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  1. #26
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    Badladz is a relatively small resort, as there are bigger resort-hotels in other parts of the island. I think it would be adequate for some flashpackers like BLD or crocman. But prolly not good enough for S.Landreth. Heh.

  2. #27
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    Since it's a small resort, there's no elevator (lift, heh).
    If you can't handle these stairs, then woe to you.

  3. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23
    At Terminal 3, you'll come across some adverts from the shipping lines.
    There's a sailor girl in that one pic who reminds me of someone...Thanks, katie...Will be back to see more...

  4. #29
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    I arrived in the island ~1pm and after dropping my bags, went out for a bite.
    Saw these garbage men doing their thang.

    After my lunch (sorry no pics of that, as I was so hungry), I just rested in my room. In the late afternoon, I went out again, camera fully charged, to be Katie the Explorer.

    On the way out of the resort

    Pics of the town

    @fishlocker, if you're viewing this, there's a Western Union where you can send your Benjis. heh...

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaitongBoy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by katie23
    At Terminal 3, you'll come across some adverts from the shipping lines.
    There's a sailor girl in that one pic who reminds me of someone...Thanks, katie...Will be back to see more...
    you mean you also have a "thang" for little(big) sailor girls? heh..

  6. #31
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    ^This looks like "the real deal"...Heh...

  7. #32
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    @bb - Seems ppl here have a "thang" for sailor girls. Let's see what Davis says when he sees this Sailor Girl, and not the Newcastle one. I think he likes the meaty ones, though. heh...

    I don't have a sailor outfit, but I have a plaid skirt which can prolly qualify for a school girl uniform. Is school girl good enough? heh...

  8. #33
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    On with the show. More pics of the town...

    There are many trike & motorbike drivers who will offer their services, if you want to go to other parts of the island

  9. #34
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    Saw this map. Sabang beach is where there are lots of dive resorts. The divers go in the direction of Verde Island.

    My destination for this afternoon was White Beach, which is ~20 min away.

    The places I went to (in this trip) are: White Beach, Sabang beach, Aninuan, and also took the road going to Calapan (for Tamaraw Falls). I went NE, west and SW, so staying near Muelle Pier was ideal.

  10. #35
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    This is the area of White Beach. The trikes & motorbikes are allowed until a certain point only, so you'll have to walk ~150 m from the highway. I like the view of the mountains in the distance.

  11. #36
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    sydney by the beach
    Good report Katie. Informative & pics are good. When do we get to see pics of the goats, just thinking of BB, like.

  12. #37
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    Good one Katie,

    The only thing I know About Flipperland is from you and BLD picture threads.

    Never ever been there. TA.

  13. #38
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    @grasshopper - Patience, grasshopper. I saw goats on my 2nd & 3rd days, these pix are still from the 1st day. But yes, I took pics of all sexy thangs - boys, girls, dogs & of course, goats! Cheers.

    @terry - thanx for the luv, I liked your motorshow pix too. Not too many plastic silicone models in the recent one, so I didn't get too envious. I think if ya went to Flipland, you'll be mobbed bcos of your 'stache. Cheers!

    My net is acting up again. It's good only during late nite or early morn. Grrr. Will try to post again later, am posting frm fone now. My PB is acting up in the laptop. Cheers all & the sexy bikini goat pix later!

  14. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23
    but I have a plaid skirt which can prolly qualify for a school girl uniform. Is school girl good enough? heh...
    That would be very nice of you, katie...Cheers...

    That looks like a very nice place to visit...I can picture walking around the town...And your gaff looks nice, stone stairs and all...

    Well done...

  15. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23
    the sexy bikini goat pix later
    This should be good for some...Heh...

  16. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by BaitongBoy View Post

    That looks like a very nice place to visit...I can picture walking around the town...And your gaff looks nice, stone stairs and all...

    Well done...
    And a 30 minute drive from my house to the pier. Leave home at 10AM, there for lunch......

  17. #42
    I'm in Jail

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    Bungling in the jungle
    "@fishlocker, if you're viewing this, there's a Western Union where you can send your Benjis. heh..."

