View Poll Results: Was 9/11 an inside job - 2016 TD poll

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  1. #2676
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    So how is it that YOU don't understand how to interpret seismology results ?
    Prove that I don't dumbo maggot.

  2. #2677
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    I think he's mostly trolling, Tony. Notice his posts aren't that long ?
    Like this one of yours, ya lying hypocrite?

  3. #2678
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    Nope, no evidence of AA Flt 77 flying, or hitting the Pentagon on (/11/2001.

    Scientist Carl Sagan once pointed out that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” But sometimes absence of evidence IS a smoking gun. The absence of intact bodies, office contents, and half of the mass of the Twin Towers is a smoking gun proving that the Towers were explosively demolished.

    The missing contents and mass of the Twin Towers are not the only mysterious “absence” connected with 9/11. Other notable “missing evidence” includes:

    The absence of the US government’s 80-plus videos of the attack on the Pentagon, some of which were confiscated by FBI agents just moments after the attack. Only a few frames have been released, and those frames show an explosion at the Pentagon but no big airliner.

    The absence of the 100,000 kilos of Boeing 757 airliner that supposedly entered the Pentagon. No record exists of those 100,000 kilos of airliner debris, or the plane’s luggage and passenger remains, ever being removed from any of the three widely-separated damaged areas of the Pentagon.

    The absence of the 100,000 kilos of Boeing 757 airliner that supposedly buried itself in the soft earth beneath a shallow fifteen-foot-diameter crater in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There is no evidence of 100,000 kilos of airliner debris, along with passenger remains and luggage, being recovered from beneath the ground at the alleged crash site.

    The absence of the official airline passenger lists, security video footage, ticket stubs, testimony from airline employees, or any other actual evidence that the 19 young Arabs blamed for 9/11 were even on the planes.

    The absence of the audio recordings of FAA personnel debriefing each other about what they experienced on 9/11. These recordings were confiscated by an FAA supervisor and shredded into tiny pieces, which were discarded into many widely-separated trash receptacles so they could never be collected and reconstructed.

    The absence of the indestructible “black boxes” of the planes that hit the Twin Towers. The US government claims these flight data recorders were never recovered, but first responders say they were present when they were found and taken away by FBI agents.

    The absence of the government’s most important cited evidence: The audio and video recordings of the lengthy torture sessions and scripted false confessions of mentally-retarded “9/11 mastermind” Abu Zubaydah and his fellow “mastermind” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The CIA admits that it illegally destroyed these recordings, anonymous second-hand reports of which are cited in the 9/11 Commission Report as its only evidence for the 19-hijackers scenario.

    The absence of any plausible innocent explanation for the BBC’s premature report of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, Larry Silverstein’s confession that he demolished WTC-7, and (of course) the obvious controlled demolition of that building.

    In every one of these cases – as in the case of the 1,116 missing victims – the absence of evidence is a smoking gun.
    The US government now faces a complete absence of legitimacy.

    New York City Asks: What Happened to the 1,116 Missing 9/11 Victims? | Veterans Today

    So where is there any evidence of medical records related to any of the Pentagon disaster?

    It's been reported that Dover AF Base morgue disposed of 9/11 human remains into a landfill. How many victims did those remains belong to?

    Why were they dumped?

    Didn't they "fit the bill"?

    Or were they simply unidentifiable, just too far degraded. impossible to identify?

  4. #2679
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    Nope, no evidence of AA Flt 77 flying, or hitting the Pentagon on (/11/2001.

    Scientist Carl Sagan once pointed out that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” But sometimes absence of evidence IS a smoking gun. The absence of intact bodies, office contents, and half of the mass of the Twin Towers is a smoking gun proving that the Towers were explosively demolished.
    ^ I see our resident imbecile is back for more humiliation.

    Half the mass of the Twin Towers is missing, eh? How did someone come up with that hotshot?

    When the Twin Towers collapsed they took down all the other WTC buildings with them. Are you suggesting that the crews who hauled away all the rubble separated every piece, determined its origin and weighed it all?

    Finally, whether a building collapses due to structural failure like the WTC Towers did, or are taken down with explosives isn't going to change the mass of the building ya numpty!

    Ever hear of a fellow named Isaac Newton?

