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  1. #7751
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    quite amazing that despite all the scandals, Trump is only lagging by 9%

    shows how hated Clinton is, and that Trump really had a chance at winning despite the odds

  2. #7752
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfly View Post
    quite amazing that despite all the scandals, Trump is only lagging by 9%

    shows how hated Clinton is, and that Trump really had a chance at winning despite the odds

    It's more that maybe 30% are stupid enough to actually like Trump and then some life long party loyalty. He never had a realistic chance of winning.

  3. #7753
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    My eyesight isn't what it used to be so can you guys check out this video for me and see if Trump is in there somewhere, please?

  4. #7754
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Trump only puts his hands on the pussy !!!

    so not him,

  5. #7755
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    This election is wonderful. The bs accusations against Trump are falling apart, of course the loons on here have no clue, but the truth about the establishment is coming out no matter how hard they try to bury it in their puerile distractions.

  6. #7756
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by redhaze View Post
    Trump has fully imploded and this election is completely over. The only question at this point is Clinton's margin. I'm guessing around 7-8 point difference in the popular vote at this point. Possibly more if more shit keeps coming, but our country is too polarized and Clinton is too disliked for it to go much beyond high single digits IMHO.

    But who knows, maybe Trump actually had sex with a kid or something. Even then, 10 point margin. Because Republicans.
    Just watch and enjoy, its only just begun, the fun is about to start.

    Btw at least 2 of trump's accusers work for the clinton foundation, and the one on the apprentice sent trump an email begging him for his endorsement for her restaurant just a few months ago.
    Last edited by longway; 16-10-2016 at 03:39 AM.

  7. #7757
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    Obama taking on a heckler. Notice the class and wit used. Then just think about what a bitter freaking moron Donald Trump is.

    A Trump Supporter Made The Worst Mistake Of His Life When He Tried To Heckle Obama
    Um yeah sure

    Here is a trump supporter getting beaten up, with shillary thugs hiding the scene behind signs, of course none of this, nor the dozens of occasions that trump supporters are met with violence will ever get publicity in the lsm.

    Even the famous case where a trump supporter was supposed to have struck a woman, was in fact a bs story, where it was a trump supporter who was visually impaired was being led through shillary supporters who was the one getting harrassed, the whole incident was twisted around. The reality, away from your fairy takes in lalaland is very different.

  8. #7758
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Just imagine how in the dark we would be regarding this election specifically, and frankly the world generally, if it weren’t for social media. It’s on Facebook, Twitter and other outlets where stories generally first break, where we see in real time the good, bad and ugly events of the day.
    Of course, what we see is influenced by the observer –as we’ve seen over and over with edited videos and audio, limited camera angles and blatantly false stories.
    At its best social media provides the freest platform for our free speech. At its worst, it becomes an echo chamber and a bad game of “telephone” where every tweet and retweet twists, embellishes and ultimately corrupts the truth.
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    Wikileaks: The FINAL nail?
    Wikileaks: Revelation should INSTANTLY suppress the black vote for Hillary
    This exposé of Donald Trump should BREAK the internet
    However, every once in awhile you come across something so perfectly on point that it must be shared, and you wonder why our own pundits and our own party leaders are incapable of summing this up. (Well, we know the answer, but we won’t get into that now).
    In any event, this exposé of Donald Trump was posted on Facebook by Be Forbes and in my humble opinion, it’s spot on. Give it a read and see if you agree.

