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  1. #326
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Any of you Doubting Thomas's ready to admit yet that there just might be some substance to the story
    What story, booner?

    The one where it was all a devious plot hatched by the Obama administration to release the Blind Sheik, by getting their AQ friends to kidnap the Ambassador?
    The one where General Carter Ham had been arrested and dismissed from his post for disobeying a direct order, and this was being covered up by the Pentagon command and Obama administration?
    Or perhaps the one where security arrangements at the Benghazi consulate (and by implication,. many others) were manifestly inadequate, and a review is needed?
    Or the one where the Obama administration was deliberately lying to protect it's good friends in al Qaeda, by blaming it all on the Libyan man in the street, inflamed by a Youtube video?
    Or perhaps even the one where communications were bungled in the days after the incident?

    We don't yet know the full story- and saying that is in no way letting State & Obama off the hook. But of course we can always trust the right wing blogosphere, and by extension Fox (a laughing stock), to sensationalise all facets of the incident and come out with ridiculous conspiracy theories, which in turns makes the middle ground switch off- because it is obvious they are in no way part of the solution, or getting to the facts. They are not interested in the facts, that is obvious- just sensationalising and twisting them and making political capital where possible.

    If you have not realised yet the damage you & ilk are doing to your right wing 'cause' and by extension the Republican party, you never will. Normal people just switch off, or take the piss. The GOP however is equally culpable- because it does not distance itself from this loonie brigade of conspiracists, racists, religious nuts and liars. Thus, they shoot themselves in the foot.
    Last edited by sabang; 02-11-2012 at 08:19 AM.

  2. #327
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Ferget the Blind Sheik for the moment - we may have to come back to him at a later date. Recall how the Watergate story wasn't blown in a day. Instead, let's look at some facts, shall we?

    Secret Cable Revelation Blows Open Benghazi Cover-Up Story

    "The revelation of a classified cable dated August 15 from Ambassador Christopher Stevens to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton describing in detail the security threats to the U.S. Benghazi consulate is a quantum leap forward in the reporting on the attack that left the ambassador and three security personnel dead."

    Benghazie Barry Headed For Leavenworth

    There is instead of some fantasy about 'damage by my ilk' a service performed to let the American public know that the Emperor has no clothes. This cat never had any to begin with for that matter.
    Last edited by Boon Mee; 02-11-2012 at 09:07 AM.
    A Deplorable Bitter Clinger

  3. #328
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    Good article, and has to be said:-

    The Selective Patriotism of the Benghazi-Gate Conspiracy Theorists

    Even though major breaches in security were obvious, and it was clear that the administration was caught with its national security pants down, no one played politics with the attack -- at least until Bush himself repeatedly used the attacks to gin up support for the invasion of Iraq as well as when his team used 9/11 imagery in a 2004 campaign ad. Bush also stonewalled the formation of the 9/11 Commission and even refused to testify unless there were no records kept of his testimony. You might also recall how Bush demanded that Cheney be present with him during his testimony. No doubt an obvious display of Bush's command of the issue.

    Nevertheless, the American people rallied around the president. Democrats, liberals and so forth pitched in and gave the president the benefit of the doubt. It wasn't a time for inquests and accusations.

    But, conversely, when terrorists hit the consulate in Benghazi, Romney and the Republicans couldn't muster the decency or discipline to wait until the disaster was over before they politicized it by attacking the president, even while the fires at the consulate were still burning. Imagine if the Democrats had reacted the same way during 9/11.

    ....This says a lot about how Republicans too often comport themselves in the wake of a disaster -- these self-proclaimed "patriots" are merely selective, fair-weather patriots, only willing to lend their unified support when the president is from their own party

    .... Actually, I'd love to see a study performed to determine the number of times Republican leaders condemned the terrorists who fired rockets at the Benghazi consulate versus the number of times Republican leaders condemned the president's response. I'd wager Mitt Romney has spent more time on the latter.

    Bob Cesca: The Selective Patriotism of the Benghazi-Gate Conspiracy Theorists

    In my business career, I found that those who wore their 'patriotism' loudly on their sleeve were no different to those who wore their 'christianity', or 'freemasonry', or 'old school' or 'club' tie loudly on their sleeve- ie, not to be trusted.

