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  1. #1


    dirtydog's Avatar
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    tony blairs id card scheme for the uk

    now i really dont believe most ppl want this in the uk and im foking sure that they dont want to have to pay 100 foking quid for one, its like if blair wants uk ppl to carry id then the foking govt should pay for it, would you pay for an id card that you didnt want or need?

    TONY Blair is ready to put a £100 cap on the cost of ID cards in a bid to win support for his controversial plan.
    He pledged to keep the price affordable - if necessary by dipping into PUBLIC FUNDS.

    The PM vowed the cards will cost less than £30 on top of the cost of a new £70 biometric passport.

    He admitted he faced a “political headache” after a study claimed the cards could cost up to £307 each.

    But Mr Blair insisted: “Some of the figures banded around are absolutely absurd. No government is going to start introducing something that’s going to cost hundreds of pounds - that would be ridiculous.”

    He was thrown on the back foot after a report by 14 professors branded the scheme a “dog’s dinner”.

    They warned that putting details of 62 million Brits on to computer would descend into chaos - and be open to abuse.

    The boffins, who quizzed 100 experts, said the final price tag could hit £19.2billion - THREE TIMES government estimates.

    The PM added yesterday: “People in the country think identity cards in principle are a good idea.”

    He will today attempt to get the ID card Bill through the Commons for the second time. It was abandoned before the general election after a revolt by 19 Labour MPs.

    The professors, from the London School of Economics, claim the cards could cost between £232 to £307 if the launch hits technical problems.

    Prof Ian Angell said: “It would be a one-stop shop for fraudsters.”

    Shadow Home Secretary David Davis said: “This report raises many concerns relating to the cost, security and practicalities of the ID card proposals. The Government has not addressed a single one of them.”

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    maybe the uk aint so good afterall


    A DEVOTED dad collapsed and died after confronting yobs who laid siege to his home.
    Yet two hours after a brain haemorrhage killed 56-year-old Terry Barrett, the gang was back outside his home, hurling insults at his devastated family.

    Ex-builder Terry — registered disabled after injuring his back — stood firm against the louts during a sustained early-hours attack in which stones, eggs and a roadworks sign were thrown at his house.

    He was the only man in his street to defy them. And his son Sam, 18, had become a target for their thuggery.

    Yesterday his grieving daughter Kira, 17, described a tragic sequence of events in which:

    TERRY chased the gang away several times from his home in Saltash, Cornwall.

    POLICE were alerted three times between midnight and 2am — but failed to respond to the first call and were ineffective when they did turn up.

    THE dad was found unconscious at the foot of the stairs as he continued to guard the semi-detached property.

    Father-of-five Terry, who suffered from high blood pressure, was rushed to hospital but died at 3PM on Saturday. Doctors said his condition had been aggravated by the thugs’ siege, causing a blood vessel in his brain to burst.

    At 5PM the gang returned to the Barretts’ home to shout abuse at the family.

    This time three youths, two aged 14 and a 15-year-old, were arrested by cops on suspicion of affray.

    But the younger pair were released without charge. The third was bailed until August.

    Terry’s wife Jane, 52, said yobs had caused “hassle” in the neighbourhood for years.

    She added: “If there was ever any trouble, Terry always went out and dealt with it. He would say, ‘Leave these people alone — they’re not hurting you.’ It’s always very noisy here. Kids get drunk and cause trouble.

    “Terry was very strong. He’d help anybody and defended his family to the last.”

    Jane blasted the police response, saying: “If they’d come on that first call it might have been enough for those boys to stay away from here.

    “They came on the second call but didn’t come into the house. They just spoke to Terry outside and the kids ran away and hid in gardens. The police couldn’t find them.”

    Kira told how big trouble erupted a fortnight ago.

    She said: “A group of lads gave Sam a real kicking for no reason in our garden. He had his glasses kicked off and got cut and bruised.”

    The daughter said the yobs returned just after midnight on Saturday — and launched their assault by cracking the front door with the road sign.

    Despite Terry’s sporadic pursuits, the gang kept up the attack until 2.30am.

    Kira said: “The last time he walked slowly towards them. They were walking backwards, shouting and swearing and saying they were going to kick Sam’s head in.”

    The daughter added: “Dad sent my mum and brother to bed. He asked Mum if she was all right and said he loved her.

    “Then he told my brother he loved him. Then he went downstairs to make sure those boys didn’t come back.

    “After about five minutes there was a big bang on the floor and my brother found him collapsed on the floor.

    “He was taken to hospital. I watched him die.”

    Elderly neighbour Ray Standlick told how Terry always supported him when he had arguments with thugs.

    Mr Standlick said: “The behaviour of those kids was disgusting. I wanted to hit them with my walking stick but my wife wouldn’t let me.”

