremendous respect for Prime Minister May. That subject never came up on the call.”

    Jenna Johnson, a Washington Post reporter tweeted to say that the White House press secretary had told her the Guardian’s report was “false” but added that the White House “won’t say when Trump plans to go to the UK”.

    Later, The New York Times, citing two unnamed administration officials, reported that Trump was considering scrapping or postponing the trip. The officials stressed that he might yet “warm to the idea” but that keeping it off the schedule was the best approach.

    The UK’s traditional effort to act as a bridge between the US and Europe has become more complex since the vote last year to leave the European Union and Trump’s support for policies that have angered European allies.

    The Foreign Office was disappointed when against its pleading Trump went ahead earlier this month with his plan to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord. The UK had lobbied hard for Trump not to take the decision, which has led to a wider break between the EU and the US.

    Trump had been an advocate of Brexit, and at one point seemed to want the EU to break up, but confidence has since returned to the bloc with pro-European Emmanuel Macron’s victory over far-right Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election.
    Last edited by Cujo; 12-06-2017 at 01:17 PM.

  4. #9354
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    That is pathetic

  5. #9355
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    isolating silly Britain a little bit more after their historical defeat on the election and Brexit

  6. #9356
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    Big Orange Baby too scared to travel to the U.K.
    Same reason he backed out of throwing the first pitch at the Nats opener. He's won't go where he'll get booed. His comfort zone is shrinking by the day.

  7. #9357
    Thailand Expat Slick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    according to a Downing Street adviser who was in the room
    Seems legit.

  8. #9358
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo
    according to those present.
    This would indicate more than one source...

    Besides, if this is a joke it is still a pretty funny one.

    That this even could be true just makes me laugh.

  9. #9359
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    British Prime Minister Theresa May says there's no change in plans for Trump's visit to UK

    There has been no change to plans for U.S. President Donald Trump's state visit to Britain,
    Prime Minister Theresa May's office said on Sunday, after the Guardian reported the trip had been postponed.

    The paper, citing an unnamed adviser at May's Downing Street office who was in the room at the time, reported Trump had told May by telephone in recent weeks that he did not want to come if there were likely to be large-scale protests.

    "We aren't going to comment on speculation about the contents of private phone conversations," a spokeswoman for May's office said. "The queen extended an invitation to President Trump to visit the UK and there is no change to those plans."

    The White House had no immediate comment on the report.

    No date has been set for the visit, which was agreed during May's visit to Washington in January, but British media had reported it was planned for October.

    Trump has come under fire in Britain this month for his public criticism of London Mayor Sadiq Khan's response to an attack by Islamist militants in London, in which eight people were killed. May found herself forced to defend Khan, who is from the opposition Labour party.

    At that time, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson said there was no reason to cancel the visit, while White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Trump intended to go and that "he appreciates Her Majesty's gracious invitation."

    May says there's no change in plans for Trump's visit to UK

  10. #9360
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    God damn, did this story just break or did it just end? LMAO, 24 hour news is beyond stupid.

    Good call Slick. Seems much ado about nothing. I appreciated the story as a laugher though.

  11. #9361
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    Stand by.... There will be defenders here soon justifying the "source" and citing the guardians integrity.

  12. #9362
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  13. #9363
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    Its like 6AM in the US snobby.

    Tell me your not drunk. This isn't the chris cornell thread.

  14. #9364
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    The song has a message dippy...

  15. #9365
    Thailand Expat Slick's Avatar
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    Why didn't you just get the RATM one.

    Shit sounds like Bill Cosby is doing the singing ffs.

  16. #9366
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slick
    This isn't the chris cornell thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    The song has a message dippy...
    Call me unconvinced

  17. #9367
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    You tell em George.

  18. #9368
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    Things To Come

    As our politicos creep deeper into a legalistic wilderness hunting for phantoms of Russian collusion, nobody pays attention to the most dangerous force in American life: the unraveling financialization of the economy.

    Financialization is what happens when the people-in-charge “create” colossal sums of “money” out of nothing — by issuing loans, a.k.a. debt — and then cream off stupendous profits from the asset bubbles, interest rate arbitrages, and other opportunities for swindling that the artificial wealth presents. It was a kind of magic trick that produced monuments of concentrated personal wealth for a few and left the rest of the population drowning in obligations from a stolen future. The future is now upon us.

    Financialization expressed itself in other interesting ways, for instance the amazing renovation of New York City (Brooklyn especially). It didn’t happen just because Generation X was repulsed by the boring suburbs it grew up in and longed for a life of artisanal cocktails. It happened because financialization concentrated immense wealth geographically in the very few places where its activities took place — not just New York but San Francisco, Washington, and Boston — and could support luxuries like craft food and brews.

    Quite a bit of that wealth was extracted from asset-stripping the rest of America where financialization was absent, kind of a national distress sale of the fly-over places and the people in them. That dynamic, of course, produced the phenomenon of President Donald Trump, the distilled essence of all the economic distress “out there” and the rage it entailed. The people of Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin were left holding a big bag of nothing and they certainly noticed what had been done to them, though they had no idea what to do about it, except maybe try to escape the moment-by-moment pain of their ruined lives with powerful drugs.

