
After several years of reading Teakdoor, a thread about dogs today finally motivated me to join. I'm a hopeless dog lover.

For my sins I've spent the last 13 years in Korat, working regular rotations offshore to keep sane. When I'm home my young daughter, dogs and chickens, oh, and the wife, keep me busy and out of trouble.

Over the past few years I've started doing a lot with the local street dogs. It started out of boredom living in Korat but has now become obsessive - but I need to keep doing stuff. Over the past year or so I've now found homes for around 40 puppies from six litters, and then have had the mothers speyed (if I can catch them). All of these are within a kilometre or so of out house, on my dog walking route. Problem is, them I kind of become responsible for feeding the mum's and currently feed around 12 a day (on top of our 4 at home). Its taking over... and becoming expensive. But, maybe I can find some more puppies homes through Teakdoor?

Anyway, I hope to get involved here. Have picked up a lot about gardening, chickens, snakes, and of course dogs, over the past years. Have also a list as long as my arm of builders never to use again...