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  1. #101
    Thailand Expat
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by thegent
    Death for the Thai is nature's way of telling them they don't need to eat anymore. There is no other country in the world spawning as many morons as Thailand. I rather think it has been accepted that they are congenitally inadequate caused by several factors not least a diet deficient in real salt and a propensity for inbreeding up country resulting in a shallow gene pool.Combining this phenomenon with an education system more suited to teaching monkeys tricks it is hardly surprising that we have a race wholly incapable of cognitive thought. Now, if you permit these cretins to have unregulated access to a machine capable of transporting them from one point to another at speed it is inevitable they will do serious harm to themselves.
    you are quite a nasty person, under your adopted veneer of civilisation

    however, you are also far from the truth when comparing Thailand with any other country.

    List of countries by traffic-related death rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    true, the rate of 20 deaths/100,000 is appallingly high, but many other countries, including Russia, Malaysia and South Africa (and the British Virgin Islands, and Cook islands!) have much higher rates

    If you want to find out the reasons for these death rates, fine, but jumping in and calling a population stupid without any real thought is, well, stupid
    I have reported your post

  2. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegent
    There is no other country in the world spawning as many morons as Thailand.
    I disagree, you obviously never went or lived in the US

    that place got to have the largest number of fools and idiots in the world,

  3. #103
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    My dear Quickhandshandy, what on earth do you mean ' without real thought ' ?

    Look, we are talking about motorcycles and how the Thai are quite simply too stupid to ride them without risking death or injury.

    If you aren't prepared to accept that thing sticking out of your face is your nose then up to you. The statistics in Thailand are quite sufficient to support my thesis but I suspect analysis isn't your strongest suit so I will not burden you too much with them. Suffice to say, in 2002 of the total reported hospitalised injured patients in the Khon Kaen district, 81% were attributed to those arising from motorcycle accidents and it was accepted this was the pattern elsewhere in Thailand's hinterland. Interestingly, in 2005 44% of all road crash injuries in Thailand occurred in the Bangkok area but only accounted for 6% of the country's fatalities. 45% of fatalities in 2004 occurred on the national highways, 25% were motor cyclists.

    In assessing the causes of these accidents the police attributed them to excessive speed, unsafe passing and illegal overtaking. Of all the motorcyclist related injured only an average of 15% wore helmets.

    Now, how would you describe that behaviour? Unlucky, a preordained phenomenon caused by the passage of celestial bodies and their pull upon the Earth's gravitational field, God's punishment on the Thai or perhaps something a little more prosaic, like, for instance, they are just plain stupid.

    Bit like you, really.

  4. #104
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    30-01-2013 @ 09:22 AM
    Quite low %'s seeing that 92.8475% of the population ride a motorbike daily.

    By the age of twelve.

  5. #105
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    ....not to butt in ....Agent Smart.....but that's a medico you are so savagely I've got nothing against mocking....
    but the good Doctor....fair go....

    the Quickhandshandy....not bad though....

    and just for you an acceptable "font"....

  6. #106
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    Yesterday @ 10:21 PM
    Well. that's the problem of under reporting. In, say, 2004 12,000 were reported to have died in accidents but the true figure was probably nearer 20,000 when taking into account victims succumbing to their injuries at a later stage in hospital.

    Tragedy doomed to be repeated becomes mere farce.......

  7. #107
    in 2002 of the total reported hospitalised injured patients in the Khon Kaen district, 81% were attributed to those arising from motorcycle accidents and it was accepted this was the pattern elsewhere in Thailand's hinterland. Interestingly, in 2005 44% of all road crash injuries in Thailand occurred in the Bangkok area but only accounted for 6% of the country's fatalities. 45% of fatalities in 2004 occurred on the national highways, 25% were motor cyclists.
    That doesn't mean anything; you've just copied a seemingly random bunch of statistics from the Asian Development Bank–Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Regional Road Safety Program. Analysis isn't your strongest suit, is it.

  8. #108
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    Certainly in most countries the driving/riding population are guided by their own governments commitment to Road Safety Schemes.

