While in Phuket in April I booked a days diving through Nautilus dive in Kata Beach.Pretty sure they just on-booked me as I ended up on a South Seas dive boat with a South Seas dive master called Phil who was a great guide.

Dive Boat

The day was comprised of three dives,King Cruiser,Shark Point and Koh Doc Mai.

The photo above was taken the day the King Cruiser,a ferry,sank in calm waters with no loss of life or injury,strangely just two days before the insurance ran out.

The rest of these pics were taken at the three sites I dived.I'm really up on the names of all the fish but I will do my best

One of the boats toilets being guarded by a Lionfish

Me coming out of the hull

These next ones are from Shark Point.

Leopard Shark.

Chevron Barracuda,these buggers spooked me a bit as some other divers accidentally headed them my way which crowded them and stirred them up a bit.

they were a decent size.

Devilfish or as I like to call it.....mother in law fish

A small Bamboo Shark having a snooze.

Last up was a dive at Doc Mai which had a current running but wasn't too bad if you kept close to the wall.


Twat fish

I think these are called painted clown shrimp?

Cute little bugger

These are some nudibranchs.

Hanging on to the wall doing my safety stop.

It was a great day diving with generally pretty good vis.Seeing the Leopard shark was a great buzz and as long as people don't mess with them they will stick around and not move on.There are a couple of small caves to enter at Doc Mai but not a lot to see in there.

Would definitely recommend these dives to others and also recommend Phil and South Sea divers.It was a well equipped and well run boat with good facilities and food.
