View Poll Results: Was 9/11 an inside job - 2016 TD poll

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  1. #101
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    Cthulhu, what we are dealing with is a mental midget who has a lot of perseverance. He'll waste an awful lot of your time if you let him.
    I'm just asking a very simple question. ;-)

    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    No, ENT. You have proven time and time and time again that YOU are stupid. And it's all here on TD for all to see.
    So far, he appears unable to answer a very simple question, based on factual evidence.

    Why is that?

  2. #102
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    He rationalizes to the Nth degree. Goes off on a tangent. And gets off on wasting other peoples' time. That's why.

  3. #103
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    ^^Because there was nobody in those planes, unless you can find some proof, so far all hearsay.

  4. #104
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Oh....right. The plot thickens.
    What about the grieving families ? And the hundreds of well-documented friends of those people ?

    You suffer from bipolar disorder, don't you ? Or is it another disorder ? Which one ?

  5. #105
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    He rationalizes to the Nth degree. Goes off on a tangent. And gets off on wasting other peoples' time. That's why.
    There's no rationalization - he just Butterfly's makes up stuff, and counters every statement with the opposite. If you say the planes were white, he'll claim they are black; if I ask what happened to the passengers or crew, he'll claim there was no one on those planes.


    There's a limit to how far I will go in asking for responses, or providing responses - just long enough to obliterate his credibility completely - which is exactly what my werewolf overlords from wall street want me to do... ;-)

    Nice for him to play along so obligingly.

  6. #106
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    ^^Because there was nobody in those planes, unless you can find some proof, so far all hearsay.
    The planes flew themselves?

    The passengers never existed? Their families, hundreds of them, all subjected to a mass psychosis deployed by the Bilderbergers?

    Really? That's your final answer?

  7. #107
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Fine, let's assume the planes flew themselves, and none of the people existed -- what happened to those 4 planes? Where are they?

    (and I'm not letting you off the hook regarding the passengers and crew - let's just tackle one issue at a time)

  8. #108
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    Where are all the body parts usually found at all airliner crashes?

    None were found, because there were no people in those "planes" that supposedly were hijacked.

  9. #109
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    ^^Now you're being really obtuse. Planes don't fly by themselves.

  10. #110
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Skip the body parts strawman - what happened to the planes, what happened to the people that were supposed to be in those planes, people who have families that never saw them again.

  11. #111
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    ^^Now you're being really obtuse. Planes don't fly by themselves.
    I'm not talking about the 4 planes you claim don't exist, I'm talking about the 4 planes I provided links and tailnumber/IDs for in my prior reply. Those planes are real planes, that existed.

    They are no longer around. What happened to them?

    What happened to the people that are missed by their families that were allegedly on those planes on that day?

  12. #112
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    If there were any bodies in all the wreckage at WTC, Bush ordered the lot to be dumped, much to the objection of forensic investigators and the firemen and first responders at WTC.

    As far as I know, a total of two hundred or so identifiable sets of human remains were recovered fro the WTC, some more than a year later.

    Many human bones were found on top of surrounding buildings at the WTC months later.

    They were projected hundreds of feet laterally from the towers, by explosive force.
    “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I said, you are gods’? John 10:34.

  13. #113
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Answer the question, which you keep avoiding.

    I repeat: "Answer the question!"

    As in "what happened to the 4 airliners, their crew and their passengers?"

    I'm not asking about missiles, about impacts, about falling buildings or anything else of a peripheral nature.

    I ask you, what happened to these and their crews:

    - American [at]Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767-200ER, 81 passengers - Tail ID: N334AA
    - United Flight 175, a Boeing 767-200ER, 56 passengers - Tail ID: N644AA
    - American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200, 58 passengers - Tail ID: N334AA
    - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757-200, 81 passengers37 - Tail ID: N334AA

    (the links take you to historical data for the respective planes)

    These planes were real, they had history, as did the crew and the passengers. They are now gone.


  14. #114
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    FAA records for four years listed both 9/11 United jetliners as still on the 'active' list. Now planes only 'deregistered' in September after snoopy researchers questioned FAA officials a month earlier.

    By Greg Szymanski

    Two of the 9/11 airliners were never 'deregistered' and remained on the 'active' flight list until Sept. 28. 2005, the classification officially changing only a month after two inquisitive flight researchers made repeated calls to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), inquiring about the strange irregularity.

    The two planes in question were Flight 93 and Flight 175, both owned and operated by United Airlines and, according to the official story, both destroyed on 9/11, one in Shanksville, Penn., and the other crashing into the South Tower of the WTC.

    Usually a normal procedure after an airliner is destroyed, why it took United more than four years to 'deregister' the airplanes and fill out the official FAA paperwork remains a mystery and never has been fully explained by the FAA, United or the government.