  4. #329
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    There has just been a major hurricane and the idiots are crowing that Obama isn't answering questions about Libya. Sensible people would realize the man has his hands full the last few days.

    Shows how rightwing nuts care of nothing but a political assault on the president leading up to the election.

  5. #330
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    the man has his hands full the last few days.
    Almost blew my screen away upon reading that!

    Yep, has his hands full juggling what lie to tell next after the stonewalling runs out re Benghazie-Gate. There are indisputable facts here and the Obama administration sat by doing nothing for seven hours that night, ignoring calls to dispatch help from our bases in Italy, less than two hours away.

    Hmmm, let's see, who shall I throw under the bus next? - B. Hussien

  6. #331
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM

    WASHINGTON — U.S. intelligence officials offered a timeline Thursday of the CIA's response to the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, from its annex less than a mile from the diplomatic mission. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack, which occurred on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
    A minute-by-minute look at how the security teams' response played out. All times are local for Benghazi.
    - 9:40 p.m. The CIA annex receives its first call that the consulate has come under attack.
    - Less than 25 minutes later, the security team leaves the annex en route to the consulate.
    - Over the next 25 minutes, team members approach the compound and attempt to get heavy weapons. When they cannot secure heavy weapons, they make their way onto the compound itself in the face of enemy fire.
    - 11:11 p.m. A Defense Department surveillance drone - an unarmed Predator - that had been requested arrives over the consulate compound.
    - 11:30 p.m. All U.S. personnel have departed the consulate except for Stevens, who is missing. The vehicles come under fire as they leave the facility.
    - Over the next 90 minutes, the CIA annex comes under sporadic fire from small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. The security team returns fire, dispersing the attackers.
    - Around 1 a.m., a team of additional security personnel from Tripoli lands at the Benghazi airport and attempts to find a ride into town. Upon learning that Stevens is missing and that the situation at the CIA annex has calmed, the team focuses on locating Stevens and obtaining information about the security situation at the hospital.
    - Before dawn, the team at the airport finally manages to secure transportation and armed escort. Having learned that Stevens is almost certainly dead and that the security situation at the hospital is uncertain, the team heads to the CIA annex to assist with the evacuation.
    - 5:15 a.m. The team arrives at the CIA annex, with Libyan support, just before mortar rounds begin to hit the facility. Two security officers are killed when they take direct mortar fire while engaging the attackers. The attack lasts only 11 minutes before dissipating.
    - Less than an hour later, a heavily armed Libyan military unit arrives at the CIA annex to help evacuate all U.S. personnel and takes them to the airport.

    Now try and spin some other version that suits your agenda Boon Me.

  7. #332
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    I'll reiterate:

    The Obama administration sat by doing nothing for seven hours that night, ignoring calls to dispatch help from our bases in Italy, less than two hours away. It has spent the past seven weeks stretching the story out, engaging in misdirection and deception involving supposed indigenous outrage over an obscure anti-Muslim video, confident that with the aid of a docile press corps this infamous climax to four years of misguided foreign policy can be swept under the rug, at least until after Tuesday’s election.
    . . . .
    Not only did the White House do nothing, there are now reports that a counterterrorism team ready to launch a rescue mission was ordered to stand down.

    The official explanation for the inadequate security? This administration didn’t want to “offend the sensibilities” of the new radical Islamic regime which American and British arms had so recently helped install in Libya.
    The official explanation for why Obama administration officials watched the attack unfold for seven hours, refusing repeated requests to send the air support and relief forces that sat less than two hours away in Italy? Silence.

    Them's the facts...

  8. #333
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    It isn't going to be swept under the carpet or just go away because it's uncomfortable to y'all. We now have another heavy weight 'weighing' in:

    “This is probably the biggest cover-up in American history – and you’re talking to an expert in cover-ups,” Fred Thompson of Watergate fame.

    Benghazie Barry Headed To Leavenworth

  9. #334
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    It isn't going to be swept under the carpet or just go away because it's uncomfortable to y'all. We now have another heavy weight 'weighing' in:

    “This is probably the biggest cover-up in American history – and you’re talking to an expert in cover-ups,” Fred Thompson of Watergate fame.

    Benghazie Barry Headed To Leavenworth
    So a failed Presidential-candidate Republican who was a controversial minority counsel in the Watergate hearings claims a cover-up, reported on a conservative/right-wing blog no less, and this is somehow anything other than yet another example of the right-wing echo-chamber in action?

