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  1. #576
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Check out the most devastating presentation to date on the Benghazie Scandal:

    ...but what does it matter...

  2. #577
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper View Post

    Say we were running guns to the Syrian rebels ... And? Who cares? So what?
    Fair question indeed but you'll have to pass that one by the Libs who took Oliver North to task + Ronald Maximus re Iran-Contra.
    I get your logic and it's true ... But at the same time Iran-Contra versus Libya-Syria seems like an apples-oranges argument. Same-same but different.

    I saw that Judge Jeanine video already ... Hyperbole for the Faux Noise denizens mate ...

  3. #578
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Judge Jeanine needs to read the Pickering report before opening her mouth. She sounds like a complete, uninformed idiot. Of course the dimwits who watch Fox don't know any better.

  4. #579
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    I don't get all the fuss over Benghazi ... Occupational hazard ... They knew the risks when they accepted the posting.

  5. #580
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper View Post
    I don't get all the fuss over Benghazi ... Occupational hazard ... They knew the risks when they accepted the posting.
    Missing the point here stores...

    The men were abandoned - full stop.

    They did call for added security days/weeks before they were killed but were denied.

    The coverup tells us much more about who these people are that supposedly have your best interests in mind...

  6. #581
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    The men were abandoned - full stop.
    You need to read the Pickering report too.

  7. #582
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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  8. #583
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    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    what outcome are you predicting
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert
    don't think you can ever prove a conspiracy of malevolent intent.
    Asked and answered.

    A short period of politically motivated innuendo, what if's and speculation soon to be forgotten to all except those already devoted to voting Republican. All aimed at getting face time on media to criticize Obama administration. Simply another in the endless parade of GOP "issues" to discredit Obama. Like the past issues used to defeat Obama and Dems "at all cost", this too will fail.

    Here's a hint GOP. You want to defeat the great Satan embodied in Obama and Hillary? Try this. Develop a message acceptable to the majority of electorate. Nominate candidates who appeal to the electorate. Or continue to be deluded by your own propaganda as in the past and continue to lose.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  9. #584
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Check out the most devastating presentation to date on the Benghazie Scandal:

    ...but what does it matter...
    Fox News..... devastating.....

  10. #585
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton
    A short period of politically motivated innuendo, what if's and speculation soon to be forgotten to all except those already devoted to voting Republican. All aimed at getting face time on media to criticize Obama administration. Simply another in the endless parade of GOP "issues" to discredit Obama. Like the past issues used to defeat Obama and Dems "at all cost", this too will fail.
    you're right, nothing significant will come from all this.

    and republican "elites" are well aware of this, even if the rubes who listen to AM talk radio and watch fox news aren't. but what they all know is that they've successfully pushed another non-scandal into the legitimate media.

    three years from they'll be able to trot out " what about benghazi?" to fire up the base and perhaps convince a few undecided voters in swing states to think, "yeah, what about benghazi? I don't remember a damn thing about it or if there was anything to it, but something bad happened. I'm not voting for that republican candidate, and the media keeps talking about clinton/benghazi..and that gives me a bad feeling, so i'll just stay home on election day".

    republicans don't care that there's nothing to this. it's all about discrediting this administration and HRC's potential run in 2016. ron paul's son said yesterday that HRC's action excluded her from holding public office. FFS, their impeachment fetish has (d)evolved into a pre-emptive impeachment fetish

    and this leads to me another theory i've had kicking around in my head for awhile....republicans (particularly the astro-turf teaparty organizers like the kochs) having been making a concerted effort to discredit government in general. all they want to do is obstruct (and then say, "nothing gets done in washington") and cut (and then say, "this program isn't doing what it said it would do). they're trying to convince people that govt. is useless, when in fact the govt. is the only thing protecting people from the likes of the koch's.

  11. #586
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    The thing is that they don't actually realise what a petty bunch of hypocrites they look.

    Where was their fake indignation then?

  12. #587
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey
    republican "elites"
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey
    for the predictable purpose, but meanwhile-
    the Obama administration proceeds with the same agenda the
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey
    republican "elites"
    had in the first place, but hey now it's 'our guy'.

    Clever I suppose, to a standard rube. Obvious to the few that think for themselves.

  13. #588
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    The thing is that they don't actually realise what a petty bunch of hypocrites they look.

    Where was their fake indignation then?
    This is nothing and none of them were Merkins anyway. 30 years ago 220 Marines were killed in Lebanon ... Merkins were killed in an attack on the embassy there as well and Colonel Higgins was kidnaped, tortured and murdered ... But that's all cool cause Lord Reagan was President then.

  14. #589
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Heh...the Liberal wall of Benghazie denial is starting to crack. They've lost the BBC, the New Yorker and now, that bastion of Liberalism - Maureen Dowd has written what may be the first sign that Piano Legs isn't going escape unscathed.