    In fact, in stark contrast, a check of FAA records shows the two other American Airline flights, Flight 11 and 77, both were 'deregistered' and classified as 'destroyed' only months after 9/11 on Jan. 14, 2002.

    Why the late filing by United?

    "My brother and I both wrote the FAA in August about this situation and asked why the planes were not deregistered. The FAA said that an owner does not need to deregister an aircraft," said one of the researchers named Roger, who preferred only to use his first name. "Ironically, a couple of months after I wrote the FAA, the planes were deregistered. What's up with that?

    "Although the planes are deregistered, they are not listed as cause destroyed but rather as cause cancelled. The American airplanes are clearly listed as cause destroyed but not so the United planes.

    "There is a guy who was saying on a web posting that he knew one of the United planes was still in service in Chicago. I know nothing of how he would know this or who he was but I think he was the same guy who brought this stuff to our attention and he's clearly right about the planes still being registered.

    "Two planes destroyed and two planes still flying? Are you familiar with the Cleveland airport mystery? So did Flight 93 land at Cleveland with 200 passengers on board?"

    A recent check of FAA records proves the flight researcher's statements correct as Flight 93 identified as N591UA and Flight 175 as N612UA, both were taken off the active FAA list in September with a reason given as 'cancelled' not 'destroyed.'

    The FAA again was contacted this week, giving the same answers given to the two researchers back in August regarding the late deregistration. And in regards to listing both United flights as 'cancelled not destroyed,' FAA officials also gave no further explanation.

    Besides the FAA deregistration issue, solid evidence has also come forward that two of the 9/11 flights, Flight 11 and 77, never even existed at all, according to Bureau of Traffic Safety (BTS) records.

    According to BTS statistics, both 11 and 77 officially never took-off on 9/11. The meticulous data kept on every airliner taking-off at every airport in the country also showed no elapsed run-way time, wheels-off time and taxi-out time, not to mention several other categories left blank on 9/11 concerning the two flights.

    Although Flights 11 and 77 have the above data meticulously logged on 9/10, it was suspiciously absent on 9/11, even when every other plane that took of that day had been recorded and logged by the BTS.

    Two 9/11 Airliners, Flight 93 and 175, Were Only Just Recently Taken Off The FAA 'Active' List Are Both Jetliners Still Flying in United's 'Friendly Skies'?

  15. #115
    westozguy's Avatar
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    11-05-2013 @ 06:32 PM
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    "But there were many people who saw a passenger jet flying low towards and almost to the Pentagon".

    Yes of course they f*cken did, Ronald Reagan Airport is barely less than a mile South-East of the Pentagon.

    It's not like an aircraft in the sky above the Pentagon or flying low near an airport is unusual!

    "And how did all that debris, including very large engine parts, get inside the Pentagon ?"

    I've got a better question, why was there none outside the building?

    To suggest that the ALL of such an aircraft with a mass of approx 100 tons passed through that pissy little hole is TOTAL RUBBISH. It's MORE PLAUSIBLE that whatever wreckage was found inside was planted.

    Take a look at photos from ANY large aircraft crash scene and compare the debris. Where's the tail section? Where's the engines? Those parts would have broken off and been visible outside the building but even in the very earliest footage of the fire in progress no aircraft wreckage was visible. Where's all the seats, surely some of those would have been spat out of the disintegrating aircraft onto the front apron of the building? Where's at least some of the bodies? NO WAY ALL that carnage would have entered the building through such a small entry "wound" and it didn't, because there was no aircraft crash and there was no so such debris inside the building.

    And supposedly "the bulk of the fire was contained within SEVEN minutes". 5000+ gallons of Jet A1. Yeh right... Didn't even burn the grass outside the building and not so much as a scratch on the concrete apron either....

    Yeah baby that's such precision flying ain't it? Supposedly by some towel head with a few hours in Cessna + maybe a few hours on a play-station?

    "Those planes, now, no longer exist. The crews that were assigned to them, no longer exist. The passengers, real people, on the passenger manifest of those flights, no longer exist.

    Just answer me one simple question (disregarding, for now, anything about collapsing buildings) :


    Who the f*ck knows what the US government did with them. For all we know the planes could be sitting in a hanger out in the middle of the desert.

    As for the people on the planes, show me some proof that ALL those people were indeed on those three planes. It is NOT beyond the realm of possibility that the lists were indeed at least PARTIALLY populated by completely fabricated identities. It is easily within the power of the government to have entirely fabricated whatever evidence it needed to support it's official line. And the US government have made it entirely clear with their many previous actions and involvements over the years that they are completely willing to kill and sacrifice their own citizens for "the cause of the greater good" (of their greed and own self interests) GOD BLESS AMERICA.