  5. #2680
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    ^^ good bit from that article

    "Were the Twin Towers, and the thousands of people inside them, blown to bits by explosives? That is what many of the 9/11 victims’ family members believe. Robert McIlvaine, whose son Bobby was murdered in the Twin Towers on 9/11, has stated that roughly half the family members share his suspicion that the Towers were explosively demolished in a false-flag attack"

    Tin foil hat wearing conspiracists those victims and their families

    Another interesting article on the site - slightly off topic but interesting none the less.550milllion to build toilets - good contract

    "Military contracts were being doled out like candy throughout the Balkans conflict, but no firm received more than did Brown & Root, which later merged with construction giant MW Kellogg to become KBR. KBR is a subsidiary of Houston-based Halliburton, where Dick Cheney was at the helm. Halliburton also owns Dresser Industries, where Lawrence Eagleburger was on the board of directors. The firm is a global octopus with operations in 130 countries and over 100,000 employees. Cheney wasn’t particular about his firm’s customers, doing brisk business with Nigerian dictators, Saddam Hussein and the military junta of Myanmar alike."

    "Brown & Root was paid $546 million to build latrines, barracks and other infrastructure necessary to maintain NATO and UN troops occupying Yugoslavia. Three years later the company was paid another $400 million for logistical support in Bosnia, Croatia and Hungary, where a Brown & Root subsidiary known as International American Products provided troop support. Its Hungarian kitchen workers accused US troops who frequented their workplace of constant sexual harassment and exploitation."

    The Evisceration of Yugoslavia Part III: CIA Islamists, Halliburton and Fake Massacres | Veterans Today

  6. #2681
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    31-08-2023 @ 11:38 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    Nope, no evidence of AA Flt 77 flying, or hitting the Pentagon on (/11/2001.

    Scientist Carl Sagan once pointed out that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” But sometimes absence of evidence IS a smoking gun. The absence of intact bodies, office contents, and half of the mass of the Twin Towers is a smoking gun proving that the Towers were explosively demolished.

    The missing contents and mass of the Twin Towers are not the only mysterious “absence” connected with 9/11. Other notable “missing evidence” includes:

    The absence of the US government’s 80-plus videos of the attack on the Pentagon, some of which were confiscated by FBI agents just moments after the attack. Only a few frames have been released, and those frames show an explosion at the Pentagon but no big airliner.

    The absence of the 100,000 kilos of Boeing 757 airliner that supposedly entered the Pentagon. No record exists of those 100,000 kilos of airliner debris, or the plane’s luggage and passenger remains, ever being removed from any of the three widely-separated damaged areas of the Pentagon.

    The absence of the 100,000 kilos of Boeing 757 airliner that supposedly buried itself in the soft earth beneath a shallow fifteen-foot-diameter crater in Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There is no evidence of 100,000 kilos of airliner debris, along with passenger remains and luggage, being recovered from beneath the ground at the alleged crash site.

    The absence of the official airline passenger lists, security video footage, ticket stubs, testimony from airline employees, or any other actual evidence that the 19 young Arabs blamed for 9/11 were even on the planes.

    The absence of the audio recordings of FAA personnel debriefing each other about what they experienced on 9/11. These recordings were confiscated by an FAA supervisor and shredded into tiny pieces, which were discarded into many widely-separated trash receptacles so they could never be collected and reconstructed.

    The absence of the indestructible “black boxes” of the planes that hit the Twin Towers. The US government claims these flight data recorders were never recovered, but first responders say they were present when they were found and taken away by FBI agents.

    The absence of the government’s most important cited evidence: The audio and video recordings of the lengthy torture sessions and scripted false confessions of mentally-retarded “9/11 mastermind” Abu Zubaydah and his fellow “mastermind” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The CIA admits that it illegally destroyed these recordings, anonymous second-hand reports of which are cited in the 9/11 Commission Report as its only evidence for the 19-hijackers scenario.

    The absence of any plausible innocent explanation for the BBC’s premature report of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7, Larry Silverstein’s confession that he demolished WTC-7, and (of course) the obvious controlled demolition of that building.

    In every one of these cases – as in the case of the 1,116 missing victims – the absence of evidence is a smoking gun.
    The US government now faces a complete absence of legitimacy.

    New York City Asks: What Happened to the 1,116 Missing 9/11 Victims? | Veterans Today

    So where is there any evidence of medical records related to any of the Pentagon disaster?

    It's been reported that Dover AF Base morgue disposed of 9/11 human remains into a landfill. How many victims did those remains belong to?

    Why were they dumped?

    Didn't they "fit the bill"?

    Or were they simply unidentifiable, just too far degraded. impossible to identify?
    The dumbest thing about all this shit is quite simple...

    The theory is that the US govt staged the attacks to drum up war. But did the towers have to fall in order to get the desired effect ? No.

