If one thing in life is true it is that you can never own too many cameras or waste too much time on the internet reading about them. You can even go out and take pictures too if you feel the need.

Panasonic TZ-30
Knockabout travel-zoom

Canon S100
High end point and shoot with 1/1.7" sensor

Olympus XZ-1
High end point and shoot with 1/1.63" sensor
(similarish to the S100)

Canon 1000D
I don't use DSLR for every day shooting but I need one for nature and sport with the 55-250 IS zoom

Nikon V1

While I am pondering whether to go M43 or NEX for my MILC I thought I would get a V1 to tide over my purchase cravings since they are giving them away on e-bay