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  1. #101
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horatio Hornblower
    Remember we are watching you, we are the legion
    the dunning kruger legions

    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    This is what he's referring to:
    install flashblock - flash is a common attack vector

    "until such time changes are made with the way Thai police handle investigations involving foreign tourists".

    with the attention spans demonstrated , they will get bored before the thais
    Last edited by baldrick; 13-01-2016 at 04:33 PM.

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  3. #103
    I am in Jail

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    13-01-2016 @ 11:14 PM
    Anonymous Shuts Down Hundreds of Court Sites

    BANGKOK — Hacker collective Anonymous has vowed to release information about corrupt members of the Thai judiciary today after taking down hundreds of websites belonging to the Court of Justice in an ongoing response to the conviction of two Burmese men in a 2014 double-murder on Koh Tao.

    The self-styled hacktivist group claimed responsibility through associated social media accounts for the downing of 297 websites including those of the Court of Justice and the Appeal Court since Tuesday night. Members of the group also wrote on a Facebook page it uses that they are preparing to release “a huge leak of all Thai officials involved in corruption in Thai Courts.”

    “‪#‎Anonymous‬ shuts down all Thai Court of Justice websites in protest over the ‪#‎KohTao‬ murder verdict,” was written in a Facebook update. “#Anonymous is supporting the campaign to ask tourists to boycott Thailand “until such time changes are made with the way Thai police handle investigations involving foreign tourists.”

    Earlier this month on on Jan. 4, Anonymous took credit for attacks on at least 14 websites associated with the Royal Thai Police An associated group called Anonymous 4 Justice also posted a 37-minute video on Jan. 3 claiming Thai police used the two Myanmar migrant workers as scapegoats in the murders of two British backpackers on Koh Tao murder in September 2014.

    On Dec. 24, Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo were found guilty of rape and murder and sentenced to die. That verdict, secured by evidence from a roundly criticized police investigation, has invited uproar and calls for justice by those who believe the two migrant workers were wrongly convicted.

    Police spokesperson Dechnarong Suticharnbancha on Jan. 5 said the Technology Crime Suppression Division would track down the hackers.

    “Even if the source of attack was from abroad, they will be convicted eventually,” he said. “It’s not a problem. Thai police are excellent.”

    The spokesman of the Courts of Justice, Suebpong Sripongkul, was not available for comment at the time of publishing.

    However, Suebpong on Tuesday did respond to a viral Facebook public update posted on Sunday by Laura Witheridge, the sister of Koh Tao murder victim Hannah Witheridge .

    Laura Witheridge alleged that “the vast majority of the Thai police are corrupt” and that encouraged tourists to avoid Thailand because it was unsafe and unjust. She also said Thai police and court officials expressed disrespectful comments to her family, including telling her parents “to go home and make another one” to replace their slain daughter.

    Suebpong said the trial was transparent and open to the public. said insisted there were no reasons for the judge to have made such comments, adding that the family can submit a complaint.

    To reach us about this article or another matter, please contact us by e-mail at: [email protected].

    Follow Khaosod English on Facebook and Twitter for news, politics and more from Thailand.

    Anonymous Shuts Down Hundreds of Court Sites

  4. #104
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    just what does taking down these vanity websites achieve ?

  5. #105
    Heading down to Dino's
    bsnub's Avatar
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    Good god. Dapper and the other tinfoil retards have abandoned him. So much for loyalty.

  6. #106
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick View Post
    just what does taking down these vanity websites achieve ?
    That's what I was thinking.

    If they're typical of the usual abortion that are Thai service or govt. department websites then taking them down actually assists the unwary in avoiding the frustration of attempting to navigate them and find useful or pertinent information before giving up in despair.

  7. #107
    I am in Jail

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    13-01-2016 @ 11:14 PM
    The Tor IP's must of been compromised.

    Court webpage attacked through 10 overseas IP addresses

    Court webpage attacked through 10 overseas IP addresses | Bangkok Post: news

  8. #108
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  9. #109
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    01-07-2016 @ 05:52 AM
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    Anonymous Shuts Down Hundreds of Court Sites

    Hacker collective Anonymous has vowed to release information about corrupt members of the Thai judiciary today after taking down hundreds of websites belonging to the Court of Justice in an ongoing response to the conviction of two Burmese men in a 2014 double-murder on Koh Tao.

    The self-styled hacktivist group claimed responsibility through associated social media accounts for the downing of 297 websites including those of the Court of Justice and the Appeal Court since Tuesday night. Members of the group also wrote on a Facebook page it uses that they are preparing to release “a huge leak of all Thai officials involved in corruption in Thai Courts.”

    “‪#‎Anonymous‬ shuts down all Thai Court of Justice websites in protest over the ‪#‎KohTao‬ murder verdict,” was written in a Facebook update. “#Anonymous is supporting the campaign to ask tourists to boycott Thailand “until such time changes are made with the way Thai police handle investigations involving foreign tourists.”

