View Poll Results: Was 9/11 an inside job - 2016 TD poll

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  1. #126
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    People in glass houses, etc.

    I answered your questions and you still bleat on.
    I gave details as to all available evidence re any human remains from that day.

    There were no people found in those wreckages.

    Why the big cover-up is not a mystery, it's the same old story, MONEY.

    I'll give you more insults if you keep on being an idiot, so it's up to you.
    Suit yourself - it won't support any of your claims, nor help you in gaining credibility. I am giving you a chance, here, to actually gain credibility - which you, nevertheless, seem unable to do, by answering a simple question - what happened to the planes and the crew/passengers.

    Your best response is that "there were no people on those planes" and "those planes don't exist" - which is, at best, the most idiotic answer I have heard so far - particularly seeing as how the existence prior to 9/11 (and current non-existence) of these planes and people are well-documented. What next - claiming the Holocaust never happened?

    I repeat: "Answer the question!"

    As in "what happened to the 4 airliners, their crew and their passengers?"

    I'm not asking about missiles, about impacts, about falling buildings or anything else of a peripheral nature.

    I ask you, what happened to these and their crews:

    - American [at]Airlines Flight 11, a Boeing 767-200ER, 81 passengers - Tail ID: N334AA
    - United Flight 175, a Boeing 767-200ER, 56 passengers - Tail ID: N644AA
    - American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757-200, 58 passengers - Tail ID: N334AA
    - United Airlines Flight 93, a Boeing 757-200, 81 passengers37 - Tail ID: N334AA

    (refer to the earlier links which take you to historical data for the respective planes)

    These planes were real, they had history, as did the crew and the passengers. They are now gone.


  2. #127
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    If you're so bleeding convinced of your own rhetoric why don't you post some decisive information?

    Get something together with reference and post it instead of whining on and complaining, or better yet, give a reasonable explanation of your own views instead of labelling any one with an alternative view a tin-foil-hatter.
    Fair enough - I thought you would never ask:

    No sign of wreckage of a plane at the Pentagon? FALSE!

    The above includes links to images taken inside the Pentagon.

    This photo of engine remains was taken in either D or C-ring by VATF-1 workers. The large circular piece in the middle appears to be the diffusor section of the compressor, though this is not known for certain. Note the torn column nettings on the right. On the left is an obvious piece of yellow-primed aircraft fuselage bearing rivet holes and a twisted silver metal piece next to it.
    However the following photo shows a landing gear found inside C-ring near the punchout hole.

    As other witnesses related, debris lying outside the C-ring punchout hole in A-E Drive included a chunk of nose fuselage or nose cone, a landing gear, and an aircraft tire tread.The following photo (by Fort Belvoir photographers) shows two pieces of fuselage debris (note the green primer) lying in front of the hole. Note a ring of 8 small holes on the larger piece. A similar ring of 8 holes may be found on a 757 nose (with an attaching piece), just below the cockpit windows
    A comparison of tire rims from a 757 with what was found in the wreckage.

    Oh, and here's one for good measure.

    9-11 Review: ERROR: 'The Pentagon Attack Left No Aircraft Debris'

  3. #128
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Finally, here is an incredibly detailed account, that addresses every single of your claims, and lays them to rest:

    The Pentagon Attack: What the Physical Evidence Shows


    The idea that no 757-sized airliner crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11/01 is attractive to many skeptics because it contradicts a fundamental tenet of the official story, is supported by common-sense interpretations of photographs of the crash scene, and provides an explanation for the suspicious lack of physical evidence supporting the official account. Additionally, there is a substantial body of literature by no-757-crash theorists that appears to thoroughly examine the evidence. The complexity of some of this analysis may discourage other skeptics from evaluating the evidence for themselves.

    As I show in this essay, many common errors in no-757-crash theories are easily exposed. Most of the no-757-crash arguments evaporate when scrutinized with attention to empirical data about the behavior of airframes in high-speed crashes, and the geometry of the Pentagon crash scene and vantage points of post-crash photographs. The remaining arguments are easily disposed of by assuming the crash was engineered, consistent with the presumed motives of the perpetrators to discredit the skeptics. Conversely, the abundant eyewitness accounts provide strong evidence for the crash of a 757 or similar aircraft.

