So we got beer bars, a fresh food market, a holiday resort consisting of Thai teak wood houses / huts, a good few restaurants, a gym, plus several other places to attract the Thais and farangs, all this in the middle of no where in Jomtien on Rompho Road opposite Soi 5, although to be honest with land value being so high here I wouldn't be suprised in a few years time if the bars are knocked down and a condo built there, but the place is getting busy, almost buzzing.

Lets start with the market, suprisingly it is called Rompho Market I believe, this is real popular and busy with both Thais and farangs, the area did need this market and over the last couple of years it has really built up a good customer base, basically all we had locally was Foodmart which is more of a place to buy lamb chops and cheese, at top notch prices I might add, not knocking Foodmart as it does have some really good stuff in, but it is a tad expensive for your everyday shopping and is more aimed at the farang market.

The front of the Jomtien market, looks a bit smarter than the old style Thai markets don't it

All the vegetables you will ever need can be bought at the Rompho market, as well as of course fruits, meat, and anything else you may want to eat.

As for beer bars, who thought they would catch on in Jomtien, there is probably about 30 odd in total at Rompho with some at the back still being built, obviously the front ones generally do the best customer wise, although at 50baht a beer on average they aint making a fortune, also those with pool tables don't charge for games, thats pretty much unheard of in Pattaya, maybe Pattaya trourists will start visiting Jomtien for afternoon drinks to save a bit of money and have a few games of pool, who knows, it's only a 10baht taxi ride away.

Some bars that aren't quite finished yet but will soon be up for rent no doubt and probably rented out quite quickly looking at how well the place has been doing.

The Aussie Bar is quite a busy one, it's at the front and also does food so pretty much prime position, not sure if they do pick ups and then send you back home on the bike, probably for food deliveries I would think.

Plenty of choice for food at Rompho, got a load of Thai food stalls to keep the Thais happy, but most importantly there is a lamb kebab stall, it also does lamb burgers and other dishes that us Brits miss so much.

Further down is a Indian Restaurant called the Curry Hut, this has a good selection of Indian dishes on the menu at reasonable prices so worth a visit, the decor is not up to Indian by Nature standards but then again neither are the prices.

Pretty sure this is going to be a resort, they put the teak wood houses together over the other side of the road, walled off this land and then moved them here, seems they are putting in trees and other landscaping stuff so it can only be a resort, not sure I would want to stay so close to a bunch of beer bars, but in Jomtien it is 1am closing and the police are pretty good about enforcing that here.

The houses are set round the edges of the land so maybe they will put a swimming pool in the middle? Got to have something there and for the nearness to Jomtien Beach they can certainly charge a reasonable amount, please say they wont build another bar there

There are about 3 different sorts of teak wood houses here but all pretty similar so not worth taking photos of all 3 different sorts, so it's just the 1, but it seems quite nice, albeit a bit small for living in but probably great for a short holiday.

About 1/3rd of the way down there is car parking on the left, this I think is free as there are plenty of cars there and nobody to collect the money, pretty sure in the future it wont be free anymore once they have a good customer base, oh well, thats life.