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  1. #51
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    09-06-2024 @ 02:05 PM
    Nmbr. 38
    Quote Originally Posted by Hawker
    recognize that the federalists are against all of us.
    A call to support your local 1%.

  2. #52
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Where troubles melt like lemon drops
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub
    Since 1993, the feds say the Nevada rancher has been illegally grazing his herd on federal land. So, acting on a court order, the Bureau of Land Management tried to seize some of Bundy’s herd
    As the Feds and it's agent the BLM have no legitimate claim on the land, as such they have no power to ask any legal entity to pass judgement.

    The Feds, Federal Government pass ownership of all lands to the State, when it is formed and accepted into the confederation of the States.

    Mr Brundy has been paying "fees" to the State but not the Federal government agencies.
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  3. #53
    Bettyboo's Avatar
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    If US federalization is anything like the EU then it is totally corrupt and anti-citizen.

  4. #54
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    12-12-2014 @ 12:32 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Bettyboo View Post
    If US federalization is anything like the EU then it is totally corrupt and anti-citizen.
    How does it work in the Eu ?

  5. #55
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    14-09-2014 @ 04:20 PM
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    The right wing's sweetheart digs himself an even deeper hole...

    Cliven Bundy: I'm Just Like Rosa Parks

    Mike Stotts/ZUMA
    You might have trouble keeping track of all the racists in the news cycle these past few days. But even though deadbeat rancher Cliven Bundy's 15 minutes seem to have faded—especially with his conservative media pals no longer championing him following his remarks denigrating "the Negro"—a public statement he issued on Friday that drew little press attention is notable. Here is a classic example of a racist who's been revealed (by his own words) trying to claim that he's not a racist and—what's more!—he's really just like a civil rights hero. We've seen this before, with affirmative-action foes insisting they are more akin to Martin Luther King Jr.—who asked people to judge a person by the content of their character rather than the color of his or her skin—than are advocates of affirmative action. Adopting this black-is-white defense, Bundy went with Rosa Parks, not MLK Jr., and issued a press statement with this absurd argument:
    I am standing up against [the federal government's] bad and unconstitutional laws, just like Rosa Parks did when she refused to sit in the back of the bus. She started a revolution in America, the civil rights movement, which freed the black people from much of the oppression they were suffering. I'm saying Martin Luther King's dream was not that Rosa could take her rightful seat in the front of the bus, but his dream was that she could take any seat on the bus and I would be honored to sit beside her. I am doing the same thing Rosa Parks did—I am standing up against bad laws which dehumanize us and destroy our freedom.
    This probably ain't worth unpacking. But Bundy is likening having to pay the government a below-market-rate grazing fee for feeding his cows on federal land to segregation. And in the full statement, he goes further, comparing what he considers to be modern-day federal overreach to…yes, slavery. Looking to repair his reputation, Bundy—or whoever wrote this statement—embraced the conservative trope that the current taxing, spending, and regulatory policies of the federal government are equivalent to slavery. Remember when Sarah Palin likened the federal debt to slavery? Bundy takes it to the next level:
    We are trading one form of slavery for another.
    What I am saying is that all we Americans are trading one form of slavery for another. All of us are in some measure slaves of the federal government. Through their oppressive tactics of telling the ranchers how many cows they can have on their land, and making that number too low to support a ranch, the BLM has driven every rancher in Clark County off the land, except me. The IRS keeps the people of America in fear, and makes us all work about a third or a half of the year before we have earned enough to pay their taxes. This is nothing but slavery from January through May. The NSA spies on us and collects our private phone calls and emails. And the government dole which many people in America are on, and have been for much of their lives, is dehumanizing and degrading. It takes away incentive to work and self respect. Eventually a person on the dole becomes a ward of the government, because his only source of income is a dole from the government. Once the government has you in that position, you are its slave.
    Bundy is extending his original case. He goes beyond his initial argument that Americans who receive federal assistance (meaning African Americans) are no better off than the slaves of old. He asserts that all of us have been enslaved by the federal government.
    Bundy notes, "I am trying to keep Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream alive." And he ends the statement with contradictory references to Concord and Lexington and a call for "peaceful revolution to regain our freedom." The folks who were aiming assault weapons at federal officers during the standoff two weeks ago near Bundy's ranch didn't look that peaceful. And Bundy has repeatedly hinted that he's willing to use violence against the feds.
    Bundy's statement shows that this episode is really not about a grazing-fee dispute. He and his comrades view it in a larger and extreme context, and it is Bundy who has racialized the episode—and continues to do so by equating himself to Parks and King and insisting that he knows best about the plight of today's low-income African Americans. As of now, Bundy has lost his right-wing media darling status, and perhaps the feds will figure out a way to deal with him without another high-profile showdown in the desert. If so, this may be the last statement from Bundy that anyone—outside of the black helicopter, anti-government militia set—will have to pay attention to.

