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Thread: Rodrigo Duterte

  1. #26
    Thailand Expat Airportwo's Avatar
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    & Obama was elected as he was going to "change" the ways of the evil world - pure marketing!

  2. #27
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    In my ofc, there's a mid mgt guy who's gregarious & openly campaigning for duterte. He's trying to sway the undecideds. His pitch is, vote duterte so that the bad ppl will be eliminated. Seems like Duterte has many supporters in my ofc too, and these are white collar ppl.

    I'm an undecided. Poe is, as davis said, uninspiring & a newbie. Binay is corrupt. Roxas has no backbone. Miriam has health issues & i think her time has passed. Her quips are always good for a laugh, though. Duterte is loud mouthed (kinda like Trump) & is a womanizer & not good on human rights.

  3. #28
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    ^Yeah. It's a pretty sad line-up. Binay and Roxas are just a continuation of the corrupt, party machine past. Miriam is sick...and crazy.

    It comes down to boring Poe, or flamboyant Duterte....and Filipinos love a good show.

    Did a quick household and neighborhood poll yesterday. Twenty only, so not a meaningful sample at all, I was just interested.

    13 workers - Duterte. 3 homeowners - Duterte. 3 Homeowners - Poe. One homeowner - Roxas.

    16 - 4 for Duterte. In Southern Luzon. 100% of working class poor for Duterte.

    Duterte has a big mouth, has made some really stupid statements, but, in part due to this, caught center stage early. @Katie: I think Duterte's womanizing is well in the past - not that being a womanizer was ever a negative for a Filipino candidate (unless they piss off the church).

    Only about 3 weeks until the election. Right now, I think Duterte will win.l

  4. #29
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    ^I might caveat the above by saying that I am not at all convinced Duterte would be a good, effective President.

    But, I do think he's the best of the bunch.

    Much will depend on whether or not, if he wins, he surrounds himself with good, intelligent advisors or, like Erap, brings corrupt cronies on board. It was they who ultimately brought Erap down.

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton
    Did a quick household and neighborhood poll yesterday. Twenty only, so not a meaningful sample at all, I was just interested.
    Seems similar in other places. In official polls this does not show at all though, it seems. And those polls cannot be somehow biased, can they?

    We are leaving shortly after the election. My wife thinks it is better we are already in Cebu, near the airport, leaving Bohol early. Just in case civil war breaks out if people think Duterte was cheated out of victory. She may be overstating things somewhat but the difference between official polls and what one hears from ordinary people is quite stark.
    "don't attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by incompetence"

  6. #31
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    If either Binay or Roxas win it, and it is viewed that the election was stolen (again) by the corrupt political machine, it will not sit well. Especially since neither Binay nor Roxas have been in the news for weeks. It will be viewed that they didn't even bother with aggressive campaigning as it was already in the bag.

  7. #32
    Thailand Expat CaptainNemo's Avatar
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    in t' naughty lass
    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    Tough guy. Very little education. Widely rumored to have been heavily involved in the DDS (Davao Death Squads) which executed numerous criminals without trial. He admitted it years ago, then later denied it.

    Rumor has three NPA attacking his home in the '90's, and being stuffed in oil drums and burned alive on his front lawn.

    Latest, a month ago, told a guy to put out his cigarette when smoking in a No Smoking area. The guy didn't respond fast enough, so Duterte stuck his .38 in the guy's face and made him eat it.

    That said, Davao is one of the cleanest cities I've ever been in. The surrounding areas are an NPA stronghold, but the city is safe and near crime free.

    He's very attractive to Filipinos who see him as a tough, law and order guy. My wife likes him as well.

    Bit of a thug. Plays well as a local Mayor, but I don't think he has the brain power to be an effective President.l
    He sounds right out of an American "quit bustin ma balls kowalski" cop film... cue deep gravelly voice: "Dirty Duterte" - a maverick moral thug with a heart of gold who doesn't play by the rules but gets the job done.

  8. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainNemo View Post

    "Dirty Duterte" - a maverick moral thug with a heart of gold who doesn't play by the rules but gets the job done.
    Just the image he's working........................

  9. #34
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    Just as he was really picking up speed, he made a real poor taste rape joke yesterday, about a real rape, and is seriously in the crapper again. But memories are short, and there are still three weeks to go......

  10. #35
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    Gringo Honasan still about ?

  11. #36
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    ^Been a Senator for many years. Currently running for Vice-President.

  12. #37
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    Made plenty of headlines in his day.

  13. #38
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    ^Indeed he did.

  14. #39
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    What about Pacquiao, I keep hearing rumors that he will make a run (though not this time obviously).

    His is an inspiring story but something tells me he would be a bit of a disaster as President.

  15. #40
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    ^Manny is an Honorary High School graduate, an Honorary Air Force Lieutenant Colonel, and a generally absentee Congressman.

    Higher office is very unlikely. But, it's the Philippines.......

  16. #41
    Thailand Expat AntRobertson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton
    Higher office is very unlikely
    Ah goodo, cheers.

    It's just one of those things I've seen associated with his name from time to time: '... possible future Presidential candidate' etc. Was wondering if there was any actual substance to it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton
    But, it's the Philippines.......
    They wouldn't seriously consider a reality TV star would they??

  17. #42
    Philippine Expat
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    ^Well, there was Erap.............

  18. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobo746 View Post
    Gringo Honasan still about ?
    This was taken a few years ago in bohol, he,s still very much active

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    ^Well, there was Erap.............
    Taken about the same time, Being the mayors probably not as lucrative as being el presidente but at least you get to have your ugly mug on the back of a trike

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Davis Knowlton View Post
    Just as he was really picking up speed, he made a real poor taste rape joke yesterday, about a real rape, and is seriously in the crapper again. But memories are short, and there are still three weeks to go......
    Australian Embassy blasted Duterte on-line about the rape comment - which was about a case involving an Australian missionary about 30 years ago.

    Duterte told them to STFU and mind their own fucking business.

    There were so many comments from Duterte supporters the Aussie Embassy had to take down their website.

  21. #46
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    By the flippos and roaming
    Foreigners are strictly not allowed to be involved in any of the political circus going on. It is clearly stated at immigration when entering the country. Can face deportation.

    Journalist killing is as well high on the list in Philippines.

    Keeping quiet in the hammock.

    (was yesterday in the town hall, lots of political supporters in coloured T-shirts were getting paid for touring the roads with loud speakers...)
    Monday,Tuesday, then it goes WTF !

  22. #47
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    ^Despite this rape comment, and the resulting hysteria, as always, orchestrated by Gabriella, Duterte is still looking really strong in my neck of the woods. Binay and Roxas continue to mumble from the sidelines, Miriam is near invisible, Poe hasn't been heard of much in a few days, and Duterte is still center stage.

  23. #48
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    it's going to be close. Closer than I thought it would be, but I still think Poe is going to just shade this with Duterte having done amazingly well really, to come in at #2. Duterte's camp is the one that is making all the noise, but I think there may be such a thing as a 'silent majority' even in the Philippines, who's reputation as being the noisiest country in the world is fully deserved.

  24. #49
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    ^No telling. Few weeks to go. If Poe takes it, I think the result will be accepted. If Binay or Roxas come out on top, folks down here are talking EDSA3 and taking to the streets.

  25. #50
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    Lots of Duterte supporters in my office. Accdg to V, the other Filipina on the Yangon-KL flight, Duterte is strong in her ofc too.

    Duterte made a stupid comment abt that Australian missionary. I think his mouth is his biggest enemy.

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