I try to take the train as much as possible and the new rattlers have been rolled out on one of the afternoon slots down from Bkk.

More comfortable and a touch quieter with slightly better soundproofing.

Amazingly, in 12 years of taking trains in Thailand, we arrived on time for the first time ever, so it was into a minivan and onto the ferry at Pak Barra. First view of Lipe just under 24 hours after leaving Bangkok.

As you arrive, you'll see Walking Street. Just like Pattaya, said no-one ever.

The best beach is Sunrise and the walk takes you past a few of the simple beach bungalows, for which you'll usually pay approximately 1-2k a night.

It's not a cheap island by any stretch of the imagination, but it's worth it.

A handful of people - families and couples - at the busiest times of day.

Settling down with a beer at dusk.

Immigration was a hectic affair.

Time for one last dip off Pattaya Beach if the mood takes you.

Fuck, you'd be better off swimming to the ferry anyway.

In Langkawi 90 mins later.

Is that a unicorn?