    Last night a friend claimed that Donald Trump wouldn’t make a good president; he is brash, he is racist, he is a loudmouth; you know the normal things people learn to recite after being programmed by television news. The one I loved was that, “Trump is arrogant.” My friend questioned if one man could make “that much difference in the world today.” To my friend’s credit, she was respectful enough to let me respond when she asked, “Really, what has Trump done?”
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    I said, “In June of last year, Trump entered the race for president. In just a little over a year, Trump has single handedly defeated the Republican party. He did so thoroughly. In fact, he did so in such a resounding way that the Republican Party now suffers from an identity crisis. He literally dismantled the party. Trump even dismantled and dismissed the brand and value of the Bush family.
    Trump has Obama petrified that Trump will dismiss programs that weren’t properly installed using proper law.
    Trump has single handedly debunked and disemboweled any value of news media as we knew it—news now suffering from an all-time level of distrust and disrespect.
    Trump has leaders from all over the world talking about him, whether good or bad. Trust me, powerful men who have been president before weren’t liked by the global community. I doubt Mikhail Gorbachev liked Reagan when Reagan said, “Tear down that wall.”
    Trump has expressly disclosed the fraud perpetrated on the American public by Hillary Clinton. He has, quite literally, brought Hillary to her knees—if you believe that nervous tension and disorders offer physical side effects and damage.
    Trump has unified the silent majority in a way that should be patently frightening to “liberals.”
    As the press accuses Trump of being a house of cards, Trump has proven the press is the real house of cards. He has whipped up the entire establishment into pure panic. Trump has exposed them for who they are and worse, what they are. George Clooney was right when he said Trump draws live news coverage of his podium that he’s not yet approached. Thanks, George, you were perfectly correct.
    What we see as headline news today are actually the last bubbles from the ship that is now sunk—meaning the standard news media, as a propaganda machine, has been exposed. They have no more value.
    In the same way Trump asked the African-American community this question, I asked my friend, ”At this point, what do you have to lose?” We have mass cop shootings, riots in our streets, ambushed cops, double digit inflation, bombs blowing up in our cities, targeted police, #BLM, a skyrocketing jobless rate, no economic growth, privately owned land being seized by the federal government, the worst racial tension in my lifetime, no God in schools, more abortions than ever, illegal aliens pouring into our country, sick veterans receiving no care, and a debt that doubled in seven years to $19 trillion. Are you really happy with the condition of the current system?
    One man has done all of this in one year—one guy, and on his own dime. And with everything I’ve written above, you believe Trump hasn’t done anything? You claim that you are afraid of Donald Trump? No wonder we’re in trouble. You can say that Trump is a lousy presidential candidate. That’s your right. Just don’t ever say he’s not effective.
    That Megan Kelly, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Raleigh’s News and Observer, the AP, Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and many more, failed to implement their collectively orchestrated lie on the American people against Trump, is actually a massive testament to Trump. The press colluded pure propaganda to accomplish his demise … and they have collectively failed and miserably.
    Here’s just one example of how badly America is injured right now. There are high school football players on their knees during the national anthem simply because the press used as propaganda to program those kids to do that very thing. But, these kids are mimicking NFL stars the same way the same kids chooses which brand of football shoe to purchase—they’re overtly brain-washed to do that very thing.
    Now, we have a generation of children who hate America.
    America’s problem isn’t that little children are on their knee in collective disrespect of America. Our problem is that America is on her knee from collective disrespect by Americans.
    You can disrespect America all you want. But, it’s high-time you respect the silent majority. Because they’re not simply the “silent majority” as you’ve been trained to believe when Hillary calls them “deplorables.” The fact is, they are simply the majority. And now they’re no longer silent either. Donald Trump changed all of that, single-handedly and within one year.”
    Heck yeah. Please share! Lefty Mark Zuckerberg may rue the day he launched Facebook and opened the pandora’s box of free conservative thought.

  9. #7759
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    Trump has Obama petrified that Trump will dismiss programs that weren’t properly installed using proper law.

    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    He has, quite literally, brought Hillary to her knees

    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    Megan Kelly, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Raleigh’s News and Observer, the AP, Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and many more, failed to implement their collectively orchestrated lie on the American people against Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    The press colluded pure propaganda to accomplish his demise
    What a bunch of utter nonsense. Paranoid dribble from the insane extreme alt right fantasy universe.

    Anyone that buys into this kind of shit is an utter buffoon.

  10. #7760
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    01-05-2022 @ 06:28 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    Trump has Obama petrified that Trump will dismiss programs that weren’t properly installed using proper law.

    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    He has, quite literally, brought Hillary to her knees

    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    Megan Kelly, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Raleigh’s News and Observer, the AP, Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and many more, failed to implement their collectively orchestrated lie on the American people against Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    The press colluded pure propaganda to accomplish his demise
    What a bunch of utter nonsense. Paranoid dribble from the insane extreme alt right fantasy universe.

    Anyone that buys into this kind of shit is an utter buffoon.

    No those like you,who look at only the libtard side of things,have been fooled and brain washed into believing your sweet hart Hillary will save the people.

  11. #7761
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    Anyone that buys into this kind of shit is an utter buffoon.
    The moronic alt-right lives in a putrid swamp of lies, conspiracies and scapegoating. Their days are numbered though.

  12. #7762
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Here is a trump supporter getting beaten up, with shillary thugs hiding the scene behind signs, of course none of this, nor the dozens of occasions that trump supporters are met with violence will ever get publicity in the lsm.
    The funniest story during this campaign is still the rally in SC I think, right after the 'deplorables' comment.