    Earlier this month on on Jan. 4, Anonymous took credit for attacks on at least 14 websites associated with the Royal Thai Police An associated group called Anonymous 4 Justice also posted a 37-minute video on Jan. 3 claiming Thai police used the two Myanmar migrant workers as scapegoats in the murders of two British backpackers on Koh Tao murder in September 2014.

    On Dec. 24, Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo were found guilty of rape and murder and sentenced to die. That verdict, secured by evidence from a roundly criticized police investigation, has invited uproar and calls for justice by those who believe the two migrant workers were wrongly convicted.

    Police spokesperson Dechnarong Suticharnbancha on Jan. 5 said the Technology Crime Suppression Division would track down the hackers.

    “Even if the source of attack was from abroad, they will be convicted eventually,” he said. “It’s not a problem. Thai police are excellent.”

    The spokesman of the Courts of Justice, Suebpong Sripongkul, was not available for comment at the time of publishing.

    However, Suebpong on Tuesday did respond to a viral Facebook public update posted on Sunday by Laura Witheridge, the sister of Koh Tao murder victim Hannah Witheridge .

    Laura Witheridge alleged that “the vast majority of the Thai police are corrupt” and that encouraged tourists to avoid Thailand because it was unsafe and unjust. She also said Thai police and court officials expressed disrespectful comments to her family, including telling her parents “to go home and make another one” to replace their slain daughter.

    Suebpong said the trial was transparent and open to the public. He insisted there were no reasons for the judge to have made such comments, adding that the family can submit a complaint via the British Embassy.

    Anonymous Shuts Down Hundreds of Court Sites

  10. #110
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    01-07-2016 @ 05:52 AM
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    Website of Thailand's embassy in the UK appears to be hacked...

    Macgruber Celery Scene

  11. #111
    TheAnonEgg's Avatar
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    22-01-2016 @ 11:03 PM
    I doubt the Thai Authorities understand, what they have come up against.

  12. #112
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chassamui View Post
    Beggars belief, doesn't it?

  13. #113
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    didn't yasojack flounce last time as he thought the govt was after him ?

    there should be a better flounce soon when he fcuks up in his efforts to be part of anonymous and his "tor IP" is discovered

  14. #114
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    You really should realise how shit you are when even the KKK call you "pathetic".

    'I thought these guys were supposed to be genius computers hackers'
    Published: 11/06/2015 at 6:16 PM

    When Frank Ancona, imperial wizard of the Traditionalist American Knights of the Klu Klux Klan, learned he had been doxxed by the hacktivist group Anonymous, his first reaction was disappointment. Not that he was named. No, he's proud of his KKK affiliation.

    What disappointed Ancona, a onetime machinist living in Park Hills, Missouri, is that he didn't see more of his friends' names in lights. “I was disappointed because I was hoping I’d find out one of my friends is actually in another Klan group,” Ancona said. “Or maybe Obama is actually a Klansmen or something, I don’t know. I can say there’s not going to be a big mass exodus from the Klan because of this.”

    Ancona told International Business Times that he recognized many of the names and aliases on the list, which was posted by Anonymous on the text sharing site Pastebin on Thursday, but after spending nearly a decade in the public eye as a KKK member, he called the level of research that went into putting the names together "pathetic."

    On this point, both the KKK and human rights organizations are in agreement: After weeks of bluster from Anonymous, the promised 1,000-name list of white supremacists turned out to be barely 350 supposed racists, many already well-known to authorities and others who make no secret of their affiliations.

    Rather than launching a cyberattack, Anonymous appears to have simply scoured Facebook for users who “liked” KKK-affiliated pages, or included a confederate flag in their profile picture. Hundreds of the names are known KKK members, experts say, but many more are certainly aliases, and at least one is flat-out wrong.

    “It’s much ado about nothing,” said Mark Pitcavage, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, which tracks radical right wing groups in the U.S. “Calling a single person a white supremacist is a serious thing, and it’s something one does after much deliberation and with much thought. That wasn’t done here, and it’s hard to see what, if any, good can come out of this.”

    Anonymous posted the database of names -- often with corresponding Facebook or Google Plus pages attached -- along with a statement explaining the data dump was meant to “spark a bit of constructive dialogue about race, racism, racial terror and freedom of expression.” Many of the attached Facebook and Google Plus pages vanished in the days before the leak, or immediately after. The list’s publication comes days after another widely discredited list of purported KKK members was also posted by an unrelated group.

    Anonymous has been at odds with the KKK since late 2014, when the hacking group starting releasing personal information on Klan members who threatened war against protesters in Ferguson, Missouri. This list’s November 5 publication coincided with Guy Fawkes Day, the annual celebration of the British Gunpowder Plot organizer and inspiration for Anonymous’ mask.

    Falsely Accused

    But it included at least one innacurate name. Ben Garrison is a libertarian political cartoonist who had one of his cartoons edited into a racist meme on the notorious imageboard 4chan (the birthplace of Anonymous). When Garrison complained, the 4chan community responded by editing dozens more of his cartoons, and setting up social media pages under Garrison’s name depicting him as a racist.

