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  1. #1
    I am in Jail
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    10-02-2014 @ 04:43 AM

    THEY LEFT ME ON THE ICE! Help, Someone.

    Hello My New Friendly Forum Members!

    I am new here and don't know ANYTHING about this forum, whether it is good or bad, or even how it compares to that other MAJOR forum in Thailand, the name of which escapes me, after I escaped from there just now.

    Basically, I was sorry to leave that fine forum, but the Mallard had it in for me, and it was me that had to leave, not he.

    So any other guys or gals had to leave that other forum in a hurry with their pants down, so to speak? I am NOT a poster that in any way causes trouble, except if you are uneducated, you might have a bit of trouble swallowing what I write.

    That was the problem with my friend the Mallard, he just did not have one-tenth the education of the sheep he was trying to herd, and they knew it.

    So, in case anyone here is reading this:

    What does it mean to be permanently suspended from something? Does that mean that one should just stay where they left you, on the ice to die?

    I guess I am asking for other persons' experiences with this type of thing. In case you do not believe me, that I am NOT a trouble maker, and definitely not a troll, except to people who can't see straight from being over 93 years old, then please feel free to go over there and see what I wrote for the last few months, just slaving away so that they could sell ads and put their direct mail store on line, so that they could make big bucks.

    MY REAL QUESTION is what is this forum like? What is the feel to it. Do you think it is the best in Thailand? Because right now, have been shunned from the Number One, I need a friend.

    Again, it is very nice to be here, and I hope that someone might read my words and take heed, the mallard infestation over there must be addressed if you want to not be completely petty and low, which is the way this duck flies.

    WHO is that mallard?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpamInCan View Post
    Hello My New Friendly Forum Members!

    I am new here and don't know ANYTHING about this forum, whether it is good or bad, or even how it compares to that other MAJOR forum in Thailand, the name of which escapes me, after I escaped from there just now.

    Basically, I was sorry to leave that fine forum, but the Mallard had it in for me, and it was me that had to leave, not he.

    So any other guys or gals had to leave that other forum in a hurry with their pants down, so to speak? I am NOT a poster that in any way causes trouble, except if you are uneducated, you might have a bit of trouble swallowing what I write.

    That was the problem with my friend the Mallard, he just did not have one-tenth the education of the sheep he was trying to herd, and they knew it.

    So, in case anyone here is reading this:

    What does it mean to be permanently suspended from something? Does that mean that one should just stay where they left you, on the ice to die?

    I guess I am asking for other persons' experiences with this type of thing. In case you do not believe me, that I am NOT a trouble maker, and definitely not a troll, except to people who can't see straight from being over 93 years old, then please feel free to go over there and see what I wrote for the last few months, just slaving away so that they could sell ads and put their direct mail store on line, so that they could make big bucks.

    MY REAL QUESTION is what is this forum like? What is the feel to it. Do you think it is the best in Thailand? Because right now, have been shunned from the Number One, I need a friend.

    Again, it is very nice to be here, and I hope that someone might read my words and take heed, the mallard infestation over there must be addressed if you want to not be completely petty and low, which is the way this duck flies.

    WHO is that mallard?
    Welcome to the forum
    A ban from HHAD i don't believe it, there mods are such a nice content bunch
    My message to the Mallard would be However he would probally enjoy that and ban you afterwards.
    The Mallard is under orders to ban everyone apart from the paid astoturfers and Katoey suckers.

    Check out the lively funny Scottish Independence thread here at Teakdoor then check out the heavily moderated similar thread at TV to gauge an opinion on which forum is better.
    Leave the Mallard and the lame ducks to it, that site is a waste of posters time.

  3. #3
    I am in Jail
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    10-02-2014 @ 04:43 AM
    Basically, my belief is that it is totally inappropriate and counterproductive to have that "Hertz" Thai forum site so heavily and strictly moderated by brainless automatons and petty pencil pushers. It is also very shortsighted, and it will drive away anyone who is the teeniest bit creative and enjoys a harmless bit of fun. The fun is what motivates us to post!

    Also, the reason that the other forum needs much less policing is because we posters in Thailand usually want to moderate ourselves when things really get out of hand. We just do not need these petty fools mucking about, and high on the imagined vast virtual power they mistakenly believe they wield.

    The other site has a nice look to it, yes. And it should look good with all the money they must make from the ads and the copy that we write. But there is always a feeling in our minds that we cannot really say what we truly feel, and so the whole site is probably somewhat of an example of free speech in 1984, or in THX1138's world.

    It is a shame, really, because we all need a well designed site that is popular and allows us to say what is on our minds while living in Thailand.

    I really also cannot understand why the site is so spoiled by super critical comments and downright racism directed at Thai people, and Thailand. They will never admit it and they protest that they are only "Joking" when they make these racist postings and irrational, whining, derogatory, borderline scathing, and disparaging remarks about Thai people in general.

