1. #26726
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    The most revealing answer from Donald Trump’s interview with Fox News Channel’s Chris Wallace came in response not to the toughest question posed by Wallace, but to the easiest.

    At the conclusion of the interview, Wallace asked Trump how he will regard his years as president.

    “I think I was very unfairly treated,” Trump responded. “From before I even won, I was under investigation by a bunch of thieves, crooks. It was an illegal investigation.”

    When Wallace interrupted, trying to get Trump to focus on the positive achievements of his presidency—“What about the good parts, sir?”—Trump brushed the question aside, responding, “Russia, Russia, Russia.” The president then complained about the Flynn investigation, the “Russia hoax,” the “Mueller scam,” and the recusal by his then–attorney general, Jeff Sessions. (“Now I feel good because he lost overwhelmingly in the great state of Alabama,” Trump said about the first senator to endorse him in the 2016 Republican primary.)

    Donald Trump is a psychologically broken, embittered, and deeply unhappy man. He is so gripped by his grievances, such a prisoner of his resentments, that even the most benevolent question from an interviewer—what good parts of your presidency would you like to be remembered for?—triggered a gusher of discontent.

    But the president still wasn’t done. “Here’s the bottom line,” he said. “I’ve been very unfairly treated, and I don’t say that as paranoid. I’ve been very—everybody says it. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens. But there was tremendous evidence right now as to how unfairly treated I was. President Obama and Biden spied on my campaign. It’s never happened in history. If it were the other way around, the people would be in jail for 50 years right now.”

    Just in case his bitterness wasn’t coming through clearly enough, the president added this: “That would be Comey, that would be Brennan, that would be all of this—the two lovers, Strzok and Page, they would be in jail now for many, many years. They would be in jail; it would’ve started two years ago, and they’d be there for 50 years. The fact is, they illegally spied on my campaign. Let’s see what happens. Despite that, I did more than any president in history in the first three and a half years.”

    With that, the interview ended.

    Such a disposition in almost anyone else—a teacher, a tax accountant, a CEO, a cab driver, a reality-television star—would be unfortunate enough. After all, people who obsess about being wronged are just plain unpleasant to be around: perpetually ungrateful, short-tempered, self-absorbed, never at peace, never at rest.

    But Donald Trump isn’t a teacher, a tax accountant, or (any longer) a reality-television star; he is, by virtue of the office he holds, in possession of unmatched power. The fact that he is devoid of any moral sensibilities or admirable human qualities—self-discipline, compassion, empathy, responsibility, courage, honesty, loyalty, prudence, temperance, a desire for justice—means he has no internal moral check; the question Is this the right thing to do? never enters his mind. As a result, he not only nurses his grievances; he acts on them. He lives to exact revenge, to watch his opponents suffer, to inflict pain on those who don’t bend before him. Even former war heroes who have died can’t escape his wrath.

    So Donald Trump is a vindictive man who also happens to be commander in chief and head of the executive branch, which includes the Justice Department, and there is no one around the president who will stand up to him. He has surrounded himself with lapdogs.

    But the problem doesn’t end there. In a single term, Trump has reshaped the Republican Party through and through, and his dispositional imprint on the GOP is as great as any in modern history, including Ronald Reagan’s.

    I say that as a person who was deeply shaped by Reagan and his presidency. My first job in government was working for the Reagan administration, when I was in my 20s. The conservative movement in the 1980s, although hardly flawless, was intellectually serious and politically optimistic. And Reagan himself was a man of personal decency, grace, and class. While often the target of nasty attacks, he maintained a remarkably charitable view of his political adversaries. “Remember, we have no enemies, only opponents,” the former Indiana governor Mitch Daniels, who worked for Reagan, quotes him as admonishing his staff.

    In his farewell address to the nation, Reagan offered an evocative description of America. “I’ve spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don’t know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it,” he said. “But in my mind it was a tall, proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind-swept, God-blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace; a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity. And if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here. That’s how I saw it, and see it still.”

    A city tall and proud, its people living in harmony and peace, surrounded by walls with open doors; that was Ronald Reagan’s image of America, and Ronald Reagan’s Republican Party.

    When Reagan died in 2004, the conservative columnist George Will wrote a moving tribute to his friend, saying of America’s 40th president, “He traveled far, had a grand time all the way, and his cheerfulness was contagious.” Reagan had a “talent for happiness,” according to Will. And he added this: “Reagan in his presidential role made vivid the values, particularly hopefulness and friendliness, that give cohesion and dynamism to this continental nation.”

