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  1. #1
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Computer induced erectile dysfunction

    Apparently it's a thing.

    Time spent on computer linked to increased chance of erectile dysfunction | The Independent

    Time spent on computer linked to increased chance of erectile dysfunction

    Spending a lot of time on the computer may be linked to an increased risk of erectile dysfunction in men, researchers have said.

    A study of more than 200,000 men indicates that for every additional 1.2 hours spent using a computer, the chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction increased by 3.57 times.

    The analysis, published in Andrology, also suggests these men showed a stronger genetic tendency for leisure computer use.

    Long-term computer use for leisure was found to be associated with lower levels of follicle-stimulating hormone in men, which stimulates the production of sperm.

    However, the researchers said there was no evidence to suggest that other sitting activities such as watching television or driving for leisure increased the risk of erectile dysfunction.

    They said further research is needed to understand the association between computer use and erectile dysfunction risk.

    The authors wrote: “Although the specific mechanism of erectile dysfunction caused by computer use has not been clarified in the present study, the damage of sedentary behaviour to erectile function appears to be clear, which needs to attract public attention.

    “In other words, physical activity can help to prevent or improve erectile function.”

    “Whilst this study does not absolutely show cause and effect, it certainly suggests that men who are worried about their erectile function should perhaps get off the computer and become more active.

    “Studies have already shown that regular exercise can improve erectile function.

  2. #2
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Logging off now. Going for a jog and a few press-ups and sit-ups.

    Last edited by Neverna; 21-03-2024 at 05:44 AM. Reason: typo

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat
    Bonecollector's Avatar
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    Yesterday @ 09:21 PM
    I've heard laptops can give you ball cancer but like this study, probably a load of shite

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    I wonder if a game console is considered a computer or a gaming TV?

  5. #5
    david44's Avatar
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    I guess driving for leisure and tv don't contain lot of porn which may lead to.................................

    I think the happy balance may be variety of stimulating activities like collecting spoons or
    loopa's regular exercise with the United nations

  6. #6
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Logging off now. Going for a jog and a few press-ups and sit-ups.

    Do some more kms on the LA Rider, Nev.

    And give the telephoto lens another workout on Numpt's gaff while you're at it.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat

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    So, porn addicts can’t get it up?

  8. #8
    I Amn't In Jail PlanK's Avatar
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    Add that to the list along with excessive cycling and herbal teas.

    Imagine if you ticked all those boxes.
    Wouldn't wanna be that guy!

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlanK View Post
    Add that to the list along with excessive cycling and herbal teas.
    And the toll, wearing and showing to anyone who will look, the damage to the wrist a huge snide apple watch ultra will take

  10. #10
    Thailand Expat Texpat's Avatar
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    In your head
    Yeah, nah.

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