    "oddly enough, most adherents to this popular 9/11 conspiracy stuff lack any sort of understanding......"

    You've gotta be f*cken joking right?

    There's a damn side more credibility in the theories of the silver hat brigade that in the total smoke screen of lies put out by the US government "official" version of events.

    It is AERODYNAMICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for the the said aircraft in the Pentagon attack to have descended from the height it was claimed to be at upon approach (according to the official government version), to then level out for it's "strike run", with such precision to supposedly skim across the front lawn of the Pentagon at 4xx miles per hour without so much as NOT EVEN ONE minor gouge in the manicured front garden.

    The said aircraft did not take the flight trajectory the government line purports. And the official line puts the aircraft further south than all the eye witness accounts of an aircraft passing overhead before the impact (of the missile that hit the pentagon). NOT ONE eye witness confirms the more southerly flight path the government claims.

    "With so many aircraft experts in the USA and with these PUBLICLY listed photos, it stands to reason that there would be quite a few CREDIBLE experts pointing out the very obvious. Only there aren't...."

    But there is credible evidence, you just refuse to see it...

    Amongst this evidence is:

    Every single pilot interviewed who is licensed to fly either of the aircraft of the type supposedly used in both the WTC AND Pentagon attacks, state implicity that what supposedly occurred is not possible and is beyond the capabilities of either the aircrafts and/or the alleged pilots.

    In regards to the Pentagon attack, EVERY SINGLE piece of security camera footage (and there were multiple camera angles from buildings such as the nearby gas station) were confiscated by the government and you can bet your bottom dollar will NEVER be made public. Because this footage whilst not showing the alleged impact, would prove the government's version of the flight path of the aircraft to be an absolute lie and prove the testimony by eye witness accounts by employees of these establishments to be an honest account that the aircraft's true flight path, which is further north than the official version.

    But hell, that's not credible evidence either is it? You'd rather believe the lying, war warmongering, professional b*llshit artists that constitute the US government and their corrupt version of events.

    In conclusion, if you believe in the that absolutely ridiculous story fabrication that in the carnage of the WTC collapse SOMEHOW, the charred passport of the supposed pilot of one of the aircraft attacks miraculously fluttered down to ground zero to be scooped up by a "passer byer" then you're the most gullible moron on the planet and you deserve the government you've got.
    Last edited by westozguy; 21-06-2012 at 12:05 PM.

  16. #116
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    "you're the most gullible moron on the planet and you deserve the government you've got."

    Not a truer word said about the duckshit-for-brains.

    "But as for the simple mechanics of building collapse, it really _IS_ Popular Mechanics stuff" latindancer re. WTC 911.

  17. #117
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by westozguy View Post
    Who the f*ck knows what the US government did with them. For all we know the planes could be sitting in a hanger out in the middle of the desert.

    As for the people on the planes, show me some proof that ALL those people were indeed on those three planes. It is NOT beyond the realm of possibility that the lists were indeed at least PARTIALLY populated by completely fabricated identities. It is easily within the power of the government to have entirely fabricated whatever evidence it needed to support it's official line. And the US government have made it entirely clear with their many previous actions and involvements over the years that they are completely willing to kill and sacrifice their own citizens for "the cause of the greater good" (of their greed and own self interests) GOD BLESS AMERICA.
    You're actually seriously believing this tinfoil hat crap of the government either having killed all those people, or (my absolute favorite) just plain fabricated them -- let me guess, they then used an extensive program of brainwashing to make thousands of total strangers believe some invented person is a family member that they loved, including the US Federal District Attorney (who's wife was on the Pentagon flight).

    You're seriously going to go with that? .... or the always fave "who know what the men in black did with them all".

    Proof that these people were indeed on those planes?

    That's my point, I'm not even discussing if those people were on the planes - I'm asking, quite simply, what happened to several hundred people; people who's lives have been well documented, that existed, that had families; people that apparently never came home on the evening of 9/11.

    What happened to them?

    You can't just brush it under the table, because answering this question would be uncomfortable to you and might topple your house of conspiracy cards... because, if you did, you would do EXACTLY what you accuse the government of doing, and EXACTLY what you accuse the blind obedient sheep of doing.... unless that *is* what you are doing.


  18. #118
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    "you're the most gullible moron on the planet and you deserve the government you've got."

    Not a truer word said about the duckshit-for-brains.
    I see - so when you fail being able to answer a simple question, it's back to ad hominem, insults and demonizations.... which, incidentally, is what you accuse the "other side" of doing...

    .... though I have not attacked, demonized or ridiculed you in my efforts to exact an answer from you, while you have done so every single time someone asked you a question.