    And then, a champion presented himself, and promised to bring back the dimly remembered wonder years of post-war well-being — even though the world had changed utterly — and the poor suckers fell for it. Not to mention the fact that his opponent — the avaricious Hillary, with her hundreds of millions in ill-gotten wealth — was a very avatar of the financialization that had turned their lives to shit. And then the woman called them “a basket of deplorables” for noticing what had happened to them.

    And now the rather pathetic false promises of President Trump, the whole MAGA thing, is unraveling at exactly the same time that the financialized economy is entering its moment of final catastrophic phase-change. The monuments to wealth — especially the stock and bond portfolios and the presumed value of real estate investments — will surrender to a process you might call price-discovery-from-Hell, revealing their worth to be somewhere between little and nothing. The accumulated monstrous debts of persons, corporations, and sovereign societies, will be suddenly, shockingly, absolutely, and self-evidently unpayable, and the securities represented by them will be sucked into the kind of vortices of time/space depicted in movies about mummies and astronauts. And all of a sudden the avatars of that wealth will see their lives turn to shit just like moiling, Budweiser-gulping, oxycontin-addled deplorables in the flat, boring, parking lot wastelands of our ruined drive-in Utopia saw their lives rendered into a brown-and-yellow slurry draining clockwise down the toilet of history.

    Nobody in power in this country is paying attention to how close we are to that epic moment — at least, they’re not talking about it. If the possibility of all that even occupies some remote corner of their brains, they surely don’t know how to prepare the citizenry for it, or what to do about it. The truth is that societies respond emergently to major crises like the imminent unraveling of our financialized economy, often in disorderly and surprising ways. I suppose we’ll just have to watch the nauseating spectacle play out, and in the meantime enjoy the Russian collusion melodrama for whatever it’s worth — probably more than a ticket to Wonder Woman or the new Tom Cruise Mummy movie.
    Things To Come - Kunstler

    I say lets light this candle and let the bitch burn to the ground. Then see if there's anything salvageable from the ashes...

  19. #9369
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    31-10-2021 @ 03:34 AM
    For sure after 10 years its time for another crash and the rich to make another killing... won't be as seismic as 2007 as not so many middle class suckers left to rape.

  20. #9370
    Thailand Expat David48atTD's Avatar
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    Delta, Bank of America pull funding of Julius Caesar production over Trump-like character's assassination

    Delta Air Lines and Bank of America have pulled financial support for the Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar
    in New York over its Donald Trump-like portrayal of the assassinated Roman leader.

    The contemporary staging of William Shakespeare's tragedy, which is being staged by the non-profit Public Theatre,

    portrays Caesar as a powerful, blond-haired man wearing a business suit with an American flag pin.
    His wife, Calpurnia, has a Slavic accent and dresses in designer fashions ...

    Shakespeare's play focuses on the fatal stabbing of Caesar by former associates, and the subsequent fate of democratic institutions.

    But the non-profit's production has faced sharp criticism online after Fox News reported that it "appears to depict
    President Trump being brutally stabbed to death by women and minorities".
    Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago ...

  21. #9371
    fcuked off SKkin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neo
    For sure after 10 years its time for another crash and the rich to make another killing... won't be as seismic as 2007 as not so many middle class suckers left to rape.
    I'm of the opinion it will be worse. The debt problems of 10 years ago were papered over with more financialization/debt. No real lessons were learned. I think the next cycle low will change that...and I think that many who think they are rich or well off(on paper) will find out it was a mirage.

  22. #9372
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    Depends on whether they take their money and run or not. If there was ever a time to sell, its now

  23. #9373
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    Newsmax CEO and longtime Donald Trump confidante Chris Ruddy on Monday told PBS Newshour’s July Woodruff the president is “considering perhaps terminating” Robert Mueller as special counsel in the Russia investigation.

  24. #9374
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    Quote Originally Posted by David48atTD View Post
    Delta, Bank of America pull funding of Julius Caesar production over Trump-like character's assassination

    Delta Air Lines and Bank of America have pulled financial support for the Shakespeare in the Park production of Julius Caesar
    in New York over its Donald Trump-like portrayal of the assassinated Roman leader.

    The contemporary staging of William Shakespeare's tragedy, which is being staged by the non-profit Public Theatre,

    portrays Caesar as a powerful, blond-haired man wearing a business suit with an American flag pin.
    His wife, Calpurnia, has a Slavic accent and dresses in designer fashions ...

    Shakespeare's play focuses on the fatal stabbing of Caesar by former associates, and the subsequent fate of democratic institutions.

    But the non-profit's production has faced sharp criticism online after Fox News reported that it "appears to depict
    President Trump being brutally stabbed to death by women and minorities".
    Et tu Comey.

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    Lawsuit filed.

    Maryland, DC seek president's taxes in lawsuit over Trump hotel

    The attorneys general of Maryland and Washington, D.C., said Monday they will seek President Trump’s tax returns in a lawsuit over foreign payments to his D.C.-based hotel.

    Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh said he and his D.C. counterpart, Karl Racine, will seek Trump’s personal financial information — including his tax returns — in a lawsuit alleging the president has committed “unprecedented constitutional violations.”

    Frosh and Racine filed a lawsuit against Trump on Monday, claiming his ownership of the Trump International Hotel in D.C. violates two Constitutional clauses barring elected officials from receiving personal gifts and payments.

    Maryland, DC seek president's taxes in lawsuit over Trump hotel | TheHill

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