    It's that pesky coverup that's got her...
    A Deplorable Bitter Clinger

  15. #590
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    The men were abandoned - full stop.
    You need to read the Pickering report too.
    Yeah, well, it's not the definitive answer to why the men were abandoned is it?

    "At the hearing last Wednesday, Hicks and two other State Department witnesses criticized Pickering and Mullen's review. Their complaints centered on a report they consider incomplete, with individuals who weren't interviewed and a focus on the assistant secretary level and lower."

    Pickering: Clinton Didn't Make Benghazi Call

    Bottom line, security was asked for weeks in advance and turned down. Whether or not the buck will ultimately stop with Clinton, it's gotta stop somewhere.

  16. #591
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Heh...the Liberal wall of Benghazie denial is starting to crack. They've lost the BBC, the New Yorker and now, that bastion of Liberalism - Maureen Dowd has written what may be the first sign that Piano Legs isn't going escape unscathed.

    It's that pesky coverup that's got her...

    Your unabashed glee at politicising the deaths of 4 of your countrymen is quite remarkable.

  17. #592
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by quimbian corholla View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Heh...the Liberal wall of Benghazie denial is starting to crack. They've lost the BBC, the New Yorker and now, that bastion of Liberalism - Maureen Dowd has written what may be the first sign that Piano Legs isn't going escape unscathed.

    It's that pesky coverup that's got her...

    Your unabashed glee at politicising the deaths of 4 of your countrymen is quite remarkable.

    It's unabashed schadenfreude that duplicit individuals such as Hillary Clinton et. al. are finding their chickens coming home to roost.

    There certainly hasn't been much of an outpouring of grief from the progressive side now has there. Elijah Cummings stated during the hearings 'death is a part of life' & Piano Legs has stated 'what does it matter'. Obama said regarding the deaths - 'bumps in the road' so don't you shed any crocodile tears for those boys now...

  18. #593
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    They've lost the BBC, the New Yorker and now, that bastion of Liberalism - Maureen Dowd has written what may be the first sign that Piano Legs isn't going escape unscathed.
    Maureen Dowd fell for Fox's web of lies.

    New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd is mischaracterizing the aftermath of the September attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, in an effort to promote her claim that Hillary Clinton's aides engaged in "obfuscation."

    In her May 12 column, Dowd writes that Gregory Hicks, who was deputy chief of mission in Libya during the attacks and testified before Congress May 8, "believes he was demoted because he spoke up" about the Obama administration's characterization of the attacks in a meeting with Beth Jones, an undersecretary of state.

    In fact, Hicks' change of position came after he voluntarily decided not to return to Libya; he subsequently testified that the "overriding factor" in that decision was that his family didn't want him to go back. According to the State Department, that decision took him out of the regular cycle in which Foreign Service officers are assigned, resulting in him being placed in a temporary position as a foreign affairs officer in the Office of Global Intergovernmental Affairs. According to State, Hicks retains the same rank and pay, and has submitted a preference list and is under consideration for his next assignment.

    Dowd further claimed:

    Hillary's chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, also called Hicks to angrily ask why a State Department lawyer had not been allowed to monitor every meeting in Libya with Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who visited in October. (The lawyer did not have the proper security clearance for one meeting.) Chaffetz, a Republican from Utah, has been a rabid Hillary critic on Fox News since the attack. Hicks said he had never before been scolded for talking to a lawmaker.

    But Hicks himself never described Mills as angry. In his testimony, Hicks acknowledged that Mills had offered no "direct criticism" of his actions, but cited the "tone and nuance" of Mills' voice during their conversation as indicating she was "unhappy" (Hicks later repeated a congressional Republican's description of Hicks as "upset.")

    In painting this as part of a pattern of obfuscation, Dowd also ignored the administration's explanation for why Mills would have wanted a State Department lawyer present for Hicks' meeting with Chaffetz - a State Department official told Dowd's paperthat department policy requires one to be present during interviews for Congressional investigations.

    Dowd's commentary follows that of Fox News hosts who have baselessly described Hicks as being "excoriated," "reprimanded," or "punished" by Mills - a characterization promoted by the false frame that Congressional Republicans pushed in their questioning of Hicks.

    Dowd previously engaged in repeated contradictions of her own paper's reporting on the Benghazi attacks to push Republican attacks on U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice.

    Why don't you answer the question I posed to you earlier? What outcome are you expecting?

  19. #594
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    22-09-2013 @ 02:53 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post

    Why don't you answer the question I posed to you earlier? What outcome are you expecting?
    I think the outcome he is looking for is that Obama gets impeached and thus is not President anymore,he then gets sent back to Kenya where foxnews says he comes from,then all the old white racists in America can vote in another white racist murderer and go killing more people around the world while deporting all the Mexicans and getting America back to the good old days when everyone lived on Walton mountain.