    It didnt matter if the towers fell or not yet the morons say there was explosives in the towers...

  7. #2682
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    Quote Originally Posted by TonyBKK View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    Nope, no evidence of AA Flt 77 flying, or hitting the Pentagon on (/11/2001.

    Scientist Carl Sagan once pointed out that “absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.” But sometimes absence of evidence IS a smoking gun. The absence of intact bodies, office contents, and half of the mass of the Twin Towers is a smoking gun proving that the Towers were explosively demolished.
    ^ I see our resident imbecile is back for more humiliation.

    Half the mass of the Twin Towers is missing, eh? How did someone come up with that hotshot?

    When the Twin Towers collapsed they took down all the other WTC buildings with them. Are you suggesting that the crews who hauled away all the rubble separated every piece, determined its origin and weighed it all?

    Finally, whether a building collapses due to structural failure like the WTC Towers did, or are taken down with explosives isn't going to change the mass of the building ya numpty!

    Ever hear of a fellow named Isaac Newton?
    Hey dopey, the weight of the buildings are calculated from designers' and builders' specifications, easy enough to calculate.

    The larger mass of steel was trucked off then shipped to China immediately, (interesting how the contract and freighters were allready there waiting for the stuff, days after 9/11)

    Another thing, stupid not all the other WTC buildings were taken down with the twin towers either.

    And you are thick enough to claim that the towers came down from structural failure, or are ya just speculating? Whatever, you don't seem to know much.

    Who says that the mass of the buildings changed, dumbo? Read the article and quit crying.

  8. #2683
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    The dumbest thing about all this shit is quite simple...

    The theory is that the US govt staged the attacks to drum up war. But did the towers have to fall in order to get the desired effect ? No.

    It didnt matter if the towers fell or not yet the morons say there was explosives in the towers...[/QUOTE]

    It was the firefighters and office workers who said that the towers exploded.

    Yup, that's what Colin Powell, Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld all agreed on, the US needed another Pearl Harbour.

    Don't ya read the papers or any news of the time?

    Figure out why Powell, and Rumsfeld disagreed about which was to be the first target, Rumsfeld, of course as a chief executive of Haliburton stood to gain massively from a soft option target.

    “We know what the meaning of i$, i$ to Halliburton. It is by far the largest beneficiary of the invasion and occupation of Iraq. With no-bid, no-ceiling contracts, the company has already amassed $2 billion in work. It is doing everything from restoring oil facilities to providing toilets for troops. A year ago Halliburton was staring at nearly a half-billion dollars in losses. In the second quarter of 2003 it posted a profit of $26 million.”
    —Derrick Z. Jackson, “Cheney’s Conflict with the Truth,”
    The Boston Globe (September 19, 2003).

    Dick Cheney was, from 1995 to 2000, the CEO of Halliburton, then Defence Secretary Rumsfeld's office took over control of every aspect of Halliburton's $7 billion Iraqi oil/infrastructure contract and Haliburton which was previously losing $500 million in one year

    Which was why a new Pearl Harbour was something that the US hierarchy couldn't pass up.

    “A New Pearl Harbor”

    Two years ago a project set up by the men who now surround George W Bush said what America needed was “a new Pearl Harbor.” Its published aims have, alarmingly, come true.

    By John Pilger
    New Statesman
    December 16, 2002

    The threat posed by US terrorism to the security of nations and individuals was outlined in prophetic detail in a document written more than two years ago and disclosed only

    What was needed for America to dominate much of humanity and the world’s resources, it said, was “some catastrophic and catalysing event – like a new Pearl Harbor”.

    The attacks of 11 September 2001 provided the “new Pearl Harbor”, described as “the opportunity of ages”.

    The extremists who have since exploited 11 September come from the era of Ronald Reagan, when far-right groups and “think-tanks” were established to avenge the American “defeat” in Vietnam. In the 1990s, there was an added agenda: to justify the denial of a “peace dividend” following the cold war.

    The Project for the New American Century was formed, along with the American Enterprise Institute, the Hudson Institute and others that have since merged the ambitions of the Reagan administration with those of the current Bush regime.

    One of George W Bush’s “thinkers” is Richard Perle. I interviewed Perle when he was advising Reagan; and when he spoke about “total war”, I mistakenly dismissed him as mad.

    He recently used the term again in describing America’s “war on terror”.

