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  1. #201
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    IN fairness there were probably some left wing morons doing this too....

  2. #202
    DrB0b's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    IN fairness there were probably some left wing morons doing this too....

    But in fairness none of them were among the top 5 most powerful people in the world.

  3. #203
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Republican Texas Sens. John Cornyn and Ted Cruz pressed President Trump in a letter on Friday to grant Gov. Greg Abbott's (R) request for a major disaster declaration for the state as Hurricane Harvey nears its coast.

    “Given the potential catastrophic impact that the Hurricane may have on Texas communities, we strongly support this request and urge you to provide any and all emergency protective measures available by a major disaster declaration,” the senators said.

    Harvey is expected to be the first Category 3 hurricane to make landfall in the United States since 2005 and the first to hit Texas since 1999.

    The pair voted against a disaster relief package after Hurricane Sandy slammed the U.S. east coast in 2013, causing severe damage to the region.
    Cruz, Cornyn back Texas gov's request for disaster declaration | TheHill

  4. #204
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  5. #205
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote of the day:

    "Alex Jones rants about every crazy-ass conspiracy with the wide-eyed enthusiasm of a teenager who just discovered masturbation, and the anger of a 90-year-old who can't do it anymore. "

  6. #206
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  7. #207
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Must have thought no-one would notice.


    The Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) internal watchdog is launching a probe into Administrator Scott Pruitt’s “frequent” travel to his home state of Oklahoma.

    Officials in the EPA’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) notified agency leadership about the audit Monday, weeks after an environmental group said Pruitt was in Oklahoma or en route there for nearly half of his first three months in office, often using taxpayer funds.

    Auditors will examine the EPA’s “adherence to policies, procedures and oversight controls” related to Pruitt’s travel, the notification said.

    “This assignment is being initiated based on congressional requests and a hotline complaint, all of which expressed concerns about administrator Pruitt’s travel — primarily his frequent travel to and from his home state of Oklahoma at taxpayer expense,” auditors wrote.

    The Environmental Integrity Project and other groups questioned whether Pruitt is using EPA resources to further his personal or political goals.
    The agency defended Pruitt’s travel, saying he works diligently and all of the travel that was billed to the government was for government work.

    In addition, the group that compiled the report counted weekends, holidays and days spent partially in Washington, D.C., as full travel days, the EPA argued.

    Pruitt also took on the critics himself.

    “The folks talking about this, one, their facts are wrong, and that’s not a surprise. But it's an alt-EPA,” he told an Oklahoma television station while traveling there, referring to the social media identity of an anti-Trump group that claims to be composed of EPA employees.

    “It’s a group of employees that worked for Obama, that formed an organization to put out these kinds of things that are not accurate and completely forthcoming as far as those issues,” Pruitt continued.

    In its Monday notice, the OIG said its probe would examine the frequency, cost and extent of Pruitt’s travel to the Sooner State, whether the agency’s policies, and procedures were followed and whether current agency policies are sufficient to prevent waste, fraud and abuse related to Pruitt’s travel.

    Auditors plan to start their work this month.
    Government watchdog to probe EPA head?s travel | TheHill

  8. #208
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Just what this thread was meant for.....

    Open-carry advocates walked into a police station with a loaded rifle. Officers were not amused.

    As the two men approached a police station in Dearborn, Mich., on Sunday, one of them looked into the camera he was holding and explained — via Facebook Live — what their intentions were.

    They claimed to have been illegally pulled over about an hour earlier and wanted to file a complaint, said James Baker, wearing a dark balaclava over his face.

    Next to him, his friend Brandon Vreeland — toting a camera on a tripod — agreed “100 percent.”

    Baker turned the camera back toward himself to more clearly reveal a rifle slung across his chest, body armor and a GoPro camera attached to his left shoulder.

    “We felt a little afraid for our lives when we were pulled over,” Baker said, “so we figure we better protect ourselves.”

    The pair — who describe themselves as open-carry advocates and frequently post videos of their interactions with police — entered the station and walked through another set of doors. Within seconds, a cacophony of shouts echoed throughout the lobby.

    “Dude, put that on the ground!” someone can be heard yelling. “Put it on the ground!”

    The camera captured two officers at the end of a hallway, appearing to point their weapons at Baker and Vreeland. Soon after, the video cut off, but the phone continued to record the chaotic scene unfolding.

    “Put it on the ground or you are dead!” an officer bellows. “I will shoot you! I will put a round in you, sir! Put that rifle on the ground!”

    “What the hell’s the matter with you?” another officer demands.

    Amid the upheaval, Baker’s voice protested: “It’s all legal, sir.”

    Shortly after the incident, both Baker, 24, and Vreeland, 40, were arrested at the station on Sunday, police said.

    Officers seized a loaded AP-14 firearm, a rifle magazine containing 47 rounds, a loaded Glock 19 handgun with four additional magazines containing 66 rounds, body armor and ballistic vests, the ski mask, a gun belt, several pieces of camera equipment, an AR-15 rifle and an AK-47 style rifle, according to the Dearborn Police Department.