    The traffic related death rate mentioned above relates to the year 2000 and one may have to delve deeper to discover how things have progressed since then.

    GB has made significant inroads, certainly in the past few years, in reducing the amount of fatalities/seriously injured. I believe current figures are around the 8 fatalities per day mark from around 11 per day just a few years ago.

    The last figures quoted in 2009 from the government website is a reduction of 12% in the number of fatalities from the previous year. That's 316 lives saved. Serious injury figures reported to the police were also down 6% from 2008.

    Unfortunately the government of Thailand like many other countries around the world are complicit in their country's mounting road casualties. If they don't offer proper education in road safety then the populus just have to make it up as they go along, which they are clearly doing.

    We aslo need to take a good look at ourselves. I asked a friend recently who brought up the subject of low driving standards in Thailand, if he could recall when he passed his driving test in his home country. He replied that it was almost 50 years since he obtained his licence and when asked, mentioned that he had not taken a driving course/test since.

    Whilst most probably, in our own home countries, we have passed a much stricter driving exam, the thought that we remain proficient with regard to meeting the high standards required on todays roads, following decades of driving without any further road safety education, maybe straying somewhat from the truth.

    Much then can be said about the native drivers/riders in Thailand, they urgently require their government to achieve higher standards in their relative departments if road safety figures are to improve. Without this assistance the country's undertakers will continue to florish.

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dan View Post
    in 2002 of the total reported hospitalised injured patients in the Khon Kaen district, 81% were attributed to those arising from motorcycle accidents and it was accepted this was the pattern elsewhere in Thailand's hinterland. Interestingly, in 2005 44% of all road crash injuries in Thailand occurred in the Bangkok area but only accounted for 6% of the country's fatalities. 45% of fatalities in 2004 occurred on the national highways, 25% were motor cyclists.
    That doesn't mean anything; you've just copied a seemingly random bunch of statistics from the Asian Development Bank–Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Regional Road Safety Program. Analysis isn't your strongest suit, is it.
    Mmm,which bit of in 2002 81% of those admitted to hospital in one district with injuries were there because of involvement in a motorcycle accident means nothing to you?

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegent
    Look, we are talking about motorcycles and how the Thai are quite simply too stupid to ride them without risking death or injury.
    Even the Midget agrees with that, except we think it's only most Thais, not all.

  11. #111
    Mmm,which bit of in 2002 81% of those admitted to hospital in one district with injuries were there because of involvement in a motorcycle accident means nothing to you?
    81% of how many? 100? 1000? 10000000? And without knowing what treatment is available, and what admissions policies and patterns are like, it means precisely nothing. If you compare the raw figure - the 81% - with, for example, Britain, there's going to be a massive discrepancy but if many of the treatments which are available through hospital admission in Britain aren't available in Thailand, then the figures are not comparable. And as the premise of that previous sentence turns out to be true, so does its conclusion. What's more, as the Great Helmsman said, you need to look at vehicle registrations. I was bored with seeing asinine "Thais are thick. Look how many people die on bikes" posts a while back so I looked at vehicle registrations in Britain and Thailand and, if you take the ratio of bike to car accidents from Britain and applied that the ratio of bike to car registrations in Thailand, Britain would have - if I remember rightly, it was some time ago - about 75% of the traffic fatalities which Thailand has. Obviously you need to add in to the mix the distance travelled and a bunch of other factors so that figure isn't really much use on its own but the point is that this a complicated topic and coming out with comments like "we have a race wholly incapable of cognitive thought" serves only to show that you're a dick. And a very stupid one, at that.

  12. #112
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    Globe trotting
    Mr. Dan

    I watched a kid get on HIS scooter with No shoes on; knowing good and well he has NO brakes haul ass to show off. When he realized he was going to fast approaching the group I was in he put his feet down to stop.

    It was a fokin mess after that.

    Sheer Darwin criteria when it comes to operating a vehicle here.

  13. #113
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    11-06-2024 @ 09:36 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by thegent
    Quite why normal people drive in Bangkok in preference to taking taxis is a mystery but I suppose they may well be just bored with life.
    I treat it like a game.

