Well, it was bound to happen. Me arriving on this forum that is! I found another forum (TVF) earlier in the year which ended up pissing me off with all the censorship, rules and regulations and limp cocks who report me for something I said when posting there...well not every poster is a limp cock! Bit like when I go to Makro on a shopping trip. I say G'day to other foreigners and 2 out of 3 don't even respond. So I figured some don't speak English and the rest are limp cocks. What the hell, I go to bed every night with a hot Thai girl and I am getting some! Some of the guys I see out there with their partners haven't been so lucky!

Haven't found the garden and farming forum on here yet? If there is one??? Got a batch of lemon seeds that are turning into trees. Well their 3 cm tall so hopefully they end up as trees! Got some grapevines in but not looking so good. 2 died, 1 isn't looking the best and the other 4 are just OK.

Most of the time I am as happy as a clam but every now and then I wonder what it would have been like if I had of stayed in Pattaya and stayed unattached??? Don't think I'll be going back now!

Anyway, is time for siesta so that's it from me.