    There were certainly ugly elements on the American right during the Reagan presidency, and Reagan himself was not without flaws. But as president, he set the tone, and the tone was optimism, courtliness and elegance, joie de vivre.

    He has since been replaced by the crudest and cruelest man ever to be president. But not just that. One senses in Donald Trump no joy, no delight, no laughter. All the emotions that drive him are negative. There is something repugnant about Trump, yes, but there is also something quite sad about the man. He is a damaged soul.

    In another time, in a different circumstance, there would perhaps be room to pity such a person. But for now, it is best for the pity to wait. There are other things to which to attend. The American public faces one great and morally urgent task above all others between now and November: to do everything in its power to remove from the presidency a self-pitying man who is shattering the nation and doesn’t even care.

    Trump Is Wallowing in Self-Pity - The Atlantic

  2. #26727
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    ^^^^ Chilling read.And to think there are still people who support this waste of skin.

  3. #26728
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    Chilling read.
    The Atlantic, my favorite site for opinion articles. Always interesting reading, no matter what the article is about.

  4. #26729
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    anyone else remember the time when obama sent out his best wishes to someone charged with sex trafficking?

    yeah, me either.

  5. #26730
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Saw that.

    The question was framed about her turning in powerful men so you'd think the answer would be 'hopefully she cooperates so anyone who abuse children is brought to justice'.

    "I wish her well" is just odd to say the very least.

  6. #26731
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    "I wish her well"

    he said it twice.

    it's completely fucked up.....but i suppose that's par for the course.

  7. #26732
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    I wonder if he's sent a message that he'll give her a pardon if she doesn't snitch on him?

  8. #26733
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    ^^^^ Chilling read.And to think there are still people who support this waste of skin.
    There are indeed tons of people that give Trump undying support here in the USA. It is unfathomable.

  9. #26734
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    Saw that.

    The question was framed about her turning in powerful men so you'd think the answer would be 'hopefully she cooperates so anyone who abuse children is brought to justice'.

    "I wish her well" is just odd to say the very least.
    There is a serious disconnect between the man's mouth and brain.

  10. #26735
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    There is a serious disconnect between the man's mouth and brain.
    Or not. Maybe he DOES wish her well. Maybe all the well connected connected have been in his ear.
    Will she get a pardon?

  11. #26736
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    'It will go away...'

    'I don't take responsibility at all...'

    'It's a hoax...'

  12. #26737
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    Will she get a pardon?
    ...probably not while he still has hopes of a second term...if he loses in Nov, however, a pardon is definitely a possibility...

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  15. #26740
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    History according to Trump.
    Something went wrong there.
    Last edited by Cujo; 25-07-2020 at 05:10 PM.

  16. #26741
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    well, at least mexico paid for it.

    oh, wait...

  17. #26742
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    The bald orange turd is still looking for a grift. The FBI have been planning for a long time to move HQ to a secure campus outside town.

    Baldy orange cunto would lose the FBI business, and worse, if a new hotel was developed there, he'd lose more.

    So what does a corrupt, baldy orange cunto do? Have a word with the lackeys of course.

    Under intense White House pressure, Senate Republicans agreed Monday to allocate $1.75 billion in their coronavirus relief bill toward the construction of a new D.C. headquarters for the FBI.

    But top Senate Republicans immediately began distancing themselves from the provision after it was made public, saying they weren’t sure why the White House repeatedly insisted on putting it in the bill.


    Complicating efforts for a compromise are potential conflicts of interest stemming from Trump’s continued ownership of a hotel a block down Pennsylvania Avenue. Before Trump was elected, officials at his company raised concerns about a competing hotel possibly being built in place of the Hoover Building should the FBI relocate to the suburbs.

  18. #26743
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    President Donald Trump-116042296_10223478379094067_7227909439442272752_n-jpg

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  20. #26745
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Ouch he'll be fucking livid about that one.

    I hope they show it on Fox.

  21. #26746
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    I don't know whether to laugh or cry:

    Americans are suffering. Trump offers them a doctor who warns of sex with demons.

    President Trump speaks during the coronavirus task force briefing at the White House on July 23. (Jabin Botsford/The Washington Post)

    Opinion by David Von Drehle Columnist

    July 29, 2020 at 4:15 a.m. GMT+7

    According to the Mayo Clinic, endometriosis is “an often painful disorder in which tissue similar to the tissue that normally lines the inside of [the] uterus — the endometrium — grows outside [the] uterus.”