  20. #595
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    People like Boon Mee don't seem to understand that Benghazi is fucking war zone, and people get killed in war zones.

    Here's reminder from a little while ago:

    13 May 2013 Last updated at 14:26 GMT

    Libya deadly car bomb near Benghazi hospital

    There are fears the death toll will rise further

    At least nine people, including children, have died in a car bomb blast near a hospital in the Libyan city of Benghazi, an official has told the BBC.

    "I saw people running and some of them were collecting parts of bodies," a witness said.

    This follows a string of bombings in the eastern city in recent days.

    Security remains precarious in Libya since the uprising against long-time leader Muammar Gaddafi, with protests by militias and attacks by Islamists.

    'Totally destroyed'
    On Monday, Libyan defence ministry official Saleh al-Bargathi told the BBC that two children were among those killed in the Benghazi blast.

    At least 17 people were also wounded, he added.

    The explosion occurred in the Jalaa hospital car park, according to AFP news agency.

    It quoted Libyan Deputy Interior Minister Abdullah Massoud as saying that the bomb had "totally destroyed a restaurant and seriously damaged nearby buildings".

    There are fears that the death toll will rise further.

    So far no group has claimed responsibility for the bombing in Benghazi, which is regarded as the cradle of the revolution that ousted Col Gaddafi in 2011.
    BBC News - Libya deadly car bomb near Benghazi hospital

  21. #596
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    People like Boon Mee don't seem to understand that Benghazi is fucking war zone, and people get killed in war zones.

    Yea, but when they are pinned down and under fire help is usually given when asked for.
    I don't understand how many eople won't admit that the powers that be totally fucked up on this one and are flat out denying it and trying to cover their arses.
    Its pretty obvious.
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  22. #597
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    Anyway, this ones the big one fer sure (no, not all the others- pay attention). Watergate schwatergate. Really holding my breath waiting for the impeachment.

  23. #598
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    Another spectacular Benghaziflop-

    Thomas Pickering: Benghazi Call Did Not Come From Hillary Clinton

    The seasoned diplomat who penned a highly critical report on security at a U.S. outpost in Benghazi.... "They've tried to point a finger at people more senior than where we found the decisions were made,"
    full article- Thomas Pickering: Benghazi Call Did Not Come From Hillary Clinton

    Ya got nothing, blowhards. The GOP will just reinforce it's image of mean old white men, if it even manages to get a couple of mid ranking state dep't scalps. But didn't that already happen? Anyway, whats that now- 15 and counting? The American Right's scattergun approach to 'scandal', and cavalier approach to government in general is certainly amusing to behold.

  24. #599

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    I think that it's getting bad when even other Republicans think the Republicans in Congress are childish imbeciles....
    but they make my point.....
    childish imbeciles!!!!!!

    Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates told CBS News that Republican lawmakers who are blasting President Barack Obama's administration for failing to take military action during last September's surprise attacks in Benghazi have a "cartoonish" view of the military.

    don't know, but I will take his facts more than the facts of judge ......legs.

    "I listened to the testimony of [Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta] and [Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey]," Gates explained to CBS host Bob Schieffer in an interview that aired on Sunday. "And, frankly, had I been in the job at the time, I think my decisions would have been just as theirs were."

    "We don't have a ready force standing by in the Middle East -- despite all the turmoil that's going on -- with planes on strip alert, troops ready to deploy at a moment's notice. And so, getting somebody there in a timely way would have been very difficult, if not impossible."

    He continued: "And, frankly, I've heard, 'Why didn't you just fly a fighter jet over and try and scare them with the noise or something?' Well, given the number of surface to air missiles that have disappeared from [former Libya dictator Muammar] Gaddafi's arsenals, I would not have approved sending an aircraft, a single aircraft, over Benghazi under those circumstances."

    Gates pointed out that others had suggested that the military could have sent in Special Forces or some other small group.

    "Based on everything I've read, people really didn't know what was going on in Benghazi contemporaneously, and to send some small number of Special Forces or other troops in without knowing what the environment is, without knowing what the threat is, without having any intelligence in terms of what is actually going on on the ground, I think, would have been very dangerous," the former defense secretary observed. "And personally, I would not have approved that."

    "It's sort of a cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces. The one thing that our forces are noted for is planning and preparation before we send people in harm's way. And there just wasn't time to do that."

  25. #600
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    People like Boon Mee don't seem to understand that Benghazi is fucking war zone, and people get killed in war zones.
    People like yourself & the rest of the TDMA don't seem to understand the facts surrounding the deaths of the four men at Benghazie. You see...& I'll type it real slow for you so's y'all can keep up - they requested additional security for weeks before the event and got SFA.

    War zone - heh. So that justifies their deaths? Plus, nevermind about this ongoing coverup, eh? Move along now, nothing to see here!

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