    “I find this behavior totally unacceptable and irresponsible,” Dearborn Police Chief Ronald Haddad said in a statement. “This is not a Second Amendment issue for me. We had members of the public in our lobby that fled in fear for their safety as these men entered our building.”

    Haddad added that the president of Michigan Open Carry, a group that advocates for lawful open carry of a holstered handgun in the state, had also called him in support of the police. Later that day, the group issued a statement to say it “in no way supports” the conduct by Baker and Vreeland.

    “It is our belief that their actions were reckless and primarily designed to draw attention and a response,” the advocacy group said. “There is a clear difference between the everyday protection we advocate for and the attention-seeking actions of these individuals. Wearing a mask, dark glasses, visible body armor, and a rifle slung across your chest instills a very specific image that cannot be ignored.”

    There is no law in Michigan that states it is legal to openly carry a firearm; there is also no law that prohibits it. However, state law does limit the premises on which a person may carry a firearm. A memo from the Michigan state police notes that it is legal for a person to carry a firearm in public “as long as the person is carrying the firearm with lawful intent and the firearm is not concealed.”

    “Like it or not, exercising your rights is not black and white,” Michigan Open Carry President Tom Lambert said in a statement. “How you act and portray yourself is a big part of advocacy. I believe these gentlemen failed in this regard.”

    Both men are free on $1,500 bonds, police said.

    Neither Baker nor Vreeland responded immediately to requests for comment Tuesday morning.

    Dearborn police had stopped the pair earlier Sunday at a shopping center “to investigate a report of two suspicious men in a vehicle wearing tactical vests and masks.”

    “A short time later a Dearborn police sergeant on a patrol observed the subjects’ occupied vehicle in a park approximately three miles away,” police said in a statement. “The sergeant conducted a traffic stop to investigate further.”

    Baker told Monday that police had “invited” him to file a complaint at the station when they were stopped earlier.

    “There were about 10 seconds when I thought I was going to die,” Baker told the news site, of the encounter at the police station.

    On his Facebook page, Baker said he is “currently facing three misdemeanor charges [and] had $4k in property stolen.” The Detroit Free Press reported his charges as breaching the peace, failure to cooperate with police and masking his identity by obscuring his face in the station.

  9. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    Open-carry advocates walked into a police station with a loaded rifle. Officers were not amused.

  10. #210
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that James and his pal are white.

    Any black man/men pulling that same stunt would have been immediately disarmed by approx. 237 rounds to the chest/torso/head areas.

  11. #211
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    Any black man/men pulling that same stunt would have been immediately disarmed by approx. 237 rounds to the chest/torso/head areas.
    Of course and then you would have slick responding to your post with one of these..

    No white privilege of course as it aint a thing.

  12. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    Any black man/men pulling that same stunt would have been immediately disarmed by approx. 237 rounds to the chest/torso/head areas.

  13. #213
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    Haha, angry little man arrives on cue!

  14. #214
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    He knows you're right though.

  15. #215
    Thailand Expat Slick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    He knows you're right though.
    LOL you guys have an extremely twisted view of the US.


  16. #216
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    ^^He does. That's his knee jerk reaction when he's got nothing: stoopid smiley.

    He can't help but open his mouth and remove all doubt.

  17. #217
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    Anti-abortion congressman asked mistress to get one

    PITTSBURGH — An anti-abortion congressman asked a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair to get an abortion when he thought she might be pregnant, a newspaper reported Tuesday.

    The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette said it obtained text messages
    between Republican U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy of Pennsylvania and Shannon Edwards. A Jan. 25 text message from Edwards said the congressman had “zero issue posting your pro-life stance all over the place when you had no issue asking me to abort our unborn child just last week when we thought that was one of the options,” according to the paper.

    A text message from Murphy’s number in response said the staff was responsible for his anti-abortion messages: “I’ve never written them. Staff does them. I read them and winced. I told staff don’t write any more.”

  18. #218
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    An anti-abortion congressman asked a woman with whom he was having an extramarital affair to get an abortion when he thought she might be pregnant
    Just another of countless examples of the massive hypocrisy of the right.

  19. #219
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    Baby Jebus please bless these hypocritical wankers.

    A vocally anti-LGBTQ lawmaker has resigned his position after being caught having sex with another man. Wesley Goodman, a Republican Ohio state representative serving his first term, resigned earlier this week after it came to light that he’d engaged in “inappropriate behavior” of a sexual nature with another man earlier this autumn.
    Ohio House Speaker Cliff Rosenberger confirmed the incident in a statement: “I met with him later in the day where he acknowledged and confirmed the allegations. “It became clear that his resignation was the most important course of action for him, his family, the constituents of the 87th House District and this institution.”
    Goodman seemed to also confirm the incident, saying in another statement: “We all bring our own struggles and our own trials into public life,” he said in a statement. “That has been true for me, and I sincerely regret that my actions and choices have kept me from serving my constituents and our state in a way that reflects the best ideals of public service. For those whom I have let down, I’m sorry.”
    According to the Washington Post, Goodman’s website — which has since been taken down — highlighted his conservative Christian credentials and ethos. He emphasized his commitment to “the fight for conservative principles like balanced budget, lower taxes, repealing Obamacare, life, and religious liberty.” Goodman is married to a woman, Bethany, and has, according to The Independent, frequently endorsed “natural [i.e., heterosexual] marriage” as the only valid marital option. According to Goodman’s Twitter, which has since been made private, he describes himself as “Christian. American. Conservative. Republican. Husband to @Beth1027.”
    Another Washington Post story suggests this is not the first time Republican lawmakers have been made aware of Goodman’s private sexual behavior, and that not all of his behavior has been consensual in nature. According to documents and correspondence obtained by the Post, Tony Perkins — of the conservative Christian Family Research Council — had privately urged Goodman to drop out of the Ohio state representative race following reports that he had fondled an 18-year-old at a campaign fundraiser, alongside other similar incidents.
    “Trust me,” Perkins wrote then, “this will not be ignored nor swept aside.”
    Goodman was elected in 2016.

