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  1. #51
    Thailand Expat
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    And still, any logical discussions miss the larger picture.

  2. #52
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fluke
    Then you need to ask "What do they receive for doing it " Job satisfaction ?
    Some may do it just for the adrenalin rush? A sort of 'job satisfaction'.

  3. #53
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Its a tad hard to support these two guys. They fitted up 7 mules with Eight kilo's smack ready to sell to other humans. These mules are banged up with them in Bali and will be there for a long time yet.

    If that smack would of reached its intended destination quite a few lives would of been destroyed.

    Further more, if they had not been caught they would still probably be dealing and importing smack today.

    That's what these people do, they just keep on keeping on.

    Hence why they have very little sympathy from anyone and will be shot in Indonesia.

  4. #54
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Give it out to the needy

    Problem solved

  5. #55
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Indonesia's President has just given an interview to CNN.

    He reinforced there will be no mercy for the Australians.

    They're going for a little trip out the back very shortly.

    Bye Bye boys. Game over.

    Next could be that old English granny Bint who was caught last year with a shit load of drugs.

    Once the President rejects her application she must go as well.

  6. #56
    I am in Jail

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by terry57 View Post
    The people on Death row may only be mules in many cases but if there were no mules than the drugs would be much harder to transport.

    This is the reason they top mules.

    We all make our own choices in this life.
    A very uniformed statement if I ever I read one; topping mules will not eradicate mules so the problem persists. .
    The two Australians about to be executed WERE the ring leaders . They organised the whole smuggling operation . Others who were not the ring leaders received long jail terms .
    Your point that the mules receive the death sentence whilst the organisers get away scott free is incorrect , the opposite happened, in this case

  7. #57
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    Were these Bali 9 under surveillance and informed on to the Indonesian authorities ?
    Entrapment leading to a death sentance sits very badly with me, i am no supporter of capital punisment but this is wrong IMO

  8. #58
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    25-03-2021 @ 08:47 AM
    ^That's how DeLorean got off many years ago...

  9. #59
    Thailand Expat

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    25-03-2021 @ 08:47 AM
    On October 26, 1982, DeLorean was arrested on charges of drug trafficking following a videotaped sting operation in which he was recorded by undercover Federal agents obliquely agreeing to bankroll a $1.8 million, 100 kg cocaine shipment in exchange for a $24 million cut of the eventual profits; a confidential informant for the prosecution stated in the indictment that DeLorean had confided he needed the money to keep DMC financially solvent. DeLorean was found not guilty at trial by a Federal judge after successfully arguing police entrapment, but by then DMC had already collapsed into Chapter 11 bankruptcy and DeLorean's reputation was irrevocably tarnished. When asked after his acquittal if he planned to resume his career in the auto industry, DeLorean bitterly quipped "Would you buy a used car from me?".

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