    He invited people onstage to take the mic and loudly proclaim that they were not deplorable, but they had to stop because there was a huge fistfight going on in the crowd!

    bibo ergo sum
    If you hear the thunder be happy - the lightening missed.
    This time.

  13. #7763
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Trump supporters raise talk of armed revolt as he stokes their fears of a ‘rigged’ election

    In an Boston Globe report about Trump’s flailing campaign, the newspaper interviewed Trump supporters about how they plan to respond in November if their candidate loses.

    Globe reporters attended a Trump rally in Cincinnati, Ohio last week and met Dan Bowman, a 50-year-old contract worker, who spoke openly of assassinating Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton should she carry the polls in November.

    “If she’s in office, I hope we can start a coup. She should be in prison or shot. That’s how I feel about it,” Bowman said. “We’re going to have a revolution and take them out of office if that’s what it takes. There’s going to be a lot of bloodshed. But that’s what it’s going to take…I would do whatever I can for my country.”

    The Globe said that Trump’s campaign has been “unraveling” since he made his attacks on the Khan family, parents of a Muslim-American soldier who died in combat in Iraq. His poll numbers looked as if they might briefly rally in September, but weeks ago, “the bottom fell out.”...

    Not surprising given the violence at his rallies.

    Trump supporters raise talk of armed revolt as he stokes their fears of a ?rigged? election
    This post has not been authorized by the TeakDoor censorship committee.

  14. #7764
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    have been fooled and brain washed
    The only one being fooled and brainwashed is you for actually buying into the utter nonsense in that article. Alt right trash for lemmings like you.

  15. #7765
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    have been fooled and brain washed
    The only one being fooled and brainwashed is you for actually buying into the utter nonsense in that article. Alt right trash for lemmings like you.
    I already know "your"answer, but I don't suppose you have facts to support your post.

  16. #7766
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    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    but I don't suppose you have facts to support your post.
    Facts?? All your facts are right wing theories put out by hate factories.. Indeed.

  17. #7767
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65
    but I don't suppose you have facts to support your post.

    The pro Hillary msm media bias is blisteringly obvious, hardly a conspiracy me thinks.
    It be as plain obvious as the nose on your face.

  18. #7768
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by RPETER65 View Post
    Just imagine how in the dark we would be regarding this election specifically, and frankly the world generally, if it weren’t for social media. It’s on Facebook, Twitter and other outlets where stories generally first break, where we see in real time the good, bad and ugly events of the day.
    Of course, what we see is influenced by the observer –as we’ve seen over and over with edited videos and audio, limited camera angles and blatantly false stories.
    At its best social media provides the freest platform for our free speech. At its worst, it becomes an echo chamber and a bad game of “telephone” where every tweet and retweet twists, embellishes and ultimately corrupts the truth.
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    Wikileaks: The FINAL nail?
    Wikileaks: Revelation should INSTANTLY suppress the black vote for Hillary
    This exposé of Donald Trump should BREAK the internet
    However, every once in awhile you come across something so perfectly on point that it must be shared, and you wonder why our own pundits and our own party leaders are incapable of summing this up. (Well, we know the answer, but we won’t get into that now).
    In any event, this exposé of Donald Trump was posted on Facebook by Be Forbes and in my humble opinion, it’s spot on. Give it a read and see if you agree.