    I think you need to be a bit more selective in your 'blog-alerts', Booners.

  10. #335
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    Meanwhile, in the real world, it appears Fox' pet Benghazi conspiracy has been debunked:-

    [Fox News says] that a Special Forces team stationed at an air base in Signonella, Italy, two hours from Benghazi, was ready to intervene but orders were never given. But here’s how such mass hysteria gets fed by partial information, in both senses of the word “partial”. As it turned out, the Special Forces team in question was not based in Sigonella but had to be assembled and transported there from elsewhere in Europe.

    “U.S. officials say (the team) did not arrive in Sicily until after the attack was over,” CBS reports. “Even if the team had been ready in time, confusion about what was happening on the ground in Benghazi — and State Department concerns about violating Libyan sovereignty — made a military rescue mission impractical, the officials say.”

    Right-wing pseudo-patriots persist in peddling scurrilous lies about Obama and Benghazi – Applesauce - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star

  11. #336
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Any y'all see this example of the Lamestream Media using the Ambassador's dead son as a political tool?

    Libyan Ambassador’s Death Not a Political Issue, Says Dad.

    I guess anybody with an IQ of a boiled rutabaga can't see the difference between the person(son) and the position(ambassador)

    An Ambassador is the symbol of America overseas.

    Oh, btw, Bengahzie - Gate is just building steam. Strap yerselves in for the ride...

  12. #337
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    No worries - there's literally dozens of 'Deep Throats" out there today and the full & accurate story will come out.

  13. #338
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Listen up all you usual suspects. It's definitely not beyond the realm of possibilities that Benghazie Barry won't end up in Leavenworth. It's being discussed as we speak:

    Was Obama finished with our Ambassador to Libya where the Arms Trading was concerned???? Did he believe Chris Stevens was going to go public with what he knew about this administrations illegal trading of weapons to the enemy??? Was this like the dreadful murderous colladeral damage of 'Fast and Furious' ???

    The Turkish leader left the meeting he was having with our Ambassador 1 hour before the attack without being touched, while the building was being watched by the attackers, according to the reports coming from onsite officials at the time, to the white house and to the internet.

    The whitehouse WATCHED THE ATTACK on Benghazi go down, via drone recon. They were told as it went down it was a terrorist attack and while it happened THE WHITEHOUSE WATCHED OUR PEOPLE DIE FROM THE SITUATION ROOM!!!
    And then lied about it!!!

    Hillary Clinton said the buck stopped with her, taking the fall after the lies were being outted and blame had to be placed. I have always said,it is a deadly dangerous business to be one of Hillary Clinton's 'friends!!!' Any 'friend' of hers involved with the Whitewater Scandal could tell you that, if any of them were alive today! Every last one of them, even the ones who went to prison, died mysteriously! Remember Vincent Foster... Foster's death became part of a broad investigation of President and Hillary Rodham Clinton's financial dealings in Arkansas when Whitewater records were discovered to have been in his office six months after his death. He was found sitting up - dead - in Virginia State Park. Some theorized he died elsewhere, was wrapped in a carpet and brought to the park. Strangely, his death was ruled a suicide.

    I said it on the day this took place, and I will say it again. This is a false flag. It had nothing to do with a 13 minute Youtube video. But for the public to know who the terrorist was who did it, would point the finger at the person who sold the terrorist the weapons to do it with!!! And that would be inconvenient just now. As he is trying to win a presidential election!

  14. #339
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Any of you Doubting Thomas's ready to admit yet that there just might be some substance to the story
    What story, this story?

    Heh...Benghazie-Barry 's goin' to look real good in those Prison Stripes!

  15. #340
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Remember Vincent Foster... Foster's death became part of a broad investigation of President and Hillary Rodham Clinton's financial dealings in Arkansas when Whitewater records were discovered to have been in his office six months after his death. He was found sitting up - dead - in Virginia State Park. Some theorized he died elsewhere, was wrapped in a carpet and brought to the park. Strangely, his death was ruled a suicide.
    Total lies and BS as usual and totally off topic. Grow up:

    On 10 October 1997, special prosecutor Kenneth Starr released his report on the investigation into Foster's death, the third such investigation (after ones conducted by the coroner and Starr's predecessor, Robert B. Fiske) of the matter. The 114-page summary of a three-year investigation concluded that Foster shot himself with the pistol discovered in his right hand. There was no sign of a struggle, nor any evidence he'd been drugged or intoxicated or that his body had been moved.