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson View Post
    I'm just gonna go ahead and assume that James and his pal are white.
    I am just going to go ahead and assume that james and his bum buddy jerk each other off while wearing this fancy dress gear and carrying their weapons , maybe while in a

    vehicle in a park approximately three miles away,

  21. #221
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    highlighted his conservative Christian credentials and ethos.
    Sounds like a buddy of Repeater666. The hypocrisy is deafening.

  22. #222
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    Naked picture of Texas congressman Joe Barton is leaked online by ex

    A U.S. congressman has apologised after a nude picture of him was posted online on an anonymous Twitter account. Joe Barton, a Republican representative for Texas, admitted that he had had sexual relationships ‘with other mature adult women’ before he divorced his second wife in 2015.

    He stressed that each relationship was consensual and has since ended. Woman raises $100,000 for homeless veteran who gave her his last $20 Barton, 68, told a woman who threatened to release the sexually explicit images, video and messages that he would contact Capitol Police if they emerged. He said: ‘I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down.’

    The woman contacted the Washington Post following Barton’s threat to go to police . She described sexual encounters and contact extending over five years, beginning with her posting of a message on Barton’s Facebook page in 2011. She also shared with the Post a secretly recorded telephone conversation with Barton in 2015 in which he warned her against using the material ‘in a way that would negatively affect my career.’

    The Post reported the woman, who is not married, spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect her privacy. In a statement to the Post, Barton said a transcript of the telephone conversation provided by the newspaper may be ‘evidence’ of a ‘potential crime against me.’ He also said that Capitol Police had informed him Wednesday that they were opening an inquiry.

    Barton’s spokeswoman told The Dallas Morning News that the congressman has no plans to step down. Barton, a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, announced his re-election bid this month. His district includes several counties in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Barton was a consultant in the oil and gas industry before he joined the U.S. House in 1985. He is currently the vice chairman of the powerful House Energy and Commerce committee. He was the committee’s chairman from 2004 to 2007. Barton has also been the longtime manager of the GOP congressional baseball team. He was taking part in a team practice in June when a gunman opened fire, injuring another congressman and others.

  23. #223
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Sounds like a buddy of Repeater666. The hypocrisy is deafening.

    Why would you say that, as a Christian I have not engaged in homosexual behavior or spoken against homosexuals,homosexuality yes but the gay people no.

  24. #224
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Naked picture of Texas congressman Joe Barton is leaked online by ex

    A U.S. congressman has apologised after a nude picture of him was posted online on an anonymous Twitter account. Joe Barton, a Republican representative for Texas, admitted that he had had sexual relationships ‘with other mature adult women’ before he divorced his second wife in 2015.

    He stressed that each relationship was consensual and has since ended. Woman raises $100,000 for homeless veteran who gave her his last $20 Barton, 68, told a woman who threatened to release the sexually explicit images, video and messages that he would contact Capitol Police if they emerged. He said: ‘I am sorry I did not use better judgment during those days. I am sorry that I let my constituents down.’

    The woman contacted the Washington Post following Barton’s threat to go to police . She described sexual encounters and contact extending over five years, beginning with her posting of a message on Barton’s Facebook page in 2011. She also shared with the Post a secretly recorded telephone conversation with Barton in 2015 in which he warned her against using the material ‘in a way that would negatively affect my career.’

    The Post reported the woman, who is not married, spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect her privacy. In a statement to the Post, Barton said a transcript of the telephone conversation provided by the newspaper may be ‘evidence’ of a ‘potential crime against me.’ He also said that Capitol Police had informed him Wednesday that they were opening an inquiry.

    Barton’s spokeswoman told The Dallas Morning News that the congressman has no plans to step down. Barton, a member of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, announced his re-election bid this month. His district includes several counties in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Barton was a consultant in the oil and gas industry before he joined the U.S. House in 1985. He is currently the vice chairman of the powerful House Energy and Commerce committee. He was the committee’s chairman from 2004 to 2007. Barton has also been the longtime manager of the GOP congressional baseball team. He was taking part in a team practice in June when a gunman opened fire, injuring another congressman and others.

    Why is why is this important?

  25. #225
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    across the street
    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65 View Post
    Why is why is this important?
    Not important just on topic for this thread. Barton is right wing and a moron.

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