    “No stages,” he said. “This is total war. We are fighting a variety of enemies. There are lots of them out there. All this talk about first we are going to do Afghanistan, then we will do Iraq... this is entirely the wrong way to go about it. If we just let our vision of the world go forth, and we embrace it entirely and we don’t try to piece together clever diplomacy, but just wage a total war... our children will sing great songs about us years from now.”

    On the morning of 12 September 2001, without any evidence of who the hijackers were, Rumsfeld demanded that the US attack Iraq.

    According to Woodward, Rumsfeld told a cabinet meeting that Iraq should be “a principal target of the first round in the war against terrorism”. Iraq was temporarily spared only because Colin Powell, the secretary of state, persuaded Bush that “public opinion has to be prepared before a move against Iraq is possible”. Afghanistan was chosen as the softer option.

    Read more;
    “A New Pearl Harbor”

    What really kicked in after that was the super security system under the the newly formed "Homeland Security" dream of Bush et al, a vision that played on the fear and paranoia of most US citizens, the fear that 19 Arabs with box-cutters would come in and strike at the heart of America, .....again.

    Well going by the latest efforts by US troops to capture an Al Shabab leader, getting their ar*es wupped and all their armoury nicked by a bunch of ragheads, ...I suppose anything could threaten America, these days.

  9. #2684
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    this is fun, once you get past the start

  10. #2685
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    Sick humour? No. Good one Andy.
    Last edited by ENT; 08-10-2013 at 10:05 AM.

  11. #2686
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    That's a load of bodies in strange places.

    Oddly, most of the dead passengers indicated in the pic above were supposed to be in the tail end of the aircraft, but there's absolutely no indication of any debris, or anything at all from the alleged hijacked airliner to be seen in front of the Pentagon.


    There's the spot where all those bodies were supposed to have been found, right in the middle of the pic, just past those cable spools, firemen walking around, nothing to see.....

    Can't see any wings or tail or anything to indicate an airliner went in there.

  12. #2687
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    Quote Originally Posted by socal
    The dumbest thing about all this shit is quite simple...
    Yes indeed. You, you are the dumbest thing about all this shit

  13. #2688
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrAndy View Post
    this is fun, once you get past the start

    An absolutely exceptional find Dr A - sterling work.

    After years of seperating the wheat from the chaff some of us get lazy.

    Thanks for making the effort.

  14. #2689
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    There's the spot where all those bodies were supposed to have been found, right in the middle of the pic, just past those cable spools, firemen walking around, nothing to see.....

    Can't see any wings or tail or anything to indicate an airliner went in there.

    Oh FFS are you that fucking thick.


  15. #2690
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post

    That's a load of bodies in strange places.

    Oddly, most of the dead passengers indicated in the pic above were supposed to be in the tail end of the aircraft, but there's absolutely no indication of any debris, or anything at all from the alleged hijacked airliner to be seen in front of the Pentagon.

    There's the spot where all those bodies were supposed to have been found, right in the middle of the pic, just past those cable spools, firemen walking around, nothing to see.....

    Can't see any wings or tail or anything to indicate an airliner went in there.[/QUOTE]

    Got to admit, this is the strangest thing of all.
    It's always puzzled me, where is the debri? The baggage, the bodies?
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  16. #2691
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koojo View Post
    Got to admit, this is the strangest thing of all.
    It's always puzzled me, where is the debri? The baggage, the bodies?
    Behind the wall you're looking at, into which the plane crashed.

    And there's even a picture above telling you where the remains of the dead were found (passengers and pentagon employees).

    It's not rocket science. Or maybe it is.

  17. #2692
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    There's the spot where all those bodies were supposed to have been found, right in the middle of the pic, just past those cable spools, firemen walking around, nothing to see.....

    Can't see any wings or tail or anything to indicate an airliner went in there.

    Oh FFS are you that fucking thick.

    Why are you so fwkn thick, ya bean counting twerp?

    Are you imagining things, seeing things that just ain't there?

    There's NO tail wreckage or wing spars or any sign of aircraft fuselage to be seen in that spot outside the hole in the wall, that spot indicated in the diagram you posted, the place where so many bodies/body parts are supposed to have been found, stupid!

    Anyway, how the hell were there so many bodies/parts supposedly found there of all places? Quite clearly, in the only Pentagon cctv video released, there's a gigantic explosion preceded by an even smaller white puff of smoke explosion that obviously shows debris raining down just before that big red one!

    So, how the hell did any body parts manage to hang all together in one spot while the rest of the plane, got blown up and disappeared, vaporized?

