Sarkozy Wrestles with Merkel for European Dominance

French President Nicolas Sarkozy is challenging German Chancellor Angela Merkel for leadership of Europe. But she's hoping to slow down France's hyperactive new leader to ensure German influence on the Continent -- while avoiding an open confrontation between Paris and Berlin.
The two leaders have known each other for years, but in Toulouse they meet at the bargaining table for the first time. The summit will set the tone for their working relationship -- and the Franco-German partnership -- well into the future. Both are aware that the European Union can't function if Paris and Berlin are at odds.
But at the moment the relationship is deeply strained. The new administration in Paris is doing its utmost to provoke Berlin. France discussed the decision to put forward former French finance minister Dominique Strauss-Kahn as the EU's candidate to head the International Monetary Fund in Washington D.C. with all of its important partners except Germany. Outraged German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has also been waiting days for a call from his French counterpart Bernard Kouchner, who recently suggested replacing long-established EU policies for the Middle East with his own initiative for the region.
Paris's Provocation: Sarkozy Wrestles with Merkel for European Dominance - International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News