    Last night a friend claimed that Donald Trump wouldn’t make a good president; he is brash, he is racist, he is a loudmouth; you know the normal things people learn to recite after being programmed by television news. The one I loved was that, “Trump is arrogant.” My friend questioned if one man could make “that much difference in the world today.” To my friend’s credit, she was respectful enough to let me respond when she asked, “Really, what has Trump done?”
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    I said, “In June of last year, Trump entered the race for president. In just a little over a year, Trump has single handedly defeated the Republican party. He did so thoroughly. In fact, he did so in such a resounding way that the Republican Party now suffers from an identity crisis. He literally dismantled the party. Trump even dismantled and dismissed the brand and value of the Bush family.
    Trump has Obama petrified that Trump will dismiss programs that weren’t properly installed using proper law.
    Trump has single handedly debunked and disemboweled any value of news media as we knew it—news now suffering from an all-time level of distrust and disrespect.
    Trump has leaders from all over the world talking about him, whether good or bad. Trust me, powerful men who have been president before weren’t liked by the global community. I doubt Mikhail Gorbachev liked Reagan when Reagan said, “Tear down that wall.”
    Trump has expressly disclosed the fraud perpetrated on the American public by Hillary Clinton. He has, quite literally, brought Hillary to her knees—if you believe that nervous tension and disorders offer physical side effects and damage.
    Trump has unified the silent majority in a way that should be patently frightening to “liberals.”
    As the press accuses Trump of being a house of cards, Trump has proven the press is the real house of cards. He has whipped up the entire establishment into pure panic. Trump has exposed them for who they are and worse, what they are. George Clooney was right when he said Trump draws live news coverage of his podium that he’s not yet approached. Thanks, George, you were perfectly correct.
    What we see as headline news today are actually the last bubbles from the ship that is now sunk—meaning the standard news media, as a propaganda machine, has been exposed. They have no more value.
    In the same way Trump asked the African-American community this question, I asked my friend, ”At this point, what do you have to lose?” We have mass cop shootings, riots in our streets, ambushed cops, double digit inflation, bombs blowing up in our cities, targeted police, #BLM, a skyrocketing jobless rate, no economic growth, privately owned land being seized by the federal government, the worst racial tension in my lifetime, no God in schools, more abortions than ever, illegal aliens pouring into our country, sick veterans receiving no care, and a debt that doubled in seven years to $19 trillion. Are you really happy with the condition of the current system?
    One man has done all of this in one year—one guy, and on his own dime. And with everything I’ve written above, you believe Trump hasn’t done anything? You claim that you are afraid of Donald Trump? No wonder we’re in trouble. You can say that Trump is a lousy presidential candidate. That’s your right. Just don’t ever say he’s not effective.
    That Megan Kelly, FOX News, CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, Rachel Maddow, the Huffington Post, the New York Times, Raleigh’s News and Observer, the AP, Don Lemon, Jake Tapper, and many more, failed to implement their collectively orchestrated lie on the American people against Trump, is actually a massive testament to Trump. The press colluded pure propaganda to accomplish his demise … and they have collectively failed and miserably.
    Here’s just one example of how badly America is injured right now. There are high school football players on their knees during the national anthem simply because the press used as propaganda to program those kids to do that very thing. But, these kids are mimicking NFL stars the same way the same kids chooses which brand of football shoe to purchase—they’re overtly brain-washed to do that very thing.
    Now, we have a generation of children who hate America.
    America’s problem isn’t that little children are on their knee in collective disrespect of America. Our problem is that America is on her knee from collective disrespect by Americans.
    You can disrespect America all you want. But, it’s high-time you respect the silent majority. Because they’re not simply the “silent majority” as you’ve been trained to believe when Hillary calls them “deplorables.” The fact is, they are simply the majority. And now they’re no longer silent either. Donald Trump changed all of that, single-handedly and within one year.”
    Heck yeah. Please share! Lefty Mark Zuckerberg may rue the day he launched Facebook and opened the pandora’s box of free conservative thought.
    What a load of hyperbolic nonsense. So basically he's achieved nothing of note.

  19. #7769
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    Quote Originally Posted by longway View Post

    Just watch and enjoy, its only just begun, the fun is about to start.

  20. #7770
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    25-05-2024 @ 12:43 PM
    What happens if Donald throws the towel a few days before the election ?

    Does the whole cha-bang have to be repeated or is Hillary the new Prez of the United Comedy of America ?

  21. #7771
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman
    What happens if Donald throws the towel a few days before the election ?
    He won't.

  22. #7772
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman View Post
    What happens if Donald throws the towel a few days before the election ?

    Does the whole cha-bang have to be repeated or is Hillary the new Prez of the United Comedy of America ?
    Absurd idea, early voting is already underway.

  23. #7773
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    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman View Post
    What happens if Donald throws the towel a few days before the election ?

    Does the whole cha-bang have to be repeated or is Hillary the new Prez of the United Comedy of America ?
    Ballots are already out and voting has started.

    But in fairness he might as well concede now.

  24. #7774
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    25-05-2024 @ 12:43 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by HermantheGerman
    What happens if Donald throws the towel a few days before the election ?
    He won't.
    And if ?
    Why is it so absurd ? After all we are talking about Trump

  25. #7775
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    03-04-2024 @ 08:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by slackula View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by longway
    Here is a trump supporter getting beaten up, with shillary thugs hiding the scene behind signs, of course none of this, nor the dozens of occasions that trump supporters are met with violence will ever get publicity in the lsm.
    The funniest story during this campaign is still the rally in SC I think, right after the 'deplorables' comment.

    He invited people onstage to take the mic and loudly proclaim that they were not deplorable, but they had to stop because there was a huge fistfight going on in the crowd!

    the funniest one was when a protester at a trump rally wore some kind of klan costume and was decked by a black guy.

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