    In recent high-profile attacks on the work of 9/11 skeptics, defenders of the official story have consistently focused on the no-757-crash theory as indicative of the gullibility and incompetence of the 9/11 "conspiracy theorists." Researchers including myself have contributed to this vulnerability by endorsing this theory without either weighing all the available evidence (such as the eyewitness accounts) or considering less obvious interpretations for the paucity of physical evidence of a 757 crash.

  4. #129
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    08-01-2024 @ 01:10 AM
    ^nice effort but it's futile waste of time arguing with these fools.

  5. #130
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    11-05-2013 @ 06:32 PM
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    "No sign of wreckage of a plane at the Pentagon? "FALSE!

    So let me get this straight so we can all understand the boundaries of your imagination...

    YOU believe this 100 ton aircraft flew into that hole in it's entirety without so much as barely a single piece of the aircraft breaking off to be visible on the outside?

  6. #131
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ENT View Post
    There were no people found in those wreckages.
    Considering that you yourself stated and confirmed that 200 remains were pulled from the wreckages, I should stop right there, seeing as how can't even consistently lie about your own claims.


    All but 5 individuals were positively identified based on DNA evidence found. While the destruction of the plane was catastrophic enough to make any clear identification a challenge (ie no whole bodies were found), but body parts, and found tissue provided enough, albeit challenging, opportunity for identification. The official investigation ended on November 16, 2001, declaring that 184 of 189 of those killed in the Pentagon attack had been identified.

    Pennsylvania Flight 93:
    Somerset County Coroner Wallace Miller said that the identification was originally expected to take six months. On October 26, the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology DNA lab in Rockville, Maryland, which was tasked with identifying the victims using DNA testing, confirmed that 34 of the 44 people alleged to have been on Flight 93 had been identified.

    WTC Fligh 11 & FLight 175:
    New York City's chief medical examiner, Dr. Charles Hirsch, reported about a year after the attack that 33 victims from Flight 11 and 12 victims from Flight 175 had been identified. 5 Dr. Hirsch, who was himself injured in the attack, would appear to be a credible authority.

    DNA analysis, especially nuclear DNA analysis, is very helpful in identifying remains - because it is easy to retrieve DNA data from either homes (of victims) or rental cars and hotel rooms (for the hijackers) thus allowing very positive (99% accurate) analysis.

    The bodies that were expected to be in the debris, were found and identified in the debris, in some cases even by work-colleagues ("She was taken with other ground crew and attendants who worked that route to see the damage at the Pentagon, and she recognized parts of the plane she had flown so often. There was rubble and remains despite your claims. She was shown autopsy photos of her fellow crew members, including the severed arm of her best friend at work, which she recognized from the bracelet she wore.")

    Question: What happened to the Pentagon crash bodies? - Democratic Underground

    Hijackers DNA profiles - 911myths

  7. #132
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by westozguy View Post
    "No sign of wreckage of a plane at the Pentagon? "FALSE!

    So let me get this straight so we can all understand the boundaries of your imagination...

    YOU believe this 100 ton aircraft flew into that hole in it's entirety without so much as barely a single piece of the aircraft breaking off to be visible on the outside?
    I realize this is quickly becoming pointless to argue this from a knowledge based point of view, when you argue from a complete lay-person's simplistic impressions POV, without having the faintest concept of airplane construction (or Pentagon architecture).

    Airplane = big tube of aluminium, with wings (of aluminium)
    Aluminium = light, bendable, crushes easily (see: aluminium foil vs. steel foil)
    Concrete Building = well, it's reinforced concrete. I don't know what else to say.