    He has consistently denied being a white supremacist, telling the Washington Post that 4chan has ruined his professional career. But Anonymous, in its search for known racists, apparently took 4chan’s cartoons at face value and included the animator on their KKK list. It has since been revised.

    “What they did is post a long list of names and sprinkled in some well-known white supremacists,” said Pitcavage. “Responsible organizations like ours don’t out every extremist they come across. It doesn’t accomplish much other than to get someone fired from their job, and it certainly doesn’t change their mind.”

    The Klan Refuses To Pull Off The Hood

    Nor does it seem to do much to intimidate them. Fewer than 4,000 Klansmen are believed to still exist in the U.S., an incredible decline from the peak membership of at least 4 million in the 1920s. While other white supremacist groups have flourished in the Klan's place, it's hard to imagine many will exit now after yet another threat from hackers.

    Ancona said membership in his organization fluctuates, though he claimed it sometimes numbers as high as 2,000 across the continental U.S. To adapt to the times, he said, the Klan has had to back away from from its ptraditional political stance and do more to show “it’s not just about hatred, it’s more of a Christian fraternal society.” Anonymous has become just another challenge.

    "I thought these guys were supposed to be genius computers hackers, but to verify that someone is a Klan member they'd have to actually have to break into our headquarters and steal a copy of our applications," Ancona said. "I've always been a vigilante so this is just part of the job description."
    Ku Klux Klan calls Anonymous list ?pathetic?

  15. #115
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    01-07-2016 @ 05:52 AM
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    Thai court to sue anonymous hackers

    The Thai Court of Justice plans to press charges against anonymous hackers who took down hundreds of websites of the Thai courts in protest to the conviction of two Burmese migrant workers in a double-murder of British backpackers in Koh Tao Island.

    On Wednesday, 13 January 2016, Suebpong Sripongsakun, the spokesperson of Thailand’s Court of Justice (CoJ), announced that the Thai authorities will carry out investigation and press charges on a group of anonymous hackers who downed at least 297 sites, some of which are Appeal and Criminal Court's websites on Tuesday night.

    Once hacked, an image of a well known white mask of the anonymous group appeared on ...

    Thai court to sue anonymous hackers shutting down govt webs | Prachatai English

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  17. #117
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    22-01-2016 @ 11:03 PM
    Describing the Collective as Skiddies is pretty Naive, the group is made up of volunteers.

    1.Skilled Hackers who are extremely savvy.

    2.Laypeople who are coached and directed by the skilled hackers and their role is to perform the DDOS attacks, the level of experience isn't of importance.

    The hackers don't need scripts, the people who write your security are the people who Anonymous are associated with.

  18. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrB0b
    Are you totally bloody stupid? Almost everybody else can do it properly.
    Erm, yes he is.

  19. #119
    I am in Jail
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    Ko Tao should be quarantined. Case closed!

    Free the Burma!

  20. #120
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnonEgg View Post
    Describing the Collective as Skiddies is pretty Naive, the group is made up of volunteers.

    1.Skilled Hackers who are extremely savvy.

    2.Laypeople who are coached and directed by the skilled hackers and their role is to perform the DDOS attacks, the level of experience isn't of importance.

    The hackers don't need scripts, the people who write your security are the people who Anonymous are associated with.
    Skilled hackers my arse.

    Skilled hackers are the sort of state actors that do this kind of stuff.

    As for:
    the people who write your security are the people who Anonymous are associated with
    Load of bollocks.

    Spotty Anonymous "hackers" are amateurs and easy to defend against.

  21. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by Horatio Hornblower
    And you wonder why I did a quick exit when I met you.
    You told me it was a ladyboy you had to meet. Who am I to judge?

    Quote Originally Posted by Horatio Hornblower
    The Tor IP's must of been compromised.
    Do you even understand what TOR does?

    Now, Handbag Handjob, do you really think anyone remembers yesterday's attack in the media? Anonymous basicly "tagged" a bunch of public web servers. Nothing was accomplished and even the Thai government said "So what?, it doesn't change shit."

  22. #122
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    22-01-2016 @ 11:03 PM
    Harry how about you post your own website up, and I'll post up on a white hat security board for you, and there'll give your site a security check and see if you have any security issues.?

    As you said in one of your posts your have no vulnerabilities.

  23. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFFan
    it doesn't change shit
    It embarrasses the Thai junta and corrupt police.

    Also keeps the momentum and media/ordinary people campaigning for the victims of Koh Tao

  24. #124
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnonEgg View Post
    Harry how about you post your own website up, and I'll post up on a white hat security board for you, and there'll give your site a security check and see if you have any security issues.?

    As you said in one of your posts your have no vulnerabilities.
    Are you really that gormless?

    And for that matter, illiterate, as I said no such thing.

    Everyone has vulnerabilities.

    In ICS you're generally stuck with them.

    It's what else you do that counts, and unless you're a fucking idiot you'd know that that includes not running around going "Coo-eeeee I'm here!".

  25. #125
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheAnonEgg
    Harry how about you post your own website up
    harry doesn't manage webservers - nor a windows 10 helpdesk

    only an xbox in his mums basement

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