    This makes you, if anything, lose any credibility and you only ridicule yourself in the process.

  19. #119
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    As for your claims, from, that these planes are all still flying and operating - don't you think that the thousands of airplane enthusiasts on sites like would have already detected those planes, and it would be all over the news?

    Sadly, for conspiracy theorists, our present era of information with accurately accessible and available information through crowd-sourced means must be absolutely obliterating. It used to be so easy "I heard from a friend of mine who saw, for sure...." and a rumor was launched and took on a life of its own...

    Nowadays, not really possible anymore, when primary sources are easily accessible, including pictures, witnesses, etc...

  20. #120
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    People in glass houses, etc.

    I answered your questions and you still bleat on.
    I gave details as to all available evidence re any human remains from that day.

    There were no people found in those wreckages.

    Why the big cover-up is not a mystery, it's the same old story, MONEY.

    I'll give you more insults if you keep on being an idiot, so it's up to you.

    You haven't given a single example or reference to back up your views, only an official story and insults about tin foil hats.

    You're a bloody stupid little normaloid, a mouse stuck in your tidy little conformist world who'll swallow anything Big Brother gives you.

    Your credibility is totally shot simply because you deny existing evidence and stick to the official middle of the road sheeple track.

    Mouthing on with "Answer my question!" and a bullshit authoritarian attitude like some little fascist ain't gonna get you anywhere you jumped up jerk.

    "None are as blind as those who will not see"

    And in your case, I doubt that you ever will.
    "But as for the simple mechanics of building collapse, it really _IS_ Popular Mechanics stuff" latindancer re. WTC 911.

  21. #121
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    not to mention, I'm pretty sure two planes were actually destroyed at WTC on that day.
    Unless we've all been hoodwinked and the images and film have been doctored to make it LOOK ke two planes flew into the WTC towers.

  22. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu View Post

    Nowadays, not really possible anymore, when primary sources are easily accessible, including pictures, witnesses, etc...
    If you're so bleeding convinced of your own rhetoric why don't you post some decisive information?

    Get something together with reference and post it instead of whining on and complaining, or better yet, give a reasonable explanation of your own views instead of labelling any one with an alternative view a tin-foil-hatter.

    "But as for the simple mechanics of building collapse, it really _IS_ Popular Mechanics stuff" latindancer re. WTC 911.

  23. #123
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    There were far too many coincidences on that day and so many avoidances by the government that screams 'Fixed'.

  24. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    After having seen video footage a plane hitting one of the towers, I was amazed it wasn't sliced half through and start to lean immediately.
    That's because you're stupid and;

    "But as for the simple mechanics of building collapse, it really _IS_ Popular Mechanics stuff" latindancer re. WTC 911"
    Amazingly enough, although he reckons the plane should have sliced the building in two in New York, he reckons that the wings of the plane that hit the pentagon vaporised before impact leaving no marks.

    Why is that LD?

    Oh yeah, must be the air quality or something.

  25. #125
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    11-05-2013 @ 06:32 PM
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    "...let me guess, they then used an extensive program of brainwashing to make thousands of total strangers believe some invented person is a family member that they loved, including the US Federal District Attorney (who's wife was on the Pentagon flight)."

    What a load of crap that statement is. Of course I accept that many people who were tied to these events died. I do however question the numbers and the truth about how or perhaps WHERE some of those people died though still remains not truthfully answered.

    "That's my point, I'm not even discussing if those people were on the planes"

    No because you know full well the official story is B.S.

    "I'm asking, quite simply, what happened to several hundred people; people who's lives have been well documented, that existed, that had families; people that apparently never came home on the evening of 9/11.

    What happened to them?"

    How the F*CK does ANYONE know what happened to them? Let the citizens of the country band together and force the truth to be brought to light.

    "You can't just brush it under the table, because answering this question would be uncomfortable to you and might topple your house of conspiracy cards... because, if you did, you would do EXACTLY what you accuse the government of doing, and EXACTLY what you accuse the blind obedient sheep of doing.... unless that *is* what you are doing."

    What a load of gobbledygook codswallop.

    Let's get one thing straight. I don't have a "theory" about what happened, be it a conspiracy one or otherwise.

    What I DO know is that whatever evidence we DO have access to DOES NOT support the official version of what occurred and therefore it is total B.S.

    By removing what is known to be mis-truths (which by the way is how trained detectives are taught to critically analyse a crime), it is therefore a pragmatic and logical deduction that the real version of events is being covered up.

    And I stand by my original assertion yet state in a different way, if you want to stick your head up your ass and swallow the official version then that's your problem.
    Last edited by westozguy; 21-06-2012 at 01:21 PM.

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