    Maybe a video to illustrate:

    Plane Test: F-4 Phantom jet crash into concrete wall | 2dayBlog

    (note: the Pentagon outer wall was NOT built the same as this reinforced concrete block, intended to protect nuclear power stations, hence why the plane, while being gradually vaporized, had enough momentum to impart energy into the building structure and carry it through three 'rings' of the Pentagon.)

    The concept of "momentum" and "energy transference" might go over your head, though.... so allow me to illustrate what happens in energy transference:

    Newton's Cradle ring a bell?

  8. #133
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Finally, I must ask - is anyone on here known as "Prufrock", or knows of him? Candian guy, English "teacher" (who isn't?), lives in Bangkok, loves to hang out at Tilac and goes on and on about 9/11, finance conspiracies, and the whole Bilderberger BS...

  9. #134
    I'm in Jail

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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Don't forget too, that the Pentagon building is armoured.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu View Post
    this is quickly becoming pointless to argue this from a knowledge based point of view, when you argue from a complete lay-person's simplistic impressions POV, without having the faintest concept of airplane construction (or Pentagon architecture).
    This is part of the truth of the matter, as I have said too. ENT and his mates are ignorant and partially-educated people, who have no real grasp of even high school physics.
    ENT has blown his credibility here on TD previously on a number of occasions.
    Albert Shagnastier doesn't even try to debate, but posts links. And Butterfly is one of the few TD members vilified as a quite stupid person.
    This whole business was gone through previously in the "9/11...what really happened?" thread (which I suggest you read if you have the time), in which ENT showed his true colours. He is a cross between a troll and a complete fvckwit.


  10. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer
    Butterfly is one of the few TD members vilified as a quite stupid person.
    I am not sure about that. Sometimes his trolling is so brilliant, that one has to give him some credit.

  11. #136
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    12-06-2021 @ 11:13 PM
    let's not forget that flying a large plane that low to fit perfectly to where it crashed is also the "silly detail" that our government brainwashed retards forget to mention

    you couldn't fly a large plane into the Pentagon even if you wanted to, even the best pilot couldn't do it, and we are to believe that a bunch of ragheads who never flew a plane before could do it on their first try ?

    with Quack Quack believing in all kind of fairy tales, no surprise he is following the official story, that's a red flag right there

  12. #137
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Butterfly View Post

    you couldn't fly a large plane into the Pentagon even if you wanted to, even the best pilot couldn't do it, and we are to believe that a bunch of ragheads who never flew a plane before could do it on their first try ?
    This is complete nonsense dressed up to look credible.
    The terrorists went to flying school in the US.
    And you say the best pilot couldn't do it ? What a stupid statement ! Pilots fly into airports through rain and snow, and small aircraft pilots land on airstrips that are tiny and inaccessible. Ones you wouldn't believe they could land at, if you saw them.

  13. #138
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    This is part of the truth of the matter, as I have said too. ENT and his mates are ignorant and partially-educated people, who have no real grasp of even high school physics.
    Oh, exactly - this has been my experience, time and time again... I found that when talking with people who are genuinely interested in the subject matter, it is best to discuss *and* educate during discussion. The genuine individuals will invariably absorb the factual information and arrive at their own conclusions of what truly happened...

    The zealots will just keep repeating themselves, and to boot, generally prove to have an extremely scattered mind, and unable to maintain focus (basically, they are ADD posterkids...). There was this one guy, which is why I asked about Prufrock, who I once met on the Landmark terrace for a friendly chat... and he just confirmed the above.

    I always ask the same question - which is basically, what happened to the planes, the crew and passengers... and wouldn't you know it, the immediate answer was "the government killed them all".

    Similarly when I pointed out that only a very select group of experts would be capable of pulling off such a controlled demolition, like the WTC buildings, and that it is unlikely that such a large crew could be kept quiet... Can you guess what his answer was?

    "the government killed them all"

    When I pointed out that not only would these people be missed by their families, but such specialized experts, just disappearing, would also be noticed... same 'solution' -- "the government killed them all". At one point, by simple math, I extrapolated that the US government killed roughly 625,000 people, without anyone noticing - which he just brushed off with the usual firm belief that the US government is quite capable of killing 625,000 civilians ... yet, somehow, isn't worried about this guy (and other fanatics) *knowing* about this big secret and telling everyone about it.

