Get used to it.

Mrs. Clinton happens to have the highest favorability rating for a politician today.

Numbers below are (favorable – unfavorable)

Mrs. Clinton: 61 – 34

Jeb Bush: 25 – 29

John Boehner: 20 – 42

Paul Ryan: 34 – 36

Marco Rubio: 27 – 15 (Rubio is a joke and I don’t see why anyone would even waste the time or money including Rubio in a poll)

Quinnipiac, February 8, 2013: National (US) Poll Hillary Clinton Is Most Popular

A head to head poll was released last Wednesday (PPP, February 7, 2013: Looking ahead to 2016 - Public Policy Polling) between Mrs. Clinton and some of the republicans who might run against her.

Clinton leads in head to head match ups nationally with all of the leading Republicans.

She's up 8 on Rubio 49/41
She's up 6 on Bush 49/43
She's up 6 on Ryan 50/44
She’s up 4 on Christie 46/42

It’s a long time before our next presidential election, but it will be nice to rub the republicans face in the dirt for the next several years; with monthly updates, showing them how out of touch they are with the American public.

The Republican Party has no hope of getting into the White House if they continue the course there are on.

If you have any problems with the thought of President Hillary Clinton, please feel free: Renunciation of U.S. Citizenship