    Not so, says Stella Immanuel, a Houston pediatrician and spiritual leader of Fire Power Ministries, a pronouncedly non-orthodox church. Endometriosis and other potentially dangerous gynecological conditions are the residue of sexual intercourse with demons, Immanuel teaches. These demons, known as “spirit husbands” and “spirit wives” (you might prefer their pet names: Incubus and Succubus) once walked the Earth in physical form. After they drowned in Noah’s flood, however, they carried on only in non-corporeal form. They visit humans in sexy dreams, which aren’t dreams after all but spirit spouses making a booty call. The demons are responsible not only for diseases of the female reproductive system but also for male impotence, most financial troubles, marital discord and spiritual malaise.

    This is not Immanuel’s only diversion from the medical mainstream. She also maintains that alien DNA is a component of some therapeutic drugs and that government scientists are developing a vaccine to prevent religious faith. You can find these and other teachings of hers on YouTube.

    Or you can find Immanuel on President Trump’s Twitter feed, where she testifies to the power of hydroxychloroquine (yep! we’re back to that one) to cure covid-19 and assures the public that masks are not important to fighting the pandemic. More than 10 million Americans heard her advice, thanks in part to the president’s amplifying effect, before Facebook took down her page. In response, Immanuel threatened to have Jesus unplug Facebook’s servers.

    I guess there is no point in expressing my strong view that the president of the United States should not, in the midst of a deadly pandemic, pass along medical advice that undermines public health officials without good reason to believe that it comes from a qualified authority. The president doesn’t care.

    And I suppose it’s pointless to say to my Christian brothers and sisters in Trump’s dwindling camp that a man who raises the profile of a heretical preacher is not a friend of the faith. Many so-called evangelicals who stick with Trump gave up on evangelism — that is, winning people over through selfless acts of love and charity — long ago.

    I’m not sure there is much use in patiently explaining that fighting the novel coronavirus while doing as little damage as possible to the economy is a very significant challenge, requiring the best efforts and maximal good faith of every American — starting at the top. No bridge is long enough to span the abyss between “best efforts” and “spreading dangerous bull hockey from a woman who believes in disease-spreading orgiastic dream demons.”

    So, let me speak to those Republicans cowering in closets and hiding under stairs in Washington and the state capitals, muttering prayers that Trump might somehow calm the flames that threaten to consume them.

    Run away. Close your eyes and duck your heads and sprint as fast as you can away from Trump. Claim amnesia. Say you’ve been hiking the Appalachian Trail. Blame your spirit spouse — whatever. A fury is building in Middle America that has nothing to do with Russia or impeachment or “Access Hollywood.” It’s rising among people who managed to look past all of that to find something they liked about the president. And now he’s repaying them with a stubby middle finger in their faces.

    These folks don’t get daily covid-19 tests with results in 15 minutes. Their every contact is not screened and scanned. They live in the real world, a place Trump looks down on from his jets. They understand that covid-19 is not a joke.

    They have children whose teachers are afraid to be in school with them. They have teenagers reeling from the mental health impacts of isolation and anxiety. They’ve lost their jobs, their businesses, their sense of safety. They’re worried about losing their homes.

    They’ve lost the Final Four and the Olympic Games, and now it’s dawning on them that the NFL and college football may be next. They can’t go to a movie theater or enjoy a concert. In many places, they can’t schedule a surgery or visit an elderly relative.

    And they see what the president thinks of them and their concerns. Here, you dupes and dopes, Trump says — here’s a video from a woman who believes in demon dream sex. Or here’s one from a washed-up game-show host who says covid-19 is an election ploy. Or how about this idea: Drink some bleach.

    They’re worried and suffering, and their president might as well be saying: I don’t care if you live or die. And it’s coming through loud and clear. The political center is slow to anger. It’s also slow to forget.
    Last edited by tomcat; 29-07-2020 at 04:23 PM.
    Majestically enthroned amid the vulgar herd

  22. #26747
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    ...and: an article with a pic of the learned doctor:

    Sex with spirits and alien DNA: The controversial views of doctor whose coronavirus theory got Trump Jr suspended from Twitter

    Louise Hall
    July 29, 2020, 3:28 AM

    YouTube/ Seeking TruthA doctor who went viral in a video shared by Donald Trump in his latest attempts to promote hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for coronavirus has on more than one occasion promoted controversial medical theories and anti-LGBTQ+ attitudes.