    Watched Tron the other night and am sure the racing scenes are based on the On Nut to Nana Soi 4 trip I regually partake in.

  14. #114
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    ^^^Can't quite grasp your point on how admissions policies would affect the statistic. The report seemed to consider it noteworthy and in any case it referred to those who were admitted through injury. I assume a trauma requiring admission in Thailand would necessitate much the same treatment in the UK whether it was caused by a rice threshing machine, combine harvester, falling off the roof of one's house or going through the windscreen of a car.

    Sure increasing the base figures and applying the same ratio would correspond with a higher incidence of accident but that as you imply is simply a mathematical equation and fails to take into account the not inconsequential factor that the Thai adhere to no highway code and are oblivious of the consequences of their actions. The latter alone is sufficient to lend substance to the obvious fact they are incapable of cognitve thought.

    I suspect you are somewhat an ingenue here in Thailand and still harbour the quaint notion that all humans share the same thought processes particularly when the concept of life and death is to be considered.Never mind, I suspect you will get the hang of it soon enough.

    Perhaps I am wrong to apply the term stupid to this phenomenon but then when I see cars stopping at a red pedestrian light but ignored by a phalanx of motorcyclists it is difficult to find another description that fits the bill. Perhaps you might suggest " engaging upon a behaviour likely to result in a statistical anomaly " is more apt.

    Did you have a breakdown in the UK?

  15. #115
    I assume a trauma requiring admission in Thailand would necessitate much the same treatment in the UK whether it was caused by a rice threshing machine, combine harvester, falling off the roof of one's house or going through the windscreen of a car.
    Why assume that? Access to medical technology will have a huge influence on who gets admitted and for what and that's unlikely to be the same for all countries. Social practice, too, is going to be a determinate of this.

    Sure increasing the base figures and applying the same ratio would correspond with a higher incidence of accident but that as you imply is simply a mathematical equation and fails to take into account the not inconsequential factor that the Thai adhere to no highway code and are oblivious of the consequences of their actions. The latter alone is sufficient to lend substance to the obvious fact they are incapable of cognitve thought.
    What? What you're trying to determine is how attitudes to driving/safety differ. That's the outcome. It's not an input. That's why you try to model Thai conditions in Britain. And what is 'cognitive thought'? And how can a person - any person - be 'incapable' of it? This is just pathetic nonsense. For someone keen to accuse others of lacking analytic skill so seem remarkably unable to think clearly.

    I suspect you are somewhat an ingenue here in Thailand and still harbour the quaint notion that all humans share the same thought processes particularly when the concept of life and death is to be considered.Never mind, I suspect you will get the hang of it soon enough.
    As I'm neither young, nor a girl, nor innocent and naive, I'm afraid I don't qualify as an ingenue. But I've been here for a little over a decade, which I think is long enough to make an informed judgement.

  16. #116
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    Oh c'mon Dan, you're just bickering now. No - one in Thailand is going to be admitted into hospital unnecessarily nor are they going to be sent home with their arm hanging off. Your point is still incoherent.

    Of course people can be incapable of cognitive thought, infants by their very nature possess little beyond instinct and have to learn through experience. Piaget did quite a lot of work on this. But that's the point with Thailand, the Thai in the main, and certainly those from the rural areas particularly, act in a childish manner and often ignore or remain oblivious to their stimulii for no other reason than to do otherwise might force an unwelcome or inconvenient decision regardless of any danger that may flow from their inertia. All a bit odd really but one has to face facts, it's either a unique cultural hallmark or they are by any definition just plain stupid.

    Even he whose name cannot be mentioned lamented on one of his birthday addresses that his people were like children but to be more accurate, albeit less flatteringly, they indulge in stupid, thoughtless behaviour to a degree that in any other context would signal an adverse ontological condition.

    I note that you did not acknowledge my last query and do hope I haven't touched a nerve.

