As was noted on the 'Downtown Cetu' topic, a couple of us we mentioning the lovely Kinilaw [pronounced kini lao].

As i didnt want the food or any other food recipes to be lost in the topic, i thought i make a topic about filipino food, and yes, this might be rather a small topic as filipino food is beyond rank, with only a small smattering a nice food.

If Ceburat would like to try making Kinilaw, please post your pic in here for all to see.

Anyway, as i was about to edit my last post in my other topic, thought i paste in back here instead.

I'm looking through this cooking book and trying to at least find the vis on youtube. Not having much luck.

Papaya Ensalada - [all i found on youtube was in spanish]

1 half ripe papaya, peeled and cubed
half k. squid, cubed

1/2 cup white vinegar
1/2 cup soya oil
1 small onion
1 thumb size ginger, chopped
1 tbsp. sugar
pinch of salt
pepper to taste

1. blanch the squid. Drain and set aside [blanch?]
2. place the squid in a bowl and add papaya. Add the dressing and toss.
3. To prepare the dressing: Blend all the ingredients until smooth. Strain further with a cheesecloth to remove large bits of the ingredients, 'or a sieve if you're a westerner'

Still like to look at a picture to see what its meant to look like but seems ok. Maybe transfer this to a cooking topic instead

I have just remembered, i met a girl a few years ago who bought some lovely sweet pineapple with a bag of white crystal. I ask her what it was and it turned out to to be salt. SALT for heavens sake!!

Anyhow i tried it and quickly spat it out. It was like battery acid. Do Thai's eat pineapple like this or its just the Filipinos?