    You get the humor, undoubtedly.

    Furthermore, I related an anecdote to him during this conversation, which months later, he "recalled", getting nearly every single detail that I told him wrong, and subsequently accusing me of inaccuracies. Under normal conditions, this would be a strawman, but I believe that his addled mind genuinely mixed up all the facts -- now, mind you, this is the guy presenting himself as an "indefatigable investigator of truth and facts" -- yet, who can't even keep facts told him DIRECTLY straight.

    I have absolutely no doubt that the guys in this thread are no different, since these folks all seem to have studied the exact same scripts....

    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    ENT has blown his credibility here on TD previously on a number of occasions.
    Albert Shagnastier doesn't even try to debate, but posts links. And Butterfly is one of the few TD members vilified as a quite stupid person.
    Oh, I don't even bother taking butterfly seriously... I never did. The guy is suffering from some weird personality disorder (no, not being French ... since he's not that either), which is probably why he's hiding away in the hinterlands of Thailand, and falling through his ceilings...

    ENT, Albert and WestOZguy don't really seem to have much credibility, after just 1-2 replies in this thread... especially since ENT continuously refuses to answer a very simple question.

    If he had all the answers, wouldn't he know what happened to those real planes and people...?

    ... and WestOZguy's answer? Wouldn't you know it? "The government killed them all!"

    Nothing new, all the same script...

    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    This whole business was gone through previously in the "9/11...what really happened?" thread (which I suggest you read if you have the time), in which ENT showed his true colours. He is a cross between a troll and a complete fvckwit.
    I'll save myself the trouble - I doubt that there is anything new in that thread ;-)

    For fun, it's usually entertaining to start a new thread on a forum just asking the question : "Does anyone know what really happened on 9/11?"

    That's usually enough to fire up most of the usual suspects.

  14. #139
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Takeovers View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer
    Butterfly is one of the few TD members vilified as a quite stupid person.
    I am not sure about that. Sometimes his trolling is so brilliant, that one has to give him some credit.
    Not really - his "brilliance" consists of:

    - attempting to antagonize an opponent by calling them "tard" and "gay"
    - referring to anyone that disagrees with him as "tard" and "gay"
    - simply countering anything anyone says with the opposite or a negative.

    I could probably just take an "Eliza" script and turn it into a "Butterfly" script simply by turning each response into a negative, ending each sentence with an exclamation point, and tacking on "tard" and "gay" to every 3rd sentence.

    I bet you that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference ;-)

  15. #140
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Yes, in some ways it's just more of the same twists and turns; the windmills of ENT's mind. In other ways the 9/11 thread is instructive. For instance, ENT believes that nano-thermite was painted inside the WTC !

  16. #141
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    This is complete nonsense dressed up to look credible.
    The terrorists went to flying school in the US.
    And you say the best pilot couldn't do it ? What a stupid statement ! Pilots fly into airports through rain and snow, and small aircraft pilots land on airstrips that are tiny and inaccessible. Ones you wouldn't believe they could land at, if you saw them.
    Why do you bother?

    Just link to this:

    Any plane coming in low to land flies that low - this is nothing new. My father is a commercial pilot, so are his colleagues, and so are many of my friends from back home (I'm not a pilot, though). They all confirm that this does not take any special skill, as in most cases, the plane takes care of most of the flying.

    This is another good recreation, showing that there was plenty of damage consistent with what was seen and recorded at the scene:

    Yeah, those pesky facts again ;-)

  17. #142
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    For instance, ENT believes that nano-thermite was painted inside the WTC !
    Oh, please - not the old nano-termite story...

    Everyone knows that termites only attack wood, and the entire WTC structure contains no wood that genetically enhanced termites could attack...

    Termites, as everyone knows, eat wood.

    The WTC Twin Towers (and surrounding buildings) were made of steel, concrete and glass – not wood.

    Case closed.

  18. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu View Post

    Oh, please - not the old nano-termite story...

    Termites, as everyone knows, eat wood.

    The WTC Twin Towers (and surrounding buildings) were made of steel, concrete and glass – not wood.

    Case closed.

    I have greened you too early. This one certainly deserves one but out of ammo.

  19. #144
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    03-05-2013 @ 07:59 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Takeovers View Post
    I have greened you too early. This one certainly deserves one but out of ammo.
    It's the thought that counts ;-)

    As long as we're all having fun...

  20. #145
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    Shit mate, if you keep making ENT and his mates looking absolutely stupid you could make them cry.

  21. #146
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    Yep, somebody better get the tissues ready.

  22. #147
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    Muzzled for excessive truthiness
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu View Post
    I repeat: "Answer the question!"

    As in "what happened to the 4 airliners, their crew and their passengers?"
    He repeats "Disinformation Rule #14!" (and repeats, and repeats, and so on...)

    As for your attempts at dismissing any alt evidence you don't like with "tin foil hat!" etc ridicule, your peoples' hats are remarkably similar looking,

  23. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by HansuMan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cthulhu View Post
    I repeat: "Answer the question!"

    As in "what happened to the 4 airliners, their crew and their passengers?"
    He repeats "Disinformation Rule #14!" (and repeats, and repeats, and so on...)

    As for your attempts at dismissing any alt evidence you don't like with "tin foil hat!" etc ridicule, your peoples' hats are remarkably similar looking,

    Everything in that video has been answered time and time again.

    What has not been answered is: "what happened to the 4 airliners, their crew and their passengers?"

  24. #149
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    Muzzled for excessive truthiness
    1 hr commercial free interviews:

    Spingola Specials 2012.06.14-15

    Dr. Ed Kendrick, founder of Rediscover 9/11
    " Bamboozling Christian zionists "


    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Spingola Special 2012.06.20 (2)

    Zion Crime Factory (ZCF) talks more about the false voices in the "truth" movement.


    Those who've studied 9/11 for awhile agree:

    The circumstantial connections of Jews, Zionists & Israel to 9-11 are OVERWHELMING: JEWS were involved in planning, executing and are involved in the continuing cover-up of 9-11–or those who claim to be Jews. Jews have positioned themselves in key positions to keep a lid on the Israeli-Jewish connections to 9-11. Investigations and public airing of the evidence has been thwarted by Judge Hellerstein (family victims) and Judge Lehner (NYCCAN). The 96% Zionist owned and controlled mass media blackout of evidence of 9-11 is a BIG CLUE as to who have motive, means and opportunity to orchestrate 9-11 and cover it up. This is just for starters, and this website explores the extensive circumstantial connections of neocons, Israeli companies, criminal Jewish and Zionist operatives purportedly in the service of the U.S. government–including most of the Congress of the U.S.

    “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie — deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive, and unrealistic. Belief in myths allows the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.” ~ John F. Kennedy

  25. #150
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moonraker View Post
    What has not been answered is: "what happened to the 4 airliners, their crew and their passengers?"
    Beats me, you'll have to direct your "Rule #14" question towards THE PERPS OF 9/11

    14. Demand complete solutions. Avoid the issues by requiring opponents to solve the crime at hand completely, a ploy which works best for items qualifying for rule 10.

    Wow, 1,700 Licensed Architects & Engineers now calling for a new 9/11 investigation,

    Please Take Notice That:
    On Behalf of the People of the United States of America, the undersigned Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and affiliates hereby petition for, and demand, a truly independent investigation with subpoena power in order to uncover the full truth surrounding the events of 9/11/01 – specifically the collapse of the World Trade Center Towers and Building 7. We believe there is sufficient doubt about the official story to justify re-opening the 9/11 investigation. The new investigation must include a full inquiry into the possible use of explosives that might have been the actual cause of the destruction of the World Trade Center Twin Towers and Building 7.
    The Undersigned

    Architects & Engineers:

    Solving the Mystery of
    World Trade Center Building 7

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