Well folks, want to know who will be crowned in the US Selection? Want to know whether the UK will Brexit or not? Want to know who NATO will attack next? Well get your arses down to Dresden on 9-12 June. Certainly globalist Goliaths of this very forum will be in attendance getting their instructions for the next year. 5555

Taschenbergpalais Hotel Kempinski is the venue - give them a call and try to book a room for the days... just for fun, and when they say they are closed ask them if this is for the Bilderberg. They get really quite angry about it.

It's nice though. The rent boys of Dresden will be busy no doubt.

A bit of skullduggary already going on with the Globalists, and their cabal. Their "official" website says that they are meeting in Dresden, but rumours abound that they will actually be having the meeting in Sierra City, CA . A lot more handy for breaking the news to Trumpy that he is not going to get to be the president, and to thank Bernie in advance for dropping out in the near future and telling his followers to vote for Hillary in an anything but TRUMP meme. I think it will be just Dresden then. Skype it is unless Hillary disappears for a couple of days.

Wonder what loveliness they have for us this time? Who could forget the Euro which was decided by Bilderberg 1955 as said in this BBC interview

Who would forget Obama in the 2008 election getting his press pack on a plane to nowhere, locked in, and then they were told he was not joining them as he slinked off to be told he would be president.

As Jim Tucker says, if 120 of the worlds biggest soccer players got together, behind closed doors, with armed guards (paid for by the tax payers), the mainstream media would be interested in what they are discussing, but instead all they do is talk about "conspiracy theorists". Seems a bit odd as far as I am concerned.

Anyway, amidst all the Tin Foil and Conspiracy theorist shite that will pumped onto this thread by people who have no interest in what these 120 globalists elites and politicians (who break laws in the UK and US for talking shop with business in private which is strictly forbidden) are up to, I'll keep this up to date with the "guest list" which gets leaked, and anything else that comes out. Lots of videos of the NAZI police beating up protesters as well.

Here's who went last year
Participants | Bilderberg Meetings

There were 10-15 others spotted going in that were not on the list though.

This was the "Official" topic lsit for discussion last year.

Artificial Intelligence
Chemical Weapons Threats
Current Economic Issue
European Strategy
Middle East
United Kingdom
US Elections

Good deeds are done in the sunshine, and bad deeds in the shadows.