  18. #2693
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Koojo View Post
    Got to admit, this is the strangest thing of all.
    It's always puzzled me, where is the debri? The baggage, the bodies?
    Behind the wall you're looking at, into which the plane crashed.

    And there's even a picture above telling you where the remains of the dead were found (passengers and pentagon employees).

    It's not rocket science. Or maybe it is.
    Actually dumbo, it is rocket science, something a bean counter like you is incapable of understanding.

    The diagram you posted is nothing more than a PR spin, a fabrication.

    It's a physical impossibility for the group of bodies/parts (if there were any) to be all found in one spot outside, (as indicated in your diagram), after such an explosion as described by witnesses, where the aircraft fuselage, seats and tail section surrounding the alleged passengers was all stripped off in an explosion, but leaving the bodies/parts to be conveniently found, all tidily grouped together, not scattered along with the rest of the alleged airliner parts all over the lawn.

    A total physical impossibility, obvious to any one, but you and the resat of your denialist ilk.

    The official stories don't add up, dingbat, they don;t match the evidence displayed.

  19. #2694
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    You're looking at the picture the wrong way round, you dumb fucking wanker.

  20. #2695
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    12-06-2021 @ 11:13 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda
    You're looking at the picture the wrong way round,
    you are holding it wrong, sounds familiar, retard boy

  21. #2696
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    "Powered up" and "the plane banked" or "was banking" are not the average citizen's words chappy, they are from flyers' vocabulary.

    Those "witnesses" were coached.

    Similarly with those witnesses that claimed that a great explosion rocked the ground, rocked their cars, rocked their buildings when the seismograph stations couldn't even pick up the shock waves from such a blast!
    Now we know just how stupid and deluded you are, ENT. The expression "the plane banked" is something people in high school know and use. They get used on TV all the time, same as "powered up".

    And the shock wave probably traveled horizontally, as that is how the plane hit.
    Stranger things happen in suburban fires, as firemen can tell you.

    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    recoverable and analyzable tissue would not have yielded much information in 2001, only after 2010 was replication of DNA possible so that full sequences could be determined from minute samples. In 2001, that science was not in place.
    This is nonsense too. PCR, or polymerase chain reaction, was developed back in the eighties. Moron.

  22. #2697
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    12-06-2021 @ 11:13 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Koojo
    Got to admit, this is the strangest thing of all.
    It's always puzzled me, where is the debri? The baggage, the bodies?
    they got taken away by a spaceship or the Rapture if we were to believe Harry and the theory promoted by his religious fanatics friends at the WH and Pentagon

  23. #2698
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Dudes : as for debris, look at this link, and check out the photos carefully :

    9-11 Research: The Azari C-130 Crash

    Part of which is this paragraph :

    The idea that the Pentagon was not struck by a jetliner on 9/11/01 is often asserted on the basis that there was insufficient aircraft debris in front of the Pentagon following the attack. The Azari crash is one of several examples that show crashes of large aircraft into buildings do not necessarily leave large recognizable pieces of aircraft. A C-130 is a four-engine turboprop aircraft similar in weight to a Boeing 757. The fact that the C-130's pilot was attempting to land contrasts with the fact that the Pentagon attack plane approached at about double landing speed, and makes the paucity of rubble in the Azari crash more surprising than in the Pentagon crash.

  24. #2699
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    ^^^^^^ If that's the case, dick-head, why did the bodies all end up in the nose of the aircraft and remain largely undestroyed after it smashed into the building?

    Why is the official story line insistent that all the passengers were herded into the back of the aircraft?

    "The last routine radio communication with American Airlines Flight 77 occurred at 8:51 am. It seems likely that between 8:51 and 8:54 am over eastern Kentucky, the hijackers made their move and took over the plane. With one hijacker as pilot, the other four herded the passengers to the rear of the aircraft to prevent any attempts to retake control of the plane before it reached its target."
    9/11 at the Pentagon | Pentagon Memorial Fund

    I call those diagrams bullshit, a total fabrication.

    The authorities saw fit to publish complex diagrams of crash scenarios, but not a single photo of crash victims "strapped to their seats" (why were they strapped into their seats if they were going to crash anyway?

    Did the alleged hijackers care ?

    No, they herded the passengers to the rear, so there wouldn't have been too many spare seats to strap into.

    Now, just say the passengers were strapped into their seats in thew rear of the aircraft, how did so many end up in the nose of the plane?

  25. #2700
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Thanks for the green, ENT

    9/11 was an inside job 08-10-2013 05:48 AM ENT Go back to school ya dumb lying ocker.

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