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  1. #126
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    Maryland was joined by Maine in approving gay marriage, making the two states’ voters the first in the country to approve the measures by a popular vote. Voters in Minnesota rejected a constitutional amendment that would have banned same-same sex marriage.


    Maryland and Maine join six other states and the District where same-sex marriage has been legal.

    Voters in Washington also considered a measure to allow gay nuptials Tuesday. With just over 51 percent of precincts reporting, votes in favor of the measure were slightly ahead of votes against it, but the contest remained to close to call.

    Vote on Maryland same-sex marriage law is close - The Washington Post


    Minnesota voters reject same sex marriage ban

    Voters in Minnesota have defeated a proposed amendment to the state constitution that would redefine marriage as being strictly between a man and a woman. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that the proposed amendment failed by more than 100,000 votes with more than 98 percent of precincts reporting, although the bill’s sponsors have yet to concede the loss.


    The Human Rights Campaign, the largest gay rights group in Washington, DC, just informed me that marriage equality has won in Washington state – we won all four gay marriage ballot measures last night, three legalizing marriage for gay couples, and one stopping an anti-gay state constitutional amendment.

    Gays win marriage in WA State!
    Last edited by S Landreth; 08-11-2012 at 04:11 AM.
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  2. #127

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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    And the decline of America continues................
    You're right Davis. But sadly, with Obama reelected, I'm afraid we haven't seen anything yet.

  3. #128
    I don't know barbaro's Avatar
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    The Washington state gay marriage is now at 53% and is being called a "pass."

  4. #129
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by ralphlsasser View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    And the decline of America continues................
    You're right Davis. But sadly, with Obama reelected, I'm afraid we haven't seen anything yet.

    brilliant, blame Obama for all social ills and the total fuk up of the US

    If I remember, he came into his first term with the US economy totally screwed

    and gay marriage was already happening, and there were millions of poverty stricken people, and few of them had adequate health care, and....
    I have reported your post

  5. #130
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    24-01-2019 @ 09:21 AM
    ^ That is what most of these blokes seem to forget,bush & his cronies absolutley ruined the place and obama got the blame.

  6. #131
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    Oregon, another state to join the list.

    Today, February 19, faith leaders and Oregon United for Marriage Chief Petitioner Jeana Frazzini turned in 2,000 sponsorship signatures on the Freedom to Marry and Religious Protection Initiative—twice the number of signatures needed to move into the ballot title process.

    Oregon United for Marriage collected the signatures in one week, one of the fastest turnaround times for a sponsorship petition. The signatures come from 29 counties across Oregon, counties representing over 97 percent of Oregon’s population. Leaders from across the state—including Governor John Kitzhaber and former Governor Barbara Roberts, plus state legislators, mayors, and city and county elected officials—signed the sponsorship petitions. Over 70 clergy and faith leaders from numerous denominations signed the sponsorship petition, representing Protestant, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Lutheran-Catholic, Methodist, Jewish, Quaker, and Buddhist faith traditions.

    Once the Secretary of State Elections Division processes the signatures and ensures that the requirement for 1,000 valid signatures is met, the ballot title process begins. After a ballot title is approved, Oregon United for Marriage can get to work collecting the 116,284 valid signatures required to qualify for the November 2014 ballot. We’ll need your help; Sign up to volunteer or contribute today.

  7. #132
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    Obama Evolves Even Further, Denies That State Marriage Bans Are Constitutional

    President Obama’s endorsement of marriage equality was an historic occasion, but he also qualified it somewhat by suggesting that states should continue to decide whether to discriminate against their citizens. In an interview released this morning with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, the president indicated that his views on marriage have evolved even further. He now says that he cannot imagine how a state’s decision to discriminate against same-sex couples could be constitutional:

    “Well, I’ve gotta tell you that — in terms of practical politics, what I’ve seen is a healthy debate taking place state by state, and not every state has the exact same attitudes and cultural mores. And I — you know, my thinking was that this is traditionally a state issue and — that it will work itself out,” he said. “On the other hand — what I also believe is that the core principle that people don’t get discriminated against — that’s one of our core values. And it’s in our Constitution.”

    Stephanopoulos then asked whether Obama could imagine a circumstance wherein a state’s gay marriage ban could pass constitutional muster.

    “Well, I can’t, personally. I cannot,” Obama responded. “That’s part of the reason I said, ultimately, I think that, same-sex couples should be able to marry. That’s my personal position. And, frankly, that’s the position that’s reflected — in the briefs that we filed — in the Supreme Court.”

  8. #133

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    It's laughable that the ones that allow same sex marriage are either ABOVE the Mason - Dixon line or out on the west coast.

  9. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by ralphlsasser View Post
    It's laughable that the ones that allow same sex marriage are either ABOVE the Mason - Dixon line or out on the west coast.
    Yeah...we like to keep the pre-evolved down in the swamps where they like it.

  10. #135
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    I forgot where I read it,……if only Republican children could come out poor.

    GOP Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) on CNN has come out for gay marriage, all because his son Will, who’s a junior at Yale, came out to him as gay two years ago.