  17. #117
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by thegent
    Look, we are talking about motorcycles and how the Thai are quite simply too stupid to ride them without risking death or injury.
    the thread title is "motoring" which includes all traffic

    Whilst it may please you to believe that every Thai is more stupid than yourself, the reality is that education can prevent many accidents, along with proper enforcement of the laws

    so, the high accident rate in Thailand is due to ignorance rather than stupidity

    yes, there are a lot of stupid people out there too, as in any country, and education would be wasted on them. That is why there are still many accidents in other more advanced countries

  18. #118
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    Oh dear, Quickhandshandy, you seem to be letting your personal antipathy towards me get in the way of your comprehension.
    The thread within this section of the board is evidently about the Thai and how their stupidity prevents them from riding motorcycles without serious risk to themselves and others, notably we farang. The section is entitled Motoring etc but the thread is more specific, as described. Get it now?

    Now, you in a charitable view have pronounced this phenomenon as arising chiefly from ignorance and not stupidity.

    I, on the other hand, prefer to accept the evidence of empirical study and the information derived from a plethora of statistics which supports the contention the Thai are in the main incapable of cognitive thought and their behaviour is primarily motivated by nothing other than simple, plain stupidity.

    Now, shall we see how divers lexicons define stupid? I will leave you to delve yourself, a big ask I know, but you will note that the terms " tending to make poor decisions or careless mistakes " foolish or careless " and my own favourite and one which you may well recognise "slow to learn or understand;obtuse" do recur.

    Rather think the Thai are rather neatly embraced, don't you agree?

  19. #119
    Guest adverse ontological condition.
    Tell me, why did you decide to adopt an on-line persona based an ability to produce a torrent of malapropisms?
    I, on the other hand, prefer to accept the evidence of empirical study and the information derived from a plethora of statistics which supports the contention the Thai are in the main incapable of cognitive thought and their behaviour is primarily motivated by nothing other than simple, plain stupidity.
    Let's see the 'plethora of statistics' then. Establishing that 'the Thai' (which one?) is/are incapable of 'cognitive thought' is quite a task but off you go.

  20. #120
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    Oh dear, Dan. What would be the point?

    In any event, which malapropism have you noted?

  21. #121
    Because you've made a claim and - presumably - you want others to believe you. So let's see the plethora of stats. Or, failing a plethora, a modicum would do.

  22. #122
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    Res ipsa loquitur

    Anyway, I'm still waiting for you to explain your point about the admission statistics. Rather think you've taken yourself up a blind alley there but give it another go if you think it worthwhile.

    Oh, and one more thing, sorry to be a bore but I'm also still waiting on the Sheridan matter.

  23. #123
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    11-06-2024 @ 09:36 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Dan
    So let's see the plethora of stats.
    Here's 108 stats on Thai transportation. NationMaster - Thai Transportation statistics

    And here's another 921 stats about Thai mortality. NationMaster - Thai Mortality statistics

    By my maths, thats 1029 stats (with sources) about Thai transportation and morality.

    Admittedly some stats are a little bit dated, but hopefully we can all move on and enjoy reading some of the lighter stories.
    Black diamonds? I shit 'em.

  24. #124
    Jesus, you're tedious.

    Admissions: There's no reason to think you're comparing like with like. That needs to be established. So what if it's 81% if it's impossible to get admitted for lots of other things or if people don't go to their local hospital for other ailments? You can't assume, as you have done, that in all other respects, people act in a similar regard. And you still haven't said how many admissions there were (what if it's a sample size of 100?), nor what exactly an admission is. (Is it someone who walks in the door? Is it someone who sees a nurse? A doctor? Receives a certain level of treatment? Stays the night? Spends money?) You make massively self-regarding posts about our superior intellect so it's reasonable to expect something rather more impressive that bollocks like this.

    Now, as your fantastically ludicrous claim that 'the Thai are in the main incapable of cognitive thought' is at the centre of this, let's see your plethora of statistics. It shouldn't be hard.

  25. #125
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    25-03-2014 @ 05:29 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by thegent
    you seem to be letting your personal antipathy towards me get in the way of your comprehension.
    do you think so, theGents?

    I have no antipathy towards yourself, merely disagree with your trolling rants about Thais being stupid...geddit?

    Quote Originally Posted by thegent
    sorry to be a bore
    I thought that was your intention! if not, then your tedious florid language is wasted

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