    Dr Stella Immanuel, a physician from Houston, Texas, appeared in a video on Facebook which was removed on Monday, insisting that the malaria drug is an effective treatment for the novel coronavirus, a claim that has not been proven.

    Facebook is trying to remove any re-uploads of the video because it is “sharing false information about cures and treatments for Covid-19”, a spokesperson said. One version of the video had more than 17 million views before the platform managed to remove it.

    Dr Immanuel was among a number of physicians named “America’s Frontline Doctors” making misleading claims about the virus at a news conference Monday in Washington.

    The paediatrician and religious minister has emerged as a figurehead in light of her speech at the conference, with both Mr Trump and his oldest son singing her praises on social media.

    However, a report by The Daily Beast delved into more of Dr Immanuel’s unconventional public appearances, revealing the doctor’s spiritual beliefs regarding demon sex, alien DNA in medicine, conspiracy theories, and anti-LGBTQ+ views.
    the doctor attributes medical conditions such as endometriosis, fibroids, and cysts to “spirit husbands”, demons that have sex with women while they sleep.

    “They are responsible for serious gynaecological problems,” Dr Immanuel said. “We call them all kinds of names—endometriosis, we call them molar pregnancies, we call them fibroids, we call them cysts, but most of them are evil deposits from the spirit husband.”
    She also offers guidance against these spirits in an article titled ‘Deliverance from Spirit Wives and Spirit Husbands’ on her website, first reported by The Daily Beast.

    According to the outlet, she also speaks of a conspiracy theory in which a witch attempts to use abortion, gay marriage, and children’s toys to destroy the world and claims that alien DNA is being used in medicine to treat humans.

    “They’re using all kinds of DNA, even alien DNA, to treat people,” she reportedly says in one sermon from 2015.

    Dr Immanuel has also frequently used her platform to spread homophobic and anti-transgender views, protesting against the legalisation of gay marriage and abortion on her YouTube page.

    “How long are we going to allow the enemy to take over our beloved nation. How long are we going to allow the gay agenda, secular humanism, Illuminati and the demonic New World Order to destroy our homes, families and the social fiber of America,”

    She has also previously suggested that the government is run in part by non-human reptilians in a 2015 sermon, according to The Daily Beast.

    “There are people that are ruling this nation that are not even human,” Dr Immanuel reportedly said in a 2015 sermon.
    Dr Immanuel has not yet replied to The Independent’s request for comment.

    The doctor has more recently been propelled to online fame for her discussions of the coronavirus, claiming to have treated 350 people “and counting” for the virus.

    In the video footage, the doctor says that “you don’t need masks, there is a cure”.

    Experts have in fact warned against the potentially severe side effects of taking the drug, which has been continually touted by Mr Trump, to treat the novel coronavirus. The Food and Drug Administration has also recently revoked emergency authorisation of its use.

    Nonetheless, Mr Trump Jr retweeted the footage of Dr Immanuel which had tens of millions of views, calling one version of the video a “must watch”. Twitter later suspended his account for posting “misleading and potentially harmful information” about coronavirus.

    The president also retweeted
    a post including the now-deleted video with a caption referring to Dr Immanuel as a “fearless warrior for the truth”.

    The doctor has since angled for a meeting with the president following his apparent support of her message tweeting: “Mr President I’m in town and available. I will love to meet with you.”

    Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have been removing the hydroxychloroquine video when it has been posted, in line with policies intended to stop the spread of misinformation about coronavirus.

    BBC PIDGIN says she was born in the Cameroon and trained in Nigeria...
    Last edited by tomcat; 29-07-2020 at 04:39 PM.

  23. #26748
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    29-11-2023 @ 01:10 PM
    Well that’s a black life that matters.
    And not in a good way.
    Never trust anybody wearing a lampshade.

  24. #26749
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    ...I can't stop laughing that tRump retweeted her nonsense:

    ...even funnier that there are folks who believe this idiot...

  25. #26750
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by tomcat View Post
    ...and: an article with a pic of the learned doctor:

    Sex with spirits and alien DNA: The controversial views of doctor whose coronavirus theory got Trump Jr suspended from Twitter

    Louise Hall
    July 29, 2020, 3:28 AM

    BBC PIDGIN says she was born in the Cameroon and trained in Nigeria...
    Good grief that's a great big WTF.


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