  6. #56
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    14-09-2014 @ 04:20 PM
    Bangkok, the City of Angels!
    Turns out this Bundy fellow, like most conservatives, is just a lying sack of shit-

    Seems pretty much everything this guy has said is a lie.

    He claims that his family has been using the land since the 1870s, from which his erroneous claims derive. His family actually bought the ranch in 1948, provably, and didn't get cattle until the 1950s. And they bought the water rights to their own property but no grazing rights to the Federal land. Imagine that. And kudos to channel 8, KLAS tv, for doing some good journalism. So good to see these days. I wonder if this will finally make the derps squatting in my state fantasizing about violence finally slink homeward?

  7. #57
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Nonetheless, the teabaggers have probably raised some good coin off the back of this, more money from their sh*t-for-brains base with which to build new luxuries in their offices.

  8. #58
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    03-08-2015 @ 10:32 PM
    He would have a good case if the government had sent government owned cattle on his private land without permission and compensation. He's a thief stealing what doesn't belong to him, gaining an advantage over the competition by illegal means. The market has sorted his cattle out as a way to make a living, even the government subsidies can't keep him afloat, so he resorted to his private kind of communism. Take away all the ideological justifications and spins, and diversions like does the land belong to the feds or the state, and that's the core of the issue.
    Boon Mee: 'Israel is the 51st State. De facto - but none the less, essentially part & parcel of the USA.'

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by TonyBKK
    The IRS keeps the people of America in fear, and makes us all work about a third or a half of the year before we have earned enough to pay their taxes.
    But with the other half or two thirds, po' Clive has enough coin left over to afford a helicopter. I wonder if he would offer Rosa Parks a ride?

  10. #60
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    Found a story today that might help some people about grazing on government land and the prices they pay.

    The national obsession with Cliven Bundy dissipated quickly after he said “the negro” might have been better off when they were slaves.

    Conservative pundits and Republican senators ran from Bundy’s overt racism. Even if Bundy is forgotten, he brought fresh attention to a pernicious policy problem. The public is getting ripped off by ranchers.

    The media obsessed over the shiny, but ultimately irrelevant, aspects of the Bundy incident. Militias, anti-American conservative conspiracies, the right of the federal government to own land and charge fees to use it, pervasive racism on the right, welfare, and bickering television personalities all are settled issues, but they get ratings.

    Lost was the only real issue of substance down on the Bundy ranch: ludicrously cheap federal grazing fees.

    Bundy refused to pay the fees and racked up penalties. That was enough to attract armed followers willing to fight federal officials enforcing the law. That he didn’t pay them doesn’t make him a welfare mom, it makes him a crook.

    But welfare for ranchers is real. It’s just underreported. Fees that ranchers pay are a fraction of market rates for grazing on private land or purchasing feed.

    The Bureau of Land Management administers about 245 million acres of public land mostly in Western states. It allows livestock grazing on about 155 million acres and issues about 18,000 permits and leases to ranchers that typically last 10 years.

    BLM charges $1.35 per animal unit month. An AUM is grazing for a cow and calf, one horse, or five sheep or goats for a month. That’s the same rate the federal government charged in 2013, and the year before. In fact, that’s how much the government has charged for decades except for a few years under President George W. Bush when it went up a few pennies.

    To put that in perspective, $1.35 will get you one or two cans of cat or dog food, far short of a month’s supply.

    The rate is the result of a convoluted formula that Congress adopted in 1978 as part of the Public Rangelands Improvement Act. It sets $1.35 as the minimum, and it doesn’t adjust for inflation. It also is open to political manipulation.

    When BLM redoes the math each year, ranchers and their lobbyists make sure nothing changes. Grazing on public lands remains cheap. Ranchers win. The public loses.

    In 2013, the average rate for grazing on private lands in the West was $18.90 per head per month. Feed costs are comparably high.

    Private Range Fees
    Average private monthly grazing fees per state. Bold text is 2013. Regular text is 2012.

    Conservatives insist that government should run more like a business. No business would remain viable if it charged 1/14th of the going market rate.

    Federal lands are a public resource, and the American people deserve fair compensation from those who use them for private profit. That should include money to offset environmental damage and water pollution caused by grazing. A 2005 Government Accountability Office report found that federal agencies recouped only about 15 percent of their administrative costs from ranchers. In 2004, taxpayers lost $123 million to grazing.

    Periodically a brave lawmaker bucks the ranching special interests and introduces legislation to fix that disparity. Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Nebraska, introduced legislation in 2012 to set fees comparable to nearby private rangeland. In Nebraska, grazing fees on private land cost $34. His bill died in committee.

    Even the Obama administration, for all its talk about environmental stewardship and fiscal responsibility has been afraid to touch the grazing fee.

    Let Cliven Bundy ride off into the sunset, as all cowboys must, but don’t let his fellow ranchers continue exploiting America’s resources without paying their fair share.
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  11. #61
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    There is also a conservative oriented, commercial case to be made that, by undercutting free market rates so much on grazing or agistment fees, the federal government is harming private enterprise and distorting the free market. Foul!

    I think Cliven Bundy may not get an invite to the next Ranchers hoedown.
    Last edited by sabang; 30-04-2014 at 04:34 AM.

  12. #62
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    27-05-2014 @ 09:19 PM

    Jackass Update: Bundy sets up checkpoints

    New Update

    Nevada lawmaker: Cliven Bundy supporters are settting up ‘checkpoints’ against residents

    By Arturo Garcia
    Tuesday, April 29, 2014

    A Nevada congressman contacted law enforcement saying supporters of rancher Cliven Bundy have set up checkpoints for drivers’ “residency” before letting them pass, KVVU-TV reported on Monday.

    Rep. Steven Horsford (D-NV) expressed his concerns in a letter to Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, citing comments from his constitutents in the state’s 4th congressional district, which includes Bunkerville, the site of the camp that sprung up following Bundy’s declaration of defiance against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) earlier this month.

    “We must respect individual constitutional liberties, but residents of and visitors to Clark County should not be expected to live under the persistent watch of an armed militia,” Horsford wrote. “Residents have expressed their desire to see these groups leave their community.”

    Horford also stated in the letter that, according to constituents, members of militia groups have also “established a presence” on both highways in the area and churches and schools.

    “I urge you to investigate these reports and to work with local leaders to ensure that their concerns are addressed in a manner that allows the community [to] move forward without incident,” the letter reportedly stated.

    The Las Vegas Sun reported that police were investigating Horford’s allegations. One officer was quoted as saying that Gillespie was “in contact with multiple people in elected office” regarding the issue.

    Buoyed by early support from conservative media, Bundy’s dispute with the BLM won him support from several self-avowed militia members and anti-government advocates, including James Yeager, the guns and weapon training company leader who threatened to “start killing people” last year over the prospect of stiffer gun safety laws and the group known as the “Oath Keepers.”

    But first-person accounts from the camp posted on the Daily Kos suggest a rift has developed, with Oath Keepers members reportedly being barred by individuals identifying themselves as the Bundy camp’s security leaders.

    “This man and the gentlemen that obeyed that order violated my personal creed,” one leader was quoted as saying. “You don’t f*cking walk in and say “I’m sorry’ and you’re back in brother. You can walk in and say you’re sorry and you’re lucky you’re not getting shot in the back because that’s what happens to deserters on the battlefield.”

    Nevada lawmaker: Cliven Bundy supporters are settting up ‘checkpoints’ against residents

  13. #63
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    27-05-2014 @ 09:19 PM
    What does this mean for the Bundyfest folks?

  14. #64
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    14-09-2014 @ 04:20 PM
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    Pointing guns at law enforcement agents and threatening to shoot them is, it turns out, a crime. Go figure.

    FBI now investigating Bundy militia threats

    It looks like despite the efforts of jolly rancher Cliven Bundy and his rag-tag team of gun-toting lunatics, the rule of law in the Nevada and Utah deserts has not been disbanded after all. Via KLAS-TV:
    The I-Team has confirmed that FBI agents have launched a formal investigation into alleged death threats, intimidation and possible weapons violations that culminated with a dangerous showdown on April 12, and the first people to be interviewed by FBI agents are Metro Police, starting with Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillispie. [...] FBI agents also spoke to an entire squad of Metro officers, who were on the scene to act as a buffer between the crowd and the BLM. Bundy supporters have insisted in emails and calls to 8 News NOW that no one in the crowd pointed weapons at BLM or Metro, but officers told the I-Team that is exactly what they saw, that many with guns set up behind women and children.

  15. #65
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    Bundy related…..

    • Jury Decides Ammon Bundy Must Pay More Than $50M for Defaming Hospital

    Anti-government agitator Ammon Bundy must pay an Idaho hospital more than $50 million for defaming it and targeting it with protests while it cared for an associate’s grandson—who was taken into protective custody after child welfare officials determined he was malnourished.

    In March of last year, Bundy was arrested for trespassing outside of St. Luke’s Meridian Medical Center, where 10-month-old “Baby Cyrus” was being treated. The then-gubernatorial candidate organized a week-long protest, claiming Cyrus was “medically kidnapped” over a “missed non-emergency doctor’s appointment.”

    Two months later, St. Luke’s hospital filed a defamation suit against Bundy and Diego Rodriguez, the child’s grandpa and an activist in Bundy’s far-right People’s Rights Network (PRN). The complaint also named their companies, including Rodriguez’s Freedom Man Press, which posted Baby Cyrus “kidnapping videos.”

    A jury delivered its verdict on Monday: Bundy, Rodriguez, and their companies would owe $26.5 million in compensatory damages and nearly $26 million in punitive damages.

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