    Ha ha, I like your spunk Katie. No,not that type of spunk you pervs.

    If your looking to get some crowd funding for the next adventure the fish would have no trouble flipping a young flipper a fin. I meant a young Filipino a fiver.

    I know I'm flip flopping like a cheapo seppo but I am saving for my next great adventure myself. Ok, you caught me. Would you settle for a Grant?

    I love your pic threads btw. You seem to pack a lot of pics and info into them. Keep up the great work. I have to take the time someday to learn Photobucket as it has to be easier than the TD gallery. All the resizing and uploading really takes time.

    Thanks again, the fish.

  18. #43
    I am in Jail

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    Nice pics kaa katie...Its look like a nice place..thanks for shairing...and I wolud love to see you with that skrit ..hehe

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by katie23 View Post
    More pics of the gaff.

    My room was on the 2nd floor (again, US reference). My first floor = ground floor. I've always thought it weird that in UK/European parlance, 1/F is my 2nd floor. Heh.

    If you're staying here, ask for a 2nd floor room as the views are better.

    Awesome trip and pics Katie. Thanks for sharing.
    How much did the room cost?

  20. #45
    I'm in Jail

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    Yes, never mind the goats. We wanna see the skirt

  21. #46
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    christchurch, NooZland
    or goats in skirts (if there are no sheep)

  22. #47
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    Gosh, this is a tough crowd to please! Seems everyone (and not just Betty) want to see thegoats! Patience, my dear ppl.

    Thnx for all the luv & greens. I noticed that I now have 2 gold coins. If only they were convertible to cash! Sigh...

    My net & PB are still bad, so I'll answer some questions &/ or comments.

    @Cujo - it was low season, so the rooms costed ~20 usd in Agoda, incldg taxes. In high season, it's prolly 30 usd or more. The rooms & location were good, but as I've said, the water pressure wasn't strong on the 2nd floor (but could still shower). The A/C unit was also a bit noisy, if you're bothered abt those things. But generally a good venue. I'd give ita 9/10.

    From the airport, it takes 1.5- 2h to reach Batangas pier, then ~1.5 hrs to get to the island. I saw lots of farang/Kano who looked like expats & not tourists. They prolly like the laid-back island vibe, just like I did. PG is less touristy (and generally cheaper) than Boracay. However, the sand in Boracay is better. Or would say the best, from all the beaches that I've seen.

    @bld, bb & thaiza - I'm not going to post any skirt pix or face pix. I don't want my face to be associated w/ Sophia & friends. Heh!

    @phunphin - sorry, no sexy goat pix in a skirt. There is one hot, sexy momma goat, though, so watch out. Lol... p.s. I have an ex-colleague who migrated to NZ. When I saw him last, he said Kiwis have weird accents. Heh...

    For those who want to see Boracay, I also have a thread from there. Went there almost same time, last year.

  23. #48
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    @fish - if you grant me a Grant, I'd be grateful. That would take care of my gaff for another adventure. Lol

    @davis - I didn't stay at the place you mentioned in Sabang, bcos I didn't like the pics that I've seen of Sabang. When I saw Sabang beach in person, I liked it even less. What csn I say.. it's a diving beach and not a swimming or place-to-chill beach. It's also the party place, but I wasn't into that for this holiday..

  24. #49
    patsycat's Avatar
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    08-11-2017 @ 09:54 PM
    Another lovely thread from the lovely Katie!!

  25. #50
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    Great travel-pic thread as always Katie, thanks!.

    Hope you don't mind if I share a few pics from around Galera in your thread too?. I have an old friend in the PI who owns a large boat. Well some people would call it a small ship, it has a permanent crew. Anyway, couple of years back I was over there visiting and he suggested we load up and head to Puerto for a few nights of chilling out, drinking beer, and having BBQ's on the back deck. He also owns a few hotels and bars so provisioning took no time at all, and 8 of us were soon under way .

    We anchored at Sabang on the first night, then moved around the islands anchoring in different places each night. Should have taken more pics, but here's a few anyway. It's a great spot for boaties.

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