    If Foster had been murdered or if unanswered questions about his death remained, Starr would have been the last person to want to conclude the investigation prematurely. Or are we to believe Starr is part of the cover up, too? And if we buy into the conspiracy theory, what are we expected to believe? That a group of professional killers capable of carrying out dozens of murders all over the world shot Vince Foster, then clumsily dumped him in a park (after he had bled out), planted a gun he didn't own in his hand (without bothering to press his fingerprints onto it), amateurishly forged a suicide note (in several different handwritings), then expected the nation would believe it was suicide? The Clinton Body Count

  16. #341
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Off Topic.

    That was then, this is now. BTW, Snopes simply cannot be trusted with any political ideology other than the leftist line.

    Now, we come to Flat Out Criminal Negligence:

    "A month before the terrorist attack, the State Department was warned Benghazi couldn't protect itself and was surrounded by Islamist militia and al-Qaida camps. It was 3 a.m. and the administration pressed "snooze."

    After the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi was damaged by a bomb in June, Stevens reported that an Islamist group claimed credit for the attack and "described the attack as targeting the Christians supervising the management of the consulate."
    Yet the Obama administration did nothing, not even provide a Marine security detachment that it provided our embassy in Barbados, where the greatest danger is a drunken tourist on Friday night. Requests for added security were denied, and plans for sending military help were either never drawn up or executed.

    Speaking in Denver on Oct. 26, President Obama said: "The minute I found out what was happening ... I gave the directive to make sure we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to do." He lied, for he was told on Aug. 16 what was happening and what was going to happen and did nothing."

    Read the whole damning article here

    Just 'Bumps in the Road' indeed...

  17. #342
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM

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    In some parallel universe, the loyal denizens appear to be motivated by failure...

  19. #344
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang
    In some parallel universe, the loyal denizens appear to be motivated by failure...
    Obama personally armed and led the attackers and killed the Ambassador by garroting him with his Kenyan socialist birth certificate while singing Negro spirituals.

  20. #345
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    I thought he was trying to take away their guns?

  21. #346
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang
    I thought he was trying to take away their guns?
    Not until Nov 7th:

    NRA's most 'targeted' effort ever threatens Obama |

  22. #347
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    In some parallel universe, the loyal denizens appear to be motivated by failure...
    Yeah, right...did you ever watch that cop show with Jack Webb (Dragnet) where he says in just about every episode: "Just the facts Ma'am"

    Well, that's just about what this Benghazie-Gate investigation is all about but Oh no, to you 'usual suspects' it's just another attack on poor, mistreated Barak Obama.

    Heh, he'll look good in that orange jumpsuit!

  23. #348
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Humbert View Post

    WASHINGTON — U.S. intelligence officials offered a timeline Thursday of the CIA's response to the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, from its annex less than a mile from the diplomatic mission. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans were killed in the attack, which occurred on the 11th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
    A minute-by-minute look at how the security teams' response played out. All times are local for Benghazi.
    - 9:40 p.m. The CIA annex receives its first call that the consulate has come under attack.
    - Less than 25 minutes later, the security team leaves the annex en route to the consulate.
    - Over the next 25 minutes, team members approach the compound and attempt to get heavy weapons. When they cannot secure heavy weapons, they make their way onto the compound itself in the face of enemy fire.
    - 11:11 p.m. A Defense Department surveillance drone - an unarmed Predator - that had been requested arrives over the consulate compound.
    - 11:30 p.m. All U.S. personnel have departed the consulate except for Stevens, who is missing. The vehicles come under fire as they leave the facility.
    - Over the next 90 minutes, the CIA annex comes under sporadic fire from small arms and rocket-propelled grenades. The security team returns fire, dispersing the attackers.
    - Around 1 a.m., a team of additional security personnel from Tripoli lands at the Benghazi airport and attempts to find a ride into town. Upon learning that Stevens is missing and that the situation at the CIA annex has calmed, the team focuses on locating Stevens and obtaining information about the security situation at the hospital.
    - Before dawn, the team at the airport finally manages to secure transportation and armed escort. Having learned that Stevens is almost certainly dead and that the security situation at the hospital is uncertain, the team heads to the CIA annex to assist with the evacuation.
    - 5:15 a.m. The team arrives at the CIA annex, with Libyan support, just before mortar rounds begin to hit the facility. Two security officers are killed when they take direct mortar fire while engaging the attackers. The attack lasts only 11 minutes before dissipating.
    - Less than an hour later, a heavily armed Libyan military unit arrives at the CIA annex to help evacuate all U.S. personnel and takes them to the airport.