    They seem to exist in their own myopic world which is not the real Thailand, and which is probably more reflective of the tiny enclaves each commenter has built for himself in Thailand, a fortress apart from the local people, with whom they obviously do not wish to share space and breathe the same air.

    Who are these old farts over there? I do not know because I have never seen one, as far as I know. Although I know that some have seen me.

    Of course there are a few who are really fun to read, and obviously have a great and sincere love for the people here, and are consequently enjoying every minute of their time in Thailand. I just wish there were a heck of a lot more in their age bracket. Unfortunately, I think most are just retirees who had no intrinsic interest in Asia before they came here, and would just as soon be in Mexico, or any other place where they could get cheap beer, financially vulnerable young women and girls, and the type of people here who are too tolerant of all things to give these intruders a hard time, which is what they truly do deserve for their great lack of respect.

    I could say more, but I do not wish to offend them unduly.

    That other Forum is becoming exclusively a money making operation, and is increasingly not fulfilling its original purpose, which should have been to facilitate a bit of comaraderie or comradeship to the foreign community, together with actually providing services that the farangs think they need.

    Instead, the mods are just driving the farangs apart. Don't these farangs realize that they are the ones who, through their comments and postings, are providing the content needed to make money for the owners at the top, who show them no respect?

    Well, I do not know anything. That's for sure. All my postings are just too full of pork.

    As usual.

  4. #4
    The cold, wet one
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpamInCan
    MY REAL QUESTION is what is this forum like? What is the feel to it
    Read and find out for yourself, sweetie
    Quote Originally Posted by SpamInCan
    Because right now, have been shunned from the Number One, I need a friend.
    You haven't. You've been shunned by the pale imitation. But only those with balls survive in the true number one

    Quote Originally Posted by Chittychangchang
    A ban from HHAD i don't believe it, there mods are such a nice content bunch
    How very dare you? I used to be a mod there...

  5. #5
    I am in Jail
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    10-02-2014 @ 04:43 AM
    While I am on the subject here, I think I have been privvy to the thinking of the typical real commenter over there, the ones who write against Thais and against Thailand in the virtual world.

    When I listen to a group of them talk in real life, their conversations almost always rehash the same things, such as Thais cannot drive straight, or even see straight while they are driving, or Thai women are "gold diggers" after their money, but I don't think that Thai women in general would be interested in these farang if you paid them. It is probably only the financially stressed women who need to provide for their families who can bear to share time with these dried up old farang that openly speak about how much they dislike so much of the Thai culture. Otherwise, what other Thai would want to be in the same room with them?

    Or here is another one: They so often talk most disparagingly about the drinking habits of the Thai people in their neighborhoods. This is truly a favorite topic of theirs, because it seems that criticizing the drinking habits of others helps them stop focusing so much on their own imbibing, or over imbibing, I am no prude when it comes to downing booze, be ye farang or Thai. Drink as much as you like if you don't do others any harm. But these farang just cannot stand to see Thai people having a good time! When they arrive in Thailand, they suddenly begin seeing everything through the puritan's spectacles. They have become even worse than the mods on their forum.

    I never was able to share any of these true confessions on that other forum, BECAUSE if one was to write about such things, one would first have every topic removed, and then be booted off.

    That forum is just for posting comments in a very narrow OK zone, that has very little meat to it. It is mostly just very vapid pablum which is the best thing to have if you want to attract viewership in order to sell ads, I guess.

    So, I wonder if most things we think about can be written about and published here. Of course they are not vulgar, the thoughts I am thinking, because I am not in that frame of mind at the moment. They are mostly thoughts about farang living in a foreign land, tolerated by the local people, but keeping themselves apart from the local people, and what warped feelings and thinking this engenders. Because we all know that the surest way to loose one's accurate perspective about a people is to see them are apart from oneself, and as somehow less human, like people who cannot drive straight, or who don't look where they are going, or women who do not share the same feelings as farang women and who are just out for money, calculating and cold.

    It all boggles my mind to think about just how much I do not know about the world.

  6. #6
    Cacoethes scribendi
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    Lanchester and Nong Bua Deng
    I cannot comment on the workings of any other forum, but this place is nice enough! Welcome and enjoy.

  7. #7
    I am in Jail
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    10-02-2014 @ 04:43 AM
    Respectfully, I do have one question here:

    I still do not know what these green lights are on the left. Sometimes I have 6 green, which seems to be the case for everyone, and sometimes I have five green, which is the case at the moment, and sometimes I have two red, which I like because it looks like Christmas, and green is not preferable to red, especially for Chinese people.

    How long do I need to wait before my lights get back to six?

    Or, what happens if I run into one of these Red Jihads one of the posters is talking about? I do not much care about the 6 green, and I would rather have either 12 green lights, or 2 red lights and 4 green.

    Thank you.

  8. #8
    Bettyboo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by November Rain
    ow very dare you? I used to be a mod there...
    & you banned me once...

    ^Red is best, aim for as many of those as possible.

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