    Police said: “The circumstances of this tragedy illustrate the unforeseen consequences which can arise from acts of anti-social behaviour.”

  3. #3

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    24-12-2007 @ 01:30 PM

    Re: tony blairs id card scheme for the uk

    Quote Originally Posted by dirtydog
    if blair wants uk ppl to carry id then the foking govt should pay for it...
    Just where does HM Govt. obtain their money then dd if not the good people of the UK?

  4. #4


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    thats quite true harry, but lets say the govt makes cut backs on say, support the muslims, or some such thing and used the money that would have been wasted on that to waste on id cards that no one wants, how much uk tax money was wasted on asia for the tsunami? would that have paid for id cards? bring back thatcher.........................

  5. #5

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    24-12-2007 @ 01:30 PM
    :UP: I agree... 'bring back maggie'. If only I could find a snapshot of her wearing some sexy lingerie. *what a gal*

    It would hearten me a good deal if the UK govt. stopped sending 'my' money to the countries of Africa, many of which are under the control of despotic tyrants. *thinks mad mugabe*

  6. #6


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    looks like uk is gonna have id cards....

    PM wins ID fight by 31
    By NIC CECIL and

    TONY Blair won his first battle to bring in ID cards last night — but a revolt by 20 Labour MPs slashed the Government majority to just 31.

    An even more serious rebellion was headed off after Home Secretary Charles Clarke promised the poor would get cut-price cards.

    MPs backed the ID Bill’s second reading by 314 votes to 283.

    That majority of 31 was cut to 27 in a vote on the parliamentary timetable.

    The votes were the first test of Mr Blair’s authority in his third term as PM. And his Commons majority of 66 was more than halved.

    In the earlier debate, Mr Clarke served up a string of sweeteners to force the plan through.

    He confirmed he will put a cap on the cost of the cards — probably at £100.

    In a further concession, he vowed to subsidise the charge for the low-paid, jobless and pensioners.

    And he pledged extra safeguards to prevent a Big Brother state.

    He was forced to set a limit on the cost amid outrage over claims it could spiral to £307 a head.

    He said the figures, drawn up by university experts, were “technically incompetent”.

    But he faced an onslaught from all sides in heated Commons exchanges.

    Shadow Home Secretary David Davis warned Labour’s legacy would be “surveillance from cradle to grave”.
    He added: “A vision like this was originally set out by a man called Blair who later changed his name to Orwell and wrote a book called 1984.

    “It was supposed to be a warning. This Government has used it as a textbook.”

    Labour’s David Winnick, who backed a bid to block the scheme, warned it would be thrown out if MPs were given a free vote.

    Labour’s lowest majority in the last Parliament was FIVE for the Bill to bring in tuition fees in January 2004.

    ALL Britons applying for a new passport will soon have face-to-face grillings.

    It will mean the average wait — currently ten days — will jump to 17 days by next year.

    Iris scans and fingerprints will add to the delays. The data will be coded on tiny computer chips in the new hi-tech documents.

  7. #7


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    the uk is great aint it anybody got alight?


    A DAD was kicked and beaten to death by yobs yesterday — because he did not have a light.

    Tragic Mugilan Sutherman, 43, was battered to the ground by a gang of “hoodies” outside a pizza parlour.

    A witness described seeing one thug run up to the dad of three and boot him in the head “like a football” in the attack — the latest shocking example of lawless Britain.

    Kitchen fitter Mugilan, known as Muggy, was approached by the gang just after midnight in Failsworth, Oldham, Greater Manchester.

    He had popped over from his home in Rochdale to visit friends who worked in Prima Pizza and have a drink with them.

    The yobs demanded a light for a cigarette and savagely attacked Muggy, a non-smoker, when he said he did not have one.

    He died of his injuries at 3am in Royal Oldham Hospital.

    Pizza worker Amir Abuhamaira, 42, a close pal of the victim, said: “One lad hit Muggy with a piece of metal and he fell and hit his head on the road. I can’t believe he’s gone.”

    The gang were chased by customers from the pizza shop and the nearby Bridge pub.

    Two girls aged 14 and 15 and two youths of 15 and 18 were being questioned last night.
    42 years old and working in a foking pizza hut type place...

  8. #8

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    24-12-2007 @ 01:30 PM
    The scheme has passed it's first stage by a very slim majority. I suggest that as time passes more Labour rebels will emerge & kill it off. If they don't then the House of Lords *bows* surely will!

  9. #9
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    kenkannif's Avatar
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    10-11-2006 @ 11:41 AM
    And Cornwall is like not really rough is it?

    Jesus the state of the country. Appalling. I'd be scared to live there, and even more scared for my son.

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