    Now try and spin some other version that suits your agenda Boon Me.
    No problem Bert.

    Your timeline is falling apart:

    #OBAMAFAIL: Drip, Drip: CIA’s Benghazi Timeline Questioned.

    Imagine that! You don't think they'd lie to us or anything do ya?

  24. #349
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    More damning evidence of a massive coverup by Benghazie Barry:

    Sources who have debriefed the team that was at the CIA annex the night of the attack in Benghazi say that the CIA operators from the Global Response Staff, or GRS, were equipped with Mark 48 machine guns and had two types of laser capability. Each weapon had both a “passive” as well as a “visible” laser that could be used against the Libyan attackers.

    The presence of laser capability on the roof of the CIA annex confirms what Fox News sources that night in Benghazi originally said, which is that they had laser capability and for 5 hours and 15 minutes were wondering where the usual overhead air support was, especially since, according to this source, they radioed from the annex beginning as early as midnight asking for it.
    The presence of lasers raises more questions about why air support was not sent to Benghazi even protectively once it became clear that the fighting had followed the CIA rescue team back to the annex.

    U.S. military officials say they “thought the fighting was over” after the team left the consulate and that there was a lull in the fighting.

    Fox News has learned the guns were fitted with PEQ-15 lasers. The “passive” laser is not visible to the naked eye but can help team members identify hostile forces when the shooter is wearing NODS, or Night Observation Device attached to their helmet. The visible laser system places a red dot on the attacker and warns the attacker not to shoot, encouraging them to flee the scene. U.S. troops often use the visible laser to scare children or other civilians who find themselves in the middle of combat activity. When civilians see the laser they often back off in order not to be shot.

    Heads Will Roll

  25. #350
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    ^ The rest of that article is much more interesting. It says Gen. Carter Ham was in Washington on the day of the attack. So much for him being relieved of his duty by his second in command.

    Also note, the article states the CIA excluded Fox News from their briefing of reporters.

    The military is preparing a timeline from the night of the Benghazi attack and plans to outline what assets were available to commanders in the region, including AFRICOM commander General Carter Ham, who was visiting Washington, D.C., on September 11 and was in the Pentagon overseeing the operation that night.

    Pentagon spokesman George Little says, “On the night of the attack on American personnel and facilities in Benghazi, there were no armed unmanned aerial vehicles over Libya, and there were no AC-130s anywhere close.”

    On Thursday, the CIA excluded Fox News from a briefing for a small group of reporters in which they provided a timeline from the night of the attack in which they explain that at 5:15 a.m. (7 hrs and 28 minutes after the attack on the consulate began) five mortars are fired at the annex, three of them striking the roof and killing Woods and Doherty.

    The CIA told the Washington Post’s David Ignatius that “the rooftop defenders never ‘laser the mortars’ as has been reported,” a reference to an earlier Fox News report. The CIA added the “defenders have focused their laser sights earlier on several Libyan attackers, as warnings not to fire.”

    The U.S. military says that two unarmed Predators were overhead Benghazi that night and providing one stream of video back to Washington beginning at 11:11 p.m. (1 hr and 24 minutes) after the attack began.

    U.S. military sources say that the second Predator was not armed even though it took off from Sigonella Air Base in Sicily after the attack began to provide back up to the first Predator which was at the end of its orbit and running low on fuel. US commanders say that in reference to the drones positioned at Sigonella: “Not all aircraft are armed. Ours are not.”

    According to military sources, Libyan authorities have not given the U.S. military permission to fly armed drones over populated areas like Benghazi. However, for some time the unmanned aerial drones that have been watching Libya’s chemical weapons sites did have permission to be armed.

    Read more: What laser capability did Benghazi team have? | Fox News

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