    Portman was against gay marriage, voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), voted to ban gays from adopting in Washington, DC, and supported a federal constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage. Now he’s changed his mind, all because his son Will had the courage to come out to dad.

    UPDATE: Conference-goers at the annual CPAC conference today – the biggest and most important conservative/GOP conference of the year – wasted no time in blasting Portman for having a gay son (it’s Portman’s “fault”), and for “agreeing with sodomy.”

    Senator Portman: My son is gay, I'm for gay marriage


    Published on Mar 12, 2013

    Lynne Osterman who was elected as a Republican to the Minnesota legislature says she regrets casting a "political expedient" vote for Minnesota's "Defense of Marriage" law that outlawed same-sex marriage. She tears up when talking about it and urges Minnesota lawmakers to legalize same-sex marriage.

  11. #136
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    CPAC 2O13 ended and we learned something,…the GOPs room of bigots is getting smaller (hopefully the stoopid and intolerant are dying off or they have just moved to the tea party side)

    Cleta Mitchell, a D.C. lawyer who successfully led the charge to keep the LGBT conservative group GOProud out of the Conservative Political Action Conference for the past two years, is finding out what it means to lose a hard-fought battle.

    Mitchell and the National Organization for Marriage's Brian Brown looked down from a stage at the annual, signature conservative conference whose social values they'd fought to defend to find they'd lost their troops.

    "We are treated as if we are bigots," Brown complained to a largely empty room, assembled for a panel dedicated to discussing the bullying they and other conservatives say they face from the Obama administration.

    An hour later, speaking to a packed room at another CPAC panel about increasing tolerance in the party, GOProud executive director Jimmy LaSalvia basically agreed.

    "We have tolerated something in our movement for far too long: anti-gay bigotry," LaSalvia said. "Let me be clear, I do not believe that just because someone opposes same-sex marriage that that automatically makes them a homophobe. But there are, however, a few. There are a few in our movement who just don't like gay people. In 2013, that just isn't OK in America anymore."

    At CPAC, The Marriage Fight Is Over


    3) Gay marriage: Could the ACU’s ban on GOProud’s participation have possibly backfired any worse? (Note to self: Have ACU ban my participation in the future.) Despite taking place at the same time as the meet-and-greet with Congressman Paul Ryan, Thursday evening’s panel on gay inclusion (which the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute smuggled into the events schedule via a loophole) was so crowded that attendees were sprawled on the floor, pressed up against doors, and craning their necks for a view of the panel, in a conference room that quickly became fire-department-defying, standing-room-only. (In stark contrast, the National Organization for Marriage’s event was nearly empty.) Then, in an opinion piece published the next morning, Senator Rob Portman (R-OH) announced his newfound support for gay marriage. And, earlier today, conservative commentator George Will noted the opposition to gay marriage is literally dying.

    CPAC 2013′s Winners and Losers


    It is time to take a moment to again reflect on just how much progress has been made on the issue of marriage equality in the last decade.

    Back during the 2008 Democratic primary none of the strongest candidates supported same-sex marriage. Now with the recent endorsement of Hillary Clinton every Democrat that is viewed as a possible top tier candidate in the 2016 Presidential primary has come out in favor of marriage equality.

    Vice President Joe Biden came out in support of same-sex marriage right before President Obama did. Both New York Governor Andrew Coumo and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley recently championed same-sex marriage laws in their respective states. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (MA) and Sen. Kristina Gillibrand both signed the amicus brief against DOMA.

    Every Democratic politician that currently has a decent chance of running for presidential in 2016 is a strong supporter of marriage equality and it is probably safe to say that there will never again be a legitimate Democratic candidate for president that doesn’t back same-sex marriage. That is something worth celebrating.

    2016: All Top Tier Democratic Candidates Now Back Marriage Equality

    Last edited by S Landreth; 19-03-2013 at 03:30 AM.

  12. #137
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    ^^Conservatives have a long and storied history of either being against something or simply not caring about it until it effects them personally.

    Studies show that conservatives are lacking in empathy, more fearful, and favour low-effort thought processes.

  13. #138
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Heh...what a crock.

    Study after study shows how Placebos work better on Libtards than Conservatives.

    You scare easier too!

  14. #139
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Heh...what a crock.
    Is it though, Booners.

    Would you hold yourself out as representative of the intellect/psychology of conservatives?

  15. #140
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Why do you have your repo turned off, Pee Wee?

    Tired of seeing nothing but RED?

  16. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by AntRobertson
    Would you hold yourself out as representative of the intellect/psychology of conservatives?
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Why do you have your repo turned off, Pee Wee? Tired of seeing nothing but RED?
    excellent, you answered his question perfectly

  17. #142
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Yep, that he did indeed.

  18. #143
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    Marriage is a union between a Man and a Woman .

  19. #144
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    "Marriage" is just a relatively modern construct based on Judeo-Christian principles and has meant different things throughout the ages. Extending it to include same sex couples is just natural progression.

  20. #145
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    No it isn't. Marriage predates the earliest records of the promised people in the chosen land by many millenia. Homosexual marriage however does not have any traditions or precedents in any culture with the exception of very rare cases in ancient China, and they didn't get the religious ceremony reserved for the proper marriage.

    Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. 'If it weren't for children, there would be no need for an institution concerned with sex.' Bertrand Russell, liberal philosopher. Gays don't produce children that have to be protected by the marriage of their parents.

  21. #146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rainfall
    No it isn't. Marriage predates the earliest records of the promised people in the chosen land by many millenia. Homosexual marriage however does not have any traditions or precedents in any culture with the exception of very rare cases in ancient China, and they didn't get the religious ceremony reserved for the proper marriage.
    I was obviously referring to the modern concept of the 'traditional' marriage - I say 'traditional' because it really isn't traditional. Marriage has been a constantly changing and evolving concept. Polygamy used to be a relatively common form of marriage and is still practised today, and even the notion of same-sex marriage isn't new: it was practised up until the 13th century when the Church became involved and declared it 'immoral'. So in fact, in the grand scheme of things, the 'traditional' concept of marriage as being between one man and one woman is a relatively new development.

    Also remembering of course that many of the same arguments for 'traditional' marriage today were also applied not that very long ago to actively deny inter-racial marriages; something that is increasingly common today.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rainfall
    Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. 'If it weren't for children, there would be no need for an institution concerned with sex.' Bertrand Russell, liberal philosopher. Gays don't produce children that have to be protected by the marriage of their parents.
    Nonsense. You are not required to even be married to have kids nor 'protect' them. And even then how do you explain couples who use birth-control or childless couples (either by choice or infertility). Should they be denied the right to marry as well.

  22. #147
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rainfall View Post
    No it isn't. Marriage predates the earliest records of the promised people in the chosen land by many millenia. Homosexual marriage however does not have any traditions or precedents in any culture with the exception of very rare cases in ancient China, and they didn't get the religious ceremony reserved for the proper marriage.

    Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. 'If it weren't for children, there would be no need for an institution concerned with sex.' Bertrand Russell, liberal philosopher. Gays don't produce children that have to be protected by the marriage of their parents.
    I often wonder why arrogance is only found in Humans. Perhaps it is not?

    Here are some real facts for you freakoids. The Bible and all religious texts are....wait for it....made up. They are fiction. All of them. It is all bullshit. So, when we can accept that simple fact, we then understand that a marriage ceremony is a load of balls as well when related to religion. After all, how many of the millions of people who are married actually go to church and all that shit at times when there is not a show and tell ceremony to go to - 5%? maybe 7%? I doubt it is as high as that. So really the actual marriage ceremony has fuck all to do with religion because the vast amount of people there are not "real believers" they are just faking it.

    So, a marriage ceremony is a show, and there are no one better than gays when it comes to putting on a show. And you retards want to stop them doing this because you believe some shit in a made up book? Do you take Lord of the Rings as real as well?

    Bloody hell - if two people want to put on a show of love for their friends and family, and happen to believe in some shite made up religion, then who the fuck are you all to tell them that your made up god wouldn't like it? What really gets my goat is the discrimination against unmarried people, taxing people basically who chose not to believe in some bullshit book written a few hundred years ago. you think Jesus would beat up a couple of gays for being gay? Surely he would see their love and approve of them, being that he lived in a time when is was the fashion for men to have a young man to arse fuck when their wife was on the blob.

  23. #148
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    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post

    What really gets my goat is the discrimination against unmarried people, taxing people basically who chose not to believe in some bullshit book written a few hundred years ago.
    UM, you can get married without going anywhere near a church or muttering anything about god or whatever, at the registery office.
    " do you? Do you? sign here, that'll be 10 bucks please."
    Last edited by Cujo; 20-03-2013 at 12:14 PM.

  24. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koojo View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by pseudolus View Post

    What really gets my goat is the discrimination against unmarried people, taxing people basically who chose not to believe in some bullshit book written a few hundred years ago.
    UM, you can get married without going anywhere near a church or muttering anything about god or whatever, at the registery office.
    " do you? Do you? sign here, that'll be 10 bucks please."
    So what? Marriage is a load of bull shit, and the only reason we as humans do it, regardless of some bullshit made up crap from another poster, is religion. Civil marriages are new, church ones are not.

    So why should anyone be told "you are not allowed to marry" when their only objections has to do with fake bullshit religions because really it has fuck all to do with anyone else who does what, except when those who chose not to or can not get married lose out on tax breaks. That is abhorrent.

  25. #150
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    Colorado’s governor on Thursday signed into law a bill that allows same-sex couples in the state to enter into civil unions.

    Supporters of the bill packed into the History Colorado Museum to celebrate the signing of SB11, the Colorado Civil Union Act.

    “It’s about fucking time,” one woman said after kissing her partner.

    The new law provides committed gay and lesbian couples with many of the legal protections and rights provided to married couples, including adopting children and making end-of-life decisions for a partner.

    The development is a dramatic change from 2006, when voters approved an amendment to the state constitution to prohibit same-sex marriage.

    Colorado state Reps. Mark Ferrandino and Pat Steadman introduced the first civil unions bill in 2011. The legislation was blocked by Republican lawmakers until this year, when Democrats won back the state House.

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