1. #3876
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    What else ?

    In West, politicians bow down to big business. In Russia, to the mafia.

  2. #3877
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    ^Aren't the "big businesses" in fact a mafia?

  3. #3878
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    If it ain't on China Daily, RT, or some other whackjob website, he doesn't believe it.
    If you wouldn't lie to your audience, no one would follow us - Sputnik's main editor and RT on mainstream media

    Margarita Simonan, chief editor of the RT TV channel and Sputnik news agency, said RT is a huge success in the world, as other media are not doing their job. "Who else can people turn to when you lie to them?" She told the Western mainstream media.

  4. #3879
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    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    Ah Putin. The figure-head and puppet of the Russian mafia. Not to hard to dig past the veneer if you give it a go.
    I think you mean "head of the Russian mafia".

  5. #3880
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    Still cannot suppress the fact, that the man brought his vast country from almost collapse and bankruptcy caused by friends of the West Gorbachov and Jelzin - to the level of other powers-that-be...(any other comparable case in history?)

  6. #3881
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    Fucking hell. You are a russian spambot clogging up multiple threads. Time for a jailing.

  7. #3882
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Fucking hell. You are a russian spambot clogging up multiple threads. Time for a jailing.
    He spends his entire time trying to be like OhOh.

    He's like The Untalented Mr. Ripley.

  8. #3883
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Originally Posted by bsnub
    Fucking hell. You are a russian spambot clogging up multiple threads. Time for a jailing.
    He spends his entire time trying to be like OhOh.

    He's like The Untalented Mr. Ripley.
    Isn't it painful to read unwanted unpleasant truth?
    (We like our poor mafiosi who run the country down...)

  9. #3884
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent_Smith View Post
    A little research could get those blinders off if you make an effort.
    Thank you for your reply

    Your link takes me to an article, written by an assistant professor at a ameristani university

    There appears to be a number of people employed at the university,

    "Today, Stanford has 2,240 members of the professoriate faculty. There are 629 members appointed to endowed professorships."


    Do you know how many are "assistant professors"? Do the majority, of the 2,240, agree with his articles contents of are they whispering behind his back about him being an errand boy for one of his "sponsors"?

    However it is very reassuring that this particular ameristani believes in following a countries defined constitution

    He refers to various clauses, whilst not defining which constitution he is referring too, is it the now defunct one or the current legally created one? I suspect he would be called to the bench and receive a warning if he presented such unclear evidence in a court of law, or possibly made to acknowledge during cross examination that he is quoting from an abolished document

    One wonders if he has also written a similar article regarding his own

    Still no link to the actual Venezuelan Constitution, but I am a patient, permissive person
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  10. #3885
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    He refers to various clauses, whilst not defining which constitution he is referring too, is it the now defunct one or the current legally created one?
    HAHAHAHA "legally created" HAHAHAH

  11. #3886
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    Locked down tight
    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Thank you for your reply

    Your link takes me to an article, written by an assistant professor at a ameristani university

    There appears to be a number of people employed at the university,

    "Today, Stanford has 2,240 members of the professoriate faculty. There are 629 members appointed to endowed professorships."


    Do you know how many are "assistant professors"? Do the majority, of the 2,240, agree with his articles contents of are they whispering behind his back about him being an errand boy for one of his "sponsors"?

    However it is very reassuring that this particular ameristani believes in following a countries defined constitution

    He refers to various clauses, whilst not defining which constitution he is referring too, is it the now defunct one or the current legally created one? I suspect he would be called to the bench and receive a warning if he presented such unclear evidence in a court of law, or possibly made to acknowledge during cross examination that he is quoting from an abolished document

    One wonders if he has also written a similar article regarding his own

    Still no link to the actual Venezuelan Constitution, but I am a patient, permissive person

    If you have an issue with the author, take it up with them. Stanford professors can be contacted by email.

    If you'd like to read the Venezuelan Constitution, well, Google is your friend. Do you read Spanish?

    If basic research is too hard, I can see why you rely on Russian Trolls to do it for you.

  12. #3887
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent_Smith View Post
    If you have an issue with the author, take it up with them. Stanford professors can be contacted by email.

    If you'd like to read the Venezuelan Constitution, well, Google is your friend. Do you read Spanish?

    If basic research is too hard, I can see why you rely on Russian Trolls to do it for you.
    And even more on the chinkies.

  13. #3888
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Zelensky first called Putin
    19:05, 11 July, 2019

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a telephone conversation with President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky, discussed the situation in the Donbas and the exchange of prisoners, the press secretary of the Russian head of state Dmitry Peskov said on Thursday.

    "Issues of settlement in the south-east of Ukraine and joint work on the return of persons held on both sides were discussed," said Peskov.

    According to him, "an agreement was reached on the continuation of this work at the level of experts."

    "The possibility of continuing contacts in the Normandy format was also discussed," said Peskov.

    The telephone conversation was initiated by the Ukrainian side. This was the first contact between the two heads of state after Zelensky was elected president of Ukraine.

    The Office of the President of Ukraine confirmed that Vladimir Zelensky held a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin today, July 11. This is reported on the website of the head of state.

    It clarifies that the key issue was the release of captured military sailors. It was also about the return of other Ukrainian citizens who are contained in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    In addition, the parties discussed the continuation of negotiations in the Normandy format.

    As previously stated by Putin, the conversation took place at the initiative of the Ukrainian side.


  14. #3889
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    Quote Originally Posted by Agent_Smith View Post
    If you have an issue with the author, take it up with them. Stanford professors can be contacted by email.
    I have read his opinion, I was asking you, the poster, regarding the points I highlighted from your post

    Quote Originally Posted by Agent_Smith View Post
    If you'd like to read the Venezuelan Constitution, well, Google is your friend. Do you read Spanish?
    Which Constitution are you referring to, 'arry alleges their are 2 versions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Agent_Smith View Post

    If basic research is too hard, I can see why you rely on Russian Trolls to do it for you.
    Immature, try harder next time if you want a dialogue with me

  15. #3890
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Which Constitution are you referring to, 'arry alleges their are 2 versions?
    Which one are you asking for, the proper one or the one Chavismo invented around the same time he was loading the Supreme Court with his mates and creating a whole new body of lackies to take power away from the people?

  16. #3891
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    The Obama Ukrainian Nightmare Seems To Be Ending, At Last

    Authored by Eric Zuesse via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

    "Finally, the process of ending the war in Ukraine seems to be starting in earnest. But to understand how the war can now realistically end, the basic history of how it began needs first to be acknowledged, and this history is something that will be very difficult for U.S-and-allied media to report, because it violates what their ‘news’-reports, ever since the time of the war’s start, had said was happening. So, what will be reported here (like the truth was, when it was news) will far likelier be simply ignored, than ever reported in the US and its allied countries. That’s why this news-report and analysis is being submitted to all mainstream news-media in those countries, which until now have unanimously reported, and accepted as being true, the authorized lies, which everyone in the US and allied countries has read, as if those lies were instead the history.

    For one thing: This war did not start with the 16 March 2014 breakaway of Crimea from Ukraine, as Western ‘news’-media have always been claiming; but, instead, it started by what had sparked the overwhelming desire of the vast majority of Crimeans to want to break away from Ukraine. This urge had to do with the three-week-earlier February 2014 bloody coup d’etat in Ukraine, illegally overthrowing Ukraine’s democratically elected President, Viktor Yanukovych, for whom 75% of Crimeans had voted. The vast majority of Crimeans refused to accept Obama’s selected replacement-leaders and their new and, which made clear, as soon as they took over,

    The key period in the Ukrainian uprising against the coup, during which the residents in Ukraine’s far east — where the voting percentages for Yanukovych had ranged from 80% to over 90% — blocked Ukraine’s tanks and took over the government’s buildings, was the week of 2 through 9 May 2014, and that’s when the farthest eastern region, Donbass, which had voted over 90% for Yanukovych, were so resistant to the imposed fascist regime, that they actually broke away from Ukraine, despite all the efforts by the regime to conquer them — Ukraine’s bombing them for months and intentionally driving them out into Russia. The new regime did this so as to regain the land but without the people on it. Obama’s agents — the appointees to the new regime, which were selected by Obama’s US agents — didn’t want those voters to remain in Ukraine’s electorate, because the residents there would vote against the US-imposed regime’s candidates, who then would lose power. Obama wanted the land, but not the people who lived on it, and that’s what this war was and is all about — seizing the land, from the people who live there.

    The US and allied media presented the overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 as having been a democratic revolution, but it was actually a US coup d’etat that was hidden behind anti-corruption demonstrations, which had started to be organized on 1 March 2013, inside the US Embassy in Kyiv; and the US regime hired, for this coup, snipers from several countries, such as Georgia and Lithuania, some of which snipers have since admitted publicly that they had been hired by agents for the United States, to perpetrate this coup. Once inside Ukraine, Georgia’s snipers were introduced, at 9:40 in the Part One video, to “an American military guy, who will be your instructor. This American’s name was Brian Christopher Boyenger. … We were always in touch with this person, Bryan.” The Lithuanian snipers were mentioned at 1:40 in the Part Two video, because those snipers happened to have been assigned to be shooting down, into the crowd, from the same room inside the hotel. Obama’s State Department (under Hillary Clinton at the time) had started, by no later than 2011, to plan this operation. Then, after the coup, and after Crimea broke away on 16 March 2014, rebellions farther east started, in other regions that had likewise voted overwhelmingly for Yanukovych. And this is how the war started, which now finally (after the election of Trump in America, and then of Zelensky in Ukraine) seems likely to end fairly soon. (Neither of those two leaders has a personal commitment to continuing this invasion by Ukraine. From now on, Ukraine’s leaders will need to satisfy the EU far more than the US)

    On 17 September 2014, was hidden in Western ‘news’-media — and so I was the first to report and headlined the historic news that — “Russia’s Leader Putin Rejects Ukrainian Separatists’ Aim to Become Part of Russia”. This historically important news was notreported in The West (though my news-report was sent to virtually all media) because America’s President had all along been claiming that Putin was trying to grab ‘more’ territory in Ukraine (Donbass); so, Putin’s rejection of Donbass’s request to be accepted into Russia (as Crimea had been) was too blatant a disproof of The West’s lies to be reported in The West. Eleven days later, on 28 September 2014, Britain’s Telegraphheadlined “Putin and Obama exchange barbs on Ukraine; Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama accuse each other of fomenting Ukraine crisis that has plunged Russia’s relations with the West to lowest point since Cold War.” This report said nothing at all about Putin’s refusal to take that land which The West was continuing to imply he was trying to grab. Their supposed cause de guerre was gone, but it lives on, even now, in the Western myths about the war’s start (i.e., that it started on 16 March 2014 instead of 20 February 2014, and that it started because ‘Russia was invading Ukraine’ to grab land there’, and not because of Obama’s coup in Ukraine — which coup The West continues to hide).

    So, with that background about The West’s lies (versus the reality), here is the reason why Ukraine now seems finally inclined to accept the Donbassers back into Ukraine as full citizens, with equal rights as all others (and no longer as their being ‘terrorists’).
    The West is finally tapped-out on spending for Ukraine’s ongoing invasion of Donbass. If Ukraine fails to stop this war soon, then Ukraine’s Government will have less and less realistic hope of ever being able to join the EU. Putin knows this. Furthermore, Ukraine’s regime had worn out the patience even of the residents in the anti-Russian parts of Ukraine, and so Volodymyr Zelensky, a candidate who was no part of that regime and had had no responsibility for its actions, won the 21 April 2019 Presidential election with an astounding 73% of the votes — by far the biggest win in Ukraine’s history.

    On 4 July 2019, the Kyiv Post bannered “Putin calls on Zelensky to talk with Russian-backed militants in Donbas”.

    The next day, on July 5th, Deutsche Welle, German radio and television, headlined “Ukraine ready for peace, President Volodymyr Zelenskiy tells DW”, and sub-headed “With conflict simmering in the east, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy is hoping to secure a political solution to end a separatist insurgency. He told DW that he has the support of German Chancellor Angela Merkel.” This news-report opened: “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Friday welcomed the withdrawal of Ukrainian and separatist forces from front line positions in Stanitsa Luhanska in eastern Ukraine, marking a new step towards ending the conflict. In the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk, Zelenskiy told DW that his government is committed to finding a political solution to the conflict.” An accompanying DW news-story was “Why Putin wants to make ‘new Russians’ out of Ukrainians”, and it reported that, “Margarita Simonyan, editor-in-chief of the state-controlled broadcaster [like DW is itself, and BBC, and NPR, and PBS, they all are state-controlled, instead of directly controlled by the billionaires] RT, posted on Facebook that if nothing is done, the population would change so much that by 2040 Russia will be a ‘Muslim country.’ She added that people from the Donbass regions, as well as other migrants, could help maintain the ‘fragile status quo of the dominance of Russian Orthodox Christianity.’” Putin had been able to defeat the Saudi effort to spread its Wahhabist-extremist form of Islam into Russia only by using extreme measures to stop its spread. Whereas Russian Orthodox Christianity is compatible with democracy, the Sauds’ fundamentalist-Sunni faith simply is not. Russia needs more citizens who won’t be vulnerable to the Sauds’ pro-jihadist effort. Russia’s Government is strongly anti-jihadist. By contrast, the US, under Obama, was using Al Qaeda to train the jihadist groups that, led by the United States, The West armed to overthrow the secular Government of Syria. The EU is now, at long last, separating itself from the US regime’s control.

    Zelensky needs to rely now far more on pleasing the EU than on pleasing America. Do you remember when Obama’s agent running Ukraine famously said “Fuck the EU” (or “F—k the EU”)? That was because most European leaders weren’t as nazi as Obama was. They didn’t even know about Obama’s coup in Ukraine until it was already over.

    Last edited by OhOh; 13-07-2019 at 12:18 PM.

  17. #3892
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    I see the whackjob C&P is starting early today. Well done on fucking up the thread background, can you at least learn how to post videos properly.

  18. #3893
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Viktor Yanukovych,

  19. #3894
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    ^What Yanukovich? Poroshenko...

    Zelensky made the first step to Poroshenko's lustration

    President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky registered a draft law in the Verkhovna Rada , according to which the former head of state, Petro Poroshenko, and all of his associates will not be able to hold public office. On this on Friday, July 12, reports RIA Novosti .

    “In order to stop further abuse of power, his official position in the performance of official duties, to avoid responsibility for actions aimed at his own enrichment, the bill expanded the categories of posts for which measures to clean up power (lustration) are carried out, as well as clarify some criteria cleaning power ", - stated in the explanatory note to the document.

    July 11, Zelensky said the need to lyustrirovat all the top leadership of Ukraine, in power since 2014, including Poroshenko. “We are accused of wanting to abolish lustration. So that everyone understands that we are not going to cancel lustration, we are proposing to strengthen it, ”said the head of state.

    According to the amendments to the Law on the Cleansing of Power, developed by the Zelensky team, all members of the government and the Verkhovna Rada can get lustration, including the Speaker of Parliament, the heads of the Prosecutor General’s Office , the Security Service, the National Security and Defense Council, the fiscal and customs services, the antimonopoly committee and senior management of defense enterprises, who held their positions from February 23, 2014 to May 19, 2019th.


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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    how to post
    My usual posting posting procedure, to ensure clarity illustrated to me the screw-up, as illustrated by the timely edit

    Remedied to delete the videos

    Usually nobody sees my initial draft posting, I had forgotten about my pet troll!

  21. #3896
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    My usual posting posting procedure, to ensure clarity illustrated to me the screw-up, as illustrated by the timely edit

    Remedied to delete the videos

    Usually nobody sees my initial draft posting, I had forgotten about my pet troll!
    Usually no-one is dumb enough to claim it was a draft when there is nigh on 30 minutes between the first post and edit.

    You really are so full of shit.

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    (Another Crimea? - no need a referendum)

    Putin responded to Lukashenko's offer

    Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin

    Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with his Belarusian counterpart Alexander Lukashenko expressed his intention to work out ways of integration acceptable to both countries. Interfax reports this on Thursday, July 18.

    “Alexander Grigoryevich [Lukashenko] and I decided to analyze everything that has been done within the framework of the Union Treaty, which has not been done,” Putin said.
    The Treaty establishing the Union State of Russia and Belarus was signed in December 1999, in 2000, it entered into force.


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    How dangerous is Vladimir Putin?-a1f848bf-9df2-46f4-b649-7ca1fb103a1f-jpg
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails How dangerous is Vladimir Putin?-a1f848bf-9df2-46f4-b649-7ca1fb103a1f-jpg  

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    Putin began to dive to the place of death of the submarine

    Russian President Vladimir Putin began deep-sea diving in a descent vehicle in the Gulf of Finland. The head of state went to the place where the Soviet submarine U-308 sank in World War II sank, reports Interfax .

    The Russian leader plunges into the C-explorer 3.11 machine near the Gogland Island. The submarine, which is the purpose of the event, was discovered by an expedition of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO), whose board of trustees is headed by the president himself.

    According to the Telegram- channel RIA_Kremlinpool, which is led by the Kremlin pool journalists, the head of state can install a memorial tablet on the submarine.

    Vladimir Putin has long been interested in underwater research and has already participated in the expeditions of the RGO, Interfax notes. So, in 2009, when he was prime minister, he used the deep-sea vehicle Mir to dive to the bottom of Baikal, and in 2011 he dived the bottom of the Taman Bay with an aqualung, where he reportedly found two amphoras. Subsequently, the press secretary of the then head of government, Dmitry Peskov, explained that the vessels were discovered shortly before the prime minister’s dive and were left at the site of the expedition, which, according to him, is perfectly normal.

    Shch-308, a Soviet diesel-electric submarine, became part of the Baltic Fleet in November 1935. The submarine sank in October 1942 for an unknown reason, killing all 40 crew members. According to one of the versions, the submarine died during the crossing of minefields or due to the failure of equipment, however in Finland they announced its sinking of the Iku-Thurso submarine.


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    Stretching Europe?

    French President Emmanuel Macron after talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin at Fort Bregancon posted a Facebook message in Russian in which he expressed hope for further development of relations between the two European countries.

    “Russia is a very deeply European country. We believe in Europe, stretching from Lisbon to Vladivostok, ” he wrote .

    In addition, Macron emphasized that Russia and France have made progress on many political and economic issues.

    “We are making efforts to develop Franco-Russian relations,” said the French leader.

    He also expressed confidence that these steps will ultimately help develop a "security and trust architecture between the European Union and Russia."

    Macron said earlier that he believes in the European future of Russia .

    The First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, Vladimir Dzhabarov, in an interview with the NSN, noted that all states realize that without Russia it is impossible to solve a single global issue.

    The negotiations between Macron and Putin, which took place on August 19 at Fort